Wow classic shield bash macro You'll find all of the WoW Classic Druid Macros that I have found online and considered useful. Then if needed, a macro that throws you in def stance with shield + 1h. Switch to Battle Stance & Use Overpower. " Phase 2 Best in Slot Classic Class Guides Classic Professions Dungeons Quests SoD Phase 6 SoD Class Guides Shield bash macro problems. So I think now’s as good a time as any to start replacing abilities on the castbar with Macro versions. I have tried: /cast /cast … Dec 21, 2023 · Paladin Macros for Season of Discovery. Problem is I’m using ElvUI and none of the action bars seem to correspond with the numbers in the pic and I’m not sure how to do this. Could anyone help me with a macro that will Revenge if available or overpower if available I seem to find myself in dungeons switching between fury and DPS. The Macro will equip Sword/Board + GCD and when you hit it again to cast Shield Bad it will just switch weapons again. Post by 239153 This post was from a user who has deleted their account. I am currently using the following macro : /equip [nocooldown:Shield_Bash] one-hander name /equipoh [nocooldown:Shield_Bash] shield name /cast Shield Bash /equip [cooldown:Shield Bash] two-hander name The @focus or @target command after /cast renders the macro completely unusable, even with FocusFrame installed. Unequip will fail if the main backpack (the first bag) is full. A spell from Classic World of Warcraft. Learn how to use WowMatrix to download and update WoW AddOns for free. Say I for example wanna bind R to Pummel in battle stance, and shift R to shield bash but in defensive stanc… A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Regarding your second macro, make sure that the key combination you use to activate it, is not already bound. The goal is to have a macro to switch weapons around seamlessly. This macro incorporate an if/else argument that takes your current combat situation into consideration and they are as follows: Jan 29, 2025 · I used to be able to create macros that fulfilled functions like weapon swapping for a shield bash as a warrior, or combining aquatic / travel form on a druid into one macro to save space, but now neither of these function. Find examples of macros for Bloodthirst, Charge, Intercept, and Taunt. At least I know how to make /click work Jun 24, 2009 · /cast [stance:1] Shield Bash; [stance:2] Shield Bash; [stance:3] Pummel It works pretty well but I would like to add the equip shield macro if I find myself in battle or defensive without. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. #showtooltip [stance:2] Shield Bash; Pummel /cast [stance:1] Berserker Stance /cast [stance:2] Shield Bash; Pummel The above macro should work exactly as requested. I’ve googled around and heard about useaction macros where you put the weapons on your action bar and essentially equip them from there with the macro. 15. You can complement the information on this page with our Warrior Addons Guide. This guide was written in 2020 and is relevant for the WoW Classic release of the game as well as private servers. Nov 21, 2024 · If you are in berserker stance it swaps you to defensive stance so the next click can pop shield bash. If anyone could make this macro possible I would be so extremely thankful!----- Post added 2012-12-26 at 01:36 PM ----- Non warriors say "just pop on a shield" but in reality until like BRD you are better off with a 2h and sweeping strikes. For example If i have 2H it pummels and shield bashes with sword and board. Anyone know why this would be? Here is my macro: #showtooltip Shield Bash /stopcasting /equipslot 17 "shield" /cast Shield Bash I have tried loads of differenct variations of this aswell, but none seems to enable me to just click once. I’ve been able to put together the below macro, and it appears to work great. I could probably use a castsequence option but I don’t want a 2-3 Sec delay just for Shield Bash. Shield Bash I am terrible when it comes to making macros. But while I was in the process, I started musing on a bit of an issue for me: I’m not very good at macros, and I don’t quite have the full keyboard dexterity I used to have back in Old post, but I did make Dragonflight macro that changes also stances (works with fury and arms weapon swap). (In fact I was rather surprised) And I promptly made a macro to switch from my two handed axe to a sword and board. Hey guys, been finally getting around to setting up my macro's. I’m just trying to swap from 2h to 1H+shield in defensive stance. Sep 23, 2008 · Although UnitBuff() (which checks buffs on a unit) is usable by macros, CastSpell() (which casts spells) isn't, meaning you can't use this code to cast spells. Macro 1: /cast Battle Stance /equip Short Bastard Sword of the Monkey macro 2: /cast Defensive Stance /equip Gladius /equip Dull Heater Shield Dec 25, 2012 · I need two sperate macros: One for my current (main) target and one for my focus target. Requires Druid. Luckily this macro can be adjusted to fit exactly that need. I have a macro for every warrior ability that requires a shield (i. I'm having trouble using /equip to achieve any kind of macro that'll equip something. It uses Shield Charge when I am in combat and hover over an enemy. " Any help is appreciated. Every macro i find has to do with switching stances with equip slots. Macro 1: /cast Battle Stance /equip Short Bastard Sword of the Monkey macro 2: /cast Defensive Stance /equip Gladius /equip Dull Heater Shield Keep in mind, that WoW Classic (1. As of this post, I’m level 48 and this is what I’m using to tank dungeons while spamming. Not all of these are my original creation and credit goes to whomever first penned the words onto paper. Right now I am working on the single target macro. Oct 29, 2016 · a friend of mine ask me to post this but here is a macro for you destro warlocks out there. I made one for the Anniversary servers and have been leveling up. I know there's a macro to auto-change your stance, but I don't prefer this as if I have 25+ rage, that rage will get lost. E you put your charge macro on button [6] on all 3 stance bars. wondering if i can simplify some of my buttons. Equipping a 2h replaces your 1h, and equipping a 1h replaces your 2h; automatically allowing space for your shield. Then I use macros for difficult swaps like shield bash to equip a shield, swap stance, then usually I swap back to main stance manually. Had to add because reddit formatted the hashtag to bold the showtooltip lime. Hey all, looking for some feedback from long time warrior veterans. I’m a new player and as far as I’ve seen on other sites this really should be working. Pummel Macro: /run local texture,name,isActive,isCastable = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(3); if isActive then CastSpellByName("Pummel"); else CastSpellByName("Berserker Stance()"); end; May 29, 2020 · This is what I would like: 2 different macros, one for single target fights, and the other for mobs. This includes mouseover macros and macros for all roles the druid can take on in WoW Classic. Oct 12, 2024 · Here you will find all the important macros for your druid in WoW Classic Era and WoW SoD. Here is a macro that will help in pummeling; #showtooltip Shield Bash; Pummel /cast Berserker Stance; Shield Bash; Pummel If you click it and you have Sword & Board, it will switch to Defensive Stance and Shield Bash, else it will switch to Berserker Stance and Pummel. Users share different versions of the macro and explain the issues they encounter with it. #showtooltip Overpower /cast [stance:2/3] Battle Stance /startattack /cast Overpower . #showtooltip [equipped:shield] Shield Bash; Pummel /stopcasting /cast [equipped:shield, stance:3] Battle Stance /cast [noequipped:shield, stance:1/2] Berserker Stance /cast [equipped:shield] Shield Bash; Pummel /startattack. Aug 4, 2024 · change to /equip [nocombat] Dazzling Longsword /equip [nocombat] Brigade Defender of the Monkey and still not working Shield Bash is a Protection warrior PvP talent. As to answer your actual question you could just google wow classic warrior Nov 17, 2024 · #showtooltip Polymorph /cast [target=mouseover] Polymorph; #showtooltip Remove Curse /cast [target=mouseover] Remove Curse; By including [target=mouseover] in the start of your /cast macro, you can make the mentioned spell cast on whatever you are mousing over, rather than your current target. I wanted to play around with the idea of casting multiple spells using one button. I can effectively Pummel from Battle Stance with this but it doesn’t put me back into Battle Stanc… Copy-paste of post I made a while ago: I made a simple macro to unequip all items with durability. Change the 22(second to last bag) to 23(last bag) if you do not have profession/soul-bag. If you don’t have a shield equipped, it will swap to your one-handed weapon and a shield first. Oct 28, 2020 · /equip Relentless Gladiator's Shield Wall =One of the most important macro u can have. Bashes the target with your shield for 6 damage. You can also add Intervene into this macro if you have it talented by adding another line and using noharm instead of harm. 6). Support muhshuh on Patreon https://patreon. What i am trying to do is the following: If i'm in Battle/Defensive stance, equip shield and Bash focus, and if i'm in Berserker, just pummel the focus. Always up to date with the latest patch (1. For Warrior players, macros are an essential part of maximizing efficiency, particularly in high-pressure environments like raids or dungeons. This is the macro I have had the most success with: /targetenemy; /cast Shield Bash; /cast Impending Victory; Dec 3, 2024 · World of Warcraft is a game that rewards both strategic gameplay and precise execution. It required a shield to be equipped, dealing damage and reduces the target's damage done by 15% for 8 seconds. Is it possible to have it set to recognize what weapon i have out. If a shield is equiped in battle stance/ defensive stance, it should use Shield Bash. #showtooltip Shield Bash /equipslot [noworn:shield] 16 name-of-your-1H /eq [noworn:shield] name-of-your-Shield /cast Shield Bash. See different approaches, examples, and caveats for using shield bash macro. #showtooltip Shield Bash;Pummel /cast Shield Bash;Pummel;Berserker Stance /cast Defensive Stance #showtooltip shield bash/equip Marbled Buckler/equip Outlaw Sabre/cast Shield Bash This will equip your 1H and Shield and cast Shield Bash. Found a pic detailing which number every default action bar slot is. A Reddit post asking for help with a macro for shield bash and shield wall in classic WoW TBC. This is a 2H Prot/Arms setup for tanking. What I did with tougher packs/dungeons = Go in with 2H, sweep strike, whirlwind and then use the shield macro and start doing sunders and stuff. You’re going to maintain Feb 8, 2007 · Post by Garner Recently I was reminded that you can use Shield Bash in Battle Stance. I tried making a Shield Bash macro but I can't get it to work. I would like to begin with a /targetenemy and proceed to a 30 second /castsequence. Members Online P3 prequest sheets done for dungeon spammers - 388k xp for Horde and 457k xp for Alliance Bashes the target with your shield for 18 damage. Anyone know how to do this? Nov 21, 2018 · WOTLK Thing is, it's been a long time and i came back to Wow, and with it, macros. The cooldown is instantly reset if the target is casting. Bashes the target with your shield for 45 damage. These exact macros worked last week, and then randomly stopped working. Find a list of macros for classic warrior abilities, including Shield Bash, on the Reddit community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Maybe some of them will help and give some ideas for ways to add some spice to your macros. So what the macro does is trigger the first action, in this case the equip command and when it tries to cast Backstab it cant because there is a cooldown. I figured it would be something like #showtooltip /cast [stance:1/2,equipped:Shields] Shield Bash; [stance:3] Pummel /stopmacro [stance:1/2,equipped: Shields] A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Members Online I leveled my druid from 80 to 85 purely by archeology trying to get the dwarf caster staff, and I still don't have the dwarf caster staff i’ve specifically been trying to get one to work that takes me from thunder clap back to defensive stance but it doesn’t work. twitch. Ideally the macro would allow a warrior to be using 2h in battle/berserker stance, then switching to 1h and shield before casting shield bash. It would Just do a /startattack on most of your rotation skills. Contribute to enzia/wow_classic_warrior_macros development by creating an account on GitHub. One of the things I’ve found cumbersome is using the baseline shield abilities in Arms or Fury. or pull it off a healer. Members Online Aggrend via Twitter, in response to dungeon grinding being the only option after eating up all our quests for gold: "I’d maybe not make assumptions at this moment that that will be your only option. The reason it takes two presses to equip the dagger and cast backstab is because swapping weapons infight forces a gcd (global cooldown). Switch from 2H or Dual Wield to A Shield & Shield Block. Stuns the target for 4 sec. You can also have charge, intercept, taunt, whirlwind and stuff like that automatically swap stances if that's your preference, but manually swapping works too. Post by Selim Well, I'm currently playing with a duel wielding fury warrior and at many times, I find an opponent casting a spell and I want to interrupt it but can't switch to Shield then cast Shield Bash fast enough. You can combine overpower and charge cause they're always in the same stance, and other shit. Sep 12, 2019 · I have been playing around with a similar Shield Bash macro but I can’t get it to work like I want. /cast shield bash now, the macros does put me on defensive stance and it equips the shield but it doesnt bash the target What is wrong with the macro? Also, if any experienced warrior out there could either point me to a good warrior macro site or put some of your own macros in here i would aprecciate it. Learn how to use macros for different stances, shields, weapons, and situations. I have not changed weapons, and they worked without /equipslot type commands. How this macro works is it filters the weapons second and the stance first. A complete searchable and filterable list of all Shields in World of Warcraft: Classic. In the Feral Combat Abilities category. When I hit 60, I’m going to make a Deep Prot and Fury Prot macro. #showtooltip [spec:2] Devastate; [spec:1] Sunder Armor /dismount [mounted] /cancelaura Blessing Hand of Salvation (Wrath version is Hand of Salvation) /cast [spec:2 Here is a macro that will help in pummeling; #showtooltip Shield Bash; Pummel /cast Berserker Stance; Shield Bash; Pummel If you click it and you have Sword & Board, it will switch to Defensive Stance and Shield Bash, else it will switch to Berserker Stance and Pummel. e. In the mouse software, i bound my mouse to the stance keybinds (default CTRL1-3), and now have the freedom to switch stances without having to use pre-set macros. Learn how to use this in our class guide. New. Macro for Avenger's Shield. Shield Bash also dazed the target. Nov 17, 2020. Note: Pummel requires Berserker Stance and Shield Bash requires 1-hander n Shield and either Battle Stance or Defensive Stance. Only the posture changes, but the weapons stay in the bags. I'm having a slight issue with it. A good taunt macro will usually be swap, cast taunt and then startattack. Here's the thing: If i'm in Berserker and hit the macro, I want it to cast pummel and vise versa with one button. tv/muhshu #tooltip Pummel /cast Berserker Stance /cast Pummel /cast Battle Stance The last command doesn’t seem to be working. Be sure to change [WEAPON] and [SHIELD] to your corresponding equipment. Mortal Strike #showtooltip Will automatically cast Shield Bash instead of Pummel when wearing a shield in form:1/2 I’m looking for how to write a macro that can switch me between a 2-handed weapon, and my one-hander and shield. /cast Defensive Stance /equipslot 17 Forest Dweller's Shield Need help, I’m not doing anything fancy. Sep 26, 2019 · Yes, it’s normal. You need to modify the macro to the current names of your weapon and shield. Anyone know how to do this? Shield Bash was a warrior skill in the Protection tree. Open to any ideas that accomplish the goal as listed below, but would prefer a macro for simplicity’s sake. 13) uses the modern WoW client API! Most Vanilla (1. See the original macro code, the updated code, and the comments with suggestions and feedback. :slight_sm… Shield Bash + Pummel. It required a shield to be equipped and was capable of interrupting spellcasting. The first macro would work but you still need to wait the global cooldown to use shield bash. Can anyone help me out with a macro. When I try to cast Shield Bash I get "Ability not ready yet. Warrior macros for WoW Classic. It's a lot easier to just have a keybind to weaponswap since it has multiple use cases, and then you have a global cooldown to find your shield bash keybind which is plenty of time ;) Jun 5, 2023 · A Shield Bash macro would go like: Code: Select all #showtooltip Shield Bash /equip [your shield name here] /equip [your one-hander name here] /cast Defensive Stance /cast Shield Bash /startattack Im sure a lot of people need macros for warrior such as equip 1h and shield from 2hander, stance dance macros, etcetera! Anyone got a good set of macros for warriors? This is correct, this is probably the issues you're having. . Any tips? Oct 4, 2023 · #showtooltip Shield Bash /equiptslot 16 *Weapon Name* /equipslot 17 *Shield Name* /cast Shield Bash I believe that works perfectly fine I have a more sophisticated interrupt macro on my warrior where depending on your stance and weapon equipped it will cast Pummel or Shield bash so you don’t reset your auto attacks and lose pressure. hope you enjoy it and use it alot. You should have HS macrod so it can cancel. this macro will work for you with one click with out losing your target. 📂 WoW Classic > Druid WoW Classic Druid Macros. I tried changing the order of casting Warrior macros for only the most try-hard of Classic WoW players. Nov 18, 2024 · Welcome to our Macros guide for Warriors where you will find out what the best macros are for your Warrior in WoW Classic. Checks if I have a shield, if I do bash it, if I don't, cleave it (might put in something other than cleave later) Update on when I got home and tried the macro in combat it just won’t be a practical macro because the Shield Bash will not fire off. Here it is: #showtooltip Pummel; Shield Bash; Pummel /cast Shield Bash; Berserker Stance; Pummel /cast Shield Bash; Berserker Stance; Pummel /cast Berserker Stance; Pummel Basically, as you can see in it, it's an interupt macro. Sep 26, 2019 · hi everyone, any good working macro to use shield bash ? i have one to equip a shield then use it, » Classic WoW - General Discussions A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Sep 10, 2017 · Hey guys, need help with my shield bash macro. Ex: shield bash macro that switches weapons and shield bashes, wrote my macro out the same way but I have to click once to change weps and then click a second time to shield bash Aug 26, 2022 · I'm looking for a macro that will equip a shield and 1h when I switch to defensive stance and equip a 2h or 2x 1h when I switch to battle stance and or berserker stance. Sep 3, 2023 · A discussion thread on how to use a macro for Shield Bash in WoW Classic Hardcore mode. Is this method only doable with Oct 29, 2009 · Hey, I need some help with a macro that I just wrote. to tossing on a sheild and having a tank a mob. Thanks for the help in advance. #show Shield Bash /equipslot 16 Electrocutioner Leg /equipslot 17 Pillager's Shield of Stamina /cast Defensive Stance /cast Shield Bash /equipslot 16 Stone Hammer of the Bear /cast Battle Stance Find macros for various warrior abilities and stances, including Shield Bash. Archeology in a Nutshell Before the most recent update, my shield shield/weapon swapping macros worked, but now they give me an error, “That item does not go in that slot”. It will unequip the item, however, I cannot get it to re equip the item. Just replace the names of my equipment with your own and update every time you upgrade. Good news, I got my mount. More information would help, but you can have them both use the same key. This is a 2 button macro. This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. I. Jan 17, 2008 · Note that since equipping weapons in combat triggers global cooldown, you won't be able to do the shield bash until the GCD goes away and you hit the macro again if you didn't have your shield equipped to start with. 5 sec, I don’t know if it was like this in Vanilla. I prefer switching stances manually to relying on macros. WoW Classic Guides You are in defensive stance you press one button and it instantly goes battle stance presses thunderclap then instantly goes back to defensive with one click I do not think that is possible Right? So right now this is working: #showtooltip Shield Bash /cast [equipped:Shield] Shield Bash; [noequipped:Shield] Cleave /startattack. I just want it to simple use pummel or shieldbash depending on weapon no stances. Specifically Mind Blast, Shadow Word: Pain, and Power Word: Shield in that order. To expand on this, you could also write it in such a way that if you have a 2H equipped, it will equip a sword and shield and cast Shield Bash, and then you could macro your Mortal Strike, Execute, and other abilities you use with a 2H to check to see if you have a shield and sword and swap to a 2H Shield Bash [] Pummel and Shieldbash in same button /run local texture,name,isActive,isCastable = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(3); if isActive then CastSpellByName("Pummel"); else CastSpellByName("Shield Bash"); end; Sunder Armor [] Shows your target's armor in chat. This is for leveling dungeons ATM. This macro will equip your shield & one hander and cast shield bash. It also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 6 sec. Is there a GCD that I am not aware of or something? Thanks for any help! :) *** I play classic hardcore Warrior shield bash macro Classic-Era A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Objective: 1 button toggle between the Sep 5, 2019 · The macro text should be as follows: #showtooltip Shield Bash /equipslot [button:1]16 Knightly Longsword of the Tiger /equipslot [button:1]17 Marbled Buckler /cast Shield Bash /equipslot [button:1]16 Ancient War Sword. #showtooltip Shield Bash /cast [noequipped:shields,stance:1] Berserker Stance /cast [stance:1/2] Shield Bash; Pummel . My Basic Shield Bash Macro. I tried this: /cast shield bash /cast pummel But it doesn't work, only casts shield bash. The problem is not “single press” but there is a GCD of 1. #showtooltip /target Dotsmoredots /cast [pet:Imp] Fire Shield Bashes the target with your shield for 6 damage. 2019-10-09, » World of Warcraft Bash the target with your shield dazing them and interrupting spellcasting, which prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 6 sec. The current macro I have: #showtooltip Shield Bash /equip 1-Hander Weapon /equip Shield /cast Shield Bash The problem: It equips both the weapon and the shield, no problem. com/muhshuhTwitch: https://www. I’m currently playing a priest hoping to pvp as shadow spec. I'm sure you've all seen this or a similar macro before. It’s simple to macro weapon swaps from a 2h weapon > 1h weapon / shield. Conversely, I have a macro for Battle Stance that equips 2h and casts overpower. Sep 29, 2024 · After asking for help on discord and in game to a warrior, I can't get my macros to work. Would be great if i could have a single button for both stances. I can find plenty of macros for Classic WoW but those do not work on here. Basically i am doing #Showtooltip Shield bash /cast defensive stance /equip 1h name /equip shield name /cast Shield bash But somehow i get an extra global cooldown from somewhere and it becomes super slow to use. Oct 20, 2015 · /cast [equipped:Shield] Shield Bash; [equipped:Two-Hand, stance:1/2] Berserker Stance; [equipped:Two-Hand, stance:3] Pummel This macro casts Shield Bash if you have shield equipped; berserker stance if you have two-hander equipped and are not in berserker stance and Pummel if you are in berserker stance and have two hander equipped. If you don't have a shield equipped it uses pummel, switching you to berserker stance on the first click if required. [stance:1/2] Shield Bash; [stance:3] Pummel (equipslot is here just to show you how to input weapon choices I tank 2h most of the time, so I have macros for Shield Bash and Shield wall that equip my Sword and Board, cast defensive, and cast the spell, and cast revenge. You can’t equip the shield and Shield Bash in a single keypress. Nov 26, 2024 · I love classic and have run a protection warrior since 2005. Feb 24, 2020 · #showtooltip Regrowth /cast [@mouseover,exists,help][@player] Regrowth(Rank 5) Especially as a healer, some people find it easier to cast healing spells by mousing over their intended target on their raid frame, rather than clicking and actually targeting them. Members Online. Nov 17, 2020 · Classic Warrior Macros. <Thanks for the comments> Jan 23, 2008 · Changes to Defensive Stance, equips my shield YYYY, my sword ZZZZ and casts Spell Reflect #showtooltip Defensive Stance /cast Defensive Stance /equipslot 16 <your weapon> /equipslot 17 <your shield> /cast Spell Reflection you have to spam that macro to activate "Spell Reflection" but remember that you can also cast spellreflection in battlestance Oct 11, 2007 · Post by Selim Well, I'm currently playing with a duel wielding fury warrior and at many times, I find an opponent casting a spell and I want to interrupt it but can't switch to Shield then cast Shield Bash fast enough. Thanks in advance. Thanks! I’m looking for how to write a macro that can switch me between a 2-handed weapon, and my one-hander and shield. #showtooltip Shield Bash;Pummel /cast Shield Bash;Pummel;Berserker Stance /cast Defensive Stance "#showtooltip Shield Bash /equip "1h name here" /equip "shield name here" /cast Shield Bash" Remove the first and last quotation marks when putting this into your macro. Keep in mind that Shield Bash can work in Battle Stance as well, as long as you have a shield on. any other stance dancing macros or anything you can suggest would be nice as well. Its something that took me about 5 mins to make but people had trouble with. Shield bash macro goes like this #showtooltip Shield Bash /cast Shield Bash /equip Weapon /equip Shield This used to function perfectly on old servers i played on. It uses Impending Victory when I have an enemy clicked on. Note that if you swap weapons, a 1s GCG triggers so you would need to press it 1 more time to actually cast Shield Bash. /equip <Shield name> /use Shield BashActually Shield Bash (and all interrupts AFAIK) are off the GCD. I have this macro bound to the 1 button on my gaming mouse. Otherwise, it should swap In classic era do you need an addon or something to have macros work in 1 click? In wotlk most of my macros would work in 1 click but it takes me 2 on era. I've been browsing the forums and I've been unable to find it. But i struggle with the shield bash one. Jun 10, 2023 · Thanks for all of your replies. Nov 21, 2024 · Learn how to use macros to enhance your Warrior's gameplay in Classic WoW, including startattack, cancelaura, and mouseover macros. Here’s the macro /equipslot 17 Aegis of the Scarlet Commander /equipslot 16 Spirit of the Faerie Dragon Nov 5, 2014 · The macro will have a green border when the item is equipped. Some are for all specs and have a few extra lines for functionality. Nov 1, 2024 · WoW Warrior Macros. 12) macros/addons relying on scripted targeting or spell casting will not work! This require you to make 3 separate macro's, one for each stance bar and the button will have to be placed in the same spot on all 3 bars. Gnomeregan will be a raid at level 40 (confirmed by Aggrend /castsequence pummel, shield bash Or maybe /cast [mod:ctrl] pummel; shield bash Maybe /cast [stance:1] pummel; shield bash There are loads of ways this could be a thing. Bad news, I learned the hard way that one can’t use abilities from a mount. That shield bash macro is a must for any warrior Reply reply A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. This is how my macro looks and it works: /cast defensive stance /equip shield Warrior Shield Bash macro help Hello, Its for WoW Classic Reply With Quote. Users share their opinions and tips on how to macro shield bash and weapon swap for warriors in classic WoW. #showtooltip Disarm /startattack /cast Defensive Stance /cast Disarm = Disarm macro #showtooltip Shield Bash /cancelaura Bladestorm /cast [stance:3] Pummel; [stance:1/2,equipped:shield] Shield Bash /stopmacro [stance:3] /equipslot 16 Relentless Gladiator's would it be possible to make a macro to equip the 1-h weap and shield, bash, then re-equip your 2 hander? i tried /equip <1-hander> /equip <shield> /cast shield bash /equip <2-hander> but i have to hit it once to equip the 1h and shield, again to bash, but i can never get it to re-equip the 2 hander #showtooltip Shield Bash /startattack /equip 1h weap /equip Shield /cast Defensive Stance /cast Shield Bash Its gonna be tricky to get it to swap back to 2h, better off having 2 macros. If a spell was interrupted, all spells in that school were locked for 6 seconds. Is there anything I should specifically be substituting in that macro? General Purpose Interrupt Macro. Hey guys, can you critique my macros? They are mostly for Protection. There are some great YouTube videos for recommended macros and addons Nov 24, 2007 · /equipslot 17 <Shield> /equipslot 17 <offhand 2H> /equipslot 16 <Main hand> (this line not necessary if you're fury, just use your current main hand 2hand weapon) /cast Defensive Stance; Berserker Stance this macro will switch your offhand 2hander with a shield on the first push and switch back to 2hander on the 2nd push. # Nov 22, 2024 · Hello! I’d like to know if it’s possible to macro two different skills using two different stances in one go. but only when the target armor changes. So all you have to do is equip the sword and board while in defensive stance then whenever you use the macro it will change to the 2h in battle stance, or vice versa.
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