Utsukushii desu english. ” B: “Arigatou gozaimasu.

Utsukushii desu english The Japanese language is rich with nuances and subtleties that make it both challenging and rewarding to learn. ” B: “Arigatou gozaimasu. In relaxed or casual situations, Japanese expressions can become more laid-back. Jun 8, 2022 · What Does ‘Utsukushii’ Mean? utsukushii — 美しい (うつくしい) / yoot-su-koo-she. Type: Adjective, い-adjective. Meaning in English: cherry blossom;cherry tree . Play とても大切な思い出です。 Totemo taisetsu na omoide desu. Last Update: 2024-12-04 Usage Frequency: While it is ok to use “Sugoi desu” (すごいです) to praise your coworkers or strangers, other words such as subarashii (素晴らしい), rippa (立派), or migoto (見事) sound more formal and are more appropriate in most cases. Human translations with examples: you're weak, anata wa īdesu, anata wa dare?, アナタはトテモワルイヒトデス. Each example sentence includes a Japanese kana reading, the romaji reading, and the English translation. Even though today is just like yesterday utsukushii hana 美麗的花朵 ここの 景色 (けしき) は 美 (うつく) しいですね。 Koko no keshiki wa utsukushii desune. He is a very kind person. Another variation is 「美人」(bijin), which refers to a beautiful person, usually used to describe women. Kaze ni mau hanabira ga utsukushii desu The petals dancing in the wind are beautiful. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Tense and Affirmative/Negative Forms in Japanese Noun Sentences and な-Adjective Sentences Affirmative Forms 1. But when you say Play 美しい皿 utsukushii sara, it only means “a beautiful dish. ” Similarly, you could describe a stunning sunset with “この夕日が美しいです” (Kono yuuhi ga utsukushii desu), meaning “This sunset is beautiful. Beberapa contoh kalimat yang menggunakan kata utsukushii yaitu:. ) The Japanese word 「美しい」 (utsukushii) is an adjective used to describe something or someone that is beautiful, pretty, or graceful. Apr 28, 2022 · How do you say you are beautiful in Japanese romaji? You would say "Anata WA kirei desu. ) – Here, “お” (o-) is a respectful prefix that elevates the politeness of the phrase. Ureshii desu ne. ) – These flowers are beautiful. Example: この花は美しいですね。(Kono hana wa utsukushii desu ne. ) – This translates to “You are very beautiful. See full list on thetruejapan. Romaji: watashi wa gakusei desu - 花は 5. ” Avoid overusing English loanwords: Jan 30, 2021 · English. Congratulations! You’ve now mastered the art of saying “Hey beautiful” in Japanese. Suki Desu is the largest informational database about Japanese culture and the Japanese language. Among the many interesting aspects of Japanese vocabulary are the words that describe beauty. seeking consent from Aug 30, 2024 · 綺麗な皿 kireina sara has two meanings:. org , it says that "utsukushii" can also mean "pure (heart, friendship, etc. Oct 10, 2023 · What does totema genki desu anata wa mean in English? Watashi does mean "I" but it doesn't mean "I am" unless you put "wa" after it. Oct 8, 2023 · How do you say this in Japanese? You are very beautiful! See a translation Report copyright infringement Definition of utsukushii, meaning of utsukushii in Japanese: 1 definitions matched, 4 related definitions, and 0 example sentences; Jan 21, 2002 · Works in: Japanese to English, English to Japanese, Spanish to Tagalog, and 3 more. I really appreciate it. Because we are living beings We grow taller, and no matter what, we get hungry “I want things to stay like this, I want things to stay like this” I kept wishing that over and over. Ureshii desu. May 10, 2022 · Formal: “Anata wa utsukushii desu. Significado: beautiful; pretty; lovely; sweet; pure (heart, friendship, etc. There are different ways of expressing the idea of "A cousin from the father's sister or the mother's sister. The view of the hill top is beautiful. Oct 25, 2024 · (Ano hanabatake wa totemo utsukushii desu. うつくしい(美しい). yasui. It is very beautiful. Explore the lineup Meaning in English: house;hall;building;hotel;inn;guesthouse . Lihat di bawah ini daftar kata-kata Jepang yang memiliki arti yang sama atau merupakan variasi dari kata tersebut. ) Informal: “Kimi kawaii ne!” (You’re cute!) Use the formal expression when complementing an acquaintance or someone you should show respect to, whereas the informal expression can be used with friends or family members to create a more friendly and relaxed atmosphere. autumn. 美しい (Utsukushii) – Beautiful Beautiful in Japanese . com May 24, 2019 · The Japanese word utsukushii means "beautiful, "pretty," "lovely," "fine," "handsome," "good-looking," or "charming. ” Need to translate "美しい" (Utsukushī) from Japanese? Here are 3 possible meanings. Utsukushii. Sakura wa utsukushii desu. Human translations with examples: you are weak, anata desu ka, kimi wa utsukushii. とても 美 (うつく) しいです。 Totemo utsukushii desu. aki. [Show Details] Synonyms and similar words. A clean dish. これは悪いです (Kore wa warui desu) - This is bad. " in the Japanese language. " :D Aug 23, 2023 · How To Use Utsukushii To Say ‘Beautiful’ In Japanese. Synonyms and similar words. It was very delicious. “Bijin” means “beautiful people” in Japanese but usually it is not used for men. 17:26 Dec 6, 2004. You are the most beautiful woman I know. あなた = You (singular) [anata] は 1 = (subject marker) [wa] 1 です 2 = (sentence marker) [desu] 2 1 - When は appears after a subject,it's pronounced wa. utsukushii hana 美丽的花朵 ここの 景色 (けしき) は 美 (うつく) しいですね。 Koko no keshiki wa utsukushii desune. Details about anime, Japanese dictionary, Japanese lessons, travel guides, tips, curiosities, and much more. 彼は大きい犬を飼っています (Kare wa ookii inu o katteimasu) - He has a big dog. Dec 24, 2021 · A: “Konnichiwa, anata wa utsukushii desu ne. Romajidesu features powerful but easy-to-use tools for Japanese learners. 4. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Ookii, Kono hanba-ga wa ookii desu, Chiisai and more. Aug 14, 2024 · When describing a person, you might say, “彼女は美しいです” (Kanojo wa utsukushii desu), which translates to “She is beautiful. English. A beautiful dish. utsukushii utsukushii = beautiful = hermoso/a的定义 英语 (美国) 法语 (法国) 德语 意大利语 日语 韩语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 (巴西) 葡萄牙语 (葡萄牙) 俄语 中文 (简体) 西班牙语 (墨西哥) 中文 (繁体,台湾) 土耳其语 越南语 May 17, 2017 · Contextual translation of "anata wa totemo utsukushi desu" into English. "O benefício deste santuário é, claro, dar beleza às pessoas", diz o Projeto Kyoto. Even though it is translated as is or to be, desu cannot be called a verb. What is the difference between kirei and Utsukushii? Contextual translation of "utsukushii desu" into English. すごいです。 That is great. Two such words are 綺麗 (kirei) and 美しい (utsukushii). “Utsukushii” means ‘beautiful’ in Japanese; “kireina” and “kirei” can additionally mean ‘clean’ or ‘neat’ depending on the context and situation. Explanation and Etymology - (絵画) kaiga The Japanese word 「絵画」 (kaiga) refers to the art of painting or pictures. ) ". 20. Most likely related to 厳しい (itsukushii, “beautiful, pretty”). Nov 5, 2024 · The Japanese phrase "Anata wa totemo kawaii desu" translates to "You are very cute" in English. So kirei must have the copula da, while utsukushii cannot have a da. 正式な翻訳: 'あなたはとても美しいです!' (Anata wa totemo utsukushii desu!) カジュアル翻訳: 'あなたはめっちゃ美しい!' (Anata wa meccha utsukushii!) 英語での説明: 日本語では、話した人に対する丁寧さのレベルが異なります。 Suki Desu é o maior Banco de Dados informativos sobre cultura japonesa e idioma japonês. Utsukushii pada pola kalimat di atas digunakan untuk menerangkan keadaan, kondisi atau ciri khas subjek atau topik kalimat (kata benda). Irotsukai to dezain no baransu ga subarashii desu)” – Excuse me, this artwork is truly beautiful. Aqui você encontra absolutamente de tudo. I have taken Japanese for 3rd years at my high school, and studied some time before that. He replied, “Japanese people never say things like that shamelessly. 彼女は美しい赤いドレスを着ています。 (Kanojo wa utsukushii akai doresu o kite imasu. Contextual translation of "anata wa utsukushii desu" into English. Human translations with examples: kuma wa, anata desu ka, anata wa totemo, you look alright. 1. Is this passport yours? After the plain past or nonpast form of -i adjectives (or nonstandardly verbs), to form the polite ending. 5. "Anata" means "you," "totemo" means "very," "kawaii" means "cute," and "desu" is a copula verb RomajiDesu, Romaji, Kana, Hiragana,ひらがな, Katakana,カタカナ,ローマ字, English, convert, converter Key Words. I’m glad. 這裡的景色很美麗呢。 高尚的,純潔的 美 (うつく) しい 友情 (ゆうじょう) utsukushii yūjō 纯洁的友谊 Romaji: utsukushii English Meaning: beautiful, lovely Example Sentences: 日本は美しい国です。 nihon wa utsukushii kuni desu. Aug 1, 2020 · Read Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii manga in english online and bookmark Mangakomi to follow it on our website completely free. English translation. 秋は美しいです (Aki wa utsukushii desu) - Autumn is beautiful. ” (You are beautiful. Anatawa utsukushii desu! or you can say. This blog is for Japanese words and phrases. What is the phrase 'love is beautiful' when translated from English to Japanese? Ai WA utsukushii desu. Details about animes, Japanese dictionary, Japanese lessons, travel guides, tips, curiosities, and much more. Sakura wa kirei desu. あなたはお美しいですね。 (Anata wa o-utsukushii desu ne. If the word "Watashi" has "no" after it, it is actually "my English Translation. Suki Desu é o maior Banco de Dados informativos sobre cultura japonesa e idioma japonês. (The asterisk means this doesn't occur. Feb 8, 2015 · 3. It describes both people and places, focusing on their inner and outer What is Utsukushii desu? English translation: You are beautiful. Thus, it is more appropriate to describe the moon with “utsukushii. 私は美しいうみを見たいです (Watashi wa utsukushii umi o mitai desu) yang memiliki arti “Aku ingin melihat laut yang indah”. Utsukushii is a powerful word to describe beauty. Example 2: Oct 27, 2017 · (Anata wa totemo utsukushii desu. Here are some example phrases of how ‘utsukushii’ is used to say something is beautiful: Kyoto is a beautiful place – 京都は美しい場所です (きょうとはうつくしいばしょです) / Kyoto wa utsukushii basho desu . May 17, 2019 · “Utsukushii” is an i-adjective; “kireina” is a na-adjective; “kirei” is the stem part of the na-adjective. Apr 3, 2018 · Usage of “kirei” and “utsukushii”: In Japanese, “kirei” and “utsukushii” both mean beautiful. Both da and desu are also referred to as verbal auxiliaries. When I checked other forums, I saw that a lot of people suggested using utsukushii (美しい) to tell someone that they look pretty. What is the phrase you are when translated from English to Japanese? anata WA eg. とてもおいしかったです。 Totemo oishikatta desu. ” This phrase can be translated as “You have a beautiful figure” or “You look lovely” in English. warui. The t-shirts on the right say 女の赤ちゃん (onna no akachan) which means "female baby/infant". Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. While kirei can be used on anything or anyone that is beautiful, utsukushii goes deeper than surface beauty. ookii. Japanese to English translations [Non-PRO] Names (personal, company) Japanese term or phrase: anata wa utsukushii desu. Last Update: 2024-12-04 Usage Frequency: Mar 30, 2023 · Adapun contoh penggunaan kalimat kirei dan utsukushii dalam bahasa Jepang yaitu:. May 5, 2022 · The most common words for ‘beautiful’ in Japanese are kirei (綺麗 / きれい), and utsukushii (美しい / うつくしい). While it is true that the word translates as “beautiful” in English, it is only used for extremely beautiful or gorgeous-looking people. The form da [だ] is an informal way of using desu [です] that tends to be as natural and common in most informal conversations as a simple particle. RomajiDesu Japanese Dictionary Kanji Dictionary Japanese Translator new! Learn Japanese vocabulary: 【うつくしい】(utsukushii). Nov 1, 2024 · (Ano hanabatake wa totemo utsukushii desu. ” This phrase can be translated as “You are beautiful” in English. Usage Example. ) – Ladang bunga itu sangat cantik. While both can be translated to mean “pretty” or “beautiful” in English, they carry […] Jun 21, 2023 · In English, it's clear that "beautiful" is referring to T's spirit, rather than his physical appearance, and that's what I would have believed from the Japanese as well. Last Update: 2024-12-04 Usage Frequency: 333 Followers, 203 Following, 6 Posts - ѕнυвнαм (@shhubham_pawar) on Instagram: "炎 Getshuga tensho" Suki Desu is the largest informative database about Japanese culture and the Japanese language. Jan 11, 2025 · From the 連体形 (rentaikei, “attributive form”) of Early Middle Japanese adjective 美し (utsukushi), with the medial /-k-/ falling out. Suatu cara untuk mengatakan "cantik; licik" é " (美しい) utsukushii ". bad. It’s a very precious memory. Fresh features from the #1 AI-enhanced learning platform. How do you say this in English (US)? 이거 별로 안비싸 美 - Example Sentences 例文. あなたは、私が知っている中で最も美しい女性です。 anata wa, watashi ga shitteiru naka de mottomo utsukushii josē desu. ” kata benda + partikel “wa” + utsukushii (desu) keterangan + partikel “wa” + kata benda + partikel “ga” + utsukushii (desu) *desu bisa dihilangkan untuk suasana yang lebih kasual atau informal. Contextual translation of "yuhi wa utsukushii desu ne" into English. Last Update: 2023-08-27 Usage Frequency: For example, 「美しい」(utsukushii) is an adjective that means "beautiful" or "pretty," widely used to describe landscapes, people, and works of art. Decomposed into its components, we find the kanji 「絵」, which refers to "image" or "drawing", and 「画」, which means "painting" or "picture". There are several reasons; 1. Sep 7, 2024 · One day many years ago, the story goes, Japanese writer Natsume Soseki was teaching English when a student translated the phrase “I love you” directly into Japanese. ” Final Thoughts. ENGLISH; Play 彼はとても優しい人です。 Kare wa totemo yasashii hito desu. [Show Details] Posts tagged with #japanese. Here you can find absolutely everything. Human translations with examples: you are weak, anata desu ka, utsukushi desu ne, you are beautiful. But looking it up on jisho. oka no ue kara nagameru keshiki wa utsukushii desu. However, “kirei” is usually used for inanimate objects like nature, while “utsukushii” is a more general term for beauty. Dec 10, 2017 · 3. 嬉しいですね(うれしいですね)。 I’m happy. English Meaning: country Example Sentences: 日本は美しい国です。 nihon wa utsukushii kuni desu. Detalhes sobre animes, dicionário de japonês, aulas de japonês, guias turísticos, dicas, curiosidades e muito mais. びじん / Bijin. Play とても寒い日ですね。 Totemo samui hi desu ne. anata wa totemo utsukushii desu. It's probably not meant to be a translation. Informal Expressions. Citar este artigo Sep 6, 2019 · The English meaning “Natsukashii" will be as follows. Meaning in English: scenery;scene;landscape . *Sakura wa utsukushii da. For example: これは何ですか? (Kore wa nan desu ka?) – What is this? 彼は誰ですか? (Kare wa dare desu ka?) – Who is he? か is a neutral question marker and works in both formal and informal settings. Click the below red button to toggle off and and on all of the hints, and you can click on the buttons individually to show only the ones you want to see. 生命は美しいものです (Seimei wa utsukushii mono desu): By using the word “seimei” instead of “jinsei,” which means “life” in a more profound sense, this phrase conveys that life, as a concept, is beautiful. It is never used to describe cleanliness or tidiness. Meaning: beautiful; pretty; lovely; sweet; pure (heart, friendship, etc. " (美しい) utsukushii ": 美しく (Utsukushiku) - Indah, cantik; 美麗な (Bireina) - Sangat cantik, menarik; 艶やかな (Ayanakana) - Brilian, menggoda Oct 3, 2023 · Explanation in English (UK): In Japanese, the phrase "you're gorgeous" can be translated formally as 「あなたはとても美しいです」(Anata wa totemo utsukushii desu). It is used for things like nature, art, and people who embody elegance and grace. Human translations with examples: this is my wife, ore wa tensai da to. Human translations with examples: im alone, i eat food, desu wa orange, to be (polite), it is a dictionary. This translation is suitable for formal situations, such as when speaking to someone you are not familiar with or in a professional setting. Translation API あなたは、私が知っている中で最も美しい女性です。 anata wa, watashi ga shitteiru naka de mottomo utsukushii josē desu. Sugoi! すごい! Great! (casual) Sugoi desu. ) Suki Desu é o maior Banco de Dados informativos sobre cultura japonesa e idioma japonês. Utsukushii, é claro, significa bonito, gozen é a palavra japonesa para mulher e sha significa um santuário. Non-PRO Japanese to English Other Names (personal, company) said to me by a friend just wondering what it means Japanese, English, translator, translate, Kanji, Romaji, Kana, Hiragana,ひらがな, Katakana,カタカナ,ローマ字, convert, converter, tokenizer, morphological The English for あなたは美しい is you beautiful. I am a student. 這裡的景色很美麗呢。 高尚的,純潔的 美 (うつく) しい 友情 (ゆうじょう) utsukushii yūjō 純潔的友誼 Oct 16, 2024 · Kono pasupōto wa anata no desu ka. big. ). A way of saying "cousin (female)" é " (従姉妹) itoko ". Definition: The main mineral substance of the earth's crust, an inorganic solid, hard and naturally occurring crystalline substance. Unlike in English, where adjectives are generally inflexible, keiyoudoushi are more dynamic and can take on different forms with variations such as present, past, negative, among others. ) – The passion of the youth serves as the wellspring for building a beautiful future. Contextual translation of "anata wa utsukushii hitodesu" into English. 風に舞う - meaning "dancing in the wind", is an expression that describes the action of flower petals being carried by the wind. There are different ways of expressing the idea of "Flores abertas. Play です (desu) - verb to be in Japanese, indicating that the sentence is in the present tense and is affirmative 私の姉はとても優しいです。 Watashi no ane wa totemo yasashii desu Jul 7, 2019 · “Anata wa utsukushii desu. (polite) Subarashii desu. Characteristics of Keiyoudoushi: Translation / Meaning: stone Meaning in English: stone . Suki Desu is the largest informative database about Japanese culture and the Japanese language. " (Click on the link here and below to hear the correct pronunciation of the word or phrase. ” English. However, the degree of beauty being described by each word is different. Feb 1, 2023 · “すみません、この作品は本当に美しいですね。色使いとデザインのバランスが素晴らしいです。 (Sumimasen, kono sakuhin wa hontō ni utsukushii desu ne. Definition: A tree that blooms pink and white flowers in the spring, Sakura ga saku haru wa utsukushii desu. View. 」 「This house bring me back old memories. Oct 24, 2024 · The structure of the sentence remains the same, unlike in English where word order changes. 」 “Natsukasii” is an adjective of the verb “natsuku” which means “to become familiar with". Utsukushii – Extremely Beautiful or Gorgeous. kyou wa utsukushii hi desu ne. ) The black t-shirt on the left says 私は美しいです(watashi wa utsukushii desu) which means "I am beautiful". [Show Details] Meaning in English: hill;height;knoll;rising ground . Each example sentence includes a Japanese furigana reading, the romaji reading, and the English translation. A way of saying "bloom" é " (咲く) saku ". Here you will find absolutely everything. com! Nov 11, 2024 · 7. Nike, the fourth princess of the Rain Dukedom and one who holds the power to call forth the rain, travels to the Sun Kingdom to marry King Livius on Anata wa totemo kirei(utsukushii ) desu. “Utsukushii” meaning is “beautiful” in Japanese. Hontou ni daisuki desu. びじん(美人). Feb 13, 2024 · (Wakamono-tachi no jōnetsu ga, utsukushii mirai o kizuku minamoto ni natteimasu. うつくしい / Utsukushii. ) – Dia mengenakan gaun merah yang indah. This mansion is very beautiful. Kono yakata wa totemo utsukushii desu. “Ureshii desu” alone makes sense, but Japanese people often use “ne” at the end of sentences. Human translations with examples: damedesunee, totemo kawaii, samui desu ne, kore wa sugoi. you are stupid - anata WA bakka desu you are cute - anata WA kawaii desu you are a cat - anata WA neko desu Dec 6, 2004 · anata wa utsukushii desu. 「Oh, this is so nostalgic!」 「I miss my hostmother in Japan」 「This book reminds me of my childhood. 2 - Note about です: usually this word is pronounced dess, rhyming with the English word less. It’s a very cold day, isn’t it? Play この料理はとても Definition of utsukushi, meaning of utsukushi in Japanese: 0 definitions matched, 5 related definitions, and 0 example sentences; utsukushii desu English (US) French (France) German Italian Japanese Korean Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal) Russian Simplified Chinese (China) Spanish (Mexico) Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) Turkish Vietnamese 嬉しい - Example Sentences 例文. "Kimiwa utsukushii desu. The etymology of 「美しい」 traces back to the kanji 「美」, which means "beauty" and is often associated with aesthetics, charm, and visual purity. . Sep 20, 2024 · Kawariyuku bokura ga utsukushii no desu Iki wo suru bokura ga itooshii no desu. すてき Sep 22, 2023 · watashi wa genki desu in english is "i am well", if thats what you are asking. utsukushii: Attributive 鬱くしい: うつくしい: utsukushii: Hypothetical 鬱くしけれ: うつくしけれ: utsukushikere: Imperative 鬱くしかれ: うつくしかれ: utsukushikare: Key constructions Informal negative 鬱くしくない: うつくしくない: utsukushiku nai: Informal past 鬱くしかった Contextual translation of "anata wa utsukushi desu" into English. Utsukushii (美しい) Meaning and Usage: “Utsukushii” is a more poetic and formal word for “beautiful,” often evoking elegance, grace, and aesthetic depth. Last Update: 2023-08-27 Usage Frequency: utsukushii in Hiragana: うつくしい, in Katakana: ウツクシー. Non-past (present/future): - Noun: N です (N desu) - な-Adjective: な-adj です (na-adj desu) Examples: - 私は学生です (watashi wa gakusei desu). 」 「Good old days. " utsukushii desu: Formal negative 美しくないです: うつくしくないです: utsukushiku nai desu: Formal past 美しかったです: うつくしかったです: utsukushikatta desu: Formal negative past 美しくなかったです: うつくしくなかったです: utsukushiku nakatta desu: Conjunctive 美しくて: うつくしく English. 美 うつく しい • (utsukushii) -i (adverbial 美 うつく しく (utsukushiku)) For pronunciation and definitions of 美しい – see the following entry. And, welcome to this blog. ” Translation: A: “Hello, you are beautiful, aren’t you?” B: “Thank you. Utsukushii is a dedicated adjective that means ‘Beautiful’ in Japanese. Meaning: This word means “beautiful” and conveys a sense of aesthetic beauty. It is typically used for English. cheap Meaning in English: scene;view;prospect;outlook . This hall is very beautiful. It’s like 100 mph fastball. この風景は、絵に描いたように美しいです。 (Kono fūkei wa, e ni kaita yō ni utsukushii desu. 嬉しいです(うれしいです)。 I’m happy. 美しい微笑み (Utsukushii hohoemi) – Beautiful Smile This beautiful Japanese phrase describes a warm, genuine, and captivating smile that reflects inner happiness. Below is a list of Japanese words that have the same meaning or are a variation of the word. Learn Japanese vocabulary: 美しい 【うつくしい】 (utsukushii). 2. It is a simple and respectful way to compliment someone on their appearance in a formal setting. ” It’s a straightforward and polite way to compliment someone’s beauty. ) The word kirei "beautiful" is like a noun and needs a copula, while the word utsukushii "beautiful" is like a verb and can take no copula. “Utsukushii” to woman is a direct expression. Nov 26, 2024 · Example: 「この花はとてもきれいですね」(“Kono hana wa totemo kirei desu ne”) – “This flower is very beautiful, isn’t it?” 2. “Kirei na katachi desu ne. Level: JLPT N4 Vocabulary. Sakura wa kirei da. Last Update: 2024-12-04 Usage Frequency: Dec 11, 2019 · A brief description of the Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii manga: Nike, the fourth princess of the Rain Dukedom and one who holds the power to call forth the rain, travels to the Sun Kingdom to marry Sun King Livius for her country, despite her own reluctance. Definition: oka no ue kara nagameru keshiki wa utsukushii desu. Aug 20, 2016 · Ureshii desu. Japan is a beautiful country. The use of colors and balance in the design is Contextual translation of "watashi no utsukushi musume desu" into English. Find more Japanese words at wordhippo. You’d better translate it as tsuki ga kirei desu ne (‘The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?’). dgddtzd ifnyath wksezdg csbd nhcjqa dibkk cekc ftfjzm teutjlycx uvicsd qplc bjbvzk vrag wtoj lolbq