Swtor issues. My mouse is fine, and .

Swtor issues Mar 13, 2024 · Graphics Card: Star Wars: The Old Republic requires a video card that has a minimum of 1 GB of on-board RAM as well as support for Shader 3. 1. The launcher is NOT the same between a Steam install and a non-Steam install. I have to do it once again because I initially get to the loading screen and the little cog in the bottom right just keeps spinning and it's like my game isn't connecting to a server or something. but is anyone experiencing forum issues? For me, the top bar that usually lists "My SWTOR - News - Community - About" etc. Dec 18, 2011 · hey guys, Im having some serious gameplay issues. I am a pre-order founder having played since Dec 2011. Some problems have occurred: -Nameplates don't scale, resulting in tiny nameplates, hard to see in the middle of combat. These will be removed after the patch goes out and documented in the patch notes page. We appreciate you joining us to play Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, and we hope you enjoy the game. Jul 20, 2021 · I had been playing absolutely fine today and all of a sudden the game froze and crashed, when I reloaded the game it got stuck as it loaded the character select screen. Next are computer problems: 1. Completely exit out of swtor. I bought a higher quality mouse to play SWTOR, and I'm having issues with the camera just all of a sudden spins out of control. I have contacted tech support in game, in emails and on the phone about 4 times in the last 2. I was pla Mar 12, 2024 · Yeah. Just asking before I start messing with browser stuff to fix it for no good reason. Jan 16, 2023 · What was the verdict here? I also just got a new laptop with win 11 and have reloaded twice thinking I did something wrong but I get same thing where the launcher looks ready but when I click on it nothing launches. The list is actively updated with new issues reported. It is not consistent and usually when you leave the stronghold and return it works again. Nothing changed, but all of a sudden, I lose connection when I am in the midst of missions/questions (specifically flashpoints, even more spe Jan 1, 2017 · The Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Customer Support Team. Jul 6, 2020 · I don't have a suggestion for you, sadly. If I can't play a game on 300MB/s, with a brand new computer, why bothering. Nov 11, 2024 · 10:34 PM EST Multiple login issues - cannot load into areas and restarted the game 6 times Raid team is having the same issues with being unable to load characters to not being able to load zones Sep 6, 2023 · Hi everyone, As a reminder, this list will be updated over time. Pla Feb 1, 2023 · It is a problem related to EU law-making. Delete the game's cache file DiskCacheArena; it is located in the swtor subfolder in the folder where you installed the game (something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Wars - The Old Republic\swtor"). I've noticed that as soon as I select a body to loot, all the other bodies with loot become "loot-less Jun 21, 2021 · 2. Latest patch : 7. both computers have the same vid card. Even systems with 64 GB a friend is reporting it spiked at 49 GB being used and the game is very slow and laggy. Thank you May 5, 2023 · I recently updated my pc and after the update, I can go no further than the startup screen. 6a fixes progression bugs, item deconstruction, black hair color issues, conquest bonus and Propagator Core XR-53 achievements. Pla Jun 23, 2023 · Earlier today, I tried to purchase a 60-day time code from the official site using my Paypal account, however instead of taking me to the Paypal login page as it usually does it, it just takes me straight to the receipt page, and my payment history says that the transaction has failed. My account is the only one that encounters this freezing problem on log in. By addressing issues with Steam purchases, regional pricing, and EU compliance requirements, SWTOR aims to provide a more seamless experience for players worldwide. This is the forum for discussion of the wider star wars universe, not SWTOR. Location may vary, but you can normally find these files here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\BioWare\star wars - the old republic\launcher. "That thing doesn't work sometimes. Jan 10, 2012 · On smaller issues, you can reply to this thread - but be sure to give specific info. -The GUI can only be increased in size by a factor of 1. Dec 13, 2022 · The list is actively updated with new issues reported. I left this game in the past for same type of issues, I come back 2 years later and see that they still haven't fixed their game/launcher Apr 9, 2023 · I've been experiencing some awful FPS dips to as low as 20-50 fps sustained (especially during group content and whenever I open menus such as inventory or character sheet. It will kill SWTOR before 2023 is over because all European players will be affected by it and wont be able to subscribe, unless BW pulls out the fingers blocking a certain access point to the lower body, and implements the new payment methods that European banks has to use now. Dec 18, 2024 · Hey folks, New issue, at least for me, game cannot find assets so when I use the icon to QT offplanet to a heroic, game crashes. The loading screen shows for about 3 to 4 minutes and it either quits or eventually lets me in to character selection. I never uninstalled anything or told it to do that but my game has been fine all day and now it is completely re-starting over. Same after restart. There are times when my FPS is 70+, but others when it TANKS and stays down b Nov 21, 2015 · Probably a letency issue, disconnect from your action to the server rnging your loot. 6 days ago · Broadsword's forum lists current SWTOR patch issues, but many older bugs remain in the game. I have been having the same issues for years in EQ2, LoTRO (in DirectX 9 Only) and other MMO's and Stand Alone Games that play using DirectX 9. ini file. 2. Mar 28, 2023 · Our team is currently looking into this issue, in the meantime players can follow these troubleshooting steps: For a few players, they need to the let launcher run for a few minutes so that the launcher updates and properly fixes itself. 5 days. I'll post more updates here as I get more info. EA/SWTOR HELP! Mar 22, 2022 · Notes: Use Ctrl+F and keyword to check if the bug you encounter is a known issue. I've tried just about every combination of graphics settings, including fullscr May 29, 2024 · The Known Issues list has been updated with the following issues Ventures Basilisk Prototype [NEW] The Grant B3-S1 button is not available the first time an alt character accesses the ventures tab [NEW] Players are not receiving credit for training when completing the mission “Unconventional Methods”. When we have more info, I will update this thread. Sometimes when in a personal stronghold, the tool tips do not appear when hovering over the item. They can have any number of ' and - so long as you respect the rules about where you can place them: * Not at the beginning. Something should be done about this, because I can't progress Nov 3, 2024 · Common for this issue is that the linked ea account has been disabled needing a password reset, that EA account likley uses the same email address you have used to create the swtor account originally, so if you have changed the email on the swtor account though, try using the original email used on the swtor account Dec 19, 2024 · How did you determine that the connection issue you're experiencing is caused by SWTOR's servers? It may very well be caused by some sort of connectivity issue in the route between your game's computer and SWTOR's servers prior to reaching SWTOR's servers. It gets stuck there in an infinite loop. 1 update, starting "Old Jul 25, 2020 · Hey friends, I'm having an issue with my game resolution. Sometimes it'll "settle" at maybe 250+ ping (normal for me since I'm in Australia) but more often than not it'll drop to normal levels only to skyrocket back to 10,000+ a second or two later. May 19, 2024 · Not sure what happened but the shadows on all servers are fluctuating especially in the open areas. My uncle, on the other hand, who played when this was in Beta, has tried every KNOWN remedy to getting his launcher to work. It appears, that because I live in Europe, there is the law about PSD2 that says all card transactions, has to be approved by 2 factors, but the payment system for EA/Swtor dos not use it for some reason, so I cant get to the second factor of verifying that it is my card. None Dec 30, 2021 · Hi, I have been having issues with my authenticator on my phone, it keeps asking for 'Activation Code'? I have removed the authenticator from my account, re connected it - and then after a day or 2 - asks again for Activation Code. 25, resulting in a tiny interface. Apr 2, 2020 · This is the wrong forum for this. The other two accounts are able to log in just fine. Try reposting this in General Discussion Aug 23, 2021 · Hey guys, does anyone else currently have serious lag issues. I have also mouse problems and its a ingame issues for many years. In Windows, go to Users -> (Your Username) -> AppData -> Local -> SWTOR -> swtor -> settings. Yet the log in issues are just getting worse now. https://prnt. It should look like this. I have 75 level 80s. First things first, my PC is very new, it has I7 CPU with a Mar 31, 2016 · I've been back playing swtor since 12-15 with no real issues until the 3-10-16 4. Do you think they would have an option for bug reports, run beta because they want to ignore issues tha Jun 28, 2023 · Game Launcher won't work. Apr 22, 2020 · I'm able to log in perfectly fine. Thanks! Jan 20, 2012 · I am having mouse'ing and camera issues. I've noticed this most on Drommund Kaas, Tython, and Ossus. Run Swtor as an administrator. I have tried a lot of fixes over the years and this one really improved my fps. Issues with loading servers and connecting to servers: the servers either do not load at all, or they load but unable connect to them. When I select a character it either also just spins showing no login progress or if it lets me into the character then I can't Nov 28, 2024 · I tried to log in for the first time on my new computer and it seems like the game blew out my video card. Screenshot attached. Seems that way. 2a patch. Jul 15, 2022 · Has anyone else been having issues with loggin in. Right click Swtor > properties > compatibility > check run as administrator. I am really getting Oct 1, 2022 · Since 7. Have you tried using a VPN to see if connectivity issues are resolved? Dec 16, 2024 · It is possible that other game installers will block the SWTOR Mac Launcher from working. When new items are added, we will update the thread as well. If it doesn't work, follow these steps: Run it and click on Repair. Also, it's most likely just your WiFi ( since SWTOR can be very tricky & inconsistant trying to play on WiFi , especially in certain areas/maps/crowds, etc. Jan 28, 2025 · The Republic Jukebox on Taris is missing the holo dancer assets. I went to bed last night at 10pm because I couldnt log in as it was saying the login server was unavalible. Either it takes about five minutes and then everything is normal, or I get kicked out to the Jun 21, 2017 · Change the resolution within swtor to what you are trying to achieve. This page lists all available Star Wars™ : The Old Republic™ servers, their status and type. When I have an update, I will add to this thread. However, when I went to Dynamic Encounters: I cannot believe this isn't fixed yet, or even acknowledged! Jun 24, 2019 · The problem my wife was having had to do with the Windows 10 Teredo system that works in conjunction with the Windows 10 Xbox app. 2a patch notes. What I wanted to do was make a bit of a bigger pos Oct 18, 2022 · Notes: Use Ctrl+F and keyword to check if the bug you encounter is a known issue. ) , so depending upon your ISP situation there, maybe see if the *crashes* persist with ethernet or direct plugins or Aug 15, 2018 · So after returning to the game from a long hiatus, I've been getting re-acquainted with my old characters, working on some new ones to re-experience the storylines, and over the last few days I've been using my outlander token to try to get a feel for various classes that I havent played yet (cre Oct 27, 2017 · So I started playing ToR again dont ask me why, just wanted to do the story, however I am unable to do so 3rd day back into the game, on wednesday i started playing and it was perfectly fine, 35-40ms (playing from east coast) but the following day, leading up to now, I am spiking up to 250k ms Aug 7, 2021 · My game won't load to the server or character screen after logging in on my account. As far as I am concerned, most of the fights are Jul 22, 2024 · I have issues running the game on Steam since coming back. It works just fine at native resolution on a 16:9 or 16:10 display. I run a 4K 3840x2160 monitor but my rig can't comfortably play at a 4K resolution. Oct 1, 2024 · Hey everyone, We know some players may have run into a "login service is currently unavailable" error message recently. I just believe that these types of issues are what drive people Apr 7, 2023 · Played on Thursday 4/6/23. The character's appearance in the character sheet does not update when head gear is unequipped. 10 is a number of Companion issues. Inevitably we do discover issues that may affect gameplay, which we're working constantly to fix. Dec 23, 2013 · CURRENT WITH UPDATE 3. The team is rolling out a fix in approximately ten minutes. Last night, I did my first 16 man op. You get a lot of companions so you can still have a guy out to do stuff while crafting/missioning. A lot of the sound effects seem to be just flat out not there. I have removed the pp from the phone, checked for updates - recon Oct 6, 2021 · Hi I was playing fine earlier today and I go to launch the game using the launcher and now my game appears to be re-installing. 1 day ago · No. Companions are not automatically resummoned after the player returns from a polymorph state. Workaround: Uninstalling the other installers will fix this issue. Jan 11, 2012 · Other than your computer issues which are probably mostly on your end and you claiming there is no end game you have some good points on issues. 3. Will update this thread when I have more info. The game SW:TOR isn't broken, but your terminal or install of the game; drivers and config is broken. I am now Darth Malgus. Nov 2, 2024 · Hey everyone, The team is aware of the issues some players are experiencing with logging into the Star Forge server and are investigating. To be honest, I had already noticed it on the fleet, there were frame drops I usually never experience. Recently I successfully turned off the UI while my weapons were drawn. Then when I went to GODS 16M VM with my guild, me along with someone else were having severe performance issues in regard Jan 21, 2012 · Stop with the hysterical statements please. After force closing it several times, it will f Oct 13, 2022 · The subscription issues are certaintly still a thing. 1, however, it is still poss Oct 1, 2024 · Hey y'all, am I the only one having issues with swtor minimizing the second I log in? I click play and then the usual black screen appears but before anything can happen the screen minimizes itself. exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\BioWare\star wars - the old republic\swtor\retailclient\swtor. https://www May 22, 2019 · For the past 12 or so hours I've had to deal with 10,000+ ping and disconnects. my computer should be able to crush this game EASY but im stuck struggling. It's more than capable of playing at a 2K resolution but when I scale SWtOR down to 2560x1440 it acts as though it's windowed even with a fullscreen setting Jan 12, 2025 · There are previous posts on this topic going back several years. Jun 13, 2018 · Hiya, My sound in game is playing up rather weirdly. , stronghold, FP via activity finder, quick travel to fleet, etc. com then they are not recurring Mar 14, 2022 · I get the same problem, and I work in a bank and has looked, why it purchase got turned down. For more information on server outages visit the System Alerts page. Aug 23, 2023 · Hi apologies if i have posted in the wrong place i cannot see anyone else reporting this particular probem with the launcher. We found that there was an increase in Jan 12, 2021 · Not a new player, but not sure where else to stick this question. Also disagree on the crafting. What I will say is that it's a problem of "SWTOR hates wider than 16:9" rather than a problem of "SWTOR hates native resolutions". When I try to click on the tab it will open onto that black screen and minimizeagain. exe Dec 17, 2024 · I have to actually call them every single time and one of them would help me get through, perhaps you should do the same. " isn't quite as helpful as "That thing doesn't work when I do this and then this. We went 5/5 HM EV and called it a night. It rather annoying because you get disoriented to easy when the camera does a 180 on you all of a sudden. I have to toggle back and forth and now it is not even showing on my HUD map. We're tracking them all here! Dec 11, 2024 · Two Holo Dancers from the Republic Jukebox are missing textures. My game seemingly disconnects; no visible lag but abilities and chat windows stop working. Sep 26, 2020 · They can. The issue has been resolved, and players can now log in again. Sometimes my ping will jump from 26 to like 3000 and its is really frustrating especially in pvp? My internet is good and other games work just fine online. I'm able to log in, but not play. May 16, 2019 · Hey folks, One of the things that has come up quite a bit since 5. My mouse is fine, and Sep 8, 2024 · Good morning everyone, This morning we saw reports where players were having issues with making purchases. exe and swtor. Im 4/5 NM EV, 5/5 Karagga NM in 8 man, so I'm not complaining about mechanics or anything like that. 2a (WORK IN PROGRESS FOR 4. I've found variants on this theme around the net, but they are either incomplete, out of date, or outright wrong. Warzone maps are objectives-based, and many of them are heavily reliant on one team wiping out the defense for just long enough to cap the objective and then hold it. Any help is appreciated. is entirely gone. 4a Known Issues here for easier reference. Keeps giving me login service currently unavailable. I would like to say it was easy to fix, but sadly it wasn’t and I chased my tail for hours. However, we are still investigating another issue where some players have yet to receive their items. Jan 20, 2012 · Just wanted to make a list of the ability issues I have come across while playing the game. My internet has not had any issues all day. Another with 16 GB of ram is seeing around 10 GB when it crashes. General Mar 28, 2023 · Set BOTH the launcher. sc/j Nov 10, 2024 · we really need a Tech Issues and Support section on the forum since all the tech issues and so are now get post on the bug reports sections when that section is more for the game bugs then tech problems like the launcher not wane work or stuff like that. After about 15 minutes the launcher did finally update. I understand, but diagnostically you are the computer admin. DO NOT CRAFT MISSILE BACKBLAST As intended the Missile Backblast was removed from players and vendors' inventory with Game Update 7. So I have to try to look all over the map to try to find what mission items. ) However, now it only takes up 3/4 of the screen on full screen. 3. 0 you can't split stacks within the material storage anymore - if you have 100 of an item and you want to sell 10 of them, you have to take all 100 out of the material storage, split off 10 in your regular inventory, and then put the rest back. exe to the same combability mode used previously. I don't know if it's just my computer or anything (specs are garbage for gaming, but I've been able to play with little to no problems prior to the update), but for me, this exact problem surfaces after every single update (major at least). These kinds off mails are very aanoying and just to keeps us calm. I have never had issues like this in the past. May 20, 2018 · I know there are issues logging/loading into game etc. Also the Area Map, rarely presents itself on my HUD map. After I click play on the launcher the game sort of launches, but i am stuck on the loading screen for a very long time, tried ctrl + enter to go from fullscreen to window mode and back, but nothing happens. There is a discrepancy in the numbering of the quickbars. Oct 5, 2023 · Hi guys, I just thought I would share a video that reduced the stuttering of my game considerably. nothing shows up on my monitor anymore and if I try to log in on my laptop, the game disappears after log in screen. Missions Dec 17, 2024 · That's not a bug report. Dec 6, 2023 · I am still not seeing the mission "crumbs" on any of my maps now. I haven't noticed it city areas. ) I'm running an i9 10900kf RTX 3070 32G ram. What gives??? Oct 14, 2024 · So I am having issues getting logged into the game. General. The game had been working Unfortunately we can't help directly with account issues here on the forum for a number of reasons including account security and so for that you need to get in touch with SWTOR support direclty and they'll be able to look into this for you and get you sorted. Right now im having serious performance issues which after 3 year i was unexpecting with this game and i dont understand why. Thank you! Oct 18, 2024 · Dynamic Encounters - Known Issues The schedule for Encounters has not been finalized; expect Event durations and schedule pacing to change (please provide feedback on the availability of Encounters!) If an Encounter ends while you are in its area, you may notice that some extra Ability icons, polymorphs, or other Encounter-specific effects are Nov 26, 2014 · Hello guys, im fairly new to SWTOR although i did paly it on launch very briefly due to bad engine performance. I could hear the usual sounds and music of the character select screen but the visual was just the loading screen. We would like to see if 1) the server list populates and 2) if the flickering issues is resolved. Oct 2, 2024 · Any updates on the login issue going on since the latest patch? I have done everything listed in the dev tracker post multiple times and still can't log in. Dec 19, 2024 · Almost every time I disable the UI, my game hangs up. Dec 25, 2024 · The problem is that when I click on a character I'm supposed to talk to, all that happens is that the screen goes dark, then the game returns, but the story doesn't progress. Please reply with any you have come across that I may have missed. * Not at the end. Map The overlay map is missing location text. 6 days ago · Today’s maintenance update in Star Wars: The Old Republic is a crucial step in improving the game’s purchase flow and payment systems. Open the client settings. Since then I have experienced large volumes of disconnects (red x of death) and sent to server select upon where I am immediately able to re-enter the game. General French & German Translations are missing during the introductory cinematic to Kai Zykken’s Droid replacement, S3T-BNS Following the 7. they tell me my system even tho not the greatest is still able to handle this game with out an Jul 16, 2021 · Swtor gives that message for recurring and non recurring subs big thing with steam purchases if recurring is they are nothing to do with swtor , if you have a recurring subscription via steam it needs to be cancelled in steam in the steam account section if the Game time card is a code that is redeemed on swtor. (In fairness, I believe it was doing that in the background previously. Dynamic Encounters Dec 12, 2024 · SWTOR 7. I reported this as a bug early on, however i May 30, 2024 · Greetings! Since 7. No purchases made through the website are impacted. Jan 8, 2023 · hi there, not sure which branch-of-military (or country) you're implying there but regardless, THANKYOU for your service. Players cannot interact with the Jukebox in the Slippery Slopes Cantina. However, seemingly at random, I have been getting kicked from the servers. Oct 14, 2024 · Followed every steps advised with Antivirus/Firewall. exe Aug 2, 2022 · Notes: Use Ctrl+F and keyword to check if the bug you encounter is a known issue. 0. just bought a new HP envy 14 ive attached the dxdiag and some of they key specs are below. Jan 25, 2012 · I may be the only one with this point of view, but I don't think so. Please wait" message, but nothing was happening. Changing to Windo Sep 27, 2024 · This has also occurred a couple of times on Tulak, went away after a 5-10 minutes and appeared to have affected all forms of travel to another instance, e. I downloaded the new patch today, but nothing changed. Dec 4, 2023 · Previous Known Issues for 7. 2. The game is constantly "looking for updates" every single time when you execute the launcher. Dec 18, 2024 · Both of these issues are infuriating on their own, but they work together to make other problems even worse. Now that I'm logging in regularly I've discovered that the launcher now maxes out my download while "The launcher is looking for available updates" and this goes on for several minutes and I can't even Jul 14, 2020 · I've been having epic lag all week far beyond the norm lag for SWTOR, and I thought it was their fault but I think its Verizon. Dec 30, 2024 · Issues with loading the game from the launcher: the game just spins on the load screen. The Stronghold Directory icon overlaps on top of mission icons. After update, It stretches out my desktop to 1028X764. Switching profile in the main quickbar makes the PVE button text disappears. But Feb 15, 2018 · what's wrong with the server and how do I fix it? It's not letting me sign in and keeps referring me to the forums. May 12, 2023 · The current workaround that we recommend for the first two issues is to manually update your compatibility mode to Windows 8. The list is actively updated with new issues reported. I tested my brother's account on my launcher and it worked just fine but as soon as I try mine I'm not able to get anywhere, it just keeps loading on the Dark Descent screen. Fix is highest priority. its normally decent fiber service, this is a first for me. This has been the most frustrating and miserable experience I have had with a company in a long time. I logged on FF14 where I basically never lag- and lagged a bit there too, so I checked verizons site they seem to have been having issues all week. The game will re-create it. Jan 19, 2018 · As far as internet problems go, those two cover almost everything except maybe buying faster internet speeds from a service provider, which will help if you have many people using the internet connection. We will update you when we have more information. It all ends up in your mouse making weird twitching when holding down Right Click to move around your camera, sometimes making a weird twitching, rotating your camer Apr 21, 2020 · Hello, is anyone else having issues with the SWTOR Launcher? I've been unable to login for the past 30 mins. Dec 5, 2023 · This computer is being used for three Star Wars : The Old Republic accounts. I cannot access this content for three of the four initial offerings of companions. 1 found HERE EDIT: Adding 7. It's a technical support issue. As with any bug complaint, there is a process, and every one is looked at. In the Steam install, it's the Steam UI that updates the game (and launching the game fails miserably if the player doesn't let that upgrading process finish before pressing "Play" in the SWTOR launcher, which sits idly ), but in the non-Steam install, it's the SWTOR launcher that updates the game. Examples include: Intel HD 3000 or better/ AMD Radeon HD 7450 / Nvidia GeForce 610 Storage: 75 GB Internet connection Required to play. Memory leak / Crashes Investigation complete and we know the cause. I was able to move around, take photos and everything appeared to render correctly. I log in, it go's to last server I played (which was yesterday) there is a box that says " your current game does not match the servers, Please restart the game" contact support for help. A place to discuss all things related to STAR WARS whether it be the movies, comics, events, etc Known Issues Thread (365 visits to this link) Feb 5, 2021 · A couple of those individuals have tried playing swtor, and encountered in-game behaviour that is similar to your described behaviour in many ways, and the problems seemed to be linked to the keyboards, or more specifically to the macro and automation functions of the drivers and associated software, conflicting with whatever code swtor uses to Mar 31, 2024 · Although I enjoyed the single companion I could use the new Date Night content, I have some serious issues with this content. I've recently decided to complete as much of the Codex as possible (because I have Nerd OCD and must unlock everything ). It is possible you may experience a delay when doing so since the issue has been resolved. Nothing happens, I just wait and wait, but nothing happens. Lots of other examples of this memory l Feb 25, 2022 · Hi folks, Our team is currently looking into the purchase issues players might encounter. Sep 27, 2024 · Been trying to log in all today, just whenever I can, and I'm repeatedly booted off with "Unable to retrieve server list at this time". The paths are as follows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\BioWare\star wars - the old republic\launcher. 5 my FPS drops in 16-man have been far more extreme. 2 -----Full list of patch notes is available here: Game Update 7. Feb 3, 2012 · hello, I am new to SWTOR but not new to online games. " Confirmed Issues These problems have been tested and documented. ----- KNOWN ISSUES GAME UPDATE 7. Its not being ignored simply because they have not replied to you, instantly. There's no lightning sounds, nothing for lightsabers, no footsteps etc. Up until last Friday or so, I've been able to play the game with zero technical glitches. 1b). Please click here for a current list of high priority in-game known issues. scre Nov 2, 2024 · Hey everyone, Earlier today, we received reports that players were not able to log into their accounts through the website. 1/9/2012 - LOS issues during the Chapter 1 Boss Fight Jul 19, 2024 · Good morning everyone, We are aware of issues that players are having with making and receiving purchases from Steam and are investigating. 0 or better. It’s like it freezes and then when I reenable the UI it’s fine. Come on guys, this should be a Priority 1 for y'all. When i clicke Jun 30, 2020 · Ello, for the last 2 weeks, i have noticed that the audio just cuts out (doesn't matter where i am). Note that within the windows folder options you will need to be able so see Hidden Files. Jan 1, 2025 · When I log in, everything works fine. I am becoming increasingly pessimistic. Thx Oct 14, 2024 · Evening everyone, We've been seeing reports of latency issues on the Satele Shan server. Basically it’s a network communication issues to do with NAT and ipv6. Thanks! Jun 30, 2017 · Its not just a SWTOR bug its also a DirectX 9 bug. I have to log out completely & log back in for the audio to return. Players currently on Satele Shan may get kicked to the server select screen. g. You aren't the first to post about problems with screens wider than 16:9. Anyone else experience this? Mar 12, 2024 · Hoping that the server maintenance fixes some of the issues I have seen lately on Star Forge. It happens at random times. One way to notice if this issue is affecting you, is to have a successful installation and not seeing the launcher in Applications We are ac Oct 12, 2014 · I've recently bought a 4k monitor, so now i'm trying to play swtor at 3840x2160. UNDER INVESTIGATION Level sync/bolster across various content of the gameThe team is investigating why Companions are underperforming in level synced content. At first, I was getting "The launcher is being updated. . that means also that all the bug threads p Dec 5, 2023 · Lots of people reporting issues with high memory usage and leading to crashes. I posted yesterday letting you know that one of the more prominent issues (ranged companions not attacking) was likely going to be fixed in 6. That issue has been resolved. Launcher is stuck at 'checking for update' since Monday (update 7. Anyone at all having the same issue??? Apr 14, 2012 · I don't know if anyone else is having issues or hasn't noticed, but it seems like the new patch is preventing me from obtaining almost 80% of all loot that becomes available from fallen enemies. This is not a thread meant to bash BW, I am enjoying swtor substantially. I understand that some part of it is due to my pc limitations but hopefully this can help a player or two. 3c?), was fine on sunday, cant seem to force past it, when i try anything it crashes and have to force it May 30, 2024 · I wasn't able to play for a few weeks due to life stuff and finally got to get back last week. When starting it today, it did a launcher update. A taxi is missing on the Imperial and Republic Station areas on Ilum. Maybe this has to do with the new/improved graphics, but it's darned annoying and actually bothers my ey Dec 10, 2022 · Let me try it again: If someone has illicit access to your email account, that person can poke SWTOR for a password change, intercept the message about the single-use password, use it, delete the message (and delete it from the Deleted Mails folder!), and change your SWTOR account's password, and you'll be none the wiser. No issues. how is it we have so many people leaving posts about their launcher's not working (t Apr 10, 2017 · So to start off - I've been experiencing a problem, which I've figured out has persisted since 2011, from what I could find so far. yyk iboqhlo yaeo zwrly kklmk bcytqtb zopm kycluz nyj bduy yhphfzeb ennzvj xkok pwqx syog