Run script as root on startup centos. chmod 0754 my_script.
Run script as root on startup centos Just like normal Bash scripts, your startup script can execute any terminal commands you specify. And if you want to stop it from running at every boot you can disable it: sudo systemctl disable run_amazing Aug 30, 2012 · I want to execute a script every time my server start up. Dec 16, 2011 · # gcc wrapper. local once all system processes have started. I'm writing a shell script where most commands don't require root privileges. local is executable), so your command will run when the server starts up. local. Feb 16, 2017 · Add a cron job to root's cron table. Older Versions. js version, be sure to update the PM2 startup script, so it runs the latest Node. target Dec 14, 2013 · So, I had to edit my script to have a cd to my scripts folder. d folder and run (as root): # chkconfig --add <script_name> # chkconfig <script_name> on A symbolic link for the file should be OK too. bash_profile runs when your user logs in, . service start waiting 220 systemd-update-utmp Nov 11, 2011 · In macOS this can occur if a com. What do I need to change? My sudoers file is like this: # User privilege specification root ALL=(ALL) ALL igx A Jul 20, 2015 · I 'm trying to run a phpscript on startup of centos7. If you need it to actually be handled as a service though, the best way to do that will depend on whether you're using CentOS 7 or 5/6. This comes in handy in plenty of situations, such as if we want to start a server application automatically. sh, then make sure it is executable, e. d folder, But without any luck. c under step 4 . Oct 27, 2014 · • Now you may start/stop/restart/get the status of your Daemon via: restart: this will stop, then start a service. sh; chown root. local file. . d with executable permission and symlink name should start with K##. from apache's crontab) because other parts of the script do require root -- it's just that one command that needs to run as apache. sh does not work Apr 20, 2021 · I need to run a script with root privileges, but python3 has different behaviours: In ubuntu I get: /ubuntu/server$ sudo python3 [sudo] password for myuser: Python 3. quarantine flag exists. sudo service Jan 26, 2017 · It's my understanding that, to run a cron job as root, you must edit crontab as root ("sudo crontab -e"). txt file located in the /root/ directory. /my-cool-script (or . service $ sudo cat /root/disk_space_report. Adding this to the top of a script will preface it with sudo and ensure it'll always run as root, allowing us to run our script as . sh, you need to run . So try (as root): See full list on golinuxcloud. d <my_scrpit> defaults. py stop python myscript. For users who login, you can drop your own script into /etc/profile. I believe CentOS 7 and above uses systemd. I try to change to xxx user01. sudo -u USERNAME whoami # outputs USERNAME's user name or start a subshell and run your commands in it, e. Can anyone help?(if it demands a cronjob, i haven't configured one before, so i would be glad if you could write how to do it) (Running Centos) Jul 30, 2016 · Unless you need the script to run as root, change the owner and group to your owner and group, e. Most likely it is not 2, so your scripts in rc2. service start running 236 vdo. sh" -s /bin/sh Bob' from the command line while under root user, the script runs fine and everything finishes up all good. bashrc, assuming the script is executable: echo '/path/to/whiptail. Here’s how to do it: Step 1: Create Your Script. Jun 1, 2017 · This file is a script that is run on every boot (and make sure rc. sh: Permission denied Here are the containing folder permissions: Sep 12, 2013 · I want to set a script that will only run one time on a Centos 6. /printdate. But later i got to know that, anything that is Jul 27, 2024 · [root@centos-8 ~]# cat /opt/golinuxcloud/file startup_script. chmod ugo+x /etc/init. service start running 231 network-online. python myscript. This would minimize the number of operations done with root privileges and would improve security. sh is #!/bin/bash cd /home/mb/Desktop/Voip gulp my Executing Commands and Scripts at Reboot & Startup in Centos 7 is. You will have to modify sudoers to allow this user or a group (that the user is a part of) to execute the command. Then when we run the enable boot-start command again, the file is re-created, without our edits. If that is the case for your system, try the following: Place the script commands you wish to run in /usr/bin/myscript. d/S##rc. d will not run. If you don't need to the option to easily change what commands that will be executed I'd recommend you to write the commands directly in wrapper. sh script and run them all in separate terminals? I already have /root/A. So I added the line "@boot /etc/trial. Verified that the job is running at the intended time; Added an echo command to the script to log the start and end times to a file. First, create the script you want to run. d myscript defaults I'm writing a shell script where most commands don't require root privileges. How to run script at startup with crontab and cron job. Using CentOs, I want to run a script as user 'training' as a system service. Running any script as root is a security risk, but a slightly safer method would be to grant the jenkins user sudo access to only run the one script, without needing a password. I would like the following command to run: su user2 -C script. Feb 26, 2016 · Stack Exchange Network. Here’s how to configure Docker to run containers as a non-root user: 1. If it is compiled, you can "chmod 4755" and set the owner of the file to root, and it will Aug 18, 2016 · So you can just add the script at the end of the root's . For example, here‘s one that prints date/time stamps to a log file: Test that the scripts work when running manually first. sh and chmod 0755 script. d/munin file: Oct 2, 2016 · tell systemd to run the service with sudo? sudo has nothing to with it. I see that I need a script that contains start-stop cases. target start waiting 243 libvirtd. Jan 30, 2016 · sudo pm2 start index. Mar 12, 2014 · Has any one script for autostart python script after reboot (centos). /hello. sudo su user01 /etc/init. script. target [Service] Type=forking User=root ExecStart Dec 27, 2008 · Services default to starting as root at boot time on my RHEL box. log Oct 19, 2012 · On an Amazon S3 Linux instance, I have two scripts called start_my_app and stop_my_app which start and stop forever (which in turn runs my Node. However, this script can only be run under user1 in my application. I'm starting about 10 programs each in their own terminal, and each requires sudo. Sep 27, 2024 · To run a script at boot, you can create a custom systemd service unit. What do you think is the best way to instead have the processes run as a (static) user of my choosing? The only method I'd arrived at was to use something like: Sep 15, 2013 · Note that the current directory isn't in PATH, so you can't execute a file script. Oct 9, 2019 · Create a systemd unit file in /etc/systemd/system/ and use it to execute your script. But later i got to know that, anything that is Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Feb 26, 2017 · I would suggest against running the jenkins user as root. d/svnserve and customise it as May 14, 2024 · $ sudo systemctl start disk-space-check. The issue with the setuid bit is that it needs to be a compiled program. sh' >>/root/. local -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 419 2010-08-27 11:26 /etc/rc. d scripts are running as root. sh scripts from one . You can use sudo -i for that: $ sudo -i # command 1 # command 2 # exit Instead of sudo -i, you can use sudo -s. d, check permissions and ownership of the script, create a symbolic link in /etc/rc3. The S means start the service. Of course the solution shouldn't prompt for a password. sudo chown youruser:yourgoup my_script. Currently systemd process looks like below [Unit] Description=custom Service After=network. Script started will K will be executed first based on ascending order then script with S. jar If I do: 'su -c "path/to/script. sh) in /root/bin for instance, default ownership should be root:root; even adjust permissions to chmod 740; then visudo as in the answer, adjusting the filename to /root/bin/create_dir. Dec 4, 2024 · The Ookla Server Daemon can easily be configured to start automatically. You would Jul 27, 2024 · Lastly I hope the steps from the article to run script with systemd at shutdown only and not at reboot on CentOS/RHEL 7/8 Linux was helpful. pm2 start 'http-server' /var/www -p 80 sudo pm2 startup pm2 save OR. sh" to my existing crontab. Apr 8, 2016 · The above might be more information than you need, because all I need to know how to do is have a script run on the very first startup. But I have a problem to make it and neither how to put this script to startup. sh # to see the list of Jan 4, 2019 · Run a command as root on startup. sh: COMPLETELY FINISHED Lastly I hope the steps from the article to run systemd service as specific user and group in CentOS/RHEL 7/8 Linux was helpful. Ensure /etc/rc. Jul 27, 2024 · How to call a script or execute command at Linux startup once the login prompt is visible in Linux. If so, will the machine grant it root rights to the startup applications list to run said script? B) Within 'Startup applications' have the machine run '. install [--root] Install the distribuiton and do not launch the shell when complete. you can add it to the root crontab, as suggested; you can use sudo, as suggested; you can use the setuid bit. Meaning that not only can you run normal shell commands, but you can also execute the built-ins for whatever shell you're using. /myscript'. When you upgrade the local Node. They run as root except where specified otherwise. (i. May 8, 2018 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have I would recommend installing your node. i have tried using using crontab but it runs only at boot not at every login. It allows you start/stop/restart the script using the following commands. The number in that line is the default runlevel. --root Do not create a user account and leave the default user set to root. 1 root webdev 172 Jul 24 15:30 printdate. bashrc runs whenever a terminal is opened. #!/bin/bash echo "Script executed at $(date)" >> /var/log/myscript. d rather than cron. crontab -e Then, add the cron command. May 7, 2013 · I use this code to daemonize my applications. My debug steps were. The script installs a bunch of custom software. If root is the only thing that fixes a segfault, then the program has a bug. . d so that the server will be started on startup and properly shut down, should the server need to reboot or power off. #!/bin/sh /path/to/my/script. If the command doesn‘t need to run as root, use su username -c /path/to/script instead. Along the way I discovered that some characters (such as >) are not accepted in this file so you may need to create a shell script even for a simple command, and run that shell script instead. hello-world. For systemd, enable execution logging with -x to troubleshoot startup issues. Here's part of my CentOS box's /etc/cron. It need to work and run automatically after a reboot. sudo visudo Feb 14, 2015 · to address the insecure aspect, you could create the script file (create_dir. If you want to execute your script at first place immediately after shut down then name it with K00scriptname. Copy it to /etc/init. If that script needs to run as root, sudo must be used to manually run it. How could I do that? Nov 17, 2020 · Let’s assume that in addition to root, there are user annie and user dave in our system as well. I added this line in /etc/rc. Then, while logged in as annie, we create a script annie-script. crontab -e. (pick one) # type the name of the script with the full path > /path/to/script. If no command line is provided, the default shell is launched. Scripts which run on startup are not said to be a script — if you want the script to be executed at startup, change the following in /etc/crontab: @reboot /path/to/script Dec 16, 2021 · This article explains how to run a command or script at startup / boot as root on Linux, in two ways: using systemd or a cron job. sh) which is going to run at 23:55pm Nov 20, 2017 · If you start your script with root permissions but need to run certain commands as a specific non-root user you can use sudo with the -u option to either run a single command with e. local/. d script to ensure that the commands are being run as the appropriate non-root user. service. run script on Systemctl is protected from non-privileged users. A shell script is exactly that, a shell script. May 14, 2015 · See What is the difference between running “bash script. Now that we‘ve covered rc. bash_profile. plink root@MachineB -m local_script. You can schedule jobs to run every time the system starts up. Start by creating a new user (if you don’t want to use an existing user). target StartLimitIntervalSec=0 [Service] Type=simple Restart=no RemainAfterExit=yes User=root ExecStart=/bin/echo hello world ExecStop=/bin/echo goodby world [Install] WantedBy=multi-user. The scripts are located under the /etc/init. pm2 start 'which http-server' /var/www -p 80 To start it on your HTTP Port. sudo service TheNameOfYourDaemonstart start stop: this will stop a service, if it's running. d/skeleton which is a basic framework for making an init script for starting a service. Nov 1, 2013 · A more robust solution to this would be to create a script to be added to init. May 6, 2023 · To run script at startup Linux or command, you can use 7 different methods: running a script or command as root is simpler. So, let me know your suggestions and feedback using the comment section. d directory that matches the number on the initdefault line. Check the log: sudo journalctl -u run_amazing_script. quarantine *script_path* to remove the quarantine flag. The "proper" way is to use the init system. The script should be ran by the administrator. Remember to make the script executable with chmod +x. The number is used to sort the service start order from 01 (high priority script) to 99 (last priority script). Oct 26, 2012 · When I just want to run the rsync by hand, I can use "sudo -u apache rsync " But sudo no workie in cron -- it says "sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo". sh or . i'm working on a CentOS server. Set those to root (or remove them, as running as root is the default). d script apparently. This is run at the end of the system boot. Within myscript have each of the commands prefixed by 'sudo'? I have script. After running the service, check the contents of the disk space report by viewing the disk_space_report. May 13, 2013 · I'm currently trying to launch a perl script that is supposed to run all the time on startup. Next May 29, 2012 · I have a script which I want to run just after user log-in authentication. Sep 19, 2013 · Place your shell script in /etc/init. 04 is based on Systemd hence the simplest and recommended way to run a script on startup is to create a Systemd service file and execute any script such as bash, python etc, via this service during the system boot. But when I have it run at first boot, some inner scripts seem to be run as root. x box and then never run again, since it's going to set some system options based on hardware and then it's all set. 6. They are also called rc (run command) scripts. service). d/script start This doesn't work however. sh to run the script commands in your current interactive shell. a user calles apache who execute the apache httpd); after you just give that user the read and execute access to the script. sh" if owned by Aug 19, 2015 · In System V, an init script is a shell script. update-rc. I also want this to be very restrictive, as in user1 can only run script. com Jan 15, 2025 · In this quick tutorial, we’ll explore different options for executing a script on startup in Linux. sh Make it executable. run <command line> Run the provided command line in the current working directory. local, you may be wondering… Nov 10, 2019 · Edit the init. Let’s create a task that executes a shell script as root on start-up: If you need to run several commands as root, prefix each of them with sudo. Anyone can say me how can I add it? The script must run a simply command that run a jar file: java -jar FileName. My solution was to put the entire contents of script (both the part that needs to be run by root, and the part that needs to be run as "other_user") in an if/elif block: install [--root] Install the distribuiton and do not launch the shell when complete. [Unit] Description=Hello world After=sysinit. I used the script from the initial questions without modifications. Tell the system the location of the script. Dec 27, 2017 · You have one issue that is not a problem that profile. bashrc i. I have tried to copy it inside the init. Adding it to any runlevel will have it execute every time it starts up at that runlevel. To accomplish this, I added the script name in /etc/rc5. What I want to do is to set this script as an OS service that start/stops at a This is why it's good practice to do most of your activities as a normal user, and use root only when needed, like when you're installing a program. I also tried the suggested changes to "rc. Say I want to disable boot-start. py start python myscript. Jan 10, 2010 · Simply watches over your application (start, restart, log, monitor, etc). I use daemontools to monitor the process, which needs a launcher script that is run as root and has no tty standard in. a generic script to make sure that your appliation remains running properly. Then you can execute your script. Intentionally it uses process name instread of pid/lock file to prevent all its side effects and keep the script as simple and as stirghforward as possible, so it always works even when May 25, 2011 · Normally the web-server you run to access your CGI script should be run on a system user ad not under root (e. js application. That should make it a bit easier to control the startup action by using the Windows Services snapin rather than having to add or remove batch files in the Startup folder. Sep 29, 2015 · Read, copy and install run-as, a Bash and a Python script which wrap up usage of machinectl, xhost and of managing running dbus and setting variables to run a graphical application for you: run-as <user> <command> Updating startup script after Node. In many cases, you can simply run source script. Check the output in /var/log/rc. root is the with the former, you only ensure that the user can execute the script, while the latter makes sure that everybody can execute it and only the root user can modify it. apple. sh under user2 and nothing else. sh . {hourly,daily,weekly,monthly}. sh -bash: . Put your script in the rcN. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 1 month ago. my script. No luck. This deletes the init. js application). 9 (default, Oct 8 2020, 12: For running at boot time, you can use /etc/rc. The numbers represent different runlevels. sh If Machine A is a Unix-based system, you can use: ssh root@MachineB 'bash -s' < local_script. Cron jobs are tasks that run on a schedule. Really terrible bugs could result otherwise, as variables from one script execution, if done via sourcing, could affect another $ docker run --name nginx bitnami/nginx:latest More info; To verify it is not running as root but as your standard user (belonging to the docker group): $ docker exec -it nginx id uid=1**8 gid=0(root) groups=0(root) And to verify that Nginx isn't listening to a root-restricted port 443 even internally: Nov 28, 2023 · I had a similar need as the OP, I had a good sized shell script that needs to be run as root, but a good portion of which I need to have run as another user. In the other side, if inside your script is using the word "sudo" you may remove this because is not needed in profile. There's a file called /etc/init. sh # execute the script from the directory it is in > . : The Ubuntu 22. sh (unless the current directory is in the PATH, eg you can run ls while in the /bin dir). js app as a Windows service, and then set the service to run at startup. Dec 12, 2012 · (Obviously it doesn't have to be called "myscript". js OR. Jun 7, 2016 · Actually i want to run my shell script at every time when a user login as well as at boot. target start waiting 129 multi-user. sh in the current directory by running script. bashrc such as alias Nov 23, 2011 · After determining the command I needed to run (the xinput command shown) I simply created the following file, logged out and logged in again, and it ran. sh in /home/annie: Mar 28, 2013 · I need to put a startup script to my CentOS6 server. local". Typically you instruct systemd to run a service as a specific user/group with a User= and Group= directive in the [Service] section of the unit file. The issue is it runs all of these in the same terminal at the same time, and without the &'s, it runs them when the previous one is finished running, how can I make them all startup at the same time in separate terminals? Feb 13, 2018 · i have nodejs App i want run script at startup centos. js version upgrade. sh that must be run as user2. The number will probably be 3 or 5, but might be 2 or 4. local The fastest way to get it going would be to add the startup command to /etc/rc. local which runs as root and has access to everything. We could slightly modify your script thusly to have all the commands run as if in the home directory of whatever user runs this script. txt Execute the service manually using the systemctl start command. If this script you will run it manually too, then you need to add sudo in cli before your script to work well in both scenarios. For example, let’s create a simple script that logs the current date and time to a file. Perhaps just run the script you mentioned. I tryed this code, but it is not working #! /bin/sh # chkconfig: 2345 95 20 # description: almagest # What your script does ( Yes this is exactly what I want to do: "run the graphical Terminal application as your normal user, and start a root shell inside it " I want to run one application as if it was preceded with sudo. You may not even need to start a new Bash process. It is not always necessary to start PM2 as root. First disable and remove the current startup configuration (copy/paste the output of that command): $ Jan 16, 2017 · I'm trying to make a Python script run as a service. d directory. So far so good. bashrc such as alias Oct 12, 2012 · I have a script which I want to run just after user log-in authentication. This could expose the operating system and all of the repo's which jenkins can build. g. d and do what you want from there. d . Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. js binary you have installed. Mar 18, 2024 · If we want to run commands as root, we should run the crontab command as root, which will create another crontab file for the root user. sh: finished minute 1 startup_script. sh [root@boxen test3]# . For older versions of CentOS, Fedora, Debian, and most distributions derived from any of the three, all execute a script called rc. @reboot /path/to/your/program Where /path/to/your/program is your desired script/command. Of course, sudo will still ask for a password, but the accepted answer will help avoid that. d/rc. sudo adduser dockeruser Jun 20, 2018 · place your script in /etc/init. I ask this because this makes maintenance a bit more tricky. sudo service TheNameOfYourDaemonrestart restart start: this will start a service, if it's not running. sh: finished minute 2 startup_script. bashrc /path/to/script. My problem: I also want to set it up such that start_my_app is run Jul 27, 2024 · [root@centos-8 ~]# cat /tmp/file JOB UNIT TYPE STATE 259 tuned. This way, when init. Feb 17, 2014 · sudo systemctl start run_amazing_script. So I thought it should work fine. You shouldn't need to use root to get rid of a segmentation fault. I had already changed crontab to run a backup weekly (that needs to run as root) and it works. A few answers have been given, but it appears that the best method is to use is: id -u If run as root, this command will return an id of 0. sh & /root/C. Jul 30, 2016 · Unless you need the script to run as root, change the owner and group to your owner and group, e. The problem is that I need to be a certain user to execute the script, if I try to do it as root it cant find certain packages (such as ruby). Sep 7, 2013 · How can I run multiple . Aug 18, 2020 · Can you run your script manually; if not, it's a problem with that script, otherwise look more at rc. d myscript defaults Dec 27, 2023 · Here is how to configure cron startup scripts: Step 1: Write Your Startup Script. Sep 19, 2011 · Setup run codes for the script using the following command sudo update-rc. chmod 0754 my_script. If it is compiled, you can "chmod 4755" and set the owner of the file to root, and it will Mar 29, 2017 · I need to run a shell script in Jenkins as root instead of the default user. Sourcing should not be used unless you want to explicitly modify the shell session by setting environment vars, changing the directory, etc. d starts up the services at boot time as root, the script launches the process as the non-root user I specify. No matter what, you will need to have access to the root user account. Check THIS. d/myscript Configure the init system to run this script at startup. Within the /etc directory, there are a number of rc directories, each with a number in its name. service start running 232 NetworkManager-wait-online. sh”? for more info. Here is the script where you have to put your script name(eg:- youscript. e. This step ensures that Docker containers are managed by an individual with limited access to the system. sh. Sometimes, it is more convenient to run an interactive shell as root. Another way of doing this is to write a script and run it in the backgroud. gnome-terminal & To run your script when a gnome-terminal opens, add the following line to the end of ~/. sh but be able to run without password. service start waiting 230 rpc-statd-notify. But I would like to be able to "su" to a normal user account for the parts of the scripts that don't require root privileges. Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Feb 26, 2017 · I would suggest against running the jenkins user as root. Verified that my script run independent of cron job; Checked /var/log/cron to see if the cron jobs are running. – Mar 9, 2018 · A: To "execute this script" from the terminal on a Unix/Linux type system, you have to do three things: 1. how to add startup scripts in redhat linux 7. sh; you could even make an alias in your (non-root user) ~/. d to the script with the following name S99scriptmame. This appears to be more reliable than the other methods, and it seems that it return an id of 0 even if the script is run through sudo. Then run a xattred -d com. Jan 6, 2025 · Steps to Run Docker Containers as a Non-Root User. These scripts are symlinked to the /etc/rc directories. When I attempt to run a bash script as root, I get permission denied: [root@boxen test3]# ll -rwxr-xr-x. sh” and “. May 27, 2019 · Assign new cron task, add @reboot parameter to your script/command make it executed once on bootup. Jan 1, 2013 · A) Within 'Startup applications' have the machine run 'sudo . Sourcing a script doesn't use the PATH, and just searches for the path. If you are happy with the run, enable it to make it run upon every boot: sudo systemctl enable run_amazing_script. sh # place the script in a directory that is on the PATH > script. sh & /root/B. I hate to contradict, but I fear that geekosaur isn't quite right. log for any errors. Once this script is set in run codes, upon restarting, root run the script and will pass start/stop to the script as $1, depending on the status of the run mode. /root/. Also, I always put -i 0 at the end - this starts up as many worker processes as you have cores. sh" if owned by source . /script. (or simply call it with bash to begin with bash my_script. py restart If Machine A is a Windows box, you can use Plink (part of PuTTY) with the -m parameter, and it will execute the local script on the remote server. If I recall correctly, the same is true for other Linux distros which use the init scripts in /etc/init. Note that this does not required root access Jul 2, 2013 · @Sonny: the difference between chmod u+x script. c -o php_root # chown root php_root # chmod u=rwx,go=xr,+s php_root php_root will now run with root permissions, and execute the commands specified in php_shell. If you see a @ suffix on the permissions after running a ls -l on the script's path, execute ls -l@ *script_path* to confirm. If the teamcity start script is a LSB-compliant init script (that is, if it provides start, stop and other arguments), you can just copy the script to /etc/init. How to execute script with systemd at startup once all the systemd services are loaded in RHEL/CentOS 7/8 Linux with examples. sh (or su -c "bash my_script. d. ) In this script, do whatever you want to do. I think this is the normal/correct procedure when deploying applications. Add the following line in your crontab:-55 23 * * * /path/to/yourscript. Aug 19, 2011 · I would like to run a program as a non root user from a script. I use these scripts to manually start and stop my Node. sh You shouldn't have to copy the script to the remote server to I was curious how's the situation with this today (6 years after original post) so I've created three VM's with CentOS 6,7 & 8 and put the startup script in place. bashrc Now the script will be always run when root opens a new interactive shell. Debian, CentOS, Fedora. so please tell me how to do this. To open a terminal on startup, add the following line to the end of ~/. local and the script won't start wh Sep 29, 2015 · Read, copy and install run-as, a Bash and a Python script which wrap up usage of machinectl, xhost and of managing running dbus and setting variables to run a graphical application for you: run-as <user> <command> May 13, 2020 · I am trying to put a python script on a VPS running CentOS 7, that crawls some stock data online from a web service. Oct 21, 2010 · Second if the script holds the user "ubuntu", then use below command . Can you create a systemd service to run a bash script containing the command: Oct 2, 2013 · This is why it's good practice to do most of your activities as a normal user, and use root only when needed, like when you're installing a program. You can verify this by running ls -l script. local, and the script it call, is executable: ls -l /etc/rc. sh: finished minute 3 startup_script. Mar 14, 2011 · Kyle, note that if you want to run a script regularly as a non-root user, the following may be helpful; just do it through cron. Be aware that the boot up will stop and wait for whatever you run in there so you might want to run it as a background task. crontab -e @reboot sh /home/mb/Desktop/script. Create a New User. I don't want to run the whole script as apache (i. Same result. /my-cool-script) will pollute the current shell session with any variables defined in the script. djmbvh krbej paqy oqe kqqkdo aes iejpck dmklr fnvbw qrxbreo esmcl caxewa trvg luh nmws