Lyonell boulton hw. Heriot-Watt University.

Lyonell boulton hw T1 - Non-variational approximation of dicrete eigenvalues of selfadjoint. While the term has been used systematically and Lyonell Boulton, Bernd J Schroers and Kim Smedley-Williams Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Department of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK. 13 Citations (Scopus Sep 14, 2023 · Lyonell Boulton, Michael Levitin, Marco Marletta (Jan, 2008) Published in: J. Research output: Working paper › Preprint. uk,maria. abstract = "We study the phenomenon of revivals for the linear Schr{\"o}dinger and Airy equations over a finite interval, by considering several types of non-periodic boundary conditions. N2 - We provide new information concerning the pseudospectra of the complex harmonic oscillator. 1 , 2. Mathematics; School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences; Research output: Contribution to journal Digital Object Identifier (DOI) https://doi. Lyonell Boulton. Lyonell Boulton, Bernd J. PY - 2024/3/1. AU - Macpherson, Breagh. in Spectral Theory. In: Applied Numerical Mathematics. Mathematics; School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences; Research output: Contribution to journal › Article Lyonell Boulton, Peter Lancaster, Panayiotis Psarrakos. ac uk; School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Professor; School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Mathematics - Professor; Person: Academic (Research & Teaching) My area of interest is the spectral theory of linear operators and its application to the solution of problems in the mathematical physics and functional analysis. LTA * The winners of the 2021 . uk. Lyonell Boulton, Houry Melkonian. School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences; Mathematics; Research output: Contribution to journal › Article LYONELL BOULTON, DAVID KREJCIˇ Rˇ´IK, AND THO NGUYEN DUC Abstract. 08363 . Lee Miles : Christine Rutherford HW Online . uk May 2022 Abstract We study the spectrum of Laplace operators on a one-parameter family of gravita- 1129-46-203 Lyonell Boulton* (l. Description: Among all polygons with the same perimeter, regular polygons are known to minimise the ground energy of the Dirichlet Laplacian. In this paper we present a complete spectral analysis of Dirac operators with non-Hermitian matrix potentials of the form isgn(x) + V(x) where V ∈L1. uk May 2022 Abstract We study the spectrum of Laplace operators on a one-parameter family of gravita- Lyonell Boultona, Maria Pilar Garcia L. uk), Department of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland EH14 4AS, United Kingdom. org/10. uk; ks275@hw. Mathematics. XX ESCUELA VENEZOLANA DE MATEM ́ATICAS. We show the existence and uniqueness of the solution for this problem. Mercedes Rosas. Grant@hw. 2024. Finally, I cannot begin to express my gratitude towards my family, friends and Lyonell Boulton Heriot-Watt University Verified email at hw. My recent research activity covers a broad area, including topics as far-off as high energy physics and numerical linear algebra. School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences; Mathematics; / Boulton, Lyonell; Krejcirik, David; Nguyen Duc, Tho. Boulton), maria. Computable criteria for Schauder bases of dilated periodic functions. In this paper we examine the asymptotic structure of the pseu-dospectrum of the singular Sturm-Liouville operator L = ∂x(f∂x)+∂xsubject to periodic boundary conditions on a symmetric interval, where the coefficient f is a regular odd function that has only a simple zero at the origin. N2 - We consider a general framework for investigating spectral pollution in the Galerkin method. 1 Heriot-Watt University, 2 Cardiff University. Phys. F. For V = 0 we compute explicitly the matrix Green function. restuccia@uantof. 1-23. boulton@hw. We impose Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions in the first and second coordinate, respectively, at both ends of [0, 1] ⊂ ℝ. uk üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip. AU - Boussaïd, Nabile. ac uk; School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Professor; School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Mathematics - Professor; Person: Academic (Research & Teaching) We examine a certified strategy for determining sharp intervals of enclosure for the eigenvalues of matrix differential operators with singular coefficients. hw. cl Lyonell Boulton, Bernd J. / Boulton, Lyonell; Levitin, Michael. Our analysis illustrates two different techniques for getting resolvent norm estimates. The mysterious phenomenon of revivals in linear dispersive periodic equations, was discovered rst experimentally in optics in around 1834, then rediscovered several times by theoretical investigations. uk and ks275@hw. uk December 2021 Abstract We study the spectrum of Laplace operators on a one-parameter family of gravita- Lyonell Boulton. On approximation of the eigenvalues of perturbed periodic schrodinger operators. schroers@hw. abstract = "We prove that all the eigenvalues of a certain highly non-self-adjoint Sturm-Liouville differential operator are real. 363, 261–287 (2018) Communications in Mathematical Physics Quantum Dr Lyonell Boulton Dr Kevin Muldoon Dr Keith Brown Professor Jemina Napier Dr Jim Buckman Dr Mehdi Nazarinia Dr Antonin Chapoy Dr Gina Netto Professor Patrick Corbett Mrs Vanessa Northway Professor Susan Dewar Dr Mutasim Nour Professor Dugald Duncan Mr Larry O’Brien Dr Ahmed ElSheik Mr Mark Parker Dr Alan Forster Dr Sandhya Patidar We investigate the spectrum of a typical non-self-adjoint differential operator AD = -d 2 /dx 2 ⊗ A acting on L 2 (0, 1) ⊗ C 2, where A is a 2 x 2 constant matrix. hw. School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences; Mathematics; Research output TY - JOUR. Schroers, Kim Smedley-Williams Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Department of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK. pp. We examine a computable criterion for determining whether families of dilated periodic functions form a Schauder basis Lyonell Boulton, María Pilar García Del Moral, Álvaro Restuccia. A. 363 (2018) 261-287, see open access and arXiv:1708. uk, b. Deputy Principal (Learning & Teaching) Dr Lyonell Boulton, Director of Learning & Teaching . (2003) [3], Davies (2007) [7] and Weir (2008) [18]) on the stability of a model describing small oscillations of a thin layer of fluid inside a rotating List of current PhD research students, supervisors and projects at the School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. The op- We propose employing the extension of the L ehmann-Maehly-Goerisch method, developed by Zimmermann and Mertins, as a highly effective tool for the pollution-free finite element computation of the eigenfrequencies of the resonant cavity problem on a bounded region. PY - 2012. This phenomenon, called We improve the currently known thresholds for basisness of the family of periodically dilated p, q-sine functions. uk Received: 14 September 2017 / Accepted: 27 June 2018 In this paper we examine the spectral properties of a family of non-compact four-dimensional Riemannian geometries which obey the Einstein equations and which per-mit isometric actions of (SU(2) U(1))/Z2. cl (M. Lyonell Boulton Revised version: August 2015 Department of Mathematics and Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences. These topic labels come from the works of this person. N2 - We establish two complementary results about the regularity of the solution of the periodic initial value problem for the linear Benjamin-Ono equation. Follow. We analyse the outer Dirichlet problem for the Hamiltonian of the SU(N) regularized D = 11 Supermembrane. boulton hw. SP] pdf DOI cite claim. 0172 [math. / Spectral pollution and eigenvalue bounds. PY - 2025/1/2. We give a complete description of the s-numbers and the extremal functions in the general case (p,q)∈(1,∞ TY - JOUR. 07650 Lyonell Boulton. Thank you for laughing at me during my wobble in rst year and making me realize that some things aren’t worth getting stressed over. ac uk; School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Professor; School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Mathematics - Professor; Person: Academic (Research & Teaching) 1129-46-203 Lyonell Boulton* (l. E-mail: l. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) https://doi. EPS . Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, UK. Let M be a self-adjoint operator acting on a Hilbert space H. AU - Boulton, Lyonell S. In this paper, we examine the asymptotic structure of the pseudospectrum of the singular Sturm–Liouville operator LD@ x. L. M3 - Article. ac. School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences; Mathematics; Research output: Contribution to journal › Article The notion of equivalence classes of generators of one-parameter semigroups based on the convergence of the Dyson expansion can be traced back to the seminal work of Hille and Phillips, who in Chapter XIII of the 1957 edition of their Functional Analysis monograph, developed the theory in minute detail. 1. The vision for the Maxwell Institute is the development and expansion of a world-class research centre in the mathematical sciences, distinguished by strong interactions between research themes and a strong connectivity to the world outside mathematics. Boulton, Lyonell. Y1 - 2022/4/10. T1 - A Multi-Term Basis Criterion for Families of Dilated Periodic Functions. Michael Levitin. doi. MACS . Psarrakos}, journal={Math. Y1 - 2012. j. bDepartamentodeFísica,UniversidaddeAntofagasta, Aptdo02800,Chile E-mail: l. Lyonell Boulton *, Marco Marletta, David Rule * Corresponding author for this work. PY - 2002/3/1. org Lyonell Boulton, Peter Lancaster, Panayiotis Psarrakos. Heriot-Watt University. Together they form a unique fingerprint. My area of research interest is the spectral theory of linear operators and its application to the solution of problems in the mathematical physics and functional analysis. School of Textiles and Design Lyonell Boulton, Bernd J Schroers and Kim Smedley-Williams Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Department of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK. Dive into the research topics where Beatrice Pelloni is active. T RE NDS AND T RIC K S. Mathematics; School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences; Research output: Contribution to journal › Article Accepted Manuscript Generalised cosine functions, basis and regularity properties Lyonell Boulton, Houry Melkonian PII: S0022-247X(16)30254-2 DOI: http://dx. K. Lehel!Banjai!(Heriot2Watt!University)! 2. abstract = "In this paper, we examine the asymptotic structure of the pseudospectrum of the singular Sturm–Liouville operator L=∂x (f∂x )+∂x subject to periodic boundary conditions on a symmetric interval, where the coefficient f is a regular odd function that has only a simple zero at the origin. 99. The notion of equivalence classes of generators of one-parameter semigroups based on the convergence of the Dyson expansion can be traced back to the seminal work of Hille and Phillips, who in Chapter XIII of the 1957 edition of their Functional Analysis monograph, developed the theory in minute detail. This is also the case, if we consider the area as the fixed geometrical invariant rather than the perimeter. AU - Pelloni, Beatrice. uk May 2022 Abstract We study the spectrum of Laplace operators on a one-parameter family of gravita- Lyonell Boulton Weak revivals in time-evolution models Abstract. AU - Lang, Jan. 1090/S0025-5718-07-02005-4 Corpus ID: 7743456; On pseudospectra of matrix polynomials and their boundaries @article{Boulton2006OnPO, title={On pseudospectra of matrix polynomials and their boundaries}, author={Lyonell Boulton and Peter Lancaster and Panayiotis J. AU - Melkonian, Houry. Schroers *, Kim Smedley-Williams * Corresponding author for this work. School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences; Mathematics; Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review. N1 - 28 pages. AFFILIATIONS. Lyonell Boulton Fiona Grant . We consider the non-linear eigenvalue equations characterizing L p into L q Sobolev embeddings of second order for Navier boundary conditions at both ends of a line segment. This phenomenon, called 4 LYONELL BOULTON, MICHAEL LEVITIN, AND MARCO MARLETTA 3. AU - Olver, Peter J. Gabriel!Barrenechea!(University!of!Strathclyde)! 3. f@ x/C@ xsubject to periodic boundary conditions on a symmetric interval, where the coefficientfis a regular odd function that has only a simple zero at the origin. 07650 Lyonell Boulton Revised version: August 2015 Department of Mathematics and Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences. AU - Lewin, Mathieu. We show the existence and uniqueness of a massless supersymmetric ground state wavefunction of a SU(2) matrix model in a bounded smooth domain with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Boulton et al. Lyonell!Boulton!(Heriot2Watt!University)! The notion of second-order relative spectrum of a self-adjoint operator acting on a Hilbert space has been studied recently in connection with the phenomenon of spectral pollution in the Galerkin method. Y1 - 2007/7/27. Academic Members . ac, M@ma. TY - UNPB. The results presented are motivated by and extend those recently found by various authors (Benilov et al. If you have additional information or corrections regarding this mathematician, please use the update form. Garcia del Moral), L. Makaleler Alıntı yapanlar Genel erişim. Quantum Bound States in Yang-Mills-Higgs Theory (with Lyonell Boulton and Kim Smedley-Williams) Commun. While the term has been used systematically and consistently by Lyonell Boulton *, Aatef Hobiny * Corresponding author for this work. The op- TY - JOUR. Boulton, L, Binding, P, Drabek, P, Cepicka, J & Girg, P 2006, ' Basis properties of eigenfunction of the p-Laplacian ', Proceedings of the American Mathematical Fingerprint Dive into the research topics of 'Applying non-self-adjoint operator techniques to the p-laplace non-linear operator in one dimension'. AutoCad, MS Office, BIM. ac uk; School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Professor; School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Mathematics - Professor; Person: Academic (Research & Teaching) LYONELL BOULTONβAND MARCO MARLETTAµ Abstract. 1007/s00220-018-3236-3 Commun. J. Lyonell Boulton Michael Levitin. School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences; Mathematics; Research output: Contribution to journal › Article We establish a general framework for the analysis of boundary value problems of matrix models at zero energy on compact regions. Lyonell Boulton and Marco Marletta Abstract. AU - Smith, David A. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering … Lyonell Boulton's 75 research works with 628 citations and 3,353 reads, including: Norm-ideal perturbations of one-parameter semigroups and applications Lyonell Boulton. N2 - This paper addresses the problem of computing the eigenvalues lying in the gaps of the essential spectrum of a periodic Schrödinger operator perturbed by a fast decreasing potential. Computation of certified enclosures for eigenvalues of benchmark linear magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) operators in the plane slab and cylindrical pinch configuration is discussed. T1 - Spectral analysis of Dirac operators for AU - Boulton, Lyonell. 249 (2010) 3081-3098 • e-Print: 0801. Y1 - 2007. uk December 2021 Abstract We study the spectrum of Laplace operators on a one-parameter family of gravita- In this work we consider the existence and uniqueness of the ground state of the regularized Hamiltonian of the Supermembrane in dimensions D = 4, 5, 7 and 11, or equivalently the SU(N) Matrix Model. We discuss stability properties of the method studied recently in [7] and [2], for computing eigenvalues in gaps of the Supervisor: Lyonell Boulton . Explicit asymptotic bounds for convergence to isolated eigenvalues are found. 1 Citation (Scopus) abstract = "We study the presence of a non-trivial revival effect in the solution of linear dispersive boundary value problems for two benchmark models which arise in applications: the Airy equation and the dislocated Laplacian Schr{\"o}dinger equation. Y1 - 2002/3/1. P. (2003) [3], Davies (2007) [7] and Weir (2008) [18]) on the stability of a model describing small oscillations of a thin layer of fluid inside a rotating For q >= 12/11, the eigenfunctions of the nonlinear eigenvalue problem associated with the one-dimensional q-Laplacian are known to form a Riesz basis of L-2(0, 1). Boulton@hw. This phenomenon, called Lyonell Boulton (Heriot-Watt University) A PT-symmetric model with boundary and interior singularities 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Phil Walker (University of York) Radiation reaction in conformally-flat space-time 14:40 Lucio Cirio (SISSA) Drinfeld twists and equivariant cohomology of noncommutative spaces 15:40 Tea 16:00 OUR PEOPLE Heriot-Watt University Academic Staff Adamopoulou, Panagiota Staff Structure & Symmetry Alim, Murad Staff Structure & Symmetry Arik, Ayse Staff Data and Decisions Ball, John Staff Analysis & ProbabilityApplied & Computational Mathematics Banjai, Lehel Staff Applied & Computational Mathematics Boulton, Lyonell Staff Analysis & ProbabilityApplied & Computational Mathematics Bourne Also a special shout-out goes to Lyonell Boulton, without whom I would not be completing this degree. The family includes three much studied. uk May 2022 Abstract We study the spectrum of Laplace operators on a one-parameter family of gravita- The mysterious phenomenon of revivals in linear dispersive periodic equations was discovered first experimentally in optics in the 19th century, then rediscovered several times by theoretical and experimental investigations. LYONELL BOULTON AND MICHAEL STRAUSS Abstract. 363, 261–287 (2018) Communications in Mathematical Physics Quantum Lyonell Boulton, Bernd J Schroers and Kim Smedley-Williams Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Department of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK. Durán Keywords: Non-linear othereigenvalue fullyproblems Lyonell Boulton. Construction management, building inspection. Classical r-matrices for the generalised Chern-Simons formulation of 3d gravity (with Prince Osei) Classical and Quantum Gravity 35 (2018) 075006 arXiv:1708. T1 - Completeness of trajectories associated to Appell hypergeometric functions. Diff. SoSS . Lyonell Boulton, Bernd J Schroers and Kim Smedley-Williams Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Department of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK. Construction of the Green function Now, we are back to constructing explicitly the L2 solution u(x,λ) of (2. Departamento de Álgebra, Apr 10, 2006 · DOI: 10. Trends and Tricks. Y1 - 2024/3/1. . l. LYONELL BOULTONβAND MARCO MARLETTAµ Abstract. Başlık AU - Boulton, Lyonell. AU - Boulton, Lyonell. Y1 - 2025/1/2. · Experiencia: Lyonell Boulton Oficina de Ingenieria · Ubicación: Estado Miranda · 167 contactos en LinkedIn. Our findings rely on a Beurling decomposition of the corresponding change of coordinates in terms of shift operators of infinite multiplicity. cl, alvaro. PY - 2007/7/27. uk Abstract The Galerkin method can fail dramatically when applied to eigenval-ues in gaps of the extended essential spectrum. uk; b. N1 - Funding Information: The authors gratefully acknowledge support from Yale‐NUS College workshop Grant IG18‐CW003, which funded all of them to attend a week‐long workshop where the results presented here were first discovered and discussed. Together they form a unique fingerprint. The convergence of the so-called quadratic method for computing eigenvalue enclosures of general self-adjoint operators is examined. ac Lyonell Boulton Department of Mathematics and Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, United Kingdom a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 11 May 2023 Available online 2 October 2023 Submitted by A. In: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Lyonell Boulton, Bernd J Schroers and Kim Smedley-Williams Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Department of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK. PY - 2022/4/10. Learning Technology Consultant . AU - Levitin, Michael. garciadelmoral@uantof. Eq. XX ESCUELA VENEZOLANA DE MATEMATICAS´ La Escuela Venezolana de Matematicas es una actividad de los postgrados en matematicas de las siguientes instituciones: Centro de Estudios A Civil Engineering Consultant and Contractor · Experienced Civil Engineer, Structural Design, Seismic Retrofit, Reinforcements. N2 - We consider the non-linear eigenvalue equations characterizing Lp into Lq Sobolev embeddings of second order for Navier boundary conditions at both ends of a line segment. ac uk; School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Professor; School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Mathematics - Professor; Person: Academic (Research & Teaching) Lyonell Boulton. L@ma. Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Department of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, United Kingdom. PY - 2007. ac uk; School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences - Professor; School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Mathematics - Professor; Person: Academic (Research & Teaching) Lyonell Boulton, Fiona Grant, Lee Miles, Christine Rutherford, Gillian Thomson (Directors of Learning and Teaching) George Jaramillo, Mike Just, Hendrik Nahler, Mark Parker, Jane Robertson, Craig Robinson, Guy Walker, Robert Weston (RBL School Leads) Lyonell Boulton, George Farmakis, and Beatrice Pelloni Abstract. Lyonell Boulton,a María Pilar García del Moralb and Alvaro Restucciab aMaxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Department of Mathematics Heriot-Watt Uni-versity, Edinburgh,EH144AS,U. IN S P E CTR AL T H E ORY. School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences; Mathematics; Research output: Contribution to CARDIFF ANALYSIS SEMINAR 24 May 2021Lyonell Boulton (Heriot-Watt)Perturbation classes of generators of one-parameter semigroupsThe notion of equivalent class Singular Sturm-Liouville problems for - y? + qy = ? y on (0, 8) are studied for potentials q which are bounded below and satisfy Molcanov's necessary and sufficient condition for discrete spectrum. Math. The mysterious phenomenon of revivals in linear dispersive periodic equations was dis-covered first experimentally in optics in the 19th century, then rediscovered several times by theor-etical and experimental investigations. / Nuclear Lyonell Boulton. 2016 ; Vol. Lyonell Boulton, Gabriel Barrenechea, Nabile Boussaid. N2 - We examine the linear completeness of trajectories of eigenfunctions associated to non-linear eigenvalue problems, subject to Dirichlet boundary conditions on a segment. We show how this phenomenon is characterised via the existence of particular Weyl sequences which are singular in a suitable sense. SN - 0272-4979 Fingerprint Dive into the research topics of 'Spectral properties in supersymmetric matrix models'. According to our current on-line database, Lyonell Boulton has 1 student and 1 descendant. We derive existence and uniqueness of ground state wavefunctions for the mass operator of the D=11 regularized supermembrane theory, that is the N=16 supersymmetric SU(N) matrix model, on balls of finite radius. SAP2000, ETABS structural modeling proficiency. We examine a computable criterion for determining whether families of dilated periodic functions form a Schauder basis Lyonell Boulton. 2) Lyonell Boulton (Heriot-Watt) Lucio Cirio (SISSA) Created Date: 20080306085100Z ‪Heriot-Watt University‬ - ‪‪Cited by 718‬‬ - ‪Mathematics‬ Lyonell Boulton (Heriot-Watt University) A PT-symmetric model with boundary and interior singularities 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Phil Walker (University of York) Radiation reaction in conformally-flat space-time 14:40 Lucio Cirio (SISSA) Drinfeld twists and equivariant cohomology of noncommutative spaces 15:40 Tea 16:00 We give rigorous proofs of the existence of infinitely many (non-BPS) bound states for two linear operators associated with the Yang–Mills–Higgs equations at vanishing Higgs self-coupling and for gauge group SU(2): the operator obtained by linearising the Yang–Mills–Higgs equations around a charge one monopole and the Laplace operator on the Atiyah–Hitchin moduli space of centred Quantum Bound States in Yang-Mills-Higgs Theory (with Lyonell Boulton and Kim Smedley-Williams) Commun. MÉRIDA, VENEZUELA, 2 AL 7 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2007. We welcome any additional information. N1 - The introduction of the updated version now includes an example which is arbitrarily close to the jump function such that the corresponding dilations form a Riesz basis. uk (L. Mira el perfil de Lyonell Boulton Lyonell Boulton * * Corresponding author for this work. A complex number z is in the second order spectrum of M relative to a finite-dimensional subspace L ? List%of%participants%!!! 1. pyhf yonl fkqva ufowpd qtglfpw ereot cyskjp nqzyn xyo qpro vruuxy swbcmr czlogm kucvbc gpi