Kv to prop size chart. Click Here for the 2213-2020 Prop Data Chart.
Kv to prop size chart There is no single answer but a range of options you can explore. 7 and rounding up to the nearest number. My guess is something in the 13”-15” prop size A 5” prop on 360kv motor? Typically a 5” prop is used on 22xx-24xx sized motors and ~2450kv with 4s pack and ~1900kv with a 6s pack. Jul 8, 2023 · Choosing the Right Motor Size for Your Drone: A Step-by-Step Guide Frame Size Prop Size Motor Size KV 150mm or smaller 3″ or smaller 1105 -1306 or smaller 3000KV and higher 180mm 4″ 1806, 2204 2600KV – 3000KV 210mm 5″ 2205-2208, 2305-2306 2300KV-2600KV 250mm 6″ 2206-2208, 2306 2000KV-2300KV 350mm 7″ 2506-2508 1200KV- Oct 3, 2016 · Knowing that 13" fits is a big step forward. 630kV is too high for 6S 3D so that puts it at 5S, an odd size, but doable. After looking at the prop data charts for several different motors, we selected the Cobra CM-2217/20 motor with the APC 12x4. In most cases, just knowing the dimensions of the quadcopter’s frame allows us to determine the type of motor that is right for our project. If you want more torque and fly slower, use 3s, a larger prop and less pitch. Heat could be an issue for the motors too, though -- quad motors tend to be around 3:1 diameter-to-height ratio (although they vary 2:1 to 4:1) to allow airflow to manage heat. I don't pretend to be able to make best use of these charts, but we don't need to. The frame size constrains the prop size, and each prop size demands a different motor RPM to generate thrust efficiently—this is where motor KV comes into play. With the flight controller, OSD, and wiring, I will estimate the total weight of my V-Tail to be 1200 grams . 5 to 12x6 Electric Prop 45 Amp ESC, 4S LiPo, 12x6 to 13x8 Electric Prop 60 Amp • Equivalent to a 40- to 46-size glow engine for 4- to 7-pound (1. Depending on the diameter and pitch of the propeller (the larger the diameter or higher the pitch, the harder it is for the motor to spin), the motor’s current draw increases as the load increases and decreases as the load decreases. 0 mm (0. If a higher voltage battery is replaced by a lower volt-age battery, the size of the propeller can be increased to keep the motor at its rated current. Not looking at spreadsheets but ball parking a 900 kv swinging maybe a 10x6 or 7 prop you'll want at least a 40 amp esc . Since we klow that the governor works best in the 70% to 85% throttle range, we can select Kv based on an RPM target-— Mar 15, 2016 · Is there a link to a chart that gives a guide to prop size to KV value of the motor? I've picked up 4 x 600kv motors for my scratch build and I get that low kv = large prop/ more torque but I can't see what size props to use. 72 inches: 3 inches 76. 787 in) No. 5 or Maybe 8x5 prop at most. It's a 80 mm wingspan plane that weights approx 600g. 2-Kg) airplanes • Ideal for 25- to 40-size 3D airplanes up to 5-pounds (2. That would give you a no load up around 12,000 and give you a setup that could be flow continuously at 1/2 to 2/3rd's throttle or so and also be used for 10 seconds or so in full throttle bursts. (Not an acrobatic flyer) Thanks in advance Hanick Cobra Specifications: Stator Diameter: 41. 10 Glow Engine Power - 200 Watts APC 6x4-E Speed 400 Series APC 7x4 E-Series Click Here for the C-2213/12 Prop Data Chart Click Here for the BA-2310-1680 Prop Data Chart Tempest Power System Tempest 1708-2100Kv Jan 1, 2020 · FRAME SIZE => PROPELLER SIZE => MOTOR SIZE AND KV. For example, a 12x6 is a prop with a 12-inch diameter and a 6-inch pitch. The physical size of a particular brushless motor is usually indicated by a number that looks like this - '22-05'. The first number, 22, indicates how wide the motor is whilst the second number, 05, indicates the hight. If you put the big prop on the high Kv motor, it doesn't have the torque to turn it very fast without drawing a lot of amps. So lets consider two planes (a 3D plane Aug 23, 2017 · For your prop choice and a 3S battery, a motor with a 1000 Kv would have been better. The database currently contains results from over 900 propulsion systems, including 71 brushless motors, 115 propellers and 35 ESCs. Power 15 Brushless Outrunner Features: • Equivalent to a 15-size glow engine for sport and scale airplanes weighing 36- to 56-ounces (1020- to 1590-grams) Remember that the motor provides the torque but the propeller is the transmission that determines operating speed. I don't have a watt meter yet. Such as when the motor says BL or SL2848 3900Kv. However, there are cases where the design of the model limits the prop size, and this is when getting the right Kv version of a motor comes into play. For example, my hacker clone 20-20L spins a 10x5 prop at 7800 rpm, 14 amps. 7, you get less RPM. Dec 16, 2020 · What kind of motor size we should use depends on the actual frame size. The second number, such as the 4 in 5x4x3, represents the pitch of the propeller. You should always use the intended propeller size on your frame to maximize performance. When a propeller is attached to the motor, the motor will try to spin the prop at the rated kV. In our case we went up to round the prop size so I will go down when selecting pitch size. But the prop pulls more air, being bigger. The 5. To research this, I plan on looking at a ton of specs for different motors and use that as the raw data. A smaller prop will give you less static thrust but it will give you more speed. 5 inches long and will be shortened once my prop size choice has been made. If you switch to a larger prop, say 11x4. I have already done test flights with apc 8*3. Your input is appreciated scirocco! Now turn up some rose tattoo!!!! Aug 10, 2016 · Looking through some motor charts, the Cobra 3520/10 980 Kv motor looks like it will fit the bill. Propellers become less efficient and start to produce less thrust when the tip of the propeller approaches the speed of sound due to supersonic airflow and shock waves. They report the size of the rotor, not the size of the stator. The motors ar 56 grams each (224 grams total) and esc are 32 grams each (128 grams total). DriveCalculator Motor and Prop Efficiency Guide¶ Drive Calculator is a free tool for brushless motor power system analysis and prop/motor selection. You can test combinations to get an estimate of maximum current, efficiency, prop speed, etc. 8x6e prop will over prop this motor. Choice of 2s over 3s has more to do with lighter weight than anything else. 8 V, 4000mah 45C BadAss 4-Cell, 14. 1v TP2100 lipo. 24r8 glow/gas prop the current in check. It has a max current rating of 60 amps, and provides good power on 11 inch props when running from a 4-cell battery. Feb 1, 2023 · To determine the correct propeller size, you can use a propeller selection chart or calculator although most motor manufaturers will advise on a suitable range, which will take into account the KV rating of your motor, battery voltage, and plane weight to recommend a range of propeller sizes to choose from. Title: motor turns to kv chart Created Date: Apr 19, 2020 · Your battery will sag somewhat in almost any case, though. 23mm Series: 28mm Series: 35mm Series: 45mm Series: 60mm Series: BA-2305-1050Kv: BA-2814-870Kv: BA-3515-580Kv: BA-4520-370Kv: BA-6030-185Kv Aug 10, 2019 · I just watched a video of someone who swapped a Leopard 1050 kv motor and a 54mm prop into a sonicwake and claimed 14 minutes run time and no heating on a 6s 5000mah. 23mm Series: 28mm Series: 35mm Series: 45mm Series: 60mm Series: BA-2305-1050Kv: BA-2814-870Kv: BA-3515-580Kv: BA-4520-370Kv: BA-6230-185Kv: BA-2305 A higher Kv motor will spin a smaller prop at higher revs, and a lower Kv motor will spin a larger (and generally more efficient) prop at lower revs. APC E-Series Props; APC Black E-Series Props; APC Folding Props; APC F2B Control-line Props; APC Slow-Fly Props; APC Sport Props; APC Multirotor Props The basic formula by which you determine (at least the ballpark of) the desirable motor KV is: KV * Battery Voltage/2 = characteristic RPM (for the prop size) Basically, what you want is for the motors to "want" to spin at the RPM that is just enough to keep your drone in the air with the corresponding prop size. 1600 kv with a 40mm prop versus a 1050 kv using a 61mm prop should perform about the same. PJP-T-L - Carbon Fiber Props for Low Kv Motors; PJP-T-LF RC Model Airplane Propeller Conversion Table. Welcome to FlyBrushless. 5 mm Finally, the use cases are sort of different, so maybe I can make it do one thing well on one prop size, and another thing on the other prop size. Moving air faster, takes more watts. Usually, these are written on the motor casing themselves to show you how wide and high they are. APC says that the RPM limit for the slow fly props is 65,000/prop diameter which for a 7 inch prop is 9,200 RPM. I think it could be helpful for looking up what sort of combinations are popular when building quads of certain size? We can use this information to select the motor Kv—either in terms of our target operating RPM or in terms of APCs Application Guideline for maximum RPM based on prop diameter. Verify the motors’ torque to ensure it can turn the propeller of your choosing. Feb 16, 2022 · Frame size in millimeters and inches: Prop size in inches and millimeters: Motor size: Motor KV : Lipo battery: 120 millimeter or smaller 4. Jan 6, 2011 · I understand the parts of the ESC, batteries and somewhat the prop pitch and size against everything. 9 pitch = 1. I like your reasoning for the 2306 2100kv, it resonates well with what I suspect, and your solution of the kV conundrum was my preferred one. 8-5. Jul 4, 2008 · I have the 2212-10 Suppo run a 11. In this size, 8S is common, and that KV is in the range of 8S, however these motors are rated for 2S-3S. 5 to 10x7 Electric Prop 45 Amp ESC, 4S LiPo, 10x7 to 11x7 Electric Prop 70 Amp ESC. of Stator Arms: 12 No. Please note: It should only be used to confirm predictions. Not all props are created equal! Handy interactive chart let's you quickly select the best Hacker brushless motor, batteries and prop for your application (913) 214-6995 ; info@hackermotorusa. Another possibility to fine tune the power system’s performance is to use another motor with higher kV to increase the current or a lower kV to lower Prop Charts . • Equivalent to a 10-size glow engine for 32- to 48-ounce (910- to 1360-gram) airplanes • Ideal for 3D airplanes 28- to 36-ounces (790- to 1020-gram) • Ideal for models requiring up to 450 watts of power • High torque, direct drive alternative to inrunner brushless motors • Includes mount, prop adapters, and mounting hardware Jul 3, 2023 · Quadcopter Frame Size ⇒ Quadcopter Propeller Size ⇒ Quadcopter Motor Size and KV. There will always be a number of propeller size combinations that will work on your vessel, finding the best one is the trick. 09 -. If one is interested in optimizing Kv, prop and voltage to extract maximum thrust efficiently from the motor, consulting of charts of motor performance with various props and voltage combinations is useful to make a choice for the application at hand. May 23, 2023 · The database is community-driven and anyone can upload test data from their drone propulsion tests using our Series 1580 or Series 1780 thrust stands. Every time the prop shaft turns once the boat will move 1. . 2 kg) Ideal for models requiring up to 925 watts of power; High-torque, direct-drive alternative to inrunner brushless motors; Includes mount, prop adapters and mounting hardware Jun 14, 2019 · One very crude indication on how much power a motor can handle, assuming proper KV numbers, cell count and prop size, is around 120 Watts per ounce of motor weight. Prop size is noted by its diameter in inches followed by its pitch in inches. 7V per 1400 700 11 Prop Diameter Chart 3 14 noting: Kv RPM / (3. Apr 23, 2014 · The motor Kv, battery voltage, and prop choice all interact -- the top speed that the motor is capable of is the product of battery voltage at the end of the flight times the motor Kv, and the top speed that you need is a strong function of the propeller pitch and a weak function of its diameter. Putting aggressive props on will add even more to that effect, drawing very high current at high throttle Jul 28, 2009 · My understanding is KV is the revolution speed of the motor, the lower the KV the slower the prop spins. 0 mm (1. IC Engine Propeller Size Chart. Jul 20, 2014 · If you want to go faster, use 4s and small prop diameter with more pitch. Apr 9, 2015 · Louis, I did a quick modeling as you showed above and got a prop RPM of right at 12,000. Go. Jun 18, 2011 · Matching prop size to motor is almost working backwards. Unfortunately, the manual offers no suggestion for the prop size. 4S lipo, 8X8 Electric prop 35A ESC, 10x5 - 13x8 Electric Prop 45 Amp ESC, 3S LiPo, 11x8. Thread starter rcspaceflight; Start date Jan 25, 2014; Prev. Feb 9, 2006 · A low Kv motor generates more back EMF per revolution so it runs slower but with more turns of wire it makes more torque at the same amperage. 5 mm Jul 29, 2012 · Someone School Me: Brushed vs Brushless Motors and Prop Size: mattshoppes: Foamies (Kits) 4: Nov 11, 2010 02:57 PM: Discussion: chart of # of cells,mah,motor size,kv,prop size=watts: jasburrito: Electric Plane Talk: 5: Oct 04, 2009 05:32 PM: Discussion: DD prop size vs motor KV? MAKODS: Electric Power Systems: 8: Jan 05, 2006 08:36 PM Prop Charts; Prop Charts . So while that prop might be ideal for motor loading or aircraft performance it is unsafe to operate the prop at that speed. The voltage is your max rpm ( kv multiplied by battery volts) and the pitch/diameter pulls amps. Mar APC Props. Here, frame size is referring to wheelbase means motor to motor distance. I propped it up and put my castle 50A and I got 875W without the screech. 5lbs all up) gets 4-4400 Ah 6S. Dec 12, 2021 · They're listing 2s and 3s (8v-12v) and showing load and thrust specs for a 7045 and 8045. Look at the max watts and what each prop on their chart draws and pick one that is right under the max limit for that motor. This gives you a balance of thrust and efficiency. Determine the Input Watts per Pound required to achieve the desired level of performance: Model: E-flite Mini Edge 3D ARF Estimated Flying Weight w/Battery: 1. It does recommend a prop: 8040. And places like Maxx Products and Head's Up RC can fix you up with the collet type and other adapters that will grip that shaft and mount a prop. Mar 16, 2023 · Badass, Cobra, Tempest are showing prop charts (testings by Lucien M. Do you know the Shaft Horse Power rating of the full size vessel; or one of the same size. A high KV motor will swing a smaller prop than a low KV motor of the same size. Kv NEEDED TO ACHIVE MAX RATED PROP RPM By Ca. If you're carrying a heavier load (like a GoPro for freestyle), a lower KV can provide smoother control with more torque. I assume power is very little different if the speed calculator shows the same value. Iteratively select the propeller and the shaft RPM for the system. 5 mm The Power 160 is designed to deliver clean and quiet power equivalent to or surpassing the power of a 160-size 2-stroke glow engine for sport and scale airplanes weighing 12 to 20 pounds (5. As long as you are happy to use 4s packs, then either motor you linked will be highly suitable and will allow you to run a range of props from as small as 11*8 for modestly powered trainer performance, possibly with a smaller pack around 3000 mAh to keep the weight in check, to 13*10 with a 4000 mAh pack for a very sporty model. It assumes proper hull size, weight and motor size selections with motors larger than the 540 size. We can use this information to select the motor Kv—either in terms of our target operating RPM or in terms of APCs Application Guideline for maximum RPM based on prop diameter. View attachment 238305 Increasing the Kv or the voltage will make a motor spin faster. This is because frame size limits props size, and prop size limits motor size and KV. 4 to 9 kg), 3D airplanes up to 15 pounds (6. 062" So the total pitch of the 930 prop is 1. So I made this list based on the builds I have flown and seen over the years, trying to give […] To figure out how far a particular prop will travel, we need to know the total pitch, which is the diameter x pitch. Mar 12, 2014 · Class (SIZE) Optima450 KV (RPM/VOLT) 1800 Turns (for cars)Poles 10 Max Voltage 11. Below is a section of the prop chart for this motor that shows the prop data running on a 4-cell battery pack. 8–3. Ideally the motor should be matched with a propeller that causes the motor to draw 80-100% of its rated maximum constant current. I decided to deep dive into the understanding of the relationship between motor KV, prop size, and battery voltage. Feb 24, 2024 · Calculate the thrust-to-weight ratio of your potential quad build by adding up the total weight of your quad components (all-up weight; AUW) and comparing it to the estimated thrust for your motor/prop/lipo battery combination. 7 x number of cells). Mar 16, 2023 · There are propeller calculators for estimating required power, resultant thrust , prop pitch speed, etc. Jul 23, 2009 · But ideally, the prop size on the 1800 KV would be lesser than the 1000KV motor in order to keep the amps under the max limit. We could say 3 cell 1500 mah 20C lipo on X brand motor, and A brand ESC, with Y brand prop can draw 18 amps, and give off 220 watts, but then use Q brand motor with A brand ESC and Y brand prop, and you could only get 150 watts with 12 amps of current. So, a little fast math. A simple rule is to select an ESC with at least 5A capacity more than the highest rating for the motor. Your recommended prop size wants to be in this range. 2750 is already a high KV for 4s; the consensus is that the "sweet spot", middle-of-the-road KV for 4s lies in the 2400-2500 range, and 2750 is towards the "ludicrous speed" side. This is because smaller frame size means smaller propeller size and therefore smaller motor and lower KV value. 5 Bearing Size (Front) 3x6x2. Oct 3, 2023 · 50 size (5lbs all up) usually gets 3-3. Not all props are created equal! kV 1750 950 1250 1000 800480 500 650 450 250 230 160 Recommended Prop Range 7x6 - 8x4 8x6 Bearing Size (Front) 3x6x2. 10 Glow Engine Power - 200 Watts APC 6x4-E Speed 400 Series APC 7x4 E-Series Click Here for the C-2213/12 Prop Data Chart Click Here for the BA-2310-1680 Prop Data Chart Tempest Power System Tempest 1708-2100Kv Tempest 20 Amp ESC APC 5x4. Basic parameters Click Here for the C-2820/8 Prop Data Chart Click Here for the BA-2814-1560 Prop Data Chart Cobra C-3515/12, 1100 Kv Cobra 60 Amp Speed Controller BadAss BA-2820-910Kv BadAss Rebel 65 Amp ESC BadAss 4-Cell, 14. 50 size (5lbs all up) would be 3. 5-MR It is always best to use a prop size that pulls no more than 80% of the motors maximum recommended current value to ensure safe operation under all conditions. Estimate DC Motor & Prop Combo Check out the GUIDELINES to help you choose your Plane's Power System - Last updated: Oct, 28 - 2024 Custom Oct 4, 2009 · No, WAY too many variables involved, which is why YOU do the testing yourself. Mar 17, 2021 · I made a table listing all the possible / popular motor size and KV for different builds. Here is what we have discovered from the data charts so far. no load and in actual operation will be less depending on prop size and voltage. If we take into example the first prop listed(930), 1. 5kg payload. It’s straightforward to match the right sized prop to an internal combustion engine (ICE). You are not sacrificing power going with a 0:00 - 8" Quad, What Motor Size?2:02 - Motor Size By Prop Diameter Table4:06 - Motor KV By Prop Diameter and Battery Voltage TableUncertain about what to buy SK35-42 1250kv: Prop Size 8*7,9*5,10*4 650w output SK35-42 1000kv: Prop Size 10*6, 11*5, 13*8 630w output The 1250kv motor with the 8x7 prop would be faster in theroy correct? But a larger prop with more thrust would be better for shorter take offs, flying slower and not stalling on turns is that correct or am I confused? Jan 18, 2017 · Frame Size => Prop Size => Motor Size and KV. A motor having a KV of 7000 * voltage ( 7. Jun 19, 2012 · I'm wondering what kind of prop I should get for it. Sep 25, 2024 · For a 5” prop, KVs typically range between 1700KV to 2100KV for 6S and 2200KV to 2700KV for 4S builds. you might be able to use a 8x4. It has a large and growing database of motors, propellers, escs, and batteries. Mission Statement: To standardize brushless motor measurements in a comprehensible way, and to provide radio controlled aircraft pilots with a common resource for comparing and choosing the right motor for their applications. 614 in) Stator Thickness: 20. The prop that came with the plane originally was a 11x9 but finding this prop is slim Pickens! I figured the low pitch would prolly spin a lot faster for the kv as well. Another motor (forget which at the moment) will spin that same prop at 10000 rpm (same labeled Kv, mind you!), and at 25 amps or and propeller size. My power configuration is a 3s 1800 mAh Lipo, a 18 A ESC and an Emax cf 2822 engine (1200 kV). The results provide "best size" propeller dimensions based on your input data. Once a power system is set up, it can be fi ne-tuned by adjusting the propeller size and measuring the amount of current the motor is drawing. So which one is going to move you through the air better, the bigger prop at lower RPM, or the small prop at more RPM? Sep 14, 2018 · There is no real general relationship between the Kv, cells, and propeller size because you can have "weaker" or "stronger" motors that have the same Kv. That KV on 3S is definitely going to be too low. Either follow the maker’s recommendations or use the tables below for guidance. 8 - 3. Thing is, it is NOT about the motor's physical size, it is about the KV which is directly proportional to RPM. E. Motors with lower KV have more torque then the same size motor with a higher KV, meaning that they are able to swing a bigger prop easier putting less stress on the motor and drawing fewer amps. This motor and prop would be used on my Harbor Freight glider with the motor/prop on top in back. 7 on a slow stick, you get more RPM. 5 Slow-fly Prop 35 Amp ESC, 3S LiPo, 10x4. Innov8tive) chart of # of cells,mah,motor size,kv,prop size=watts: jasburrito: Electric Prop data charts for cobra brushless motors. Below are the details of my new motor. Propeller Thrust Estimator Jan 11, 2013 · If you use a smaller prop, say a 9x4. Motor size, KV ratings, and the size of your propeller can affect your ESC drawings. To figure out how far a particular prop will travel, we need to know the total pitch, which is the diameter x pitch. Plus, the larger the stator volume the more torque. 5-inch propeller with a 5x4. Jan 25, 2014 · Best KV for a prop size chart. Therefore it is important to choose your ESC current rating after selecting a suitable motor for your RC boat. Dec 10, 2024 · Discover the ideal motor size, propeller size, KV, and LiPo cell count for your FPV drone build with our comprehensive lookup table. 2 – 101. Jun 1, 2012 · Hi alls ! I have recently built a warbird that looks like a yak 3. Frame size is referring to wheelbase (otherwise known as motor to motor distance). 5-inch diameter, 5x4. 6 lbs Desired Level of Performance: 150-200+ watts per pound; Unlimited performance 3D models May 23, 2013 · With the 60A turnigy plush and an NTM 24-50 motor I couldnt go past 600W without the screech. of Magnet Poles: 14 Motor Wind: 14 Turn Delta Motor Kv: 710 RPM / Volt No-Load Current (Io): 1. 6-3. You will need a wattmeter to make certain you're not pushing the motor to hard. Apr 11, 2019 · This is on the grounds that the frame size limits props size, and prop measurement limits the motor size and KV. 1V Now what size prop can a 75g 1800Kv motor spin without exceeding 20A. That can result in smoke. On most of the occasions, just by getting to know the size of the quadcopter frame, we can determine the type of motor that will suitable for our project. 2 kg) Ideal for 25- to 40-size 3D airplanes up to 5 lb (2. 4 nominal voltage for a 2S) = 51,800 RPM. Because electric motors tend to put out more torque than equivalent size glow engines, they tend to spin larger props at a lower speed that their glow counterparts. 6 millimeters: 1306 – 1407: 3000KV+ 600-900mAh 2s/3s Nov 13, 2018 · Size. The manufacturer usually gives recommended prop sizes for starting out. 1. So a low Kv motor is suited for a big prop, Higher Kv for smaller props. Now we can bring all the data together from the charts we just went through, and show you how to use this data to calculate run time for your model. You might be able to find a motor with a Watt reading that's close enough. 2 millimeters: 1104 – 1105: 4000KV+ 80-800mAh 1s/2s: 150 – 160 millimeters 5. Dec 3, 2024 · FPV drone frames are usually categorized by propeller size – the biggest propeller they can run. The store will not work correctly when cookies are disabled. But I'm not sure what that means. 6 E-Series Click Here for the 1708-2100 Prop Data Chart Feb 17, 2014 · Prop chart does not recommend a 15x6E at 6s only 3s. This table below gives you a few thoughts and is based on using a 4S LiPo battery. This is a complicated thing to understand but basically it comes down to propeller size, which is related to the motor's KV. 91 – 6. , at a given RPM , for a specific propeller. What sticks out to me is that the larger prop on 3s doubles the motor running temperature. Therefore, large-sized cars use large-sized motors with higher voltages. Nov 22, 2017 · Each motor should have a chart or list of its recommended maximum propeller load at various battery voltages and so you normally decide what diameter prop you want to swing and then look up the motor specs of the motors in the power range to see if the prop size you want is mentioned. Be a bit careful on those KV numbers, cell count and prop size. May 20, 2023 · When comparing canister size, some manufacturers cheat. 99 Amps @ 14 Volts Aug 3, 2022 · The smaller the size of the brushless motor, the higher the Kv. 8 Ah on 5S prop size start around 15x8e 60 size (6. g: 2030 brushless motor, 6000Kv; 4274 brushless motor, 2000Kv; Therefore, the power and torque of the motor depend on the Kv value. Dec 4, 2013 · So we are going to use the 6" prop as our basis. 15-size sport and scale airplanes weighing 36- to 56-ounces (1020- to 1590-grams), 3D airplanes 32- to 40-ounces (910- to 1135-gram), or models requiring up to 425 watts of power. Before Selecting a Prop, a Word About Props. to 8x4 Slow-fly Prop 25 Amp ESC, 3S LiPo, 8x6 to 10x4. If you up the voltage you need to reduce prop size, no matter what the Kv. 5lbs all up) would be 4. 2 Ah on 5S. com; There's just something oddly 'correct' about a 22 size motor and roughly 2000Kv at 4s: the efficiency charts do show a small spike there, but the real world flight times greatly trump what the charts suggest. 4. 8 SF and get the best drive for your RC airplane! fast & reliable simulation - no more guessing most comprehensive motor database ☆ over 1 million calculations per month factors such as efficiency and prop size. 5 pitch (plastic or carbon fiber) Number of Blades: 3; Reasoning: A motor with a mid-range KV rating (around 1500KV-1900KV) tackles the increased weight of a 1kg to 1. 062 inches. This refers to how far the prop would theoretically move forward in Free online Electric Motor and Propeller performance calculator helps you estimate Efficiency, Output Power, Current draw, Propeller Thrust and RPM. I tried more voltage less prop, less voltage more prop etc etc etc and still couldnt get over 600W. 8 kg), or models requiring up to 2700 watts of power. Start building now! Jan 25, 2014 · So I'm thinking a chart that lists specific prop sizes with the recommended KV, number of cells, and then approximately the motor size. 2 Kg) • Ideal for models requiring up to 800 watts of power • High torque, direct drive alternative to inrunner brushless motors • Includes mount, prop adapters, and mounting hardware Aug 26, 2010 · chart of # of cells,mah,motor size,kv,prop size=watts: jasburrito: Electric Plane Talk: 5: Oct 04, 2009 05:32 PM: Discussion: motor chart for a Nike2: hotpod: Electric Power Systems: 1: Sep 10, 2009 06:13 PM: Looking for info or chart on the park 400 4200 motor for prop size, amps: himeros: Electric Plane Talk: 1: Oct 17, 2005 08:47 AM: Motor Click Here for the 2213-2020 Prop Data Chart. Most of the times by knowing frame size, we can estimate what sort of motor we should use. Size is the main factor that determines power and torque. But there are generally recognised prop size ranges for each engine size and these are the sizes to choose if you're unsure about propeller selection. Sep 25, 2024 · Size of the Drone (Prop Size) The first and most important factor when selecting motor KV is the size of your drone, which directly affects the propeller size you'll use. Smaller quads (3" props or less): These lightweight builds are designed for speed and agility, so you’ll want a higher KV motor (typically 2500KV to 4000KV, depending on May 17, 2024 · By identifying the frame size, you can estimate the appropriate motor size to use. rnt; Asumes 3. 18"diameter X . The below table gives you a few ideas regarding the motor size. Typically checking the published specs for your motor is a good place to start. The following propeller size chart (© Top Flight , reproduced with permission) is easy to use; select your IC engine displacement along the bottom scale, then follow the vertical line up to the I ended up choosing too high of a KV and smoked a motor. com. Using the APC 8x4E prop gives best watt and thrust for my 20 oz plane. kV 1750 950 12501200 1000 800480 500 650 450 250 200 230 160 Recommended Prop Range 7x6 - 8x4 8x6 - 10x4. Ultra low kv like 360kv is usually on a larger motor like 40xx or 50xx or so. Let's take these in turn. Nov 2, 2017 · As far as the size of the hole in the prop hub, some come with a larger hole and adapter rings to size them down to fit on 4mm, 5mm, or 6mm shafts and even some adapter rings for non-Metric shaft sizes. 8 V, 4000mah 45C Click Here for the C-2814/12 Prop Data Chart Click Here for the BA-2814-1300 Prop Enter motor KV and Cell Count Prop Size in (mm) This Calculator is to provide a safe conservative prop selection. Nov 13, 2018 · Now, not all motors of a given wattage give you the same thrust. 3 Ah 6S 60 size (6. Jul 8, 2014 · The booms are currently 11. The dependency is like that the frame size limits propeller size and propeller measurement limits the motor size and KV. Pitch. Props from different manufacturers with the same size can give very different readings (which can easily be determined by the use of a wattmeter), so experiment to find the best combination First, the smaller the prop, the more RPM is needed to generate thrust. What are those numbers? is the 2848 the size or is it related to the KV? Jul 29, 2008 · It was a revelation to learn that 2 different same-Kv motors can spin the same prop at dramatically different speeds (and thus power levels). 5 pitch offers a good compromise between thrust and will require little effort (current) to turn the prop at the rated kV. You can go either way when rounding and probably be OK. Additionally, ensure that the motors produce sufficient torque to spin your chosen propeller. PLEASE NOTE: The Data contained in this Prop Chart is based on actual measurements, taken in a controlled test environment, at an altitude of 512 feet above sea level. 29 inches: 3-4 inches 76. This is due to the fact that a smaller frame size would mean smaller propeller sizes and hence smaller motors and lower values of KV. Aug 6, 2015 · Sounds good bud. Also I would like to the opinion of others. To spin a small prop at higher rpm, you need a higher Kv motor. 5 10x4. Figure the Prop Pitch Next we figure out the pitch of the prop (Pp) by multiplying our Prop Diameter (PD) x 0. If you're working from plans, those should indicate the prop size. Jun 12, 2024 · Motor with KV rating of around 1500KV-1900KV; Propeller: 5. 2 Blade : 3 Blade : 4 Blade : 10 x 6: 9 x 6-11 x 8: 10 x 8: Mar 27, 2019 · There are other factors at play, but this simple account explains the basics of prop numbers. It's the size of the stator that matters. Prop size start around 16x8e EFLM1923 Prop Adapter w/ Collet, 1/8” EFLM1924 Prop Adapter w/Collet, 4mm EFLM1201 Replacement Shaft: Park 370 BL Outrunner EFLM1211 Replacement Hollow Shaft, 4mm: Park370, 1200Kv (for EFLM1210HS only) EFLM1301 Replacement Shaft: Park 400 BL Outrunner EFLM1914 Prop Saver EFLPVPP100 Show Stopper Precision Variable Pitch Prop System Equivalent to 40- to 46-size glow engine for planes weighing 4–7 lb (1. Joe Carpino Well-known member. 020 Glow Engine Power - 40 Watts Click Here for the 2213-2020 Prop Data Chart. To swing a larger prop, you need a lower Kv motor. This is the application of motor KV. Convert the SHP number to Watts and scale that down. These calculators will help guide you to determine various combinations of power, gear ratio and propeller size for your vessel. Dec 18, 2004 · Does a motor KV comparison chart exist? FWFlyer: Electric Power Systems: 3: Jul 27, 2007 05:40 PM: GWS Motor Comparison: Dave Wulff: Scratchbuilt Indoor and Micro Models: 5: Apr 05, 2002 03:14 PM: Electric Motor comparison chart? dgoebel: Foamies (Kits) 5: Jan 14, 2002 06:47 AM: Motor Size Chart: Steven9026: Electric Power Systems: 3: Dec 18 . I know Aug 9, 2024 · The prop size is limited by the frame size, and in order to generate thrust efficiently, each prop size requires a varied motor RPM. I often get asked what motor size and KV should be used for FPV drones of certain prop size and LiPo voltage. Spinning a motor faster will move the air faster. But i do not understand the motor sizing as the specs call out different numbers than what i am use to. kV 11900 10800 9300 7700 6700 6100 5300 4900 4500 3900 3500 2500 2100 Motor Turns vs kV Rating. Click Here for the C-2203/28 Prop Data Chart. 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Go to page.