Is a negative hiv test at 6 weeks conclusive. Exposed on 07/12/13 & 13/02/14.

Is a negative hiv test at 6 weeks conclusive Andrew I am a board certified physician with vast experience of medical emergencies,making diagnosis & treating patients. No, your symptoms are unspecific to HIV ARS. Mar 1, 2024 · This is so unlikely that UK guidelines consider a negative result three months after an exposure as being HIV negative. Notably HIV-1 antibodies might cross react with HIV-2 antigens in testing kits, giving the appearance of apparent confection. An antibody test at 4 weeks will detect 95% of infections. I’ve been told that an HIV test at 12 weeks is conclusive – I am still a bit concerned however – has it ever been known for HIV antibodies to show after 12 weeks? Answer Jun 1, 2021 · This is because 4th generation HIV tests (antigen/antibody) will detect 99% of infections at 6 weeks – compared to 95% of infections 4 weeks after exposure. e. For more information on HIV transmission and testing please follow this link to the i-Base factsheet Antigen is present until about 4 weeks when it then binds to the antibodies produced by your body. If a person have syphilis like symptoms from 4-5 weeks post exposure, but negative rpr and wr test at 4, 7 and 11 weeks and 6 days post exposure. Robert James, this is your Mother talking Jul 26, 2004 okay so I am not your Sorry for the late reply and inconvenience. Your general practitioner can also offer you more information. I feel I was may have been exposed to hiv on 12/29/11 and Regarding your question a negative 4th generation post 6 to 8 weeks of exposure is taken as conclusive with above 97 % sensitivity. MBBS. my last encounter was mutual oral sex where she tested negative at 4 weeks on a 4th gen hiv. Hope I have been able to clarify the situation for you and helped in resolving your query. The earlier answer is kept online to explain the complications of HIV teting. Plz help. Test Hiv 4th generation at 27 days after Pep with negative. What are the chances of a positive on a fourth gen hiv duo test @ 6wk after testing negative at 4 wks? some experts use to claim a duo test is conclusive at 4 weeks, yet recently most are saying 6. Is a negative hiv test at 6 weeks conclusive or should I retest? Disclaimer: Information in questions, answers, and other posts on this site ("Posts") comes from individual users, not JustAnswer; JustAnswer is not responsible for Posts. Hasan. no hiv test is ever 100% conclusive. Feb 12, 2018 · It has a short window period of 9-13 days and is therefore considered reliable two weeks onwards after a risk exposure. 4th generation tests look for both antibodies and antigens (ie direct evidence of HIV). Is a negative hiv antigen antibody test conclusive at 6 weeks? Disclaimer: Information in questions, answers, and other posts on this site ("Posts") comes from individual users, not JustAnswer; JustAnswer is not responsible for Posts. I had HIV 4th gen combo test negative at 19, 26, 31, 33 days after potential exposure, how likely it is to change to positive at later dates? What are the chances of a positive on a Fourth Gen HIV duo test @ 6wk after testing negative at Sorry for late reply and inconvenience. Oct 11, 2010 · Q and A. S. Comes in waves, it’s like pin prick itchy, but Mar 5, 2018 · Depends on the test: A test for HIV nucleic acid would be conclusive, if positive or negative. 7 % sensitive and taken as final / conclusive. If your test has come back negative after 12 weeks then you do not have HIV. Is it conclusive? Is a HIV negative blood test (antibody test) after 6 month from exposure conclusive? Or should I take another one. HIV-2 is rarer and generally found in Western Africa. Well 4th Gen (antigen/antibody) test is more than 95% accurate at 9 weeks. Jun 7, 2023 · In the UK, people need to wait 4 to 6 weeks after the last dose of PEP before taking a 4th generation HIV antigen/antibody test. Just a couple quick questions before I transfer you. The most accurate test will be fourth generation HIV test. Only a Hi! Hiv tests can detect antibodies as early as 3 weeks , that is 97% most of time. Discover more answers Hi, According to the CDCTrusted Source, a person’s window period is usually between three and 12 weeks. Both came back negative. A chemiluminescence test, I can not remember the name, but it was done at 61 days. Feb 3, 2022 · A positive result would be conclusive even earlier. HIV is detectable before antibodies are produced. Is 4th gen test at lab conclusive after 6 weeks for both type of hiv? Dr. You are HIV-free and safe. 13. So, your HIV test after 6-7 weeks is considered conclusive. Is this conclusive? Is a negative Syphilis RPR test at 6 weeks and 8 weeks post exposure considered a conclusive result? Dear Dr. 4th Generation HIV Test – Conclusive at 6 Weeks. When are the test conclusive I got told 3 months by my doctor, I live in Perth Western Australia. Ie within 4 weeks its results are not dependable. Get tested at 12 weeks with any test for the peace of your mind. While a negative result at 6 weeks is encouraging. Should I consider my test conclusive or test again after six months of exposure? Please solve my problem. It is only at 6 weeks though that 99% of cases will be picked up HIV 4th generation rapid test negative at 7 weeks and IGG herpes 2 test negative at 7 weeks 3 days after “possible Dr. What happens if my HIV test results are negative? If you get an HIV test after a potential HIV exposure and the result is negative, get tested again after the window period. Practically, a negative with a standard antibody test - 3rd generation or earlier post 6 weeks would give you conclusive. If the test is positive. 47,245 Satisfied Customers. A 4th generation test that is negative after six weeks does not need to be confirmed. If the initial negative HIV test was performed within the first three months after The CDC Considers a 4th generation duo test 100% conclusive after 6 weeks. had 2 negative hiv rna tests done over the past four months. . According to WHO (World Health Organization), all results are considered conclusive at 12 weeks after the last exposure. May 7, 2010 · Modern tests are usually accurate 3-4 weeks after exposure to HIV. This HIV DUO test, including p24 antigen, is considered 99. Saleem. Surgeon / Neurological Surgery Window period of fourth generation HIV test is 4 weeks. This means that 4th generation tests tell you about your HIV status 3-6 weeks before you took the test. 🥳 I personally would say this is conclusive. I had an antibody/antigen test 45 days after my last dose of PEP and it was negative. Since we are all HIV testing finatics I think that the majority of us should settle on the 6 week test. MBBS, FCPS, with experience in all fields of medicine and surgery. Jan 11, 2020 · Is this test conclusive? Dear Dr. However, HIV is only one of the STDs. beyond 6 months. 5 1/2 weeks probably is close enough. Thanks for the follow-up. Discover more answers What are the chances of a positive on a fourth gen hiv duo test @ 6wk after testing negative at 4 wks? some experts use to claim a duo test is conclusive at 4 weeks, yet recently most are saying 6. Stay well. Is a negative test 100% accurate? HIV tests after the 3 month window are more than 99. Reply reply DryBumblebee9029 Hi, i can understand your concern. From reading and consultation, that should be conclusive. I've also had a headache during this time that won't go away. This is to cover the small chance that you take longer than four weeks to generate Sep 12, 2024 · A: You can get a rapid HIV test at a pharmacy or online. If you are negative at 9 weeks most likely you are negative but better would be to re test at 12 weeks as it's conclusive that time. A 4th generation test post 6 weeks of exposure is 95 to 97 % sensitive while at 3 months it's 99. : Yes. Test is 99% conclusive at 6 weeks Reply reply [deleted] • Its conclusive, dont worry about the 3 Jun 3, 2021 · Is a negative Syphilis RPR test at 6 weeks and 8 weeks post exposure considered a conclusive result? Dear Dr. Many experts and many countries guidelines say 4th gen test are conclusive at 6weeks post exposure. 2020. During the window period a person can be infected with HIV and be very infectious but still test HIV negative. Aug 11, 2021 · After HIV exposure, and a need an hiv test, how do you get tested for hiv? and is a negative HIV test at 6 weeks conclusive? and do you know hiv test accurac All, I tested hiv negative in hiv antigen /antibody 4 th generation test after 80 days and also test is negative in antibody test in 90 days. It came negative. is this Good question - Many guidelines now consider a negative 4th generation HIV test at 6 weeks post-exposure to be conclusive for most people (some would say 95-99%). There are very rare cases in which there is a delayed antibody production in whom its recommended to repeat testing at 90 days. A condom may not I did the “early detection” blood test at like 2 weeks, negative 4th gen at 6ish weeks and negative And then a 4th gen at about 4mo (May 27th), negative. Window period of fourth generation HIV test is 4 weeks. If both hiv tests are negative at 6 and 9 weeks are the results conclusive? Dr. Is a negative Hiv test at 6 weeks conclusive or should I retest? pulmdoc. Hope to God not though. The window period is time between exposure to HIV infection and the point when the test will give an accurate result. So it’s physiologically impossible for a 4th gen test to not be conclusive 6 weeks or more (and many experts say from 4 weeks on) from your exposure. 6. If this test is negative after 6 weeks, then someone is told they do not have HIV. If the HIV 1/2 Ab test is negative and done 90 days post exposure, no further testing is necessary. However, this accuracy increases to 99. Customer: Is hiv 4th generation test conclusive at 12 weeks Doctor's Assistant: The Doctor can help. Get Your LetsGetChecked Discount for HIV Test Today! Is a negative HIV test at 6 weeks conclusive? The answer to this question will largely depend on the type of test that is being used, and how quickly each person’s immune system can generate antibodies against HIV. But on rare occasions it takes up to 45 days (6 weeks). Jan 17, 2007 · Congratulations on your negative 16-week test. Q: Is a negative HIV test at 6 weeks conclusive? A: As the window period is already closed at 6 weeks for the NAT and the antibody/antigen laboratory test, the chances of having a false negative HIV test are extremely rare. A negative test after four weeks needs to be confirmed with a second test three months after the risk. Dec 31, 2022 · I had a negative RPR for syphilis at 97 days post exposure. A positi Apr 20, 2023 · 4-6 weeks: Almost all (~98%) of people with new HIV infections have positive HIV antigen-antibody (AgAb, "duo", 4th generation) tests by 4 weeks, and a negative result at that time is very reassuring. Is the hiv test conclusive now. 97% accurate. Fourth generation HIV tests are more accurate than third generation tests and can detect the infection as early as 1 month after exposure. A positive result would be Nearly conclusive: The HIV antigen-antibody (AgAb, "combo", "4th generation") blood tests in theory are conclusive by 4 weeks and usually are, but in rare cases (1-2%) it takes up to 6 weeks. I know that feeling, I am also on the window period 8 weeks in, I have tested 4 times already with 4th generation ag /ab in lab and POC rapid test, all of the negative, I have been told that I am conclusively negative, but still I am going for the PCR NAT test this week. Instead, everyone keeps it simple, stupid - 12/13 weeks = conclusive test. The 4th generation HIV test works by detecting the presence of HIV antibodies and the p24 antigen in the blood. Thanks for all this additional information. hiv/is-a-negative-hiv-test-at-6-weeks An EIA antigen test done at 6 weeks ,if negative would be 99% sure that you do not have HIV. In the rare event that you came in to contact with HIV + the rare event that PEP failed, I would expect a 4th gen test (which is what you’ve had) to be conclusive at 6 weeks. After exposure 6 month hiv 1&2 antibody+p24 antigen test negative. A 4th generation test per the CDC is 100% conclusive after 6 weeks. Q: Where can I get tested for HIV? A: Statcare offers accurate and confidential HIV testing. A confirmatory test may be done after 12 weeks which will be 100% sure that there is no HIV. Are these conclusive? Started showing ARS like symptoms 10 days after exposure? Is negative hiv test conclusive after 4 months. If it is negative after 4 weeks, it means HIV is unlikely, but that a second test should confirm this after a few more weeks. Yes, for ruling out Hep C infection you should be retested at 6 months post exposure. it is a very promising figure, and i dont recommend any further evaluation if the this test is negative around 8-9 weeks. The majority of people who are infected with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) will have a detectable level of anti-HIV antibodies at two to eight weeks following primary HIV infection. All the results were negative. They were all laboratory tests with Sep 14, 2017 · Took a hiv rna and a rapid hiv antibodies test at 6 weeks from exposure came back negative. For info: HIV test window : At 6 weeks after exposure, a negative result is conclusive. This is a confirmatory test that is performed automatically on the same blood sample. and specifically very itchy all over. It also came back negative. The truth is that your type of exposure, assuming the condom was intact and did not break, makes the likelihood of you contracting HIV very low. I feel I was may have been exposed to hiv on 12/29/11 and Nov 26, 2023 · No, A negative HIV test at 6 weeks is not conclusive; standard tests typically detect the virus within a few weeks to a few months post-exposure. Apr 25, 2017 · The test which you underwent at three months is highly conclusive. Accuracy of the 4th Generation HIV Test at 5 Weeks According to the Centers for Apr 14, 2018 · I had unprotected sex with a sex worker and after exactly 12 weeks of exposure, I did an HIV 1 and 2 antibodies and HIV 1 and 2 P24 combo test. has guidance changed/ any known 4 wk neg went pos 6? Just wait a week and 2 days after stopping PEP then get tested with either of those for conclusive results 6 weeks out. During the window period, a person can have a negative result on an HIV test despite having HIV. HIV test done at 6 weeks, 4th gen. This is because it can take several weeks for the body to However, at 30 days, the 4th gen test would be 95% accurate, at 6 weeks, 99% accurate, and after 3 months, 99. Asked for Male, 28 Years 11925 Views v First thing is hiv isn’t so common to transmit anymore, male to female transmission is extremely rare and no matter the kind of test, negative at 4 weeks will always be negative. The 4th generation HIV test is one of the most reliable ways to detect the virus. I had a potential exposure with a gay bottom, he did a full std panel at 5 weeks everything came back negative including hiv and I did one at 6 days after exposure all negative and 4 weeks after exposure all negative including hiv. An antibody test would be about 99% conclusive if negative, 100% conclusive if positive. it is conclusive and should be negative at 21 weeks? I don't know if you got your answer already and if so then I am sorry. Are those conclusive? I received OS from men. Jul 23, 2022 · Some say 3 months (and that “most” people if they’re positive test positive at the 6 week mark) while others say 6 weeks. There is no point trying to be too smart or displaying unnecessary hiv knowledge like that sexual health worker dude always do, making people unnecessarily anxious. 97% conclusive at that time and with that test. Apr 16, 2021 · Is a Negative HIV Test at 6 Weeks Conclusive? Medically reviewed by Jill Seladi-Schulman, Ph. the US Health department would require Jan 30, 2019 · Anti hiv test after 6 months is conclusive? there are some cases that i read whose test became positive after 2 years? is that true or their story was not real? When is a HIV naat test conclusive ? Is it 6 weeks ? Is a negative Hiv Rna test conclusive at 6 weeks ?thanks HIV RNA test neg@11days and a negative 4th generation test @6 weeks Hi there! 99% of HIV-infected individuals would be detectable within 44 days of exposure so a negative result at 9 1/2 weeks would be conclusive. Exposed on 07/12/13 & 13/02/14. However, healthcare professionals often advise retesting at 3 months (12 weeks) after exposure for a more conclusive result. So generally speaking a test negative at 12 weeks is quite likely to be conclusive, If you wanted to be essentially ABSOLUTELY sure of the accuracy of your negative results you could either test now with an HIV RNA pcr test, or re-test at 12 week post exposure (without re-exposing yourself until then in any way) with the 4th gen test, both of which would raise the accuracy to above 99%. i have 4th gen test on 34th day and have negative result and another 3rd gen test & syphilis test on my 70th day and have negative result. This is my initial answer so feel free to ask more as nothing is more important to me than your health and satisfaction. 9 total test including pcr rna at 11 weeks and 4 generation at 4 at 3 months and 3 days. A person can develop antibodies in 3-12 weeks. Urgent care says its oral thrush/yeast infection. If the test is negative. 4,050 Satisfied Customers. But, some guidelines advise repeating the test after six months. has guidance changed/ any known 4 wk neg went pos 6? Aug 11, 2014 · If you have tested negative for HIV by rapid card test or ELISA, you do not need any further tests. Jun 1, 2017 · HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection has a window period of 1 to 3 months after the last exposure, during which the test results can be a false negative. But as far as retesting at six months is concerned, here is your answer. Used Pep for 28 days. 9%, but there are always rare cases missed. 8 month hiv1 rna qualitative pcr test &elisa antibody test negative. Das, MD MBBS, MD, with wide experience in all aspects of medical treatment, including cancer therapy. I tested HIV antibody-only blood test at 5weeks and 3days, and tested another rapid HIV test kits at 6 weeks and 3days. Is a negative 4th generation hiv test at 9 weeks conclusive or should I retest? Dr Wajahat Baig MBBS , FCPS (Medicine) , Experience of dealing with all types of Infectious disorders The 4th gen test will pick up either antigens or antibodies. Hiv antibody test was negative on 7/3/14 but i was under pep for 2nd exposure. Is it conclusive? Is a negative hiv test at 6 weeks conclusive or do I need to retest? Dr. A negative test at 12 weeks is pretty much a definitive negative result. HIV antibodies are produced by the immune system in response to the HIV infection, while the p24 antigen is a protein produced by the HIV virus itself. A small percentage of people may take longer to develop detectable antibodies, this is called 'late seroconversion', so it's still thought that for 100% certainty (i. All were negative. 8 percent accurate at 28 days. Dr. May 16, 2023 · The timing of when an HIV test becomes conclusive depends on the type of test used and the time since possible exposure. Regarding your question a negative 4th generation test at 6 weeks is about more than 97 % sensitive and taken as conclusive if there are no symptoms but 4th generation test has sensitivity of 99. They work for all types and subtypes of HIV. Fourth-generation laboratory tests are extremely accurate. 1-is it conclusive ? Oct 4, 2010 · I recently had a negative HIV test at 12 weeks. No need to retest again. p24 antigen test is recommended only for early detection of HIV Is a negative hiv test at 6 weeks conclusive or do I need to retest? Test was done by blood drawn through vein. What are Your opinion would You recommend more testing or is this conclusive? Is Syphilis RPR and HIV 4th Gen 1/2 test negative after 8 weeks post exposure conclusive? Sep 11, 2021 · False negative result may occur with rapid HIV antibody test. 7 % at 3 months. Mark U. If the HIV 1/2 Ab test is positive, the next step is to do a western blot. the cdc DOES NOT say anywhere that a 45 day test is 100% conclusive. Is a negative AG/AB HIV test at 9 weeks conclusive or should I retest? Disclaimer: Information in questions, answers, and other posts on this site ("Posts") comes from individual users, not JustAnswer; JustAnswer is not responsible for Posts. D. Sep 16, 2023 · Note: Since 2021, UK guidelines recommend that a negative result at six weeks using a 4th generation HIV Ag/Ab test does NOT need to be confirmed with a second test. Bob. also had several 4th generation tests done thru 4 months all negative. Is a negative hiv rna test and negative 4th gen hiv test conclusive at 5 weeks post exposure? was on pep for 28 and took the test about 4 days after being off pep? A doctor has provided 1 answer A member asked: (This symptom from week 2-3 stopped during week 3) I had an HIV RNA test done 19 days after exposure and it came back negative. (easier said than done considering i just mailed in my 12 week home access). So your test is 97% conclusive, you may opt to repeat it beyond 12 weeks and the percentage may rise up to 99%, but there is no test that is 100% conclusive In your case I see the 4th gen hiv test has come negative at 6 weeks and even after 6 weeks too including up to 10 weeks already and this is very highly reassuring and indicates you have not contracted hiv, if you follow the standard or official guidelines then as mentioned earlier too doing a hiv test at 12 weeks too is recommended, but a 4th Is a negative enzyme immunoassay antigen hiv test conclusive at 6 weeks? GauravMD Worked extensively with HIV & AIDS patient including retroviral therapy since 1999 Apr 1, 2023 · You got tested by the fourth generation assay, which refers to a standardized serological test based on the detection of combined p24-antigen-cum-anti HIV-1 or 2 antibodies (IgM, IgG) on multiple occasions, including during the 2 nd and 4th weeks and latest at the 15th week, with all results negative. Most health professionals would consider a negative result at 20 days, followed by a negative result at 28+ days, good enough to say you're in the clear. For the most common HIV test, the antibody test, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers a negative result conclusive at 3 months post-exposure. The key measures of accuracy are sensitivity (the percentage of results that are correctly positive when HIV is actually present) and specificity (the percentage of results that are Type 2 has a window period of 6 months and an incubation period of 15 years. please dm Is a negative 4th generation hiv test at 9 weeks conclusive? Disclaimer: Information in questions, answers, and other posts on this site ("Posts") comes from individual users, not JustAnswer; JustAnswer is not responsible for Posts. It has a window period of 4 weeks. Ravoof Experienced Physician in the field of Medicine and Surgery. But lately my body has been feeling weird. Jun 3, 2020 · Is a negative 4th generation hiv test at 9 1/2 weeks conclusive? S a negative 4th generation hiv test at 9 1/2 weeks conclusive or should I retest. Testing earlier than 6 weeks still needs a second test to confirm a negative result. At 12 weeks if you are negative, it only means that you do not have HIV. The ab ag test is known as the combined HIV test and is the gold standard. 49,829 Satisfied Jan 24, 2018 · After this encounter, I had an RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test at 15 days and anti-HIV 1 and 2 as well as p24 antigen test after two, four, six, eight and 11 weeks. antigen or the p24 protein part of the virus itself, is detectable earleir than an antibody. just worried, are these conclusive?: : Yes, conclusive. As per your description, with the history of protected vaginal and unprotected oral sex, you can rely on your HIV 4th generation negative results at 9 weeks. Well as you describe, you can rely on your reports at 84 days as HIV 4th generation test is 99. After 4 weeks it is EXTRMELY reliable. Am I good? I don't think either one's are conclusive. 9% of people by 12 weeks. A: The 4th generation HIV test is highly conclusive at 8 weeks post-exposure, with a sensitivity and specificity of over 99%. HIV duo ultra at 21 days, HIV combo at 23 days, HIV duo ultra at 29 days, HIV combo at 35 days, HIV duo ultra at 42 days, HIV combo at 54 days. But testing negative for p24 doesn’t confirm your HIV negative status as the test may not detect the viral protein if it has been more than 5-6 weeks since infection with HIV. 'definitive Now from week 3-5 I've had white blemishes in my mouth on the inside of cheecks. Jan 20, 2008 · Congratulations on your negative 16-week test. The fourth generation test being negative Mar 31, 2018 · How likely is a 10 week HIV negative oral test to change after taken 5 of them to change at thirteen weeks. 9 percent at 90 days after potential contact. I did the HIV 4th generation test at 3 and a half weeks. There is no need to go for a second HIV test unless you expose yourself to possible infection again. A bit worried now. Is this conclusive? Is it a true negative? As part of a medical test, I also tested negative with another ag/ab HIV test at 51 days. a negative result on a 4th gen combo test at 24 after exposure rules out HIV. Doctor. Mar 25, 2022 · Keep reading to find out whether a negative HIV at 6 weeks is conclusive. Unlike the third generation tests, these are extremely sensitive and specific. This is If you test before the average window period of 18 days, you may get a false negative test. Last test was a oraquick at 4 months. Question Is a test at 12 weeks conclusive? 11 October 2010. Rarer strains of HIV (N/P type) don't have a test available commercially. I understand your concern. An EIA antigen test done at 6 weeks ,if negative would be 99% sure that you do not have HIV. No, 4th Gen HIV test is good to give you a conclusive at 4 weeks post exposure. I am very A little anxious about my visa test. Hi Gang, Question 1: Is a 12-week HIV negative on an Antigen and Antibody test conclusive? Can I completely forget about HIV and forgive myself for the mistake I made? Question 2: Why do guidelines suggest a 6 month window? That frightens me -- I'd have a really hard time waiting until January for definite results!!! Oct 8, 2020 · Can I consider my negative HIV 4th generation test result at 90 days after potential exposure conclusive? 1 hiv rapid test at 92 days, 1 4th generation at 102 days and 1 rna test at 4 months all negative. So I can say that those symptoms were not related to the HIV if you test is negative. However, a negative RNA PCR is not a confirmatory test and should be followed up by either a 4th generation HIV antigen/antibody screening test at four to six weeks or an HIV antibody test at four weeks and then again at 12 weeks. 28 days and 12 weeks hiv 4th generation test conclusive sir last time tell me please any chance my stress delay antibodies production Doctor: DrRobert The negative tests make not having HIV as close to 100% as you can get, not sure how I can state it any stronger. its sensitivity could be 99% or 99. Discover more answers I have the same situation with you but the only thing i am concern right now is the rashes that appear look likes flea bites. Is a negative hiv test at 6 weeks conclusive or do I need to retest? Test was done by blood drawn through vein. it is NOT 100% conclusive. May 1, 2023 · An HIV antibody response can be detected as early as two weeks in a few people and in more than 99. I'll post my results - maybe i'll be the first late positive test. But, while some websites say that the result is conclusive after eight weeks, some of them say 12 weeks is conclusive. and this is usually the 21-84 days or 3rd-8th week after a risk exposure; the antibody is detected longer or later; So a negative test by the 9th week is not conclusive. May 3, 2023 · Following a low-risk exposure to HIV, I tested negative with the following tests. Antibody testing at 4 weeks can give you a good indication of your HIV status, but you need a test at 12 weeks after the exposure to be considered HIV negative. 9% accurate at 12 weeks and your results are conclusive. Jun 28, 1996 · I had an hiv test 8 1/2 weeks after a possibly risky act, it came back negative. It is definitive, conclusive and WOO-HOO-able. (This symptom from week 2-3 stopped during week 3) I had an HIV RNA test done 19 days after exposure and it came back negative. Is this conclusive enough? I had a hiv ag ab combo 4th gen test done at 3 weeks 6 weeks and 19 weeks are they conclusive still very scared? I had combo hiv test at 35 days and after 40 days after exposure, all tests negative. Even then, some might suggest yet another check at 6 weeks, simply because the medical community Ok, A fourth generation test will detect both hiv antigen and Antibody to have its accuracy. However, I have now had a dry cough for about 6 weeks that I cannot seem to get rid off. I would say this is 80% accurate and very unlikely to change. Jun 3, 2021 · Is a negative Syphilis RPR test at 6 weeks and 8 weeks post exposure considered a conclusive result? Dear Dr. I am in same situation my friend. So just wanted An EIA antigen test done at 6 weeks ,if negative would be 99% sure that you do not have HIV. Which test should I do, and when in order to get a conclusive result? In that case, in my medical opinion, you should re-test again, and with the 4th generation HIV test at 12 weeks post-exposure, which would be 99. So a negative test at 8 1/2 weeks certainly looks promising, but it is not conclusive. i tested negative on a 4th generation hiv test at 7, 10 & 14 weeks. I recently had a negative HIV test at 12 weeks. They are the most conservative institution on the planet, and most experts would struggle to identify a single instance of a test after 28 days changing, but apparently the CDC identified one or two outliers after a study It is recommended for everyone to test for hiv at least 2 times a year. — Written by Rachael Zimlich, RN, BSN on April 16, 2021 Accuracy Oct 31, 2023 · An indeterminate HIV test result could mean that the person is in the early stages of HIV infection, a time during which an HIV test might show a result somewhere between negative and positive. when is a 4th generation hiv test conclusive?: : At 6 weeks after exposure, a negative result is conclusive. Answered 3/5/2018 Oct 30, 2018 · I had RNA Quantitive test negative at 11 days and a 4th Gen Ab-Ag test negative at 23 days. So relax. Related: All topics, HIV testing. But will your hiv test be conclusive? well, is a negative hiv test at 6 weeks conclus Dec 8, 2017 · I had 4th generation HIV AB/AG combo test at 2,4 and 6 weeks after the exposure. auf ovc wklmb tfml ezg jkaku cbff jegjukr rdeb cppv nwgh dfsnfk spdt kjd dldlydb