Inflation cosmology lecture notes Hans Winther - Theoretical Cosmology lecture notes | Cosmology II course, U of Oslo | ICG Portsmouth - Theoretical Cosmology lecture notes. These lecture notes 1 intend to form a short pedagogical in-troduction to inflationary cosmology, highlighting selected areas of recent progress such as reheating and the theory of cosmological The lectures will be about modern cosmology. Cosmology. Lecture notes: Preface; Chapter 1: Geometry and Dynamics; Chapter 2: Inflation; Chapter 3: Thermal History; Chapter 4: Cosmological Perturbation Theory; Chapter 5: Structure Formation; Chapter 6: Quantum Initial Conditions; Outlook; Appendix A: Elements of General Jul 17, 2016 · Lecture Notes on Cosmology Oliver Fabio Piattella Gravitation and Cosmology Group www. The Expanding Universe: PDF Baumann has received numerous awards, including an ERC Starting Grant, an NWO VIDI Grant and a Jade Mountain Visiting Professorship at National Taiwan University. Symmetries, Fields and Particles (Prof N. The Expanding Universe: PDF measured quantities. Books and other notes. Cambridge University Press, 1998. Hybrid inflation 5. Jul 9, 2019 · View a PDF of the paper titled Lectures on Reheating after Inflation, by Kaloian D. Jul 30, 2009 · Abstract: In a series of five lectures I review inflationary cosmology. Many typos corrected, short sections added on non-Gaussianity and symmetries of dS, references added Mar 13, 2011 · Lecture 9 - Inflation I (15/May): shortcomings of standard cosmology; De Sitter expansion; Klein-Gordon equation in curved space. Additional topics include cosmic inflation, nucleosynthesis and baryosynthesis, quasar (QSO) absorption lines, and gamma-ray bursts. 2 Cosmological correlators In this section, I introduce cosmological correlators, which are the main objects of interest in cosmology. piattella@pq. Material from Lecture Notes 9 will be fair game for reading-type questions --- multiple choice, true/false, or maybe short answer questions --- but you will not be expected to use this material for calculations. Cline, ``TASI Lectures on Early Universe Cosmology: Inflation, Baryogenesis and Dark Matter,'' [arXiv:1812. The way inflation begins 4. Jan 1, 2004 · An introductory review of the Randall-Sundrum type II braneworld scenario is presented, with emphasis on the relationship between the density and gravitational wave perturbations that are generated during inflation. appropriate Skip to document University 1 Geometry and Dynamics The further out we look into the universe, the simpler it seems to get (see Fig. I discuss Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology and the horizon and flatness problems of the standard hot Big Bang, and introduce inflation as a solution to those problems, focusing on the simple scenario of inflation from a single scalar field. org Jun 30, 2022 · Baumann has received numerous awards, including an ERC Starting Grant, an NWO VIDI Grant and a Jade Mountain Visiting Professorship at National Taiwan University. The final part of these lectures gives a review of more general models of inflation, involving multiple fields or non standard kinetic terms. A video of these lecture, apart for lecture 5, is available at [1]. Topological defects as seeds for eternal inflation Apr 28, 2003 · 25 pages, 5 eps figures, lecture notes given at The Second Tah Poe School on Cosmology "Modern Cosmology", Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand, April 17 -25, 2003 Subjects: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) ; Astrophysics (astro-ph); General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc); High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th) Time permitting (lecture 5), we will introduce one of the conceptually most beautiful regimes of in ation, the regime of eternal in ation, during which quantum e ects become so large to change the asymptotics of the whole space-time. There isn't a book that really covers the content of the course at a similar level, but some references may be useful for filling in details not covered by the course, different approaches and further reading. James Bjorken - Physics Notes, some cosmology-related materials, especially on dark energy. During the lectures you will learn about: the basics of General Relativity; how we model a homogeneous and isotropic universe; dark matter, dark energy and their role; cosmic inflation; the thermal processes that took place during the history of our universe; cosmic structure formation both in the Chapter 17 – cosmology – lecture and reading notes. Feb 28, 2018 · These lecture notes are based on the hand-written notes which I prepared for the cosmology course taught to graduate students of PPGFis and PPGCosmo at the Federal University of Esp\'irito Santo 1. org Physics Departament Federal University of Esp rito Santo Vit oria, ES, Brazil oliver. The topics covered are grouped by what you need to know to complete each milestone in the numerical project. Advanced Cosmology (Prof E. Introduction 2. D91 (2015) 023503 Jan 1, 2001 · An introductory account is given of the inflationary cosmology, which postulates a period of accelerated expansion during the Universe's earliest stages. cnpq. Big questions remain unanswered, such as how inflation started and what role inflation may have in explaining “finely tuned” features of the state of the universe. This course covers topics ranging from the evidence of the expanding universe to Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies. Note = 1 requires K = 0 and stays xed. , the large-scale evolution of our universe from the big bang until today and into the far future. BRANDENBERGER Physics Department, Brown University Providence, RI, 02912, USA Abstract. I discuss Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology and the horizon and flatness problems of the standard hot … Expand The notes end with a discuscussion of cosmological soft theorems and Maldacena's consistency relation. 02029 [hep-ph]] 2017 M. video. Lecture Notes 10 THE NEW INFLATIONARY UNIVERSE INTRODUCTION: The new in ationary universe is a scenario in which the mass density of at least a small patch of the early universe becomes dominated by the potential energy of a scalar eld, in a state which is sometimes called a false vacuum. Complete PDF File . Description: In this lecture, the professor talked about the standard Big Bang, cosmic inflation, evidence for inflation, Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), universe to multiverse, dark energy, etc. Einstein’s model was static (later it was shown • Weinberg, ”Cosmology” also an older book ”Gravitation and cosmology” • Kolb and Turner, ”The early universe” (somewhat dated now!) • Liddle and Lyth, ”Cosmological inflation and large scale structure” • Peacock, ”Cosmological physics” • Mukhanov, ”Physical foundations of cosmology” • Dodelson, ”Modern 9. It assumes a background in neither general relativity nor statistical mechanics. Accelerated expansion occured in the ?36 very early Universe – an exponential expansion in the in ationary period 10 s after the Big Bang. LECTURES ON INFLATIONARY COSMOLOGY ANDREI LINDE Physics Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 CONTENTS1 1. Lecture Notes on Cosmology Antonio Riotto D epartement de Physique Th eorique, Universit e de Gen eve, 24 quai Ansermet, CH-1211, Gen eve, Switzerland Abstract This set of notes has been written down as supplementary material for the course on Topics in Cosmology delivered to the students of the Central European Joint Programme of doctoral studies • In 1917, Einstein publishes the first cosmological model, based on the introduction of the cosmological constant and on assuming homogeneity and isotropy. Cosmology: Inflation to Last Scattering (Rough Notes) page0-36 page37-73 page74-122 page123-157 page158-222 page223-265 References. COVERAGE: Lecture Notes 6 (pp. Lectures delivered at the "ICTP Summer School on Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology", Trieste, 17 June - 5 July 2002. 2. These notes are written as This page contains material supporting the UvA Masters Course Cosmology. This motivates the study of cosmological inflation induced by a slow-rolling scalar Lecture 19: The Cosmological Constant, Part II. The notes cover topics including the history of cosmology, general relativity, the expanding universe, thermal processes in the early universe like nucleosynthesis, observational evidence for cosmology like supernovae, cosmic inflation, and linear perturbations. Mar 15, 2024 · These lecture notes provide a pedagogical introduction to some aspects of the inflationary cosmology, including the background scalar field dynamics, generation of primordial seed perturbations via quantum fluctuations during inflation, and the process of reheating after inflation in the single-field inflationary paradigm. There will be no exam; the grade will be based on homework. Cosmic Dynamics: The Friedmann Equation; 5. Michælmas, 2016. Linde and others, cosmic inflation -- exponential expansion of the universe driven by the potential energy contained in an `inflaton' field -- has become a successful paradigm of early universe cosmology and the origin of structure in the universe. (Lecture Notes in Physics 975) Subhendra Mohanty - Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology_ Perspectives in the Multimessenger Era-Springer International Publishing_Springer (2020) - Free ebook download as PDF File (. The way inflation ends. cosmo-ufes. The full lecture notes come in around 170 pages. 1 Basic recalls on the standard cosmological model In the standard cosmological model and at the level of background quantities (i. The temperature and energies in the very early universe (t < 10−30s) were so high that we do not know the physics of this era. The emphasis for inflation is an intuitive understanding and techniques for constraining inflationary models. We also discuss the theory of a stationary self-reproducing inflationary universe, and its possible implications for evaluating the most probable The Winter 2013 quarter course of the Modern Physics series concentrates on cosmology, the science of the origin and development of the universe. piattella@cosmo-ufes. 1. Always remember that redshift z and scale factor a are di erent parameters that describe the same thing, i. Lecture Notes on Computational Cosmology Moritz Munc¨ hmeyer 6 Inflation 26 6. Since its discovery by A. R. S. C. It then introduces how a brief period of accelerated expansion, or inflation, can solve these issues by expanding the universe exponentially. Big picture notes on the arrow of time, tuning and cosmology for the 2019 "Out of Equilibrium World" workshop; de Sitter equilibrium as a fundamental framework for cosmology (in the proceedings of the DICE2008 conference, Thomas Elze, ed). The lectures were delivered at BUSSTEP 2022 (Imperial College, London), the Kavli Asian Winter School on Strings, Particles and Cosmology 2023 (Korea) and the Advanced Summer School in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity 2023 (Vietnam). Along the w An introductory account is given of the inflationary cosmology, which postulates a period of accelerated expansion during the Universe's earliest stages. D. The lecture notes presented in this chapter provide an introduction to inflationary cosmology with an emphasis on some of the ways effective field theories (EFTs) are used in its analysis. They can be found also on my personal webpage Jan 28, 2010 · The purpose of these lectures is to give a pedagogical introduction to inflation and the production of primordial perturbations, as well as a review of some of the latest developments in this domain. Abstract: In a series of five lectures I review inflationary cosmology. Lozanov 78 pages; pedagogical lecture notes: Subjects: Cosmology and This document contains lecture notes on cosmology from Luca Amendola at the University of Heidelberg. Piattella1 Nucleo´ Cosmo-UFESandPhysicsDepartment, FederalUniversityofEsp´ıritoSanto Vit´oria,ES,Brazil 1E-mail: oliver. The implications of relaxing the reflection AST 376 Cosmology | Lecture Notes Prof. txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Specific emphasis is placed on a new broad class of theories, namely, cosmological attractors, which have nearly model-independent predictions converging at the sweet spot of the Planck data in the (ns, r) plane. Reheating of the Universe after inflation 6. 1047; Eternal Inflation with Arrival Terminals arXiv:1406. Marsh) Quantum Field Theory (Prof B. This course provides an overview of astrophysical cosmology with emphasis on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation, galaxies and related phenomena at high redshift, and cosmic structure formation. 00012 [hep-th]]. 3 Lecture 9: Cosmological Constant Problems, Inflation Paradigm, 3 Puzzles Lecture 12: BICEP 2, Inflation as a Generator of Apr 19, 2023 · Lecture notes. The aim of this lecture is a first-principles introduction to the classical dynamics of inflationary cosmology. 9. . They are roughly separated into three parts Part I: The evolution of our universe: This part provides the background in Time permitting (lecture 5), we will introduce one of the conceptually most beautiful regimes of in ation, the regime of eternal in ation, during which quantum e ects become so large to change the asymptotics of the whole space-time. Abstract. The exposition is well suited to all people that are interested in fundamental relations between quantum physics and gravitation Dec 10, 2021 · These lecture notes are based on those presented at the Theoretical Aspects of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation School at the Galileo Galilee Institute in Florence in 2021, https Abstract. These notes are written as The next step consists in relating the perturbations generated during inflation to the perturbations of the cosmological fluid in the radiation dominated phase. Inflation, the subsequent oscillation and decay of The lectures will be about modern cosmology. Lecture 1: Inflationary Cosmology: Is Our Universe Part of a Multiverse? Part I. 1, 85748Garching Dec 10, 2021 · In supergravity, the dynamics of the sgoldstino – superpartner of the goldstino superfield associated with the breaking of supersymmetry at low energy – can substantially modify the dynamics of … These lectures, presented at TASI 2018, provide a concise introduction to inflation, baryogenesis, and aspects of dark matter not covered by the other lectures. Recent developments discussed in this paper include the hybrid inflation scenario, the theory of reheating, and the theory of inflating tolopogical defects. Instructor: Alan Guth. Feb 25, 2014 · The idea of the previous lectures was to introduce the various contributions to the cosmic energy budget. S. 7352 Phys. FRW Notes imperial college cosmology lecture notes to wiseman to huxley 507, email: books this course is not based directly on any one book. Literature. Next, I describe how inflation transforms microscopic quantum fluctuations into macroscopic seeds for cosmological structure Cosmology has become a very active research field in the last decades thanks to the impressing improvement of our observational techniques which have led to landmark discoveries such as the accelerated expansion of the universe, and have put physicists in front of new mysteries to unveil, such as the quest after the nature of dark matter and dark energy. ch Jan 28, 2010 · The purpose of these lectures is to give a pedagogical introduction to inflation and the production of primordial perturbations, as well as a review of some of the latest developments in this domain. 173 MB Lecture 20: Supernovae Ia and Vacuum Energy Density Lecture 23: Inflation. 5424 valerie. P. " By ‘supercooling’ he refers to a Oct 11, 2002 · The big bang model and the history of the early universe according to the grand unified theories are introduced. • David Tong’sCosmology lecture notes. This peculiar form of Lecture 9: Inflation Horizon, flatness and monopole problems of standard Hot Big Bang; inflation as a solution to these problems; estimate of amount of inflation required; particle physics and how to power inflation; inflation and structure growth. During the lectures you will learn about: the basics of General Relativity; how we model a homogeneous and isotropic universe; dark matter, dark energy and their role; cosmic inflation; the thermal processes that took place during the history of our universe; cosmic structure formation both in the 2 AST242 LECTURE NOTES PART 9 { INFLATION AND PERTURBATIONS or (2) 1 = K (aH)2 where we have used the de nition for K. e. 9 Accelerated Expansion. Averaged over large scales, the clumpy distribution of galaxies becomes homogeneous and isotropic, i. These lectures give an introduction to four pillars of modern cosmology: an expanding universe, Large Scale Structures, the Cosmic Microwave Background and inflation. Here contains matter, radiation and possibly a cosmological constant. AST1100 Lecture Notes 25-26: Cosmology: nucleosynthesis and inflation 1 A brief history of the universe 1. Observations are consistent with Gaussian initial conditions, compatible with the predictions of the simplest models of inflation. At Cambridge, Baumann’s notes are used for Part III while Tong’s are used for Part II. After a short introduction, we review the main principles of the Hot Big Bang model, as well as its limitations. [2018/10] Lecture notes on inflation and primordial black holes by C. I begin with a description of the initial conditions problems of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) cosmology and then explain how inflation, an early period of accelerated expansion, solves these problems. arXiv:0906. Some theories suggest that the electromagnetic, strong and weak interactions were all Jul 21, 2018 · Cosmology has become a very active research field in the last decades thanks to the impressing improvement of our observational techniques which have led to landmark discoveries such as the accelerated expansion of the universe, and have put physicists in front of new mysteries to unveil, such as the quest after the nature of dark matter and dark energy. Problems of principle for inflationary cosmology are pointed out, and some Dec 10, 2021 · Abstract page for arXiv paper 2112. Dorey) Cosmology (Dr J. I discuss quantum modes in inflation and the generation of Enrico Pajer - Cosmology. INFLATIONARY COSMOLOGY: PROGRESS AND PROBLEMS ROBERT H. Alberto Vázquez et al. Lecture notes. He is the author of the book Inflation and String Theory (with Liam McAllister). txt) or read book online for free. The theory needed in this course is covered in Dodelson and Baumann, but we also provide a comprehensive set of lecture notes given below including videos where we go through the lectures. We also discuss a possibility to test string theory through cosmological Jan 28, 2020 · The main aim of this paper is to provide a qualitative introduction to the cosmological inflation theory and its relationship with current cosmological observations. 2 The relic particle problem; 9 Inflation. This chapter gives a general review of inflationary cosmology and of its present status, in view of the 2013 data release by the Planck satellite. 1 Acceleration and negative pressure; 9. A quick review of background cosmology ; Free filds on curved backgrounds; Interacting fields and the in-in formalism; Correlators from P(X,phi) theories; Gravity Jun 30, 2022 · Baumann has received numerous awards, including an ERC Starting Grant, an NWO VIDI Grant and a Jade Mountain Visiting Professorship at National Taiwan University. Some background in general relativity is assumed. Baumann’s TASI Lectures on Primordial Cosmology. The final lecture presents the idea of an eternal inflation as an effect of quantum gravity in the early universe, that gives rise to speculations of multiverses as alternatives to the classical big-bang picture. • Subir Sarkar’sAstroparticle Physics lecture notes. M. Different scenarios exist, though, and the reader will learn about the "ins" and "outs" as the subject and related issues are surveyed. These are the notes from the Part III Math course given in M 2018 and M 2019. 77 pages, 9 figures. The shortcomings of big bang are discussed together with their resolution by inflationary cosmology. The textbook readings are in: Peacock, John A. Lecture Notes on Cosmology Antonio Riotto D´epartement de Physique Th´eorique, Universit´e de Gen`eve, 24 quai Ansermet, CH-1211, Gen`eve, Switzerland Abstract This set of notes has been written down as supplementary material for the course on Topics in Cosmology delivered to the students of the Central European Joint Programme of doctoral Abstract. My lecture notes: Lecture 1: Intuition and Order of Magnitude Estimates; Lecture 2: Naked-eye cosmology; Lecture 3: Observational overview; Lecture 4: Photons and other things; Lecture 5: Newtonian gravity; Lecture 6: The geometry of the universe; Lecture 7: General relativity; Lecture 8: Simple cosmological models; Lecture 9: Distances in 2018 MPA LECTURE SERIES ON COSMOLOGY LecturesonReheatingafterInflation Kaloian Lozanov MaxPlanckInstituteforAstrophysics, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. The simplest model of inflation 3. Jan 1, 2010 · The purpose of these lectures is to give a pedagogical introduction to inflation and the production of the primordial perturbations, as well as a review of some of the latest developments in this domain. After a brief review of basic FRW cosmology we show that the conventional Big Bang theory leads to an initial conditions problem: the universe as we know it can only arise for very special and finely-tuned initial conditions. pdf), Text File (. Another clear set of notes, at a more basic level. in- Lecture Notes 01 -- FLRW cosmology: SmoothUniverse Cosmic Acceleration 02 -- Beyond the smooth universe: Gaussian Random Fields 03 -- Generation of Primordial Fluctuations: Inflation Basics Scalar-Vector-Tensor Decomposition Generation of Fluctuations during Inflation Primordial Non-Gaussianity 04 -- Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Fluctuations: Feb 9, 2009 · This series of lectures gives a pedagogical review of the subject of cosmological inflation. This document contains lecture notes on inflationary cosmology. Allanach) General Relativity (Dr M. Dunajski and Prof H. This is a course on cosmology, aimed at final year undergraduate students. Lecture notes I may update these notes as the course progresses, adding also some new material. 00716: Lectures on Inflation The links below are to the course lecture notes and readings. 05716: Lecture notes on inflation and primordial black holes These lecture notes are based on those presented at the Theoretical Aspects of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation School at the Galileo Galilee Institute in Florence in 2021, Lecture notes on "Cosmological Correlations" written together with Austin Joyce (Chicago). Dec 10, 2021 · These lecture notes are based on those presented at the Theoretical Aspects of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation School at the Galileo Galilee Jan 7, 2025 · Hannu Kurki-Suonio lecture notes: Cosmology I/II, Cosmological Perturbation Theory I/II, Galaxy Survey Cosmology. Cvetic and L. Do reload the webpage for the latest versions of notes. In this chapter we describe the recent progress achieved in the construction of inflationary models in the context of string theory with flux compactification and moduli stabilization. The notes are intended to supplement a course on cosmology and These notes are based on the lectures I gave at the2019 Asian-Paci c Winter Schoolhosted by the Yukawa Institute of Theoretical Physics in Kyoto, Japan. 2 The Flatness Problem; 8. Shellard and Dr A. br,oliver. This success strongly supports theories with a brief period of cosmic inflation at early times. 2 Density Perturbations; 10 Structure Jun 17, 2002 · 77 pages, 9 figures. Awards This series of lectures gives a pedagogical review of the subject of cosmological inflation. Instead of exam, there will be an additional homework problem set given out on the last week of lectures. Observational Basis of the Big Bang Cosmological Model; Slides shown for Part 1. ISBN: 9780521422703. If the universe is matter dominated, then a/t2 =3, _a/t 1 and H= _a=a/t 1. The historical motivation is briefly outlined, and the modelling of the inflationary epoch explained. T. 1. The inflationary model solves The lectures that four authors present in this volume investigate core topics related to the accelerated expansion of the Universe. 1 The duration of Inflation; 9 Inflation via a scalar field. Sep 2, 2016 · This series of lectures gives a pedagogical review of the subject of cosmological inflation. Please do let me know if you find any typos or errors Lecture notes 2. domcke@cern. All notes are in pdf format. 3 Notes on Killing Vectors. 8. Volker Bromm | TA: Aaron Smith (Dated: April 15, 2014) THE VERY EARLY UNIVERSE: INFLATION (CONTINUED) In Guth’s original notebook he describes his eureka moment for in ation: \This kind of super-cooling can explain why the Universe today is so incredibly at. Byrnes and P. 2 The horizon problem27 6. org e-Print Archive, with downloadable versions of the papers. Reall) Lent, 2017. 1 The Cosmological Constant problem; 8 Open Questions in the Big Bang Model. The notes are divided into two Jul 23, 2018 · These lectures, presented at TASI 2018, provide a concise introduction to inflation, baryogenesis, and aspects of dark matter not covered by the other lectures. Suppose K6= 0. General Relativity; 3. , averaging over spatial fluctuations), the universe is described by the Friedmann-Lemaˆıtre-Robertson-Walker metric ds2 = dt2 −a(t)2 dr2 1−kr2 +r2(dθ2 +sin2 θdϕ2) (1) Lecture 1: Classical Dynamics of In ation The aim of this lecture is a rst-principles introduction to the classical dynamics of in ationary cosmology. Deviations are constrained to be at the sub percent level, constraining alternative models such as those with multiple fields, non-canonical 1. We will discuss some components in greater detail later. Video recording of lectures (recorded by Biswajit Sahoo) 2021 course on Cosmology Lecture notes Cosmology Lecture Notes - Free ebook download as PDF File (. After a short introduction, we review the main principles of These lecture notes provide an introduction to cosmology, covering topics such as the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric, distances and Hubble's law in cosmology, the standard cosmological model, equilibrium thermodynamics of the early universe, Big Bang nucleosynthesis, inflation, and cosmological perturbations from inflation. br Started on July 17, 2016 v1: February 24, 2017 With lectures written by eminent scientists in the field, many of them having made pioneering contributrions in the early hours of the field, "Inflationary Cosmology" addresses both senior and younger high-energy physicists, cosmologists and observational astrophysicists seeking both a readable account and reference in the field. Oct 23, 2007 · Cosmic inflation corresponds to an episode of accelerated expansion of the very early universe and solves nicely a collection of puzzles that had plagued standard cosmology so far. These lecture notes are based on those presented at the Theoretical Aspects of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation School at the Galileo Galilee David Tong: Lectures on Cosmology. Cosmology Lecture Notes 2023 (Jonathan Pritchard) - Free download as PDF File (. I begin with comparing and contrasting correlators in David Tong: Lectures on Cosmology. Challinor) Reheating after inflation, Kaloian Lozanov (MPA), March 8 [the original lecture notes] Effective Field Theory of Inflation, Giovanni Cabass (MPA), May 24; Gravitational waves in Cosmology [Section 1,2], Azadeh Maleknejad (MPA), June 28; Gravitational waves in Cosmology [Section 3,4], Azadeh Maleknejad (MPA), September 13 Jun 9, 2003 · The theory of cosmological perturbations has become a cornerstone of modern quantitative cosmology since it is the framework which provides the link between the models of the very early Universe such as the inflationary Universe scenario (which yield causal mechanisms for the generation of fluctuations) and the wealth of recent high-precision data on the spectrum of density fluctuations and Nov 25, 2014 · We discuss how primordial non-Gaussianity of the curvature perturbation helps to constrain models of the early universe. A broad, up-to-date overview of many The following is a preliminary version of D. ~23--end), Lecture Notes 7 Lecture Notes 8, and Notes on Thermal Equilibrium. Lin, ``TASI Lectures on Abelian and Discrete Symmetries in F-theory,'' [arXiv:1809. Lecture Notes: Intro; Part I: Relics from the Hot Big Bang; Part II: Relics from Inflation; Lecture Scripts Lecture Videos Sep 2, 2016 · Abstract page for arXiv paper 1609. PDF HTML Content . 1). This motivates the study of cosmological inflation induced by a slow-rolling scalar Mar 9, 2024 · Lecture notes will be provided and updated as the course progresses. Many of the links go to the arXiv. Lecture notes ; Online lecture: Part 1 , Part 2 Lecture 10 - Inflation II (22/May): inflaton action and equations of motion; slow-roll inflation; inflationary model building; reheating. Oct 12, 1994 · A general overview of the history and present status of inflationary cosmology is given. Course Info Instructor In a series of five lectures I review inflationary cosmology. a= (1 + z) 1. Piattella; Introduction to Cosmology by Barbara Ryden; Modern Cosmology Lecture Notes in Cosmology OliverF. 1 The flatness problem27 6. Fergusson and Dr M. An introduction to Cosmology for master and graduate students (Part III of the Math Tripos). The Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Metric; Slides from Barbara Ryden's guest lecture; Slides from Paul Martini's guest lecture; 4. Inflationary Cosmology: From Theory to Observations by J. After a brief review of basic FRW cosmology we show that the conventional Big Bang theory leads to an initial conditions problem: the universe as we know it can only arise for very spe- Baumann has received numerous awards, including an ERC Starting Grant, an NWO VIDI Grant and a Jade Mountain Visiting Professorship at National Taiwan University. Rev. Jun 30, 2022 · Baumann has received numerous awards, including an ERC Starting Grant, an NWO VIDI Grant and a Jade Mountain Visiting Professorship at National Taiwan University. ASTR/PHY 395 - Cosmology Lecture notes Timm Wrase Abstract These lecture notes will provide an introduction to cosmology, i. These lecture notes 1 intend to form a short pedagogical in-troduction to inflationary cosmology, highlighting selected areas of recent progress such as reheating and the theory of cosmological perturbations. J. 3 Inflationary expansion30 Sep 1, 2022 · Baumann has received numerous awards, including an ERC Starting Grant, an NWO VIDI Grant and a Jade Mountain Visiting Professorship at National Taiwan University. Please do email me if you find any typos or mistakes. The lectures go on to discuss how quantum fluctuations during 8. Lecture Notes in Cosmology by Oliver F. 2 The Horizon Problem; 8. It begins by reviewing the standard cosmological model and its shortcomings, such as the flatness and horizon problems. For baryogenesis we focus on two examples, leptogenesis and electroweak baryogenesis, with attention to singlet-assisted two Lectures at Canary Islands Winter School 2022 Outline: 1) CMB & BBN 2) Baryogenesis 3) Inflation (background) 4) Inflation (perturbations) Literature Bailin, Love : Cosmology in gauge field theory and string theory Baumann: TASI Lecture Notes Inflation arxiv: 0907. The universe on the largest scales o The largest structure known in the universe, the Sloan great wall. Complete PDF File Please do let me know if you find any typos or errors! Contents. Cosmological Physics. Cole [2021/12] General: Observational Evidence: Introductory: Gangui 2001/02; Oct 10, 2002 · These lectures provide a pedagogical introduction to inflation and the theory of cosmological perturbations generated during inflation which are thought to be the origin of structure in the universe. Because of this we can say H(z) = H(a) = H(t) , where we This chapter presents a general review of the history of inflationary cosmology and of its present status Lectures on theoretical physics from Cambridge University. The most important aspect of inflation is that it provides a possible model for the origin of structure in the Universe, and key results are Oct 12, 2007 · With lectures written by eminent scientists in the field, many of them having made pioneering contributrions in the early hours of the field, "Inflationary Cosmology" addresses both senior and younger high-energy physicists, cosmologists and observational astrophysicists seeking both a readable account and reference in the field. His cosmology lecture notes are used worldwide. The popular “eternal inflation” model suffers from the notorious measure problem. Feb 28, 2018 · These lecture notes are based on the hand-written notes which I prepared for the cosmology course taught to graduate students of PPGFis and PPGCosmo at the Federal University of Esp\\'irito Santo (UFES), starting from 2014. At the same time, it leads to great theoretical problems which remain unsolved. These lecture notes closely follow Baumann’s.