Ic2 nuclear reactor setup. The Nuclear Reactor and its 6 added .
Ic2 nuclear reactor setup. scram at 8k (redstone torch 'nor' gate).
Ic2 nuclear reactor setup The turbines are crafted using the ic2 items: "component heat vent" and "reactor plating". 6 IC2 Reactor Chamber blocks, 1 on each face of the Nuclear Reactor block. And here we have a handy little Reactor Planner which will give you all the info you need to properly set up your timers. 2. One bad setup can destroy the reactor and everything around it. Nov 8, 2016 · Good Reactor IC2 setups. Warning: If you really really won't risk having a potential nuke in your backyard (although all reactors are potential nukes, blowing up one of these will also destroy your heat-related machines), then the following designs are not for you. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Far_Shock5241 • Apr 16, 2013 · My personal benchmark is the 100 EU/t 0 chamber reactor. The buttons in Section 4 change the contents of the Section 5 box. You make an interesting point, though, about extra room for plating. Feb 27, 2013 · This is a speciality breeder meant for a lack of automation tools, it produces its re-enriched uranium in just under 20 minutes (1120 seconds), so it can be run off a 20 minute timer (easy to build with vanilla redstone), and outputs enough to run most of the above reactors in one or two of its subcycles, keeping the manual workload for vanilla Dec 7, 2011 · Using this setup you can run your reactor indefinitely, all you have to do is set the timers correctly and replace uranium cells as they expire. You then place the Reactor Sensor The Nuclear Reactor is one of the most powerful ways to generate EU. Now its time to tackle the automation which might be even trickier since I have no experience with it, so Id like to ask for some input from you experienced players. However, I only want to pull out 7 rods at a time and place them in. When set up correctly, it is more efficient than a standard EU reactor. The Fuel-making-process is also included. This requires no external cooling and can run forever as lon Jan 21, 2013 · A monstrous nuclear facility designed by CaptainJack: http://youtu. but if there is not a posibility to set up a reactor like that, can you tell me the highest eu Jan 5, 2012 · set up and system like such: snow gollem - block breaker (at his feet) - singularity compressor - retriever - personal safe (main storage of your ice!) - retriever - reactor. For design ideas, see the Advanced "Technically" this is the best "output" setup, but this one is also a Uranium waster. It will guide you through building a safe, powerful and automated . Apr 16, 2013 · I've tested this in game with an actual setup and it does work. Instead, it has an internal Nuclear Reactor with a 5x5 grid that can be accessed by shift-right clicking. EU Reactor . No complex timers required, no heat management. The actual amount of whole plutonium is 3 per reactor. Sample setups for the reactor component layout itself can be found here, or here. (Seriously though, you can set up a reactor in such a way that its passive cooling is equal to or greater than the heat generation, and if you do that, it cannot possibly explode) You could also encase the reactor in a thick layer of blast-resistant blocks (iirc three layers of IC2 reinforced stone is enough) to contain any potential explosion. it should produce 512 eu/t and work as long to fill an MFSU without to overheat or any smoke. Aug 3, 2021 · Nuclear reactors are very valuable, have enormous energy-producing potential, and without a doubt have a steep learning curve. Nov 10, 2022 · Howdy gamers!If you found my tutorial helpful please hit that like button!I want to make sure to reach out to anyone that might be stuck with their own Tekki Sep 27, 2014 · EU/t is the normal reactor output that I'm used to from older builds of IC2 experimental, and what it shows in the reactor interface when it's connected to electrical cables (or maybe just when it doesn't have an item/block to make it output other forms of energy), so I don't intend to remove it from my planner. Up to six reactor chambers can be added to increase the capacity, thereby expanding the possibility of making power. 7k EU/t out for 5 hours, but you need 110 ingots per day Which i can assure you there are people out there that get a 5kEU/t for lot less ingots per day. Also if im not mistaken, wont a 7×4 setup not only produce 1 more nugget/chunk of plutonium than this 27×1 setup? Today I set up a simple IC2 nuclear reactor. The IC2 Reactor is the heart of the fluid nuke system. If this is all a bit over your head, you can try This Tutorial. The benefits are multiplicative. No wonder your stuff blew up. Place the right components in the reactor in the right locations, and voila -- nearly free energy! Place the wrong components or in the wrong locations, and BOOM! Sep 17, 2012 · -No mods other than IC2. edit: the nuclear reactor chambers used to give you more space to do stuff in, but it looks like they're not fully implemented yet ): Oct 21, 2013 · Okay, the screenshot has been edited into the hyperlink to replace the un-running site, I was having the issue as well, and I learned that Java blocks it because the Java it runs is no longer compatible with Java versions 7. de/?ref=5003 Dec 28, 2023 · #minecraft #ic2 This is a nuclear reactor in IC2, this thing is very nice I like it much. The reactor isn't super efficient, but I'm going for reliable multiples of 200hU/t, and that was the first I made. The Mark III and higher reactors will not run for a complete cycle. In this tutorial I explain most of the available components (fuel rods, heat vents and heat exchangers) for nuclear reactors and how they function. com/JczX82A. Building a Nuclear Reactor power generation system is a significant time and resource investment and requires a solid commitment from the Player. dudes! I’ve seen a lot online about ice or reactor coolant injectors, but those are all methods exclusive to other versions like Tekkit Lite and IC2. 33 which is very good for a easily automated, non-exploding reactor setup. 0, on Normal Mode. 116. I spent some time digging through the code of the simulator and also IC2 (both are public code), and the simulator copies the exact IC2 logic (with all the bugs), so it works. The Nuclear Reactor and its 6 added Sep 27, 2014 · I have made my own version of the reactor planner, which supports the latest IC2 Experimental reactor components, as well as components from GregTech 5 Unofficial. Jun 11, 2022 · Playlist: https://www. Sep 23, 2020 · Fala ai pessoal, tudo bem?Continuando nossa serie de tutoriais / Mod Showcase de Minecraft. Once you have your reactor, you want to get some power out of it. Hey there! Today we just set up a new 'Reactor Designs' page on the FTB Wiki dedicated to listing players fission reactor builds for others to use and, perhaps, improve. If I wanted to I could run a much better reactor with a Redpower system to let the reactor cool, but I prefer full cycle reactors. The energy output of a Steam Reactor is not constant; it The Nuclear Reactor is one of the most powerful ways to generate EU. However, they are very dangerous and require careful observation to control. If the design does not beat that reactor for my current need then I would not build it. Fittingly, it is also the most dangerous. These reactors use LZH and RSH Nov 24, 2017 · I have the reactor and the the turbines set up in creative and all works well together, getting a LOT of energy out of one reactor. Good to ensure NC fusion always has superconductor power or the like. It can be very dangerous so be careful, but feel free to try this at I've been searching online and can't seem to find any recent "best" IC2 nuclear reactor set-ups. pngFluid Reactor Design works with basic reactor designsMox Reactor Design: https://i. Pair that with a nice breeder reactor •The first step to creating an IC2 reactor is locating and refining nuclear material. 364 and gregtech. be/Irs8Tq0ONhkLets Build a Nuclear Power Plant with CaptainJack, Episode 1: http://youtu. IC2 is made in such a way that you can make it do what you want it to (within the scope of the mod) but it's unforgiving if that setup is wrong. S. -Create a 3x3 of water source blocks on top of the The first thing to realize with nuclear reactors and FTB is that the online planners are not for the version of IC2 and Gregtech that are in FTB. Nuclear reactors require a significant investment of materials and preparation. imgur. I have a bank of 6 nuclear reactors that I'm feeding Mox/Uranium fuel rods and am looking for a solution to an automation problem. Mar 16, 2023 · This thread is to serve the same purpose as [Official] New Reactors design thread. The reactor should preferably be tested in game to make sure it's safe 7. I wish greg/IC2 would nerf solar panels or buff reactors. You can think if it as NC's equivalent of IC2's reactor design page. For design ideas, try the Nuclear Reactor - Advanced Layouts page. It will guide you through building a safe, powerful and automated Nuclear Reactor. Dec 11, 2012 · You folks all realize that over in the IC2 forums they have a thread for top designs for nuclear reactors right? [OFFICIAL] List of good reactor designs From the looks of it, self-cooling efficiency tops out at a Mark 1 EB reactor with no running costs. Jan 18, 2016 · But honestly there's a lot of 4+ efficiency reactors out there that fit the bill. Reactors are capable of outputting considerable power: each Uranium Cell will output 5 EU/tick, meaning that high-output Reactors need high-level infrastructure to avoid machinery damage: HV_Transformers, MFS Units and Glass Fibre Cables Help with IC2 reactors . Has anyone managed to create an easily maintained reactor with higher efficiency? If you take a popular IC2 reactor design and mirror it and/or rotate it, then it won't work the same way, it may even blow up. Wrench reactors are a meme, you can read about them Wrench Cooled IC2 Fission Reactor There are several fuel types: Fuel Types The overall efficiency of the reactor, for fuel usage only, is 3. And yes, quad cells do make the depleted cells recharge 4 times faster. It starts that reactor once the charge drops lower than 50% and disengages Playlist: https://www. The Nuclear Jetpack is very similar to a normal Electric Jetpack, however, it cannot be charged. de/?ref=5003 I don't know if any of the old IC2 reactor designs work with the new mod's numbers, but it might be worth looking them up and checking it out. Place the right components in the reactor in the right locations, and voila -- nearly free energy! Place the wrong components or in the wrong locations, and BOOM! So I just built my nuclear reactor with 2 chambers, was wondering what would be the best and most efficient design for it. 💬Discord: http://discord. It is a 5x5x5 multiblock, and to construct one, you will need: 1 IC2 Nuclear Reactor block. Increased power output with increased reactor heat (in the fluid reactor, just a flat 2x at >50% base reactor heat). com/F9eay0h. Right-click on the reactor to access its internal inventory, which will be a grid that is 3x6 (for a single reactor block) to 9x6 (for a full 6 reactor chamber build). I have run this reactor design for over 72 hours of realtime operation without a I like NC nuclear after that. 5 IC2 reactors. I've been playing on a server running IE 2. A nuclear reactor is constructed by placing a Nuclear Reactor block, and optionally surrounding it with up to 6 Reactor Chambers. Each reactor setup can show some RELATED jumps or dips in power, the power differences are NOT strictly 1:1, and a few EU reactors can actually do BETTER in EU mode than in Heat Sep 16, 2012 · After you successfully crafted three, not two, not four, but three, to be spelled, 3, which is the number following after the 2 and going before 4, chambers, you can now easyly create a Nuclear Reactor, by combining the side-wards aligned Chambers with a Generator below and an advanced Circuit above. Components from other add-on mods may be added once those mods are fully released (and the details of their components are finalized) Supports both EU and fluid reactors. Dec 23, 2016 · The Neutron Reflector has 30K durability, meaning it can sit next to a Fuel Rod (Uranium) for a reactor cycle and a half before disintegrating. One way, perhaps the only way to obtain plutonium is from processing the depleted fuel rods from an IC2 reactor. Going to 2nd this build - the extra 40 eu/t is NOT going to make a huge difference. The configurable nukes look delightful, but are horribly underpowered. Reactors that use redpower 2 or buildcraft or any other mod are not allowed. Any fast LEU-235 style reactor will burn IC2/ExReact fuels safely and fast. It has a maximum EU storage of 30,000 EU. 2 instead as long as they still work in 1. People then seem to poke smaller / larger NC fusion for neutron fluid, and Env Tech solar for lazy power. b Playing Age of Engineering, need more plutonium, figured I build a few Mox reactors since I have loads of Uranium. Aug 15, 2015 · 6. 2 of these (not sure about 1) is enough to power a Mass Fabricator, 2 Overclocked (4x2) Recyclers and charge my MFSU without draining more power than it outputs. 1. It gives 360 EU/t and produces ZERO HEAT Also I have MFS unit to power up the reactor when it's partially full or empty Do I need to cool the reactor even if it has zero heat whe it's turned on? Looking forwaard to your help. coal-ore and monazit ore give plenty of thorium, and the breeding process delivers a lot of thorium too (centrifuge the reenriched isotope cells, get 1 plutonium, 4 thorium and 3 near depleted cells. Jul 6, 2012 · Now, I am playing with the idea of heating up a reactor with X amount of Uranium cells and pulling them out and replacing them with my zero heat sum reactor set up. Oct 16, 2021 · The Fluid Reactor, also known as the Pressure Vessel Reactor, is an alternative use of the existing EU reactor. Very sorry made a mistake here, messed up and took the number of RTG fuels my 4 reactors makes in total. Step 1: Finding Uranium Ore Jul 1, 2016 · The Mark II reactors - as I understand it - will all run for a single cycle, and then you will need to refuel them and replace used up components. I mean, all the reactors used in the world follow more or less the setup: Nuclear Heating System ==> Pressurized water becomes really hot ==> Turbines ==> Movement ==> Electricity \/ Cooling system ==> Two possibilities: Nov 29, 2011 · Warning: This reactor is not cheap to set up! It requires a -lot- of extra parts. The nuclear reactor acts like a chest. It works much like the Remote Thermal Monitor but has a text display and includes more information. Your mileage will vary if you're not producing exactly 200/t per powertrain setup. It is a more powerful variant of the Nuclear Reactor which produces Steam rather than EU. Jan 7, 2010 · Learn how to trigger a nuclear meltdown here. Fuel Rod (MOX) Dual Fuel Rod (MOX) Quad Fuel Rod (MOX) Depleted MOX fuel rod The result of using up all 10K reactor-ticks of fuel in a MOX fuel rod. And yes, they do work with the chambers it was just neater to make it like this and I didn't need the full size reactors with my setup of almost 1 reactor per one tunnel (it's actually a little bit more but I void that) Oct 2, 2013 · *mod-setup* w/ nuclear control. MOX Fuel Rods become more efficient as reactor heat increases (up to 5 times normal efficiency at 99. Dec 11, 2012 · IC2 reactors are so cool. Further down is the Base Coolant conversion and this determines how much better a liquid reactor really is. Like the Remote Thermal Monitor, a Remote Sensor Kit must be used (right-click with it in hand) on the Nuclear Reactor that you wish to monitor. youtube. For whatever reason, my plutonium cells produce exactly twice the heat of uranium cells, contrary to what the reactor planner predicts, so bear with my plans saying they overheat. However, during the process of fission, the Cell generates excessive amounts of heat, which must be eliminated by the use of different cooling elements. Safe designs are pretty easy to pull off with the help of a simulator (in game could really use some more indicators to the palyer). Vacuum Reactor is a IC2 Nuclear Reactor cooled with coolant cells instead of heat vents, using a Vacuum Freezer to recycle the cells. One of the most important additions from Industrial Craft 2 is the nuclear reactor. . scram at 8k (redstone torch 'nor' gate). Unfortunately mods for direct conversion from EU to rf or any other mod's power system are pretty rare or outdated. Alblaka; Sep 16th 2012; IC2 Experimental Reactor Planner 158 Aug 3, 2021 · These are suitable for use in the Chernobyl-4 Nuclear Reactor, each capable of outputting incredible amounts of power!. I do not have any other mods installed besides IC2. 2x2 wasteless nuclear reactors plant 3. Due to active cooling it produces energy much faster than heat-balanced schemes. I also have a mek fusion but it's a side grade. de/?ref=5003 I'd like to make the nuclear reactor but every tutorial I find is for industrial craft 2. Apr 7, 2014 · Servus Guys,another "easy" Tutorial about producing nuclear power and setting up an reactor. I've wanted to get an IC2 reactor up and running, but unlike BigReactors, it'd be rather dangerous to do it wrong. this ensures the max posible EU/T and effectively generates an bit over 1750 EU/T (the compressor consume 67 EU/T) Thanks, I noticed that in the guide also but I wanted a bigger storage with the ESUs (also make use of the new content). MOX reactors can reach up to 35 times 1-rod efficiency with sufficient cooling. This is just as important for the lava in simple cobblestone generators or geothermal setups, as it is for nuclear reactors like this one. The Steam Reactor is a device used to transform Uranium Cells into large amounts of Heat. In this episode of Automate Everything, I build a series of extremely powerful nuclear reactors from the mod IndustrialCraft2. Hoje estou trazendo o reator nuclear do mod Industrial Craft 2, e Apr 10, 2017 · Self Venting Rate refers to the amount of heat the Heat Vent will vent from itself per reactor tick. Wrench reactors are a meme, you can read about them Wrench Cooled IC2 Fission Reactor There are several fuel types: Fuel Types I've never built a nuclear reactor in IC2 in the past, so I've been reading the wiki to learn more. I am playing the Chaosv I have this nuclear reactor setup on my server: Nuclear reactor setup. You can run it with MOX fuel, no reactor heat, and hit 3. The reactor uses single uranium fuel rods combined with heat vents and heat exchangers to generate power without Anyways, even a 2kEU reactor is pretty poor. Deliberately pushing the reactor beyond its' tolerance, was the cause of the real-world Chernobyl disaster. com/KaneHart🎮Steam: http Well, if your cooling is stable, then it's stable. png. edit: also, incidentally, one of my reactors was using this reactor you posted until two nights ago I switched it for a lower-efficiency reactor in order to get plutonium more quickly. Hull Venting Rate refers to the amount of heat the Heat Vent will remove from the reactor hull per reactor tick. If efficiency is your goal then building greg's reflectors should be a priority for you. May 1, 2014 · I think it would be more realistic and cool if we could have a kind of Multiblocks Nuclear Reactor. If you manage to make a stable setup. Uranium gets more efficient the more connections it has. " Last edited: Mar 15, 2017. The other one uses MOX fuel which may be harder to craft but generates more. On the IC2 wiki, it says a single uranium fuel rod has an output of 5 EU/t and 4H u/s . Forum; How to melt/setup your Reactors 2. See the Vacuum Reactors page to find out how to use them, and also redstone automation info. meaning yes you ge 6. Steam energy could be boosed here which would also benefit nuclear reactors but also any other method that generates steam from heat. 3. The redstone enriched setup now produces 2088 EU/t, which is just barely above Extreme Voltage, so you'll need an EV or Adjustable Transformer. Step 7: The Soothing Hum of Power []. I'd like to see a better or equal plutonium design that outputs 310eu/t or more for 7-8 plutonium cells, and runs a full cycle. Dec 19, 2016 · Sections 4 and 5 allow the user to read additional data about the planned reactor. This will be at the center of the multi. Standard reactor can handle IC2 (for plutonium), pure uranium (for extreme cyanate) or NC fuels. ShneekeyTheLost Too Much Free Time. Playlist: https://www. 12. I initially chose the FTB Wiki as the place to have this as it's multiblock template works very nicely, but Playlist: https://www. The nuclear reactor is an extremely powerful way of generating EU. Nov 14, 2024 · Vacuum reactors produce EU, but rely on cooling the cells in a vacuum freezer to keep it from exploding. If your main purpose is Plutonium production, I'd go NC. I personally consider Extreme Reactors my reward for surviving IC2 reactors. You rock then. That Heat must be either dissipated (and lost), or converted into Steam via Steam Vents. Especially since the NC reactors can take the pre-fuel-rod IC2 fuel (as well as uranium bars for Extreme Reactor Cyanate). I also have 2 layers of reinforced glass sorounding the reactor. the cells are vertical-adjacent in the bottom with the vent at the top of the reactor. Component Venting Rate refers to the amount of heat the Heat Vent will remove from adjacent components per reactor tick. If this is all a bit over your head, you can try this tutorial. Depending on the configuration, Extreme Reactors need some or a lot of parts made from plutonium. de/?ref=5003 Feb 28, 2019 · The following reactors need precise redstone timings in order to run safely, but offers a higher output than the stable ones. Messages: 32 Likes Received: 2 Jun 20, 2015 · Having installed the latest versions of Reactorcraft, Buildcraft, IC2, and some other mods, I have been having a fun time. The Reactor button (Setup Info) displays statistics on Reactor heating and cooling. 5 efficiency. However, I had one problem, the new nuclear weapons need plutonium (or uranium if you want an inefficient and low yield bomb), and regrettably I cannot use the plutonium from my breeder reactor I have set up. Jul 23, 2014 · Duplicate half of what you see here per 200hU/t your reactor generates. Yeah an IC2 mass fabricator is what I had in mind, so hypothetically IC2 is the only mod necessary to get a nuclear reactor perpetual motion machine, though you may want some mods to help with logistics and redstone. Jan 20, 2020 · Hey guys, today I am going over the basics of making a Nuclear Reactor in the IC2 mod. so i just tossed two mox cells in a reactor with a reactor vent. 19. -Eu/tick is measured as average eu/tick-Obsolete reactors will be removed (a reactor will be considered obsolete when another reactor does exactly the same but better like with lower cost)-Credits go to the first person that post in this topic. 9% maximum heat). All designs here should be fully functional in the 1. We are playing on my server for a long time now, got a bunch of quarrys and 3 tunnel borers (the frame ones, don't know the name for them) doing ウランセル(Uranium Cell) [編集 | ソースを編集] 原子力による発電を行う為に必要な最重要アイテムです。原則としてウランセル1つにつき 5 EU/tの発電量と 4 H/s の発熱量を持っています。 In this episode of Minecraft Enigmatica 2 Expert, we go about fixing our Industrialcraft 2 nuclear reactor set up, and move it into a blast proof enclosure. Hi. Example reactor setup included. Contrary to what you may have heard in Nuclear Physics 101, EU does NOT output at 50% of a Heat reactor. de/?ref=5003 The Industrial Information Panel displays important information about your Nuclear Reactor or EU Storage Device. Instead of directly outputting EU, it outputs Heat in the form of Hot Coolant. these are common and easy designs: https://imgur. added 3 more R-vents 6 on, 2 off, same output. I made a Ic2 classic breeder reactor design for making re-enriched netherstar cells, using this method a quad cell only costs half a netherstar instead of 2 The Nuclear Reactor is a block added by the IndustrialCraft 2 mod. First one is supposted to generate 420 EU/t, but afaik in E2:E IC2 power gen. By shpuc November 5, 2013 in P. A complete breakdown of how each reactor component works is available on the IC2 forum, or on the Nuclear Reactor page of the wiki. Please Don't Forget to 📥 Subscribe, 📝Comment, 👍🏻Like! :. Still great setup. May 20, 2019 · For those rare few who still use IndustrialCraft Reactors instead of BigReactor reactors, I bring to you my Touchscreen Controller/Monitor program! Setup Reactor Pretty basic- All this does is send data to the Relay computer you will be setting up soon. 5. I want to automatically import fuel rods crafted by my AE setup. Discussion in 'Tutorials, Tips and Tricks' started by soldier30p, Nov 8, 2016. Every Uranium Cell has the potential to produce enormous amounts of energy, between 2-10 million EU . it would be nice if i doesnt have to use ice blocks because i dont like to always craft some. soldier30p Well-Known Member. Anyone have suggestions or links to a good reactor… Basic Reactor Design: https://i. 0 1. If you are looking for effiency 5+ in IC2 reactors, using reflectors in IC2 may gain you efficiency on paper, but it nets you very little in overall efficiency. Sep 25, 2013 · I am using a modified FTB Unleashed modpack, including IC2 1. The reactor has the same chance of blowing up your base whether you have power storage or not. To test this, I hauled my blocks deep into the mining caverns to setup and test my new nuclear reactor. Upgrades Sep 26, 2024 · Vacuum Reactors. Bonus designs are reactors that fit a specific niche or mixed fuel rod designs that perform better than the non mixed designs. All I found here and elsewhere were pretty good setups, actually, but all very resource-based. The Steam Reactor is a block added by IndustrialCraft 2 Classic. Here, water and wind are boosted by 3. It is a method of generating EU or alternatively Steam via the heating of IC2 Coolant. png Sep 16, 2019 · Reactor turbines provide an alternative method of utilizing ic2 nuclear reactors. and High output fluid reactors but for IC2 Classic instead. Nuclear power comes in many shapes and sizes and there are several different types of reactors each with it's perks and downsides. Added option to show old-style (pre-2. com/playlist?list=PL7Icn31fcQyhyPWYkHf7XT5RvJydHGbAlDiscord: https://discord. Turns out that either Tekkit 2 had a config change, or IC2-Classic had an update, because the power output of reactors has been tripled. (This will help for those who for some reason want to copy a reactor design from a new version of the planner into an older version; copying codes the other way already worked) Playlist: https://www. It gets more efficient if you use a fluid reactor with a Steam setup. But I cant figure out a design myself (i have litereally no idea what im doing here), and the various things google shows me are either dead links or useless. There are 2 types of nuclear reactors, Heat (or Fluid) and EU. But yeah this is a solid Oct 23, 2013 · So I was currently looking for a good setup for a nuclear reactor I thought I could build on my server. A MOX reactor gets more efficient the hotter it is, and I've seen a design run at 1,300 EU/t. If this is all a bit over your head, you can try the Safe, Easy, & Powerful Nuclear Reactor. The first step is to gather Oct 3, 2018 · MOX Fuel Rods last 1 / 2 a reactor cycle (10,000 seconds). Dec 23, 2016 · Lifetime: 10,000 reactor ticks (2h 46m 40s continuous operation). Anyone got any good MOX reactor designs? Jan 23, 2023 · Industrial Craft 2 is a mod for Minecraft that adds a variety of new items, blocks, and mechanics to the game. Oct 27, 2013 · I'm hoping experimental improves nuclear and reinstates breeders, but, for now, I'm having fun with 1. Crafting: Turbine impeller: Reactor Turbine: Usage:-Place an ic2 nuclear reactor in the center of a 3x3 raised platform. gg/Xuu4Wn3ay2MMOGA: https://www. I have lots of materials and ore so that isn't a problem. Oct 2, 2012 · 1: set up as shown 2: set logistics pipes to swap used LZH for new ones* 3: on a pipe attached to the reactor set up a BC gate to emit redstone signal when inventory full 4: have faith in logistic pipes that it will pull instantly** 5: have faith in BC that it will stop redstone signal instantly** Also, it generates power quickly, like easily 100-420 EU/t from a passive reactor alone. This design gets 130 EU/t in an EU only reactor, and about 230 EU/t in the 5x5. Mar 30, 2019 · In this tutorial, I explain how to build and operate a fluid cooled Nuclear Reactor from the mod IndustrialCraft 2! This tutorial also dives into some of the Mar 15, 2017 · Plus, on IC2 reactor parts, the damage value refers more to heat than technically "damage. com/a/qeHqJ4R. I personally find the IC2 Reactor Planner Feb 20, 2013 · CaptainJack takes a quick look at an extreme voltage (EV) IC2 nuclear reactor capable of generating hundreds of millions of EU!This reactor is constantly bei The Nuclear Jetpack is an upgraded version of the standard Electric Jetpack. is buffed so it will probably be more. Pressure Vessel Reactor And this isn't really relevant, but if you use the mod "reactor stuff", which adds new fuels to IC2 reactors, it is hypothetically possible to achieve an astronomical efficiency of 750 Million EU per fuel rod by using blazonium fuel and totally abusing blazonium fuel mechanics with the IC2 pressure reactor. Attempting to cool LZH condensators through auto crafting tables doesn’t work efficiently because it’s each items ID varies by depletion level. ) One bad setup can destroy the reactor and everything around it. That's literally 2 Dynamos of your choice without upgrades, but once you take into account the materials cost of the extra reactor parts in the 420 eu/t build vs the 380 eu/t, the latter is better. Dec 8, 2012 Mar 12, 2013 · the wonderful part in this setup is, that those quad-thorium cells are way better than the iridium neutron reflectors, and much cheaper. If you use a design straight from the planners or from a FAQ online and its not a straight uranium reactor then it will probably explode rather quickly. To get the maximum effective EU/t requires that you swap out every part in the reactor except the uranium after every run cycle, meaning you'll need a large chest or two of spare parts. thorium is virtually abundand. com/3kQftPr. Nov 5, 2013 · NUCLEAR REACTOR COMPLETELY SAFE SETUP NUCLEAR REACTOR COMPLETELY SAFE SETUP. Jan 23, 2012 · What i want is a suggestion how i should build that reactor. Aug 18, 2022 · Basic Reactor Setup . For my purposes, it just wasn't worth the trouble and I set up 45 single-chamber nuclear reactors with basically u/gato_borrachon_ 's layout here: https://i. This article will teach you how to set up a nuclear reactor in Minecraft. The Thick Neutron Reflector has 120K durability, meaning it can sit next to a Quad Fuel Rod (Uranium) for a reactor cycle and a half before disintegrating. A nuclear reactor will set fire to nearby flammable blocks at 40% hull heat and evaporate Fixed bug in CSV data - fuel rods were listing output during off pulses. Jul 27, 2012 · So, my first video I have is my Nuclear Reactor setup, this generates 110 EU per tick and its very efficient. me/StoneLegion🐦Twitter: http://twitter. 1) reactor code. I had a hard time finding one that was <= 3 in fact. • While some players may refine uranium completely, others may stockpile fuel in different stages of the This video is made to show you what in my opinion is the best design for an IC2 nuclear reactor. I then sh Dec 28, 2024 · Reactor Vessel Building. 51 and up, and that website hasn't been updated since IC2 came out with the new nuclear reactor components. Music by Karl Casey @ White bat audioIf you new and want to see the Feb 22, 2016 · The Uranium Cell is the main component of nuclear fission in a Nuclear Reactor. Feb 23, 2013 · CaptainJack is back to explain how he sets up his reactors from start to finish!In this video you'll see how to set up a reactor, reactor forcefield, monitor Aug 18, 2022 · Basic Reactor Setup . b} Know the tolerance level of your reactor, and never attempt to run it beyond said tolerance. reactor is cranking at 84 eu/t 2 on, 4 off second intervals. 2 version, but it's alright if they were designed for 1. The only problem I am having is that I do not know when the reactor hits a set temperature (9000 for example). The Furnace button (Active Info) monitors the Reactor during an active simulation. mmoga. Looks like you are using greg tech. dtcqe ilelwg cqvxx yyvlj hwlrw htksf idm ufz wsge dgpsgm abhbd tpy bgcmps adjblz vluu