Frackin universe sulphuric acid. Jump to navigation Jump to search.
Frackin universe sulphuric acid Below is a This is a list of the possible items that can be extracted using the different centrifuges, along with their outputs. Can be found on Strange Sea, Sulphuric and Sulphuric Oceans planets. Demolishing the underground of Garden planet with a well-upgraded Mining Laser might be a good way to get lots of it. It is the only radioactive ore that can't be found on Irradiated planets. When making automated factories, beware that Pus has several Mixer-only mixings that don't work in-world (with Essentia Obscura, Black Tar and Liquid Irradium Oct 14, 2020 · From Frackin' Universe Wiki. • Immune: Sulphuric Acid Category chestarmour Tier 5 Bonus 125% 22. Sep 14, 2016 · Frackin Universe Mod -protection for sulphuric acid planet i've been trying to get into a few planets with sulphuric acid for the durastells ,but don't actually know how to get any protection again the acid. 67%) Loose Silt (2. Apr 19, 2023 · Atmospheric Condenser is a device that obtains resources out of thin air. It's a very common hazard: swimming in it applies "Poisoned" debuff (damage over time). Hostile weather scours the surface, pools of Sulphuric Acid lurk below, and the atmosphere itself constantly deals acid damage. The few Jan 20, 2024 · Sulphuric Acid: Sulphuric Acid H2SO4; is one of the strongest naturally occurring acids. Air (normal planets) Water 19. The Chemistry Lab is a second-tier crafting station for chemical reagents, introduced in Frackin' Universe v5. 6 Rate of fire: 6. The pools of boiling hot sulphuric acid aren't incredibly healthy either. A complete lack of air just makes it worse. com May 3, 2023 · Sulphuric planet is a "high risk, high reward" world that is extraordinarily rich with tier 2-4 ores. Common Oct 14, 2020 · This page was last edited on 14 October 2020, at 13:04. It is abundant on the starting Garden planet (especially underground). [7] Structure Sulphuric Ocean is a subbiome on Strange Sea planets. On Sulphuric Ocean planets, however, the planet's composition was switched drastically Oct 14, 2020 · From Frackin' Universe Wiki. Crystal Broccoli • Immune: Poison, Sulphuric Acid: 90s Category food Farm beast food value 10 (lunar) Oct 14, 2020 · From Frackin' Universe Wiki. 5% / 10%) Tarry Stone Aug 30, 2023 · This page was last edited on 30 August 2023, at 05:36. -1048 sulphuric acid -6110 organic soup -1252 algae -1558 hydrogen -612 carbon -320 lead -612 water -7420 caliginous gas -2968 cinnabar -14 neptunium rod -14 magnesium -1214 helium-3 -14 deuterium rod -14 pristillite star -14 trianglium pyramid -35 liquified crystal -240 cell matter -144 genes A measure of sulphuric acid. I'd just mark a sulphuric sea or SA Strange Sea world and rig up some pumps. Jump to navigation Jump to search. On contact, the gas inflicts a weak damage over time debuff and restricts air mobility. You can duplicate Sulphuric Acid by mixing it with water. The Lab Crafting Directory also contains an in-game list of materials produced by the liquid Oct 14, 2020 · This page was last edited on 14 October 2020, at 11:06. Jan 8, 2022 · Pus is a disgusting liquid that exists as infinite ocean on some Atropus Sea planets. It's NOT an ocean of Sulphuric Acid. See full list on frackinuniverse. On Sulphuric Ocean planets, however, the planet's composition is switched drastically toward liquid sulphuric acid. Sulphuric Acid: Sulphuric Acid H2SO4; is one of the strongest naturally occurring acids. It is used to make Fertilizers and other complex chemicals. "Tier" is the same as "fauna threat". Feel free to correct them if you think it is necessary, clarify some points if they are too unclear to you, and post new ones! Also be careful of chain interactions*** otherwise some subtle reactions may appear in the blink of an eye and you wouldn't see them because other This Biome is currently removed from planet circulation. Sulphuric Acid (2. 17%; 2023 are from the Miraheze Frackin' Universe wiki. Resisted by Physical resistance. The high winds blow rocks around that can do some serious damage to you. Don't expect to spam bandages to victory! Unlocks : Apothecary , Bandage , Honeysilk Bandage , Poison Antidote , Red Stim Pack , Yellow Stim Pack , Medical Syringe . Not much is known of who Kevin really is, he is part of a race called the Tolarks. Helpful on acidic planets. 17%; Mercury 13. Dec 11, 2021 · Silver Ore is an omnipresent tier 1 ore (it exists on many planets and is not particularly rich on any of them). 60: Darkness Jul 24, 2023 · Can also use (Sulphuric Acid + Organic Soup), but only in a Liquid Mixer, not in-world. Its recipe can be unlocked via the Electronics section of research. Also, the White Spine plant that grows on the surface of sulphuric worlds will work just as well and requires only being planted and harvested. It however still exists in game and functions correctly for those who already have them in their universe. Helpful on Sulphuric planets. Floran eat meat - that makes them carnivores. As the Wiki is getting an extensive overhaul, any content added to this page may get deleted in the near future! If you think this page needs a particular piece of information, join us on the Discord server: https://discord. Stop using… 1x Sulphuric Acid; 1x Sulphuric Dirt; 1x Rough Dirt; 1x Sulphuric Acid; Pages that were created prior to June 2023 are from the Miraheze Frackin' Universe wiki. Liquid Collector obtains liquid (such as Water) from the atmosphere of the planet. Also exists in infinite quantities on most Atropus Sea worlds. 1x Sulphur = 2x Sulphuric Acid 1x Contaminated Water 1x Sulphur Morphite Acid Shield Acid Gun An EPP module that protects against sulphuric acid. Many soil blocks (such as Dirt) will yield some Iron if you sift them. Later in the game it gets replaced by Quantum Extractor, which produces significantly more items from the same inputs. Multiple damage types. Oct 14, 2020 · From Frackin' Universe Wiki. It exists as puddles/lakes on many planets. At this point we should clarify the difference between Watts (W) and Joules (J). Sulphuric planet is a "high risk, high reward" world that is extraordinarily rich with tier 2-4 ores. Common Acid Gun This gun shoots sulphuric acid! Fun! Category liquidGun Tier 3 Primary : Damage per hit: 0. Whitespine Shell • Immune: Sulphuric Acid: 2m Category food Farm beast food value 10 (herbivore) While its set bonus says it "protects against a majority of effects" it specifically protects against: breath, snow tiles, cold 1+2, drowning, heater 1+2, proto-poison, sulphuric acid, burning, bio-ooze, darkness, electric, rad burn, gas, slush tiles, pressure, shadow gas, poison, liquid nitrogen freezing, and radiation 1 +2. Exact reason why Organic Soup + Sulphuric Acid (which does, in theory, produce Black Tar) didn't work in practice: It will usually rain sulfuric acid on sulfuric worlds. Oct 14, 2020 · 150x Sulphuric Acid; 5x Advanced Plastic; 6x Carbon Dioxide; 4x Zerchesium Bar; 1x Acid Gun; 1x Carbon Plate; 2x Copper Wire; About Frackin' Universe Wiki Oct 14, 2020 · Poison is an infinitely mixable liquid. It also exists in infinite quantities on Toxic worlds. Do not rely on a singular type of damage, or risk death. It has some use in chemistry (including the creation of Unrefined Fuel, which is a good fuel for mechs). 95 35 15 In set with Morphite Helm Morphite Chestpiece Sep 26, 2024 · There is a 102-page codex located in a bookshelf near the front of the Science Outpost that details each and every one of his "pranks", which involve things such as pouring sulfuric acid on someone and hatching Ixoling eggs in the air vents. g. Jan 8, 2022 · This page was last edited on 8 January 2022, at 15:33. 5% / 10%) Sulphur (3. Upgrades to Bio-Chem Lab Aug 30, 2023 · These are all planets in FU and vanilla. 1x Sulphuric Acid; 2x AA Battery; 1x Crunchy Chick; 1x Carbon; 1x Volatile Powder; 2x Genes; Pages that were created prior to June 2023 are from the Miraheze This page was last edited on 14 October 2020, at 09:49. gg Community 5x Sulphuric Acid; 1x Dark Matter; 50x Bio-Ooze; 4x Mercury; 2x Alien Compound; Pages that were created prior to June 2023 are from the Miraheze Frackin' Universe Jun 25, 2024 · Sulphuric Acid: Applies corrosive damage over time: 3: Physical: Physical Resistance >= 90%, Sulphuric Acid Unbreachable Darkness: Shrouds the scene in darkness, ignoring light sources. 5 days ago · Frackin' Ores [edit]. Sulphuric Acid H2SO4 is one of the strongest naturally occurring acids. The mission is heavily influenced by the works of H. It will require 2,700 research and one power core to unlock. 0. To use it simply power it, and collect the things it produce. Oct 14, 2020 · This page was last edited on 14 October 2020, at 09:35. Nothing can live without an energy source. Mar 14, 2021 · This page was last edited on 14 March 2021, at 10:20. Common Unrefined Fuel: Unrefined fuel modified from oil. Sulphuric Acid 13. Many of these liquids have different uses from healing, causing damage and are required for crafting other items to progress at points. They typically consist of small islands at sea level, a large sea of sulphuric acid, and a sea floor consisting of Sulphuric Stone, Sulphuric For radiation protection there's a basic armor in the clothing crafting table (FU's not default). It also can exist as puddles on Atropus and Lightless planets. 4: Rarity uncommon Price 1000 Stack size 1 Two-handed? No Upgradeable? Yes Tags weapon ranged machinepistol upgradeableWeapon: ID liquidacidgun Oct 14, 2020 · From Frackin' Universe Wiki. It can only handle Honeycombs, Water, Contaminated Water and Milk. Nov 10, 2023 · Delta Freya II is a very difficult mission involving lots of enemies, and some of the strongest bosses in the mod. It is functionally similar to the Bio-Chem Lab from previous versions, but with fewer recipes available initially. gg Community This upgrade adds acid-shield generation to your EPP's capabilities. Chitin, Reptile, Acid Augment, Bone-Steel, and several other methods exist to shield yourself. or Hand Millor Hand Mill Dark Sulphur planet is an even more inhospitable variant of a Sulphuric planet. 17%; Nitrogen 13. Oct 14, 2020 · This page was last edited on 14 October 2020, at 08:56. You learn how to make it at the same time you learn how to make your Electronics Center. Mar 14, 2021 · Sifter is an early-game station that separates the powder-like blocks (like Sand, Loose Silt, Dirt, etc. Oct 14, 2020 · Sulphuric Acid H2SO4 is one of the strongest naturally occurring acids. There are various ores added to the universe by Frackin' Universe, each one having several interesting and unique purposes once refined, such as forming the base for ultra-strong alloys for weapons and armor manufacturing, others being useful as exotic energy sources to power starships and various advanced technologies, or even serve as catalysts to fuel strange chemical Aug 30, 2023 · This page was last edited on 30 August 2023, at 05:37. It will affect the strength of monsters, available ores (e. Jan 4, 2023 · Contaminated Water is a byproduct of centrifuging other liquids. Lovecraft and John Carpenter, especially "The Thing" and the short story "At the Mountains of Madness". I've checked: irradiated planets, jungle, mountainous (which didn't have durasteel in the description, but I tried it anyway because I'd read it could be found there), alien, and every planet I run across that has durasteel in the navigation descriptor of the planet. Throughout the Frackin' Universe are many different liquids, some Liquids are obtained using the Matter Manipulator after upgrading it with 3 manipulator modules. It boasts new armors, new weapons, new mechanics, new biomes, new dungeons, new quests, new crew, new mech parts, new vehicles, automation. P. Apr 11, 2021 · Healing items in Frackin' Universe impose a moderately long cooldown upon use during which no other healing items can be used. Who eats what? Humans eat plants and meat - that makes them omnivores. Sulphuric Ocean worlds were similar to their drier counterparts, Sulphuric worlds, in that they contain large quantities of Sulphuric Acid. Uncommon Water: A measure of cool, clear water. It is generally considered the "Final Level" of Frackin' Universe. Unlocked by Advanced Liquids (Chemistry tree). Carbon Dioxide Sulphuric Acid (0. Gas Centrifuge is more advanced than others Jul 31, 2022 · Caliginous Gas is a hazardous gas. Sulphuric Ocean worlds are similar to their drier counterparts, Sulphuric worlds, in that they contain large quantities of Sulphuric Acid. tier 3 Titanium Ore won't be on tier 2 planets) and tier of randomly generated weapons (if/when they drop from defeated enemies). EPP augment, created at the Nano-Fabricator, that provides immunity to Acid. if you can survive 60 seconds on the surface, the chance is high that you will find at least one or two you can uproot with your MM, and then go plant (plus Dark Sulphur planet is an even more inhospitable variant of a Sulphuric planet. Oct 14, 2020 · This page was last edited on 14 October 2020, at 12:58. 1x Sulphuric Acid; 2x Sulphuric Acid; 1x Salt Water; 1x Swamp Water; 2x Swamp Water; Pages that were created prior to June 2023 are from the Miraheze Frackin Sulfuric acid (American spelling and the preferred IUPAC name) or sulphuric acid (Commonwealth spelling), known in antiquity as oil of vitriol, is a mineral acid composed of the elements sulfur, oxygen, and hydrogen, with the molecular formula H 2 SO 4. It can also be extracted into Sulphuric Acid. Organic Soup + Sulphuric Acid is not infinitely mixable in-world. Acid Burn. Resist. Easiest way to obtain it is to sift various soil blocks (Dirt, etc. Other Liquids are obtained from extractions using various Extracting Stations. Category decorative Rarity Common Pages that were created prior to June 2023 are from the Miraheze Frackin' Universe wiki. 42%; Hydrogen 13. I think you can hand mill sulphur into sulphuric acid, but there's a recipe in the chemistry table for it that you have to unlock via research. 42%; About Frackin' Universe Wiki; Dec 20, 2024 · From Frackin' Universe Wiki. Just keep collecting ore and making new armors, eventually you'll be able to make densium armor and that gives protection against; heat, cold, radiation, sulfuric acid, jump boost, and energy regen. fandom. Aug 30, 2023 · Neptunium Ore is a tier 3 radioactive ore. 75% Oct 14, 2020 · Acid EPP +10% Phys. Feb 4, 2021 · This page was last edited on 4 February 2021, at 19:06. Unlike Pumps (which store the liquid for future use), the Drain will discard the liquid completely. 0 International (CC BY-SA 4. But it is not worth it to mass produce it there, it is so abundant on sulphuric worlds. Jun 2, 2021 · Frackin Universe adds a lot of liquids and thus many interactions. Unlocked by Condensation (Electronics tree). Acid Immunity: Dark Sulphuric Ocean: Black Star, Radioactive Star: 4-6: Acid Immunity: Super Dense Sulphuric Ocean is a subbiome on Strange Sea planets. Oct 14, 2020 · This page was last edited on 14 October 2020, at 13:39. Oct 14, 2020 · This page was last edited on 14 October 2020, at 12:29. If exposed to air, it reverts to oil. ) it will be Water. 1x Currentcorn; 4x Sulphuric Acid; Pages that were created prior to June 2023 are from the Miraheze Frackin' Universe wiki. 33% / 6. 23辺りで執筆。 飽きて別ゲーに目移りするまえに書き残しておきます。 Sulphur, a surprisingly useful compound. Oct 14, 2020 · This page was last edited on 14 October 2020, at 12:42. The Wooden Centrifuge, Iron Centrifuge, Industrial Centrifuge, Lab Centrifuge, Gas Centrifuge, Sifter, and Powder Sifter are all classified as centrifuges for the purposes of this list. Below is my attempt to show and classify all of these. Jul 5, 2022 · Sulphur is an omnipresent tier 1 ore (it exists on almost every planet). 6K subscribers in the frackinuniverse community. 5). 45 seconds. 0 License unless otherwise noted. 67%) Environment Atmospheric Condenser. Extraction Lab MKII does 1 extraction every 2. 83% Mar 12, 2023 · Sulphuric atmosphere: Sulphuric acid immunity: Deals constant damage and lowers armor Unbreachable Darkness: Unbreachable Darkness immunity (Darklight Blossom) Obstructs vision Insanity: Insanity immunity or mental resistance: Lowers defense and maximum Energy, deals poison damage, increases Madness: Aether: Cosmic resistance: Lowers maximum Sulphur is an omnipresent tier 1 ore (it exists on almost every planet). Antimatter Energy Pack Sulphuric Acid is a liquid which can be made by placing Sulphur into the Extraction Lab. Oct 14, 2020 · This page was last edited on 14 October 2020, at 08:58. 12 Acid Category chestarmour Tier 3 Bonus 75% 17. Fandom is NOT the official wiki. Blue Grav-Liquid (Water + Blue Grav-Liquid) Coconut Milk (Salt Water + Coconut Milk) Contaminated Water (Water + Contaminated Water) Healing Water (Water + Healing Water). 67% / 1. Blood (Water + Blood). Most blocks cost 0 pixels, and the materials within them can be very valuable, so this is very beneficial to do. It can be found on some Gas Giant planets in infinite quantities. Centrifugable. Everyone at the Science Outpost has been pranked by him, they all hate him, and want him dead. 6 12 18 In Sulphuric Acid 13. 2x Sulphuric Acid; Quantum Extractor. Wiki updated. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4. Sand A fine glittering sand. Jun 5, 2024 · EPP Picture EPP Name Usage Acid EPP: Sulphuric Acid Immunity +10% Physical Resist +25s Oxygen; 50% Oxygen Consumption Reduction; Antimatter Energy Pack Frackin' Universe MODの雑多なメモ(書きかけ)。バージョン6. Immune: Acid: Category eppAugment Rarity Uncommon Price 500 ID fuacidaugment1 Oct 14, 2020 · This page was last edited on 14 October 2020, at 13:04. Rare Swamp Water: A measure of dirty swamp water. 4: Rarity uncommon Price 1000 Stack size 1 Two-handed? No Upgradeable? Yes Tags weapon ranged machinepistol upgradeableWeapon: ID liquidacidgun Frackin' Universe is a massive overhaul mod for StarBound created by Sayter. Can be found via extraction (see list further below). When powered, it produces 1 random item every 2 seconds (each time this happens, 50J of energy is consumed). 17%; Pages that were created prior to June 2023 are from the Miraheze Frackin' Universe wiki. Encountered on Dark Atropus, Lightless, Dark Ice Waste and the particularly dark Shadow Moon worlds. for discussion on the Starbound mod "Frackin Universe". Could probably be made into glass! Sulphuric Acid (0. WARNING - This is an "automated" page. gg/eV9dP4w Sep 28, 2020 · Any Centrifuge means that this recipe works with any of the following: Iron Centrifuge Industrial Centrifuge Lab Centrifuge Gas Centrifuge Note that low-tech Wooden Centrifuge is not included. Sulphuric Acid. FrackinUniverse Wiki. Acid EPP Sulphuric Acid Immunity +10% Physical Resist 5 Zerchesium Bar 2 Advanced Alloy 4 Venom Sample: An advanced energy pack. 2 30 5 Oct 14, 2020 · This page was last edited on 14 October 2020, at 08:38. Some enemies are immune to one or more damage types, and many key enemies are broadly resistant to multiple damage types. Oct 22, 2022 · Hydrogen is an early-game ship fuel. ) and returns any useful materials that are found inside. Aug 30, 2023 · This page was last edited on 30 August 2023, at 05:36. Being well-fed gives you health regeneration. ), especially Sulphuric Dirt. gg Community Aug 30, 2023 · This page was last edited on 30 August 2023, at 05:33. "What liquid is produced" depends on the type of planet (for example, on Sulphuric planet it produces Sulphuric Acid, while on the Crystalline planet it produces Organic Soup). Category enviroProtectionPack Rarity uncommon Price 1000 Stack size 1 ID acidprotectionback An EPP module that protects against sulphuric acid. Essentially, more of … Oct 14, 2020 · From Frackin' Universe Wiki. Jul 5, 2021 · Extraction Lab MKII is a faster variant of Extraction Lab. Sulphuric worlds have three primary environmental dangers. Aug 30, 2023 · This page was last edited on 30 August 2023, at 05:39. Durasteel only appears in chests, not in planet soil. As the Wiki is getting an extensive overhaul, any content added to this page may get deleted in The sulphur is used to create the needed Sulphuric Acid by placing it in a Hand Mill. For "normal" worlds (such as Garden, Forest, Eden, etc. You can make it in biochemical station eventually. Morphite Greaves Set Bonuses: • Immune: Sulphuric Acid Category legarmour Tier 5 Bonus 25% 10. This page was last edited on 14 October 2020, at 10:18. Grants +50 energy, 30% energy regen, 30% charge reduction and a slight glow. Page content is under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4. Jun 28, 2022 · Iron Ore exists on most low-tier planets (below tier 2. 83%) Sand (3. +10% Physical Resist. Pages that were created prior to June 2023 are from the Miraheze Frackin' Universe wiki. It can be found on Penumbra, Bog, Proto and Aether World planets, as well as underground on Atropus, Fungal, and Volcanic Primeval planets. Immune: Acid: Category Pages that were created prior to June 2023 are from the Miraheze Frackin' Universe wiki Acid Gun This gun shoots sulphuric acid! Fun! Category liquidGun Tier 3 Primary : Damage per hit: 0. 12, Damage x 1. The Atmospheric Condenser is a Powered Station that pulls resources straight out of the air. Can be found via centrifugation (see list further below). An EPP module that protects against sulphuric acid. . "What liquid is produced" depends on the type of planet (for example, on Sulphuric planet it produces Sulphuric Acid, while on the Crystalline planet it produces Organic Soup). Despite its name, it will have Plasmic Fluid. There are no recipes for this item. 1. Food. It is a colorless, odorless, and viscous liquid that is miscible with water. It upgrades from the Alchemy Table, and upgrades into the Bio-Chem Lab. When used as input for extraction, this item has the following yields. +250s oxygen and halves how quickly you breathe. Unlocked by: Liquid Collector The atmospheric Condenser Jan 29, 2023 · The primary source of silicon (especially early game) should be from extracting Sand or Loose Silt, either from a Desert planet or from an underground sub-biome on your starter world. There is a 95-page codex located in a bookshelf near the front of the Science Outpost that details each and every one of his "pranks", which involve pouring sulfuric acid on someone and hatching Ixoling eggs in the air vents. Resistance to Sulphuric Acid and Liquid Nitrogen will be helpful. Only via Blue Grav can it be mixed without the liquid mixer building. Upgrades from the Alchemy Table. Aug 15, 2021 · Drain is an item that destroys any liquid around it. On the off chance that you cannot acquire either of these resources for whatever reason, Silicon can also be purchased from Vindee's Gems at the Science Outpost as a last resort. Nov 8, 2021 · Liquid Collector obtains liquid (such as Water) from the atmosphere of the planet. i've been searching on the internet for sometime but still don't have a clue,any experts here kindly give me some help? Oct 14, 2020 · This page was last edited on 14 October 2020, at 11:24. A wiki. It can be produced anywhere by throwing Water from the Well (or its upgrades) into extractors or centrifuges. It can be used to clean your base after accidental flooding, rain, etc. 0) unless otherwise noted. Several methods exist to lessen these hazards, however. This Powered Station requires 15u of power to work. Immune: Acid. A sulphuric acid NFPA sign. Chitin Chest Set Bonuses: • Sulphuric: Health x 1. jbmbi rcqd syo rdjecyj pkzgwm ebt zncxdx czu isf lnlng lqitc cjri atojcu ioxy nwsrsz