Flip coin and print percentage of heads and tails in java Mar 11, 2013 · Define a class Coin with 2 instance data, a string face, which can be “heads” or “tails” and an int value that represents the monetary value of the coin. Prompt the user for how many times to toss the coin. – Jul 3, 2018 · It keeps saying 0. I just wanted a possible solution for how to solve a specific percentage problem. Oct 9, 2015 · I want to write a coin flip or "Heads or Tails" program, but when I run it, it only gets either heads or tails everytime. The problem is that I also want to print the total number of heads and tails. If value is below 0. 5]. Source Code import random import itertools coin = {"heads": 0, "tails": 0 Dec 13, 2021 · Put all of this code in a loop that repeats the experiment 10,000 times so we can find out what percentage of the coin flips contains a streak of six heads or tails in a row. The program only stops when a specific # of heads has been flipped. (Expected: 79-80%, returned 159%). I want this output: HHHHTHTTTTTTTHTTTHHHTTTTHTTHHHTTTTHHTHHHHHTTTTTTHT Apr 1, 2020 · I am using a Random number class and asking it to add up the total heads/amount of flips. What is Probability? Mar 10, 2017 · I need help with starting code for a coin toss in eclipse using java, the code needs to contain user input on the coin and call the coin once the code initiates the tossing of the coin. Like this: Feb 22, 2016 · You need to store how many times there had been Heads and how many times Tails: you need a variable to store the Heads and incremeht the variable every time it turns to HEADS. the probability for each value defined here: probabilities = [0. import random coin_flip = ['heads Apr 11, 2014 · My professor wants us to create a program that tosses a coin (heads or tails) 10,000 times. The objective of the problem is the following: ''For this exercise, we’ll try doing an experiment. Nov 18, 2017 · I am trying to create a java program which accepts a user entered number and then flips a coin that many times and then displays how many heads or tails have been flipped so far. Random returns a number between 0 and 1, including 0, but not 1. What is a three-way coin flip? A three-way coin flip is a variation used for specific decision-making scenarios: Two out of three: Toss the coin three times. (It also works for tails. 3. What Is Flip Coin Simulator? The Flip Coin Simulator is an online tool designed to mimic the experience of flipping a physical coin. Output Chances = 10 Heads: 3 Tails: 7 This Java program is used to toss a coin using Java random class. You signed out in another tab or window. Is the myCoin. We have to use a random number generator with a user-supplied seed value. • What percentage were tails. Print out the result of every flip (either Heads or Toils) At the end of the program, print out how many heads you flipped, how many tails you flipped, what percentage were heads, and what percentage were tails Write a program that simulates tossing a coin. My problem comes Dec 9, 2016 · Write a program in JAVA that will simulate coin tosses and output the number of tosses required to get three “heads” in a row. Print out the result of every flip (either Heads or Tails). . 0 each time. chap5. It provides a simple and convenient way to generate a random outcome of either "heads" or "tails" with just a click. 5 then tails or heads c. Harmonic Number 5. For each toss of the coin the program should print Heads or Tails. I have a button called "Flip" when that button is pressed the coin image changes depending on which number the random generator I created generates. The computer reports if the status and evaluates the guess after each flip and provides a cumulative report before termination. Apr 14, 2013 · "Tails" : "Heads"); nFlips++; } System. Coin = Integer(random*2) + 1. I'm wondering if there are any issues when initializing a variable in a for loop Contribute to mukesh093/bridgelabz development by creating an account on GitHub. Afterwards set current heads count count_heads back to 0. util. Logic -> Use Random Function to get value between Your method should consider * each line to be a separate set of coin flips and should output to the * console the number of heads and the percentage of heads in that line, * rounded to the nearest tenth. How is this possible? Because myCoin is object variable that contain information about head/tail. I now am trying to figure out a way to display the number of times the coin lands a heads or a tails in their respective package edu. The equation to toss the coin is. This data member will be a number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) that represents the probability the coin will be HEADS when flipped. - mikeverwer/coin_flip Apr 7, 2016 · The problem. 0; System. randint(0,1) if rand == 0: head_count +=1 if head_count == 6: head_streaks +=1 # Every time a side happens, the opposite side count is set to 0 tail_count = 0 else: tail_count +=1 if tail_count == 6: tail_streaks +=1 head_count = 0 To solve this exercise, create a text menu with options to toss a coin or view results. ” package coinflip; import java. 3%. Jun 17, 2023 · I need to calculate percentage of tails/heads. What is a coin flip generator? Coin Flip Generator is an online tool that allows you to generate random heads or tails results with just a click of the mouse. /* Write a program to flip a coin NUM_FLIPS * times an put the results into an array. Ensure it is positive integer. Update and display flip counts based on user input, aiming for an approximate 50/50 distribution. Hot Network Questions Put all of this code in a loop that repeats the experiment 10,000 times so we can find out what percentage of the coin flips contains a streak of six heads or tails in a row. We // return the result to the caller. This sort of makes Java Core Programs 1. Factors 6. Java Program to Compute Quotient and Remainder 7. Hey guys, I'm new at programming. 1. It is ideally used for sorting within a category of collections which sorts individual elements added to it. Ive built a method to count the amount of times a coin lands on heads and lands on tails using an array, but now i need to print out a table in the form : number of tosses-----heads-----tails. R Implementation. Jul 4, 2016 · I already put them in an array. Make quick decisions with our free online coin flip simulator. Since the coin must land on either heads or tails, the probability of getting either outcome is $$100\%$$ 100% Feb 23, 2021 · Start on the next line and type in " else:" and then hit enter (Python will make an indentation); on the new line is, type in " print("Aw You lost. This program will also output to the screen the “heads” and “tails” th You need to reset the CoinFlip list. Sep 24, 2024 · Coin Toss is a quick, fair, and impartial decision-making tool. If it is more than 50%, print "You Win!". System. Coin Flip Sequence. In R, you can use the sample function to simulate coin flips. Since the original problem asks for a distribution of head counts, you need to keep track of two lists: one for the number of heads per 100-toss trial, and one for the number of heads in the current 100-toss trial. Counter(a) give you the count of any value in array (a). b) never ever give two things the same name and (try to May 16, 2014 · This program is supposed to simulate 200 coin flips and print out the length of the longest sequence of heads or tails. random() returns a random value between 0. The results log will show you the number of heads or tails, as well as a list of the most recent coin flips with the flip number and result. Apr 13, 2013 · The easiest way I'd say is just to count consecutive heads in the Heads-side of the if clause and set it to zero in the Tails-side. random. Our 100 coin flip has two possible outcomes: heads or tails. However, my code is either getting all heads or all tails. So here it is: private void Enter the number of times you want to flip the coin (1-10,000) Optionally customize the text for heads and tails; Choose your preferred output format; Click the "Flip Coin" button to see the results; View statistics and copy results as needed; Key Features . ThreadLocalRandom; /** * Flips two coins and outputs the results. Like I said, I tested everything out and all is working in order. Develop a solution to flip a coin a given amount of times and then print the number of heads and the number of tail. ” If you ask a human to make up 100 random coin flips, you’ll probably end up with alternating head-tail results like “H T H T H H T H T T,” which looks random (to humans), but isn’t mathematically random. So, if bias is 0. g. The return value helps in identifying where the individual elements should be stored so that all the elements within the collection are stored in sorted format. Define a Coin enum for HEADS/TAILS and implement a flip method to randomly return one. but it's not working. If the user's input is not the same as the result, it will print "Aw You lost. sect3; import java. Jul 4, 2016 · But it only prints out each separate results such as, for example for 5 coin flips: //*Heads: 1 Tails: 0 * //*Heads: 1 Tails: 0 * //*Heads: 0 Tails: 1 * //*Heads: 1 Tails: 0 * //*Heads: 0 Tails: 0 * What I want is to add up all the 'heads' and add up all the 'tails' separately. Reload to refresh your session. It will then update an array where index 0 is the number of heads flipped and index 1 is the number of tails flipped. * * @return The result of the coin flip. I/P -> Year, ensure it is a 4 digit number. The sample function selects random elements from a given vector, with or without replacement. Write a program that lets the user guess whether the flip of a coin results in heads or tails. The program should call a separate function flip that takes no arguments and returns 0 for tails and 1 for heads. ) Put in how many flips you made, how many heads came up, the probability of heads coming up, and the type of probability. There should be an outer loop that defines the experiment should be run 300 times and the inner loop should contain the if statements that check who has won. split() method suggested by @Brianfromstatefarm's comment, you can also consider parsing each line using the Scanner class. It offers a binary outcome, ideal for situations with two options, adding an element of randomness to the choice. Approach: To solve the problem mentioned above we have to follow the steps given below: Copyright © 2000–2022, Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne. * * % java Flip * Heads Apr 25, 2011 · I have been playing around and wrote this little piece of code. Feb 26, 2015 · heads++; } else{ heads = 0; } } // Will never terminate. I/P -> The number of times to Flip Coin. That number of heads is A coin toss is a classic example of probability in action. Logic -> Use Random Function to get value between 0 and 1. Code a method with no parameters that randomly returns either the String "heads"or the string "tails". Mar 1, 2019 · Also in System. I don't know if I set it up wrong, but I am at a loss. You switched accounts on another tab or window. O/P -> Percentage of Head vs Tails Jun 28, 2024 · Create a Java program to simulate the flipping of a coin 10 times, recording the number of times the result is "heads" and "tails". However, the heads element has a 55% chance to occur. Jul 8, 2020 · Problem. The program randomly generates an integer 0 or 1, which represents head or tail. The output will be the number of times the coin landed on heads and tails, respectively. 5, the coin is an ordinary fair coin. a) make them visually stand out, e. println("the percentage of heads is: " +percentHeads); System. Mar 30, 2017 · For some reason my program is not printing the percentage you got right correctly. bloomu. Each flip remains independent of previous result. 6 of coming up heads (on average, it comes up heads 60% of the time). Power of 2 4. Ensure UserName has min 3 char Logic -> Replace <> with the proper name O/P -> Print the String with User Name Flip Coin and print percentage of Heads and Tails I/P -> The number of times to Flip Coin. the closer to 50% chance of heads or tails), the riskier you should be and the more biased the coin (i. I/P -> The number of times to Flip Coin. flip a redundant code here. Perfect for casual decisions, probability experiments, or even as a game, the tool provides an interactive way to experience the thrill of a coin toss without needing a physical coin. For example: Oct 14, 2019 · I am trying to make a coin toss simulator program that will toss a coin a number of times based on what the number the user entered. I wrote a part of the code that works but not the way it should! the more heads or tails I get, the less chance they get! When you mention avoiding hard coding values, do you mean doing n_runs = 10000 then doing something like for a in range(n_runs) Yup that's exactly it. Java Math. It will display the coin toss number and heads or tails. Using these finals to compare is more descriptive and easier to read than using just a hardcoded 1 or 0 NON-FINALS Random r int numHeads int numTails Used to keep track of the number of Put all of this code in a loop that repeats the experiment 10,000 times so we can find out what percentage of the coin flips contains a streak of six heads or tails in a row. heads = 0 and tails = 1. Dec 7, 2015 · Besides the 'legacy' StringTokenizer class or the String. Consider the following file: H T H H T T t t T h H Dec 10, 2009 · System. The fun part is you get to see the result right away and, even better, contribute to the world and your own statistics of heads or tails probability. You can change the 3 to any number, using 5 would make tails 80% and heads 20%. Features retro arcade style, customizable coins, statistics tracking, and keyboard shortcuts. * * @author Drue Coles */ public class Nov 19, 2018 · I'm trying to add spaces and a counter between consecutive runs in a simple java coin toss program. I've tried a bunch of things but Jan 9, 2018 · Write a method called coinFlip that accepts a Scanner representing an input file of coin flips that are head (H) or tail (T). 5, 0. Question: Write a program to simulate flipping 100 coins. Heads or Tails coinflip program made with javaFX. At the end of the program, print out how many heads you flipped, how many tails you flipped, what percentage were heads, and what percentage were tails. Multiple flip simulation (up to 10,000 flips at once) Oct 15, 2020 · so im doing a problem that requires me to simulate coin toss with math. * We also want to print that array. Write a method named flipCoins that accepts as its parameter a Scanner for an input file. 6, the coin has probability 0. Tails is 100-heads. Recognize that when flipping a coin, there are only two possible outcomes: heads or tails. so far with this I get no of heads: 1 and no of ta Jun 27, 2011 · I've been writing a program in python that simulates 100 coin tosses and gives the total number of tosses. • What percentage were heads. 0 and 1. If Sep 15, 2014 · compareTo in string compare 2 strings lexographically API. println(myCoin) print head or tail. If bias is 0. Nov 4, 2021 · I want to flip a coin and generate either heads or tails. Let the program toss the coin loo times, and count the number of times each side of the coin appears. The coin flipped ", x" (x being either heads or tails). Random; /** @author CPSC 111 Jan 2010 class ** @date Fri 5 March 2010 * Flip a coin one million times and print out heads vs tails counts, using a while loop. say 90% chance of tails or 90% chance of heads) the less risky your betting should be. Your current program just keeps appending to CoinFlip, which makes for a very long list. print("Guess the result of a coin flip, Enter 0 for heads and 1 for tails: "); Feb 10, 2022 · I came up with this solution to the project on the lists chapter - Coin Flip Streaks. Is the coin flipper free to use? Yes, the coin flipper is 100% free to use with no ads and unlimited flips. Javascript Tutorial - How to Make a Heads or Tails coin flip simulator programPlease subscribe my channel - youtube. (Simulation: heads or tails) Write a program that simulates flipping a coin one million times and displays the number of heads and tails. Oct 25, 2017 · As soon as tails is flipped and the head streak is broken check whether your current head streak is higher than your maximal head streak and if it is set max_head_streak to the current count_heads. cout << "it took " << total_flips << "to get 3 consecutive heads. Note: the same had to be done with main. println(count + "\t" +coin1 +"\t" + coin2 + "\t" +coin3); coin1 is a reference to a Random object, meaning this will print out something like java. Is there a problem with the Math. Mar 12, 2013 · Rather than "highlight" the output, which may be device/OS specific, output a mini report of where it occurred and how long it was. I have some problems with a coin toss program. // could have counter = 1, and then test for <= limit. Jan 6, 2025 · Python Exercises, Practice and Solution: Write a Python program to flip a coin 1000 times and count heads and tails. Sep 25, 2022 · Hence the total count of the head is 2 and tail is 3. This coin flip probability calculator lets you determine the probability of getting a certain number of heads after you flip a coin a given number of times. Last updated: Thu Aug 11 10:12:31 EDT 2022. The coin flipped ", result) ". Nov 4, 2016 · Coin 1: Heads Coin 2: Heads Coin 3: Tails Coin 1: Heads Coin 2: Heads Coin 3: Heads Coin 1: Heads Coin 2: Tails Coin 3: Heads Coin 1: Heads Coin 2: Heads Coin 3: Tails Coin 1: Heads Coin 2: Tails Coin 3: Heads It's a TIE!// this message comes up every time because something is wrong /***** * Compilation: javac Flip. These are the directions:Write a C++ program that simulates coin tossing. 5 then it's Heads or otherwise Tails. Which then calculate the face. */ function start(){ var flips = flipCoins(); printArray(flips);} // This function should flip a coin NUM_FLIPS // times, and add the result to an array. Print the results. Sep 23, 2015 · Initialize a head count and a tails count to keep track of the randomly generated sequence Use a for loop for practically the whole experiment. ", nFlips, nHeads); } } The condition reads: if rgen. java * Execution: java Flip * * Simulate a fair coin flip and print out "Heads" or "Tails" accordingly. Hello. randint(1,2) # assign a value to coin, either 1 or 2 if coin==1: # if coin value is assigned as 1 heads+=1 Jul 4, 2021 · I'm having issues generating the random number each time I run through the do-while loop in main. Our 100 coin flipper ensures to maintain fair and balanced 50/50 chances by using an advanced algorithm, making the coin to land either on heads or tails based on the probability. If < 0. */ public class CoinFlip { /** * Enum representing the possible outcomes of a coin flip. Assume that the input file data represents results of sets of coin flips that are either heads (H) or tails (T) in either upper or lower case, separated by at least one space. 0. Counter({0: 5 1: 5}) may happen and may not because it is probability. Of course you can switch your true/false logic to make tails 66. * Flip a coin one million times and print out heads vs tails counts, using a while loop. If you flip a coin 100 times and write down an “H” for each heads and “T” for each tails, you’ll create a list that looks like “T T T T H H H H T T. The probability of flipping tails is 1/2; The probability of flipping heads is also 1/2; The total probability of getting either tails or heads is 1/2 + 1/2 = 1; To express this as a percentage, multiply by 100: 1 * 100 = 100% import java. When i run the program it just prints the last statement in my run method and does not even run the while loop. */ public static void main(String[] args) { int heads = 0; int tails = 0; int booleanHeads = 0; int booleanTails = 0; int counter = 0; // assumes test will be < limit. May 3, 2018 · import random def flipCoin(): heads = 0 # track heads amount tails = 0 # track tails amount headspercent = 0 # heads percentage tailspercent = 0 # tails percentage for i in range(1000): # run the experiment 1000 times coin=random. Based on that response the program ha System. printf("Heads\nYou needed %d flips to get %d consecutive heads. Consider each line to be a separate set of coin flips and output the number and percentage of heads in that line. In a fair toss, the coin has two possible outcomes: Heads or Tails. I am trying to flip a coin defined number of times and then count how many tails and heads I am getting. Based on what I did, the less biased the coin (i. Oct 28, 2013 · The instructions say: Create a method that examines the array of coin tosses to locate the longest possible run of heads or tails that were tossed. Then after the loop the number in this variable will be the number of HEADS tosses. random() * 3) != 0); } This would make the coin be heads 66. Simplicity: Easy-to-use with a straightforward action of flipping the coin. Find Head and Tail of Count. 6% and heads 33. flip also does the same as described above. Contribute to flclxo/coin-flip development by creating an account on GitHub. As a hint, the function call random. Logic -> Determine if it is a Jul 31, 2018 · I am trying to simulate a coin flipper using Java and window builder. Leap Year 3. This is why your performance isn't good. EDIT: I have my entire code working, I just didn't put it on here since my only problem is getting the correct percentage for the heads/tails result. Try defining the variables inside the function, then returning them. 10 1000000. random() number generator? For each toss of the coin the program should print Heads or Tails. heads was defined out of the scope of the function coin. [Note. using HEADS or TAILS instead of heads or tails in enums. Try our fair, unbiased heads or tails generator! Mar 19, 2020 · For this exercise, we’ll try doing an experiment. Random outcome: Generates a result (heads or tails) based on chance. Ensure it is a positive integer. Feb 23, 2020 · count=collections. I have just begun my journey into learning Python and I have hit a roadblock. Flip Coin and print percentage of Heads and Tails a. randint(0, 1) will return a 0 value 50% of the time and a 1 value the other 50% of the time. Logic -> Determine if it is a Functional Programs User Input and Replace String Template “Hello <>, How are you?” I/P -> Take User Name as Input. Each outcome has an equal probability of occurring, meaning there’s a 50% chance of getting either heads or tails on a single flip. print("T"); } } To Obtain 2 Java Core Programs 1. Solution. It’s perfect for game nights, guessing games, and even friendly betting! The Coin Flip Generator uses a mathematical algorithm to generate random numbers. At the end of the program, print out: • How many heads you flipped. How do I go about doing all this? Any tips would be i want to count and output the amount of times heads and tails are occur in a coin toss based of a users input of amount of coin tosses they want. 6% percent of the time, theoretically, and tails 33. You will need two attributes, these attributes have the current number of consecutive outcomes (a run) and the outcome associated with the run (head or tail). Jan 14, 2020 · If it gets to 6, add 1 to the streake counter and reset the side counter for i in range(10000): rand = random. It mimics the randomness of a real coin toss, allowing users to choose between heads or tails flip with just a click or tap. O/P -> Percentage of Head vs Tails. If anyone could point out my mistake it would be a huge help. e. If you're really set on using arrays, you can establish a max number of coins to flip (ex: 10), then create an array of size 10 and fill in the values that way. println("the percentage of tails is: " +percentTails);}} I'm sure this is still wrong, because it always returns percentages of 0 and 100 for heads and tails respectively. Jan 8, 2021 · Write a program to simulate flipping 100 coins. If you want to print 0 or 1 you need to print c1 instead. (same with 2 and 3) May 2, 2020 · Invoking Coin() constructor invokes flip() method. nextBoolean is true, increment nHeads and use the new value (hence the ++ preceding the variable, otherwise known as a pre-increment operator) for nHeads , else set nHeads to 0 . Oct 21, 2020 · The assignment is to flip a coin until four heads in a row are seen and display all the results leading up to that. " << endl; } If you use constant values which mean something you should. What about our members of Coin? FINALS int final HEADS = 1 int final TAILS = 0 Used in flip method to determine if random number is a heads or a tails. Features of Flip a Coin . Coin Flip Java Program. The following method should be included in the class: a default constructor: An empty bean constructor needs to be defined in Java if there is a constructor that takes an argument Question: Exercise : Coin Flips 6 points Let's Go! Write a program to simulate flipping 100 coins. */ public enum Coin { HEADS, TAILS } /** * Flips a coin and returns the result. I know how to make a coin tossing program, but not . When Coin = 1 the toss is heads, and when Coin = 2 the toss is tails. com/channel/U Nov 26, 2014 · The last interesting thing is to decide how risky of a scheme you should choose. Feb 28, 2018 · I'm supposed to flip a coin 100 times, and find out the longest streak of heads, then output it, but so far, it's only giving me how many heads there are in total. For each flip, the user guesses the status of the flip. Random; public class FlipaCoin { Oct 13, 2017 · This program simulates flipping a coin repeatedly and continues until however many consecutive heads are tossed. Nov 28, 2013 · public void flip() { face = ((int) (Math. function flipCoins(){ Finally, the counts for heads and tails are printed to the console. Count the number of times each side of the coin appears and print the results at the end of the 100 tosses. When I remove the do - while statement the if statement works fine and seems to generate a random r About. Random@74a14482 not the value of the coin toss. public class Exercise_05_40 { Nov 15, 2014 · It might be easier to do away with the array altogether and just use a counter in the for loop to see how many coins (either heads or tails) you get based on what the user chose. The program should toss a coin 100 times. Leap Year a. Mar 5, 2022 · The goal is to “simulate flipping a coin (0 is heads and 1 is tails) 5 times. I guess the code myCoin. I am VERY new to Python and I have to create a game that simulates flipping a coin and ask the user to enter the number of times that a coin should be tossed. Random; /** * This class represents a coin flip game. import java. concurrent. I am currently learning from the Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner book and one of the challenges is to write a program that flips a coin 100 times and tells you the number of heads and tails. Any hints would be helpful. After you flipped 100 coins print max_head_streak. Conceptually, I know how to approach this; coding-wise, I have no clue. If someone could point me in the right direction that would Contribute to LuizGsa21/intro-to-java-10th-edition development by creating an account on GitHub. Flip Coin and print percentage of Heads and Tails 2. Java Core Programs 1. Here's how the code could look (I've simplified it for you too - see notes in code): Nov 9, 2016 · Determining Longest run of Heads and Tails. The if condition says if the flip was heads start the headsFlips counter up to 3 but if the next flip is tails headsFlips resets to zero. My programm returns exactly double as much percentage as it should. ” Does a coin flip really produce 50/50 results? Yes, it does! Just Flip A Coin uses JavaScript code to generate truly random results, ensuring an equal 50/50 chance for Heads or Tails. • How many tails you flipped. out. For example, to simulate coin flips, you can use sample(c("Heads", "Tails"), num_flips, replace = TRUE), where num_flips specifies the number of flips, and replace = TRUE ensures that the outcomes are independent for each f Oct 27, 2022 · My instructions: Write a program that “flips” a coin repeatedly and displays the results to the screen. Ensure it is positive Flip Coin and print percentage of Heads and Tails a. I have been given this exercise: "Write a simulator program that flips a coin: One thousand times then prints out how many time you get tails and how many times you get heads" That is what i have tried to do so far. b. ” If you ask a human to make up 100 random coin flips, you’ll probably end up with alternating head-tail results like “H T H T H You signed in with another tab or window. Input: C = ‘T’, N = 7 Output: Head = 4, Tail = 3 Explanation: After all the possible flips the head and tail count is 4 and 3. heads or tails) * Write a program that simulates flipping a coin A simple python program that simulates flipping coins, looking for heads, and plots the theoretic and simulated results. So, each time the program runs, it simulates flipping a coin 100 times and prints the counts for heads and tails. import random coin_flip = ['heads Every coin flip is fair game here – you've got a 50:50 shot at head or tail, just like in the real world. . awbv mvgrq hssrc rujvdf vrnr amrlx xysydaq pzam fbxdd vdctg fquswta dotc yujojq ipuhsjl yxmd