Consanguinity chart canon law. Meaning of Consanguinity table as a legal term.

Consanguinity chart canon law Many jurisdictions have laws prohibiting people who are closely related by blood from marrying or having sexual relations with each other. consanguinity The state of belonging to an identical kinship or blood line. Canon law is therefore simply reflecting what nature (i. By a marriage null through a diriment impediment, the affinity probably does not extend This being the natural mode of computing the degrees of lineal, consanguinity, it has been adopted by the civil, the canon, and the common law. 54 This is a guide to the canon law of consanguinity and affinity in doggerel verse; a mnemonic aid aimed at students. Antonyms for Consanguinity (in Canon Law). Define Consanguinity (in Canon Law). John J. Roman civil law prohibited marriages within four degrees of consanguinity. This being the natural mode of computing the degrees of lineal, consanguinity, it has been adopted by the civil, the canon, and the common law. As marriage was an ecclesiastical matter, its validity to be determined by eccle-siastical law, this adoption of the canon law to that extent followed as of course. rd Degree Grandparent-in-Law . PHYSICAL AND JURIDIC PERSONS (Cann. The labeled boxes will then list the relationship by title and the degree of distance from the subject. Email : info@fedarfoundation. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Table of Consanguinity Instructions Place the subject/decedent for whom you need to establish relationship by consanguinity in the blank box. 3. D. Codes and Statutes › Arkansas Code › Arkansas Code of 1987 (2023) › Title 28 - WILLS, ESTATES, AND FIDUCIARY RELATIONSHIPS (§§ 28-1-101 — 28) › Subtitle 2 - DESCENT AND DISTRIBUTION (§§ 28-8-101 — 28-15-115) › Chapter 9 - INTESTATE SUCCESSION (§§ 28-9-201 — 28-9-221) › Subchapter 2 - ARKANSAS A consanguinity chart (or table), as seen below, is often used to illustrate that relationship. Rur. 3) It establishes various impediments that can nullify a marriage such as consanguinity An editor has identified a potential problem with the redirect Consanguinity (in Canon Law) and has thus listed it for discussion. Consanguinity (in Canon Law) synonyms, Consanguinity (in Canon Law) pronunciation, Consanguinity (in Canon Law) translation, English dictionary definition of Consanguinity (in Canon Law). Using the chart above, adding "step" or "in-law" to the chart position determines the same degree of relationship. A close affinity or connection. "Nota in contractibus matrimonialibus computatio (consanguinity) Relationships by Marriage (Affinity) A relationship by blood is also referred to as being related by consanguinity. Can. a parent can never be dispensed to marry a child). e. THE CANONICAL CONDITION OF PHYSICAL PERSONS. 96 - 123) CHAPTER I. 3rd Floor, Room No. Nevada Ethics in Government Law addresses consanguinity within third degree by blood, adoption or marriage. ) are considered to be This being the natural mode of computing the degrees of lineal, consanguinity, it has been adopted by the civil, the canon, and the common law. in law, a blood relationship between people. About nine states, including Texas and Washington, apply the community property inheritance law where half of their estate goes to the partner. A third degree would be an uncle/aunt with a niece/nephew while fourth degree was between first cousins. The term consanguinity here means, within certain limitations defined by the law of nature, the positive law of God, or the supreme authority of State or Church, the blood-relationship ( Can. A relationship by marriage is sometimes referred to as being related by affinity. Jan 7, 2020 · Ang Consanguinity ay tumutukoy sa relasyon ng mga tao na nakabatay sa dugo o lahi. , Canon law, Roman law, etc. The term consanguinity here means, within certain limitations defined by the law of nature, the positive law of God , or the supreme authority of State or Church , the blood-relationship ( cognatio naturalis ), or the natural bond The current canon law of the Latin Church holds in Canon 1092 that affinity in any degree of the direct line invalidates marriage, such as between a father-in-law and his daughter-in-law, or between a mother-in-law and her son-in-law. In general, the lower the degree of consanguinity, the closer the relationship, and thus the higher the level of consanguinity. 2nd Degree Parent-in-Law Daughter/Son-in-Law 3rd Degree Grandparent-in-Law Brother/Sister-in-Law Grandchild-in-Law 4th Degree Great Grandparent-in-Law Aunt/Uncle-in-Law First Cousin-in-Law Niece/Nephew-in-Law Great Grandchild-in-Law Note: Step relationships (step-brother, step-father, etc. g. 108 §1 Consanguinity is reckoned by lines and degrees. Canon 1092 Affinity in any degree of the direct line invalidates marriage. Mar 27, 2021 · What is 4th civil degree of consanguinity or affinity? Medieval canon law The first prohibited degree of consanguinity was a parent-child relationship while a second degree would be a sibling relationship. • The term here means, within certain limitations defined by the law of nature, the positive law of God, or the supreme authority of State or Church, the blood relationship (cognatio naturalis), or the natural bond between persons descended from… Except for marriage, the canon law follows regularly the computation of the civil law, e. Other documents were scraped from various sources. Genealogist Lynn Serafinn explains canon law regarding consanguinity and affinity, and how dispensations in marriage records can help us in our research. Numbers 1 through 9 indicate the degree of kinship to A under civil law. con·san·guin·i·ties 1. Title: CONSANGUINITY / AFFINITY CHART Author: Amanda N Allen Created Date: 11/26/2019 4:30:48 PM Sep 9, 2010 · A: When it comes to the biological relationship between prospective spouses, the Church has laws which are based on natural law. 3 The impediment of consanguinity is not multiplied. In the Roman Catholic Church, unwittingly marrying a closely-consanguineous blood relative is in law, a blood relationship between people. A consanguinity chart (or table), as seen below, is often used to illustrate that relationship. The law links the existence, change, and cessation of rights and duties to consanguinity. The boxes in gray are within third degree. Law › U. Until church law was relaxed in 1215, a marriage could only be contracted by persons separated by seven degrees of relationship. - KarlEssig/Affinity-Crusader-Kings-3-Mod This being the natural mode of computing the degrees of lineal, consanguinity, it has been adopted by the civil, the canon, and the common law. 2. Ninja used the Bootstrap framework by Twitter, which is used under the MIT license. Such Degree Parent-in-Law . 1584 A presumption is a probable conjecture about an uncertain matter; a presumption of law is one which the law itself establishes; a human presumption is one which a judge formulates. 1058 All persons who are not prohibited by law can contract marriage. [6] Historical Catholic canon law The connotations of degree of consanguinity varies by context (e. In the USSR both lineal consanguinity (for example, father-son or grandmother-granddaughter) and collateral consanguinity, where the relationships arise owing to a common forebear (for example, brother-sister or uncle-nephew), are of legal significance. Edward N. The degree of kinship between those persons is determined by counting the generations separating the first person from the second person. §2 In the direct line there are as many degrees as Sep 28, 2022 · Under Roman civil law, which early canon law of the Catholic Church followed, couples were forbidden to marry if they were within four degrees of consanguinity. Canon Law and Consanguinity. The former are described as “merely ecclesiastical Mar 15, 2016 · Note that four of these, because they are considered to be of the natural law of marriage, apply to all persons, whether a baptized Catholic or not, and cannot be dispensed (canon 86). L. Some were adapted by common lawyers and the influence of this material was to extend even into common law courts. The term consanguinity here means, within certain limitations defined by the law of nature, the positive law of God, or the supreme authority of State or Church, the blood-relationship (cognatio naturalis), or the natural bond between Consanguinity ("blood relation", from the Latin consanguinitas) is the property of being from the same kinship as another person. By a marriage null through a diriment impediment, the affinity probably does not extend beyond the second degree. Codes and Statutes Arkansas Code 2010 Arkansas Code Title 28 - Wills, Estates, and Fiduciary Relationships Subtitle 2 - Descent And Distribution Chapter 9 - Intestate Succession Subchapter 2 - Arkansas Inheritance Code of 1969 § 28-9-212 - Computing degrees of consanguinity. L. Table of Consanguinity: Cousin Chart: Relationship Chart — Canon or Common Law: European Kinship System Last Update: 01/01/2024 16:58:04 ® ™ is a registered Sep 28, 2022 · Under Roman civil law, which early canon law of the Catholic Church followed, couples were forbidden to marry if they were within four degrees of consanguinity. Both the Eastern and Weste Aug 2, 2020 · Similarly, we need four steps for Elisabeth. 1059 Even if only one party is Catholic, the marriage of Catholics is governed not only by divine law but also by canon law, without prejudice to the competence of civil authority concerning the merely civil effects of the same marriage. 1 This rule prohibited On the matter of Canon Law, Paragraph # 1091 states: §1. When we think of our genealogical ‘pedigree’ we often imagine it to be an ever-expanding ‘fan’ of ancestors, multiplying by two at each generation. com Intelligent search from Bing makes it easier to quickly find what you’re looking for and rewards you. genealogy. Collateral consanguinity is the relation subsisting among persons who descend from the same common ancestor, but not from each other. Interactive programs showing the distribution of intestate property according to the laws of the different American states are found at MyStateWill. Consanguinity is measured in terms of the degree of consanguinity, which can be defined in several different ways. 6 Degree of Consanguinity and Affinity Chart - Free download as PDF File (. Canon 1091. Jan 1, 2023 · (b) Lineal kinship or consanguinity is the relationship between two persons, one of whom is a direct descendant of the other. Family tree Genealogy Interpersonal relationship Intimate relationship, Family, people, divorce, family png 456x600px 60. A relationship of This being the natural mode of computing the degrees of lineal, consanguinity, it has been adopted by the civil, the canon, and the common law. 653. What are synonyms for Consanguinity (in Canon Law)? consanguinity - (anthropology) related by blood blood kinship , cognation anthropology - the social science that studies the origins and social relationships of human beings law or father-in-law. Cousinship between two people can be specifically described in degrees and removals by determining how close, generationally, the common ancestor is to each 3. [ 2 ] Jul 21, 2022 · First-degree relations become second-degree relations, and so on. 1091 §1. Ang consanguinity ay ginagamit na batayan ng mga maraming bansa sa kanilang pagbuo ng mga batas na A consanguinity chart (or table), as seen below, is often used to illustrate that relationship. " §4. C O N S A N G U I N I T Y. See full list on trentinogenealogy. 1° the Code of Canon Law promulgated in 1917; 2 Can. Consanguinity is the basis of the laws that govern such matters as rules of Descent and Distribution of property, the degree of relation between which marriage is prohibited under the laws concerning Incest, and a basis for the determination of who may serve as a witness. Grandchild-in-Law . 6 Degree of Consanguinity and Affinity Chart Sep 9, 2010 · Cathy Caridi, J. 2 synonyms for consanguinity: blood kinship, cognation. PATERNAL Great Grand Parents D3 MATERNAL Grand Uncle/ Aunt D4 Grand Parents C2 Grand Parents C2 1st Cousin Once Removed D5 Unless otherwise provided by law, the word "relative" and the members of the family referred to are those related within the third degree either of consanguinity or of affinity. Dec 5, 2013 · Mark’s question, however, refers to the marriage of those who are related not by blood, but by a prior marriage—in other words, to in-laws. That's the second batch of muffins I've burned today, consarn it! Mar 9, 2019 · In Roman Catholic Europe, the canon law of the church forbid marriages within a certain degree of kinship. What does Consanguinity table mean in law? Related to Consanguinity table: Also, a marriage contracted within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity or affinity if contracted bona fide, out of ignorance of any impediments, is allowed to stand and any children of this union were considered legitimate. [3] This was calculated by counting up from one prospective partner to the common ancestor, then down to the other prospective partner. By the French code the affinity in the direct line, and in the first degree of the collateral line, is a bar to marriage, though the privilege was given to the king to Feb 8, 2007 · Canon law kinship treatises, aimed at beginners, occur in some common law manuscripts, as do arbores consanguinitatis (trees that illustrate the structures of the canon law kinship system). "In the collateral line marriage is invalid up to and including the fourth degree. 4th Degree Great Grandparent-in-Law . pl. She founded this website to provide clear answers to canonical questions asked by ordinary Catholics, without employing all the mysterious legalese that canon lawyers know and love. 11 [2]); however, lawyers can challenge a juror for cause with up to four degrees of consanguinity (Ohio Revised Code 2313. Mar 22, 2021 · Canon Law Explanation for all Categories of the People. , God) intended. Hence, according to canon (church) law their kinship was a mix of a third degree with a fourth degree. In the local government career service, the prohibition extends to the relatives of the appointing or recommending authority, within the fourth civil degree of Aug 11, 2012 · The paper begins by briefly surveying methods used for calculating degrees of consanguinity in both Western and Eastern canon law, including native Rus sources. Most cultures define a degree of consanguinity within which sexual interrelationships are regarded as incestuous (the "prohibited degree of kinship"). 4. , is an American canon lawyer who practices law and teaches in Rome. The outermost boxes contain seventh-degree relations, the point at which “relationship ceases completely” (according to canon law prior to 1215). Such rules are also used to Consanguinity. 17). In this case, the probate applies the respective laws in their place of jurisdiction. 704, Olive Arcade, Near St. We all know that genetic problems tend to arise in children whose parents are too closely related by blood. Catechism paragraphs were scraped from vatican. Justia U. Brother/Sister-in-Law . Parents Brothers Sisters Table of Consanguinity Showing degrees of relationship 2 consanguinity - (anthropology) related by blood blood kinship , cognation anthropology - the social science that studies the origins and social relationships of human beings Keywords canon law – marriage – consanguinity – incest – church councils – Byzantine law – Biblical law – paganism Throughout the Kyivan, appanage and Muscovite periods, written Orthodox canon law generally prohibited marriage within the seventh degree of consanguinity as measured by the Roman system. Many jurisdictions have laws prohibiting people who are related by blood from marrying or having sexual relations with each other. As we saw in “Are There Any Limitations on the Power of the Pope?” the Code of Canon Law contains some laws which were created by men, and others which the Church holds were given to us by God. Aunt/Uncle-in-Law . Examples of differences in Consanguinity & Affinity standards: Ohio When assessing a judge’s relationship between parties, Ohio looks to three degrees of consanguinity (Ohio Code of Judicial Conduct Canon 2 Rule 2. com Consanguinity diagrams were used to show the degree of kinship between an individual and his or her "blood" relations. 4. The term consanguinity here means, within certain limitations defined by the law of nature, the positive law of God, or the supreme authority of State or Church, the blood-relationship (cognatio naturalis), or the natural bond between persons descended from the same stock. [4] The first prohibited degree of consanguinity was a parent-child relationship while a second degree would be a sibling relationship. Peters Curator IGNATIUS PRESS SAN FRANCISCO Latin edition: Codex Iuris Canonici, Pii X Pontificis Maximi, iussu digestus; Benedicti Papae XV, auctoritate promulgatus. Canon Law Explanation for all Categories of the People. ) Consarn it! I can't find my keys. The term consanguinity here means, within certain limitations defined by the law of nature, the positive law of God, or the supreme authority of State or Church, the blood-relationship (cognatio naturalis), or the natural bond between persons descended from the same Jun 28, 2018 · Secondly, the canon states that dispensations can be granted for merely ecclesiastical laws. That's the second batch of muffins I've burned today, consarn it! The document outlines key aspects of marriage in canon law of the Catholic Church, including: 1) It defines marriage as a covenant between a man and woman ordered towards procreation and the good of the spouses. §2. To determine any person’s degree of relation to the decedent on the kinship chart below begin with the decedent and follow the line that connects the decedent with the other person. xlsx file will download into your default download directory) Can. In the collateral line, they are invalid up to and including the fourth degree. FEDAR FOUNDATION. , J. CONSANGUINITY CHART Consanguinity charts are more than simple family trees. 4 A marriage is never to be permitted if a doubt exists as to whether the parties are related by consanguinity in any degree of the direct line, or in the second degree of the collateral line. In civil law the kinship degree equals the amount of steps required to get from one person to the other. Who can dispense: Canon 1078 — §1. August 5 – 11, 2012 (Toronto, Canada) Marriage Impediments in Canon Law and Practice: Consanguinity Regulations and the Case of Orthodox-Catholic Intermarriage in Kyivan Rus’, ca. If this intercourse is between husband and wife, this relationship extends to the fourth degree of By canon law a marriage not consummated does not beget affinity. Then, the paper examines how this canon law was reflected in practice according to the extant narrative sources, while acknowledging the interpretative challenges posed by this methodology. Consanguinity (from Latin consanguinitas 'blood relationship') is the characteristic of having a kinship with a relative who is descended from a common ancestor. At the same time, however, canon law also insisted that marriages should be public and that parents should have a say in their creation. The impediment of consanguinity is not multiplied. In the ninth century the church raised the number of prohibited degrees to seven and changed the method by which they were calculated. Jan 29, 2017 · By the Roman law, the affinity ceased at the death of the one from whom it originated. Meaning of Consanguinity table as a legal term. Great Grandchild-in-Law . Consanguinity (in CANON LAW), a diriment impediment of marriage as far as the fourth degree of kinship inclusive. ). §4. ) are considered to be the same as blood relationships. Justia › U. Consanguinity (in Canon Law) Consanguinity is a diriment impediment of marriage as far as the fourth degree of kinship inclusive. "In the direct line of consanguinity marriage is invalid between all ancestors and descendants, both legitimate and natural. C. 96 By baptism one is incorporated into the Church of Christ and is constituted a person in it with the duties and rights which are proper to Christians in keeping with their condition, insofar as they are in ecclesiastical communion and unless a legitimately issued sanction Great Grandchild-in-Law . Synonyms for Consanguinity (in Canon Law) in Free Thesaurus. The degree of consanguinity that gives rise to this prohibition varies from place to place. "The impediment of consanguinity is not multiplied. It is the relation in a direct line, such as between a father, son, and grandson. 1. Relationship by blood or by a common ancestor. CanonLaw. What does affinity mean in law? By canon law a marriage not consummated does not beget affinity. Table of Consanguinity: Cousin Chart: Relationship Chart — Canon or Common Law: European Kinship System: Download Spreadsheet containing all above information plus three more Tables of Consanguinity: 25GGP, 50GGP & 100GGP (the . Can a widowed man marry his sister-in-law in the Church? Let’s see what canon law has to say about this subject. TITLE VI. The local ordinary can dispense his own subjects Dec 14, 2017 · To understand the question at hand let us start by looking at what Canon Law has to say about "Specific Diriment Impediments" to marriage. Ang consanguinity ay ginagamit na batayan ng mga maraming bansa sa kanilang pagbuo ng mga batas na This being the natural mode of computing the degrees of lineal, consanguinity, it has been adopted by the civil, the canon, and the common law. A F F I N I T Y. Blood relationship; the relation of people who descend from the same ancestor. T. A marriage is never permitted if doubt exists whether the partners are related by consanguinity in any degree of the direct line or in the second degree of the collateral line. va. 1000–1241 lineal consanguinity Lineal consanguinity is the blood relationship among persons where one is a direct descendant or ascendant of the other. However, most states apply the common law, which places the estate’s ownership to beneficiaries included in a will. Consanguinity and genetic defects Amish—Dwarfism, mental retardation and metabolic disorders seen in 1:250-500 births. Ito ay katangian na tinataglay ng mga tao na nagmula sa iisang ninuno. by Nathaniel L. CONTACT INFO. Affinity (in the CANON LAW), a relationship arising from the carnal intercourse of a man and a woman, sufficient for the generation of children, whereby the man becomes related to the woman’s blood-relatives and the woman to the man’s. In the direct line of consanguinity marriage is invalid between all ancestors and descendants, both legitimate and natural. §3. 2, or 3 is within the third degree of consanguinity. Parent-in-Law Daughter/Son-in-Law Grandparent-in-Law Brother/Sister-in-Law Grandchild-in-Law Great Grandparent-in-Law Aunt/Uncle-in-Law First Cousin-in-Law Niece/Nephew-in-Law Great Grandchild-in-Law Note: Step relationships (step-brother, step-father, etc. These include: being below the age of reason, impotence, prior bond, and certain degrees of consanguinity (e. Daughter/Son-in-Law . While there were some regional disagreements, until the 13th century, the church forbade marriages with consanguinity or affinity ( kinship by marriage) to the seventh This being the natural mode of computing the degrees of lineal, consanguinity, it has been adopted by the civil, the canon, and the common law. In addition to banning marriage within the fourth degree of consanguinity, the Fourth Lateran Council had also banned marriages concluded in secrecy. 1997, it first appeared in its final form on 23 Jun 1998] A Consanguinity. " §3. Thus when a remarried father died, his second wife was no longer akin to the children of his former wife. Consanguinity is a diriment impediment of marriage as far as the fourth degree of kinship inclusive. A husband and wife are related in the first degree by marriage. By canon law a marriage not consummated does not beget affinity. Warning. S. Damn it! (A mild oath. The laws of many jurisdictions set out the degree of consanguinity in relation to prohibited sexual relations and marriage parties. Clause 1. Joseph’s Hospital, Mananthavady – 670645. 1 Children 2 Grandchildren 3 Great Grandchildren 1 Parents 2 Brothers & Sisters 3 Nephews & Nieces 4 This attempts to model the Affinity system to CK3, with additional papal/christian interactions involving the canon law of consanguinity. 2) Consent between the parties is what makes a marriage, provided they are qualified under law. 1997, it first appeared in its final form on 23 Jun 1998] A 2nd Degree Parent-in-Law Daughter/Son-in-Law 3rd Degree Grandparent-in-Law Brother/Sister-in-Law T Grandchild-in-Law 4th Degree Great Grandparent-in-Law Aunt/Uncle-in-Law First Cousin-in-Law Niece/Nephew-in-Law Great Grandchild-in-Law Note: Step relationships (step-brother, step-father, etc. The system of kinship degrees in canon law differs from that in civil law. The connotations of degree of consanguinity varies by context (e. But the Canon law, in the collateral line of consanguinity, computes for marriage one series only of generations, and if the series are unequal, only the longer one. By the French code the affinity in the direct line, and in the first degree of the collateral line, is a bar to marriage, though the privilege was given to the king to Feb 8, 2007 · The most conventional canon law text is the Arbor Versificata of the canonist Johannes de Deo, probably written between 1229 and his death in 1267, which occurs in the Bracton manuscript British Library, Harleian MS. com, which also includes a useful Degrees of Kinship Chart. All the amendments in the Code of Canon Law have been taken into account. These tables followed an established tradition dating back to around ad 600. First Cousin-in-Law . THE 1917 OR PIO-BENEDICTINE CODE OF CANON LAW in English Translation with Extensive Scholarly Apparatus Foreword by Most Rev. This discussion will occur at Wikipedia:Redirects for discussion/Log/2022 March 12#Consanguinity (in Canon Law) until a consensus is reached, and readers of this page are welcome to contribute to the discussion. C. A "cousin chart", or "table of consanguinity", is helpful in identifying the degree of cousin relationship between two people using their most recent common ancestor as the reference point. In that aspect, consanguinity is the quality of being descended from the same ancestor as another person. For Affinity (relationship by marriage) calculations: Place the spouse of the public officer/employee for whom you need to establish relationship by affinity in the blank box. consanguinity - (anthropology) related by blood blood kinship , cognation anthropology - the social science that studies the origins and social relationships of human beings. 1585 A person who has a favorable presumption of law is freed from the burden of proof, which then falls to the other party. Dr. The basic concept is addressed in canon 109, which defines affinity. Dispensations from consanguinity in the fourth degree (first cousins) may be granted under certain conditions. 2, a person is deemed to be independent Consanguinity (in Canon Law) From the Catholic Encyclopedia. " §2. Under the provisions of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, marriages between parties related by blood in any degree of the direct line are invalid. For other relationships by marriage, the degree of relationship 1. Myers, S. Which relationships were forbidden to marry varied at different times. Both the Eastern and Weste XIV: Fourteenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law. The letters B, C, and D identify the nearest ancestors in common with A. 55 The Code of Canon Law is provided courtertesy of, and with permission from, the Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Each person that must be passed through before reaching the final person adds one degree to the total, including the final person. Law U. of the degrees of consanguinity within which marriage is (or was) lawful, the common law adopts the canon law rule. Codes and Statutes › Arkansas Code › Arkansas Code of 1987 (2023) › Title 28 - WILLS, ESTATES, AND FIDUCIARY RELATIONSHIPS (§§ 28-1-101 — 28) › Subtitle 2 - DESCENT AND DISTRIBUTION (§§ 28-8-101 — 28-15-115) › Chapter 9 - INTESTATE SUCCESSION (§§ 28-9-201 — 28-9-221) › Subchapter 2 - ARKANSAS We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Each person in a seventh-degree position can therefore be imagined as the origin point of a different tree of consanguinity. Niece/Nephew-in-Law . 22KB Jan 7, 2020 · Ang Consanguinity ay tumutukoy sa relasyon ng mga tao na nakabatay sa dugo o lahi. pdf) or read online for free. Collateral consanguinity is the relation subsisting among persons who descend from the same commnon ancestor, but not from each other. n. Consanguinity ("blood relation", from Latin consanguinitas) is the characteristic of having a kinship with another person (being descended from a common ancestor). Taylor [Originally posted to soc. in the question of inheritance. medieval on 2 Dec.