College of swords bard spells tier list. Aug 15, 2024 · Bard Weapons.

College of swords bard spells tier list College of Dance C tier Glamour A tier. Am currently Lvl 5 and went Bard 4 / Warlock 1. Shields, still gets 2 attacks as a full caster. College of Lore Bards get two additional level 3 Magical Secret spells at E-tier-- an underpowered subclass, that takes high optimization to become passable. Several spells were buffed or tweaked and some new spells were added. They can inspire those who hear them, raise their spirits, and affect their minds in other ways. I recommend allowing the expanded spell list on all bards. At level three upon joining the College of Swords, you gain proficiency in medium armor and the scimitar. The Ring of Spell Storing has a lot of uses, but the best way to use it would be to pump it with defensive spells to increase your durability. Hypnotic Pattern Summon Fey Spirit She is working as an assassin so I did not take spells that create sound. The mobile feat is also very helpful. Being able to use swords as your spellcasting focus makes Today we mix the slashing with the casting with the College of Swords Bard. Again, no Bard subclass is really that bad, but someone had to be last place. College of Valor grants proficiency in martial weapons. Bard spells will use the caster's Charisma modifier for Spell Save DC and Spell Attack rolls. I've been playing a College of Swords bard in my current campaign for about a year (we started our campaign at level 3, we are currently level 6) so here's my experience with the class. I've beaten the game 4 times, and picked Swords Bard again for Honor Mode. Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components; Blade Ward: Abjuration: 1 Action: Self: 1 round: V, S: Dancing Lights: Evocation: 1 Action: 120 feet: Concentration up to 1 minute Generally, valor bard is better for a monoclassed bard, as it gets shield proficiency in addition to medium armor. Best College of Swords Bard Build Guide for Baldur's Gate 3. Orcish Fury : Nothing here for a bard. You can also poison your arrows, so you can poison multiple enemies. Go for it. It's a slight boost to how many times you Oct 29, 2023 · The wonderful thing about a bard is that the class’s “Magical Secrets” ability allows the bard to learn up to six spells from any spell list of their choice. Aug 21, 2020 · At 1st and 2nd levels, they would have used musical instruments as spell casting foci, but for those who join the College of Swords at 3rd level, "If you're proficient with a simple or martial melee weapon, you can use it as a spellcasting focus for your bard spells". 8. Lore A-Valor S* Tier. This armor offers similar benefits to heavy armor, with an AC of 16, a damage reduction of 1 (rather than 2), immunity to critical hits, and protection, applying If you’re proficient with a simple or martial melee weapon, you can use it as a spellcasting focus for your bard spells. The College of Swords 5e is one of two Bard Colleges that tries to add martial combat skills to the class. Duellist’s Prerogative legendary Rapier is the best weapon for the Bard in Baldur’s Gate 3. This is added to the Bard’s existing list of proficiencies, meaning they can use most one-handed weapons and a small smattering of ranged options. Slashing Flourish (Melee) (Level 3) – Attack up to 2 enemies at once. Planar Wanderer : A bard with an expertise in Arcana and a stacked Intelligence ability that's a portal-cracking mastermind could be a fun and unique character, as long as Dec 27, 2022 · The College of Lore is our favorite bard college. Levelled spell? Can't, Healing Word is already a levelled spell. College of Lore Bards get two additional level 3 Magical Secret spells at Aug 15, 2024 · Bard Weapons. Dec 2, 2017 · This is pretty similar to my spell list on my swords bard. Sep 30, 2023 · 8: College of Swords. The result is an exciting mix, though there are certainly some challenges. The Bard of Swords turns swordplay and acrobatics into art. If you go hexblade you fix your MAD problem, and you get access to Shield and Armor of Agathys (which when up cast is an amazing buff/damage dealer) Nov 8, 2024 · You're still a primary caster though that's charisma based. The Bard is proficient in simple weapons. This gives both scag cantrips, a ranged attack cantrip and anything else. I think that the worst bard is by far the college of swords. Dual Wield College of Swords bard absolutley is fine. We do get some interesting changes though that keep the essence of the class the same, but ensure you can really maximise on your bardic inspiration, change a couple of un-useful features and get more chances to grab spells from other classes. A Fighter may be able to use a sword efficiently, but the Bard of Swords can do so while garnering applause from an audience. Back to Bard Bards of the College of Swords are called blades, and they entertain through daring feats of weapon prowess. College of Eloquence is by far my favorite because the fact that your bardic inspiration just doesn’t fail is insane. 4 extra cantrips at level 1 plus shield and absorb elements. Their talent with weapons inspires many blades to lead double Jan 28, 2025 · STALKER 2: Best Unique Weapons Tier List; Enshrouded: Best 10 Builds for Patch 4; Bard: Subclass: College of Swords Spell: Invisibility Two-Weapon Fighting Style: 4: Jan 28, 2025 · The Bard College of Valour subclass provides Extra Attack and Martial weapons, giving the Bard powerful two-handed Greatsword proficiency. Ranged weapons are arguably stronger on a Swords Bard due to how ranged Slashing Fluorish was coded. None of it changes the bard’s tactics or their party role in any significant way, but it does add some new options for players to explore. Absorb elements helps a lot if you are losing dex save proficiency. Obligatory: hexblade dip is crazy good Jan 28, 2025 · Below is a list of the College of Swords Bard subclass progression, features, and spells: Choose a Fighting Style (Level 3): Dueling or Two-Weapon Fighting only. Bard Cantrip & Spell List (UB additions): Cantrip: Air Blast, Blade Ward, Illuminating Sphere, Minor Lifesteal, Resonating Strike, Sunlit Blade. Subclasses will have in parenthesis what DLC's & mods are required to play them. I think you could also do a Good low level defensive spells include mirror image, bane, dissonant whispers, and enlarge/reduce. You also can use your simple or martial weapon as a spellcasting focus--an important feature for this class. 1st Level: Earth Tremor. As a single class option for a sword bard it is no better or worse than Dueling fighting style with a rapier IMO. Every bard will get to take two leveled spells or cantrips from any class (including bard) at each of levels 10, 14, & 18 for a total of 6 additional spells over the course of the character. Jan 28, 2025 · Below is a list of the College of Lore Bard subclass progression, features, and spells: Cutting Words (Level 3) – It receives a 1d6 penalty to Attack Rolls, Ability Checks, and Saving Throws until the start of your next turn. There likely will be mistakes -- I am a human after all! Bard Cantrip & Spell List: Cantrip: Dancing Lights, Dazzle, Light, Shadow Armor, Shadow Dagger, Sparkle, True Strike, Vicious Mockery 1st level: I played a Fighter 1, Swords Bard 10, Wizard 1 for my first play through. Larian also decided to ensure all classes had 3 subclass options, and for Bard they pulled what is probably the most popular Bard subclass in 5e; Swords Bard. Access to Medium Armor and Scmiters Magical Secrets are spells not from the Bard Spell list, which the Bard class gains limited access to at certain levels. Blade Ward Dancing Lights Friends Light Mage Hand Mending Message Minor Illusion Prestidigitation Starry Wisp Thunderclap True Strike Vicious Mockery Animal Friendship Bane Charm Person Color Spray Command Comprehend Languages Cure Wounds Detect Magic Disguise Self Dissonant Whispers Faerie Fire Feather Fall Healing Word Heroism Identify Illusory Script Longstrider Silent Image Sleep Speak Jan 14, 2025 · A very popular Swords Bard setup, that allows scribing level 6 spells from Wizard. Revivify: Every party needs a party member with revivify. A spell you choose must be of a level you can cast, as shown on the Bard table, or a cantrip. For a frontline bard take a good look at higher level ranger and paladin spells - Larian have actually implemented some of the 4th and 5th level spells even though rangers and paladins won't get to that level (e. Now, the easiest way to fi a College of Swords Bard' biggest issues are to multiiclass. As a caveat though, Combat Inspiration on Valor Bard is currently bugged. In my opinion, the most attractive spells for magical secrets are: Jan 31, 2022 · Swap out one or more of their spells with a different bard spell of the same level. Dec 14, 2024 · Additional Bard Spells (Addition): Everything added by this optional feature makes sense on the Bard’s spell list. 2nd level: Mirror Image Yeah, Command is a beast of a spell to pick up on bard. Rock Gnome is also handy for the Artificer It is really hard to maintain concentration with a College of Swords bard, and with a max AC of 17 before flourishes, a d8 hit die, and really no ASI's to spare on CON or defensive feats, they're going t be rather fragile. Most Bards. Oct 11, 2024 · A spell cast from the ring is no longer stored within it, freeing up space in the ring. Fighting Style At 3rd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. College of Lore is also amazing too because of additional magical secrets and cutting words. Add the 14th level feature from one of the bard colleges. Paladin is also a decent idea, but i would shy away from it cause 99% of what makes paladin paladin is the smites. If you enjoy being a front liner with powerful spells in tow, this is your ticket Dec 16, 2024 · Valour Bard Build - Bearer of Ballads. ESO Tier List for Skills Dec 5, 2024 · Mounted Combatant: Most bards don’t want to be up close for too long, except perhaps a College of Swords or College of Valor bard. The College of Valour is considered the weakest subclass for Bard that Baldur's Gate 3 has to offer. Sep 12, 2024 · Bard players in Baldur's Gate 3 get the choice between College of Valour, Lore, and Swords during subclass selection. It's also vital for maintaining Concentration on their most powerful spells, without which they are much weaker. This is one of the few subclasses where dual wielding is actually not the absolute worst option. Felt like I controlled the entire battlefield most of the time. While you could consider this class if you simply want to be a more armored bard, since all the abilities work towards getting into combat, you don’t want to pick an entire subclass to get something a single feat (Moderately Armored) would provide. I asked a while ago about choosing the college. It's a different play style than Bard 9 and still has some solid spell casting options. And due to ease of stacking Arcane Acuity bonuses with ranged attacks. Bards — along with other full-caster classes, like the cleric, wizard, and sorcerer — unlock 9th-level spells when they reach 17th level, meaning they can go toe-to-toe with some of the other big Apr 5, 2024 · One of the most interesting features that the Bard gets is Magical Secrets. Lots of spell slots for smiting. I'm planning on making a Zariel Tiefling - Bard - College of Swords Tav. Jan 27, 2025 · Path of Exile 2: Best Class Tier List (Source: Grinding Gear Games) Path of Exile 2 has received an initial release on December 6, 2024. Sep 10, 2023 · In addition to the spells of a bard, joining the College of Swords teaches a bard how to entertain with swords. I ended with swords bard 10, paladin 2. Also, the spell slot scaling on bard is better than paladin. g. Swords bards mostly use dex. Crown of int until your get helm of Arcane Acuity. With a Spell Save DC in the high 20s, most enemies will find resisting the Bard's spells impossible. A lot of Swords Bards will grab 2 Levels of Fighter after Level 18, OPs choice basically front loads the PC with melee prowess. Bards weave magic through words and music to inspire allies, demoralize foes, manipulate minds, create illusions, and even heal wounds. Risky Ring + Ring of Mystic Scoundrel was such a funky setup. Plot Hooks/Use in Your Game. Bard class was introduced Bard Minimum Ranking: B-tier. I played as college of swords bard, and it feels like battlemaster fighter. This is a #1 take. Feb 22, 2024 · Best College of Valour Bard Gear. Full wizard spell list, 4thLv Bard Spells, & extra atk. Its a full caster class that can use weapons the way other spellcasters use cantrips. College of Swords Bard is not a replacement for a martial character, but it can at least contribute some damage while keeping decent defences. Action surge is the only way to get two levelled spells cast per round. This is a pretty good alternative) If no one else in the party has them, and depending on your campaign, it can be useful to have at least one ritual spell such as Comprehend Languages or Detect Magic. The other thing to consider is as a swords bard paladin you are able to smite 4 times per action. You can always use Volo's eye or Ethel's hair to boost your Charisma to 16 or 18. destructive wave, some of the higher level smite spells). Jan 8, 2025 · Below is a list of the College of Swords Bard subclass progression, features, and spells: Choose a Fighting Style (Level 3): Dueling or Two-Weapon Fighting only. College of Swords takes that position mostly due to it forcing you into melee combat in order to make use of your features, while not giving you many tools to actually survive melee. Bonus Proficiencies: At level 3, when they take the subclass, the Swords Bard gains proficiency in Medium Armor and Scimitars. The following options are available to a bard, in addition to those offered in the Player’s Handbook: the College of Glamour, the College of Swords, and the College of Whispers. BG3 High Damage Bard Build. If you take away casting spells or talking then what is realistically left? I don't know whether you're asking for bard spells in general or for level 6 magical secrets picks, so: Bard spells in general: Level 1 spell go-tos: Sleep (use only in the beginning of the game, once you're level 3 and above swap it out), faerie fire, healing word, disguise self, speak with animals To start, choose four level 1 spells from the Bard spell list. Shield is a must have for a swords bard and this is the best way to get it. Where swords bard shines is in multiclass builds where you already get shield prof. Paladin 2/swords bard X for instance. Frankly, the Bard list just doesn't do much for gish builds. College of Spirits. Swords bard in particular can take advantage of the game's implementation of slashing flourish and the thief subclass to do wacky ranged damage, or go pure bard or dip into paladin to still do pretty wacky damage and also abuse the arcane acuity mechanic to cast irresistible control spells with like a DC of 30. You end with more spell slots for smiting than a level 12 paladin, along with a very good list of spells for not smiting. While College of Valor seems far better for Magical Secrets Shenanagins builds (read: Swift Quiver bullshit builds), College of Swords seems to be made for the traditional sword-and-spell "dashing not-so-Rogue" style. As a swords bard with Warcaster you can cast all spell types fine with your hands full of sword and shield. The chances of any spell that consumes an action matching the value of 4 smites is extremely unrealistic. The bard spell list is full of control spells that use concentration. What actions can the bard really take that is significantly better than BI? Weapon attacks? Not unless Swords, Whispers, or Multiclass. Sep 13, 2024 · What’s changing for bards in D&D 2024? Bards were already a very strong class in D&D 2014 and they remain that way for the 2024 version too. 2 hand xbows or deadshot bow. But you'll never be as good as a 7 Paladin/5 Warlock Lockadin, so if you want optimal do that instead. She is now a lv 4 pure Swords Bard, and I can see lv 5 allows regaining Bardic Inspiration even at short rest. I picked up Warlock on Level 2 and focused Bard after that to get an ASI asap, for beyond level 5 I think I'll go Warlock until I reach Warlock 3 to get Invocations and Pact of the Blade. The nature of D&D is such that PC deaths Clerics and paladins have a focus in their shield sure, but that doesn't let them case S or V/S spells without dropping their weapon still, because those spells (and those spells are actually a hefty chunk of the cleric's spell list) don't use materials at all (so focus won't help), they need a free hand. The Bard spell list basically requires you to have a decent CHA, whereas the other Gish casters have a better array of spells that don’t link back to the casting stat. And thus you end up with both Valor and Swords, two very similar subclasses, despite there existing other Bard subclasses from 5e that are much more different from these two. Was planning to dual wield swords/scimitars College of Swords. Below is a list of the best College of Valour Bard gear, equipment, weapons, and armour: Birthright: This can be purchased at Sorcerous Sundries in Act 3 (Alternative Helm of Balduran, Helldusk Helme t, or Hood of the Weave). Jan 28, 2025 · In addition to Bard spells, each Bard gains access to a full range of spells with Magical Secret at level 10. Charm Person, Color Spray, Dissonant Whispers, and Healing Word are recommended. Swords8+WhiteSor3+Wiz1 for unlimited sorcery points & unlimited 6thLv Spellslots XD. The concept of it is better for multi passing IMO, being able to hand out inspiration that can add to AC or can add to damage sound nice in theory for a tank/support, which is why I took 2 pal/10 valor bard. 6th Level (Lore Bard Only) Counterspell: Counterspell is one of the best spells in the game. if you want to play more as a martial, swords bard is the better choice. I'm probably going to stay Bard all the way to Bard 10 (Character level 11), but may take a second level of Sorc at character level 12 for a little metamagic. Nov 9, 2024 · Arcane Acuity only generates stacks on successful weapon hits, so utilizing the College of Swords Bard's Ranged Slashing Flourish to generate 4 stacks per volley is an efficient way to reach 10+ stacks. Sharpshooter & Dual Weilder for 2 staffs. The lack of shield proficiency is really glaring here. Two weapon fighting adds your ability score modifier to damage, this is an AMAZING skill for hand crossbow. Blade Flourish is the College of Swords' signature ability. Valour gives Martial Weapons in addition to the cited shields, which could be applicable if you're doing something like a Sorcerer + Bard multiclass, started as Sorcerer first for the Constitution Saving Throws - as you will be missing a lot of weapon proficiencies, and Swords Bard mainly fills in Scimitars if taken 2nd. seeing your multiclass as a warlock, if you're built around EB, warlock is really not the right class to pair with that. Some bonus proficiencies, a Fighting Style bonus, and an extra attack all aim to boost you in battle. Differences: thunderwave instead of disguise self, shatter instead of suggestion, and dispel magic instead of hypnotic pattern. Other abilities let you increase your AC by 4 if you hit and teleport to enemies. Bard spells are Known spells and cannot be changed after they are learned during through a level up. Add one (or multiple) of the 3rd level features from one of the bard subclasses (colleges). So viable is 2 Paladin/10 Swords Bard or 1 Paladin/6 Swords Bard/5 Warlock or 7 Swords Bard/5 Warlock. They are well-versed in lore and magic, as well. Magical Secrets are spells not from the Bard Spell list, which the Bard class gains limited access to at certain levels. The number of spells on your list increases as you gain Bard levels, as shown in the Prepared Spells column of the Bard Features table. Probably picking up synaptic static in a level, and at 10 getting find greater steed and steel wind strike, while swapping thunderwave for feather fall. Silvery Barbs (I would take Shield instead of it was on the Bard list. If you are going to use all of your bard spell slots for smite why even be a bard? Fighter 2 for action surge and another style would be my choice. Expanded Spell List: Full caster gets into melee - there should be some magic brought into melee too. Unlike the College of Valor, you can use those dice on yourself to do extra damage and receive other benefits. DM implemented a rule where we get a free feat choice among Skilled, Tough, Magic Initiate Cleric. Pros and Cons Pros. Dec 5, 2024 · Magical Secrets Spells. Though they use their weapons to entertain, they are also highly trained and skilled warriors in their own right. So you can learn something like Globe of Invulnerability or other cool stuff to get access to wide utility stuff. You can choose any spell available on any spell list with this feature so we will be listing your top picks. Theyre still a bard and spellcaster, but whereas a college of lore bard probably spends more time in a book than outside, a college of swords bard has probably seen more battlefields than a lot of soldiers. Explanation. The College of Swords is another Bard College that relies heavily on melee combat. The chosen spells count as bard spells for you but don't count against the number of bard spells you know. Swords bard is just broken tier good due to them making slashing flourish be able to just be two attacks on one enemy. College of Swords 5e. This allows you to play with Dual Weapons more efficiently and focus mostly on melee and ranged attacks. Bard Colleges At 3rd level, a bard gains the Bard College feature. Gnome: Gnomes get Gnome Cunning, which grants an advantage on saving throw proficiency for Wisdom, Charisma, and Intellect. College of Lore Bards get two additional level 3 Magical Secret spells at Hi - I'm running a Draconic Sorc 1>Swords Bard x build and am currently Sorc 1/Bard 6 and am unsure about the best Bard spell selection for this build. Find out where the Bard ranks in our Baldur’s Gate 3 class tier list. I heard the College of Swords is like a Fighter type of Bard that uses its buffs on himself rather than the group. you may be better off with re-speccing with sorc 3, fighter 2 Mixing in 3 Thief Vs a bard/Fighter build lowers your overall damage slightly via missing a 2 dex feat (although allows for sneak attack shenanigan's) and keeps you off of some higher level bard spells I dont find myself missing for an extra CC or invis cast per turn via bonus action once you have Mystic Scoundrel online early act 3. Seeing the attack or ability check (and in the base of BG3, the saving throws, rather than lowering damage like it can in 5e) and getting to try and lower those that were just high enough to succeed down into failing territory proved to be incredibly useful. Feels really nice to shoot two targets at once. And of course, straight swords bard without multiclassing is plenty powerful on its own. I’ve heard college of swords bard with paladin was good, so I was thinking 10 bard/2 paladin. Aug 28, 2024 · The Rogue and Bard enhance each class' unique skill-set and, even where they overlap, they don't see diminishing returns. Whenever that number increases, choose additional spells from the College of Swords is a subclass of Bard. Jul 1, 2023 · The hard thing about tier list is it can change drastically depending on level. That’s right, spells from four different classes! Sep 1, 2023 · 8. To learn how to play the Lore Bard, check our guide. Found in: Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. A str swords bard could do the normal PAM/GWM combo, sentinel, etc. Otherwise, Lightfoot hafling plays well with Swashbuckling Fighter for 2-3 levels is a great option. Even the dance bard is still decent vs other classes it's just outclassed by ever other better Bard Nov 7, 2020 · A Mark of the Storm Half-Elf would add some fun nautical spells to your class list that a Bard doesn't normally get (Fog Cloud, Gust of Wind, Levitate, Sleet Storm, Wind Wall, Control Water, Conjure Minor Elementals), in addition to on-point stats and some other fun nautical abilities. If you're not planning on exploiting slashing flourish constantly, swords bard is just solid to good and not really way above many other classes. The level column indicates spell level, not class level. Elves: Elven Weapons Training grants bonuses to Longswords and Shortswords. Flourish Pool: Flourishes now have their own pool of uses, tied to dexterity, restoring every long rest. Add the 6th level feature from one of the bard colleges. Cantrip? Bard doesn't really get good damage cantrips unless you waste Magical Secrets on it. I don't think you were implying this, but the multiclass is certainly not worse off in comparison to a straight Swords Bard. Only taking a 1 level dip still allows you to hit level 6 spells on bard as well. a dex or one handed bard might take shield master and the duelist feat. In terms of smooth talking social infiltrator, this is absolutely an excellent class to play for that. The College of Lore subclass gains an additional set of two spells at level 6. Spells like Absorb Elements or Shield work extremely well when put into a Ring of Spell Storing. If you’re proficient with a simple or martial melee weapon, you can use it as a spellcasting focus for your bard spells. Jan 28, 2025 · This frees up the Bard for more weapon-based combat, while the College of Lore Bard gains increased skills and spells. Focused on melee, and can confirm it is very satisfying. . But if you prefer melee, it can work well in close range as well. Next combine martial weapons, and an extra attack with Paladin Divine Smite for extra damage, and your Bard build will do high damage. Spell savant amulet grants unlimited sorcery pts & spellslots. Swords Bard Build BG3 Summary. 25k for true resurrection, here Dec 5, 2024 · What are the must-have spells on the Bard spell list? Essential spells for low-level Bards include classic single-target damage/debuff spells like Vicious Mockery and Dissonant Whispers. Huge item, no price limit, takes away any monetary concern for high level spell reagents. Additionally, any simple or martial melee weapon that you’re proficient with can be used as a spellcasting focus when you’re casting a Bard spell. Especially for Swords bard, you tend to run off your bardic inspiration flourishes and can save your spell slots to do funky things. College of Creation is a great example of that. Most reach weapons, which can be handy for slashing strike smites, are not finesse, so that’s something to consider. Aug 14, 2024 · Similar to the Swords Bard, Valor is for Bards who like to get up close and personal with their enemies. Just combining a bard's Expertise and Jack of All Trades with a rogue's Expertise already makes for one of D&D 5e 2014's best builds in terms of skill capability alone, and there's still much more to the multiclass than that. If you want to add another two additional spells to that total, then trade out the college of valor archetype for the college of lore. Therefore, spells that need concentration aren't particularly good options. Jan 8, 2024 · 6. I don't want to multiclass on first playthrough so I'm planning on reaching level 12 Bard. What bards generally lack is the ability to do damage while their concentration spells are up. Very solid offerings from the Bards. Here’s a closer look at the College of Swords !Bard Build in BG3, featuring levels, feats, races and more. Best Race, Skills, Abilities, Spells, Cantrips. Mirror Image is good but takes an action to cast. Happy to respond, and have old posted corrected as some information is out of date. While combining the College of Swords !Bard’s agility, and finesse, with the !Warlock’s charisma melee weapon modifier, you turn the !Bard’s and !Warlock’s strongest ability score into a deadly modifier. valor bard is the worst bard subclass. Unfortunately, it falls flat compared with the other two and leaves itself stranded, neither good at spellcasting nor martial combat. However, no Bard gets access to Weapon Mastery, so Weapon Mastery options aren’t part of the consideration. Role: Support, Chaotic damage dealer Notable Features: Tales from Beyond, Spiritual Focus The College of Spirits reaches the I think a monoclassed Swords Bard in BG3 is actually better than in 5e, due to some changes they've made, although I actually went for a Drow Draconic Sorcerer (White) 1/Swords Bard x build in my current game (am Sorc 1/Bard 3 currently), as I wanted the bonus to Con saves (to help with maintaining concentration on spells) and access to Shield spell, Magic Missile, and Armour of Agathys. I see a low-tier archetype in your future. if as a controller or support, lore bard is better. Thus, the Bard can have more firepower or specific focus than just healing and buffs. Never tried valor bard, but swords bard is a class that heavily relies on either strength or dex, depending if you want to be melee or ranged, with little focus on charisma in the early game besides in dialogue until you get a certain ring or if you find it better to cast a spell once instead of attacking multiple times, which comes up sometimes. Aug 14, 2024 · Learn the best build for the College of Swords Bard with full leveling guides, full spell lists, and easy to navigate sections to only read what you need! Feb 7, 2024 · The College of Swords Bard is the second attempt to bring martial capabilities to the Bard, leaning into light armor and finesse weapons and adding a splash of Battle Master to the mix. Again, weapons you will be using as either Pact of the Blade !Warlocks and the College of Swords !Bard. Feb 4, 2022 · College of Lore; College of Swords and College of Valor. Fighting Style Duelling When you are wielding a melee weapon that is not Two-Handed or Versatile in one hand, and no weapon in the other hand, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon, increasing your chance to do heavy damage. For if you are going for paladin 2 sword bard 10 multi then using str will expand the list of good weapons you can use, as only finesse weapons use dex in melee. So, no need for a musical instrument as a focus for spellcasting. Tier rating. Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components; Blade Ward: Abjuration: 1 Action: Self: 1 round: V, S: Dancing Lights: Evocation: 1 Action: 120 feet: Concentration up to 1 minute I don't want to give swords bards shields, since I feel it takes away from the duelist flavor. Sorcerer – This is the standard for all swords bard. (emphasis mine) 10th Level: Magical Secrets (PHB, p51) By 10th level, you have plundered magical knowledge from a wide spectrum of disciplines. Non lvl3 spells: Bless, Hex, Guiding Bolt, Moonbeam Here's her spell list (Bard 6): CANTRIPS: Friends Message Prestidigitation 1ST LEVEL: Bane Healing Word Identify Sleep 2ND LEVEL: Invisibility Silence Suggestion 3RD LEVEL. Aug 11, 2024 · Similar to the College of Valor, the College of Swords bard gets an extra attack and can use its Bardic Inspiration dice for damage. My idea is dex based, medium armor and 1 handed weapon and shield. In short, at level 10, 14, and 18 (Level 6 as well for College of Lore Bards), the Bard gets start picking spells from the Cleric, Druid, or Wizard spell list. I only pick these subclasses for fun in specific challenges. Jun 2, 2023 · When you join the College of Swords at level 3, your Bard gains proficiency with medium armor and scimitars. Dagger: Your best melee weapon simply because it has the Finesse property. Warcaster allows you to cast S components regardless of full/empty, so with it and hands full of not focuses (for example a Valor bard holding sword and shield) you can cast V, S, and VS spells but not M, VM, SM, or VSM spells. So your best bet is to focus spells that either use bonus actions, reactions (counter spell), or are out of combat (conjure elemental). Eventually, you can pick up Hypnotic Pattern for crowd control, Polymorph to deal with tricky enemies, and Animate Objects for, frankly, an insane amount of Jul 18, 2022 · Also, when bards level up, they can choose to replace one of the bard spells they have memorized with another spell from the bard spell list. Bard spell list [edit | edit source] These are my thoughts for sword bard spells - I leaned more into the control side that bard excels at, rather than mostly suboptimal damage spells (that's what your weapon flourishes are for!) or niche utility spells that you don't have the spell slots for. While they are capable fighters, the true power of bards lies in their words and music. College of Swords has always been a subclass I've wanted to try but have never gotten around to playing. Our guide aims to give you a tier list of the best and worst Bard subclasses in Baldur’s Gate 3 so you can decide which is best for your build. Duellist’s Prerogative allows the Bard to attack with a bonus action, or reaction, and lower your chance of to critical hit by 1. It's much better if you're using the OneDND PTR though. The Swords Bard is a versatile Build in Baldur’s Gate 3, that is using the College of Swords as its subclass. I'm currently playing as a Sword Bard / Warlock Mutliclass and planning to go into Pact of the Blade. Warlock you wanna go to 5 so you can use charisma to attack AND get an extra attack/round from blade pact. When you join the College of Swords at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with medium armor and the scimitar. Blades perform stunts such as sword swallowing, knife throwing and juggling, and mock combats. There is a total of 12 distinct Classes, each granting its own uniqueness in the game. Mar 27, 2024 · As D&D 5e 's College of Swords bards are most at home in melee combat, they need to be as resilient as possible. Feb 25, 2024 · With the RAW restrictions, there are no bard cantrips which qualify, the only healing spell on the Bard’s spell list that qualifies is Regenerate, and just five damage spells on the Bard’s spell list qualify, and the only one that synergizes well with the damage bonus is Shatter. The College of Lore Bard starting at level 3 - with its reaction-based ability Cutting Words - almost feels like cheating. The Bard of Swords can be found in Xanathar’s Guide to I treat bard colleges as what that bard is most experienced with. But it got me thinking, it doesn’t seem like bard gains all that much from 8 to 10… So would bard 8 paladin 2 fighter 2 be good? For access to fighters action surge primarily. Jan 28, 2025 · The Adamantine Scale Mail stands out as the top item to craft in our Baldur’s Gate 3: Adamantine Forge Gear Tier List due to the limited availability of strong medium armor sets. The College of Lore is ideal for players who want to create a character that excels at social interaction and can handle a variety of skill checks. Lvl3 Damage spells: Fireball, Call Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Spirit Guardians Lvl3 Utility spells: Haste, Slow, Counter Spell, Animate Dead Cantrips: just go for the Magic Initiate feats at level 4. Jan 28, 2025 · What is the Best Weapon for Bard Class in Baldur’s Gate 3. This subclass enhances many of the class’s existing traits, such as additional proficiencies and an expanded selection of spells from Magical Secrets. In our College of Swords Bard build guide for Baldur’s Gate 3,we’ll dive into the subclass’s pros and cons, along with recommendations for every level 1-12. I really liked the flavor of College of Swords, and the skill proficiencies. An ability that can create consumable spell reagents is ok, then you hit level 14 and it's OP. aqzcl yoaze mnby qzx yrzhwz eikgvax tehvn riwk yukicafl pdbcnvg sszfywve alupfvo ylj thi gqegyl