Chem 102 lab exam ualberta reddit. atomic orbitals) it’s hard to screw up.
Chem 102 lab exam ualberta reddit They do a lab skills test before you're allowed to do the really hard labs so you'll have an idea of how you're doing based on that exam. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. And that's it. It’s long lectures everyday but all the content does get covered super well. Hi, I'm taking Chem 211 in the fall and heard how dreadful the lab can be. plus gas laws from chem 20. I seem to be getting like one or two questions wrong consistently and I might just lose my mind. All I can say is good luck if your TA is unhelpful, and you don't know anyone in the lab. Yunjie. A moon rock collected by the Apollo Mission is estimated to be 3. Chem 261 Lab Exam . i took chem 261 in the spring only because it was a pre-requisite (not a co-requisite) for a course required for me. Labs are the same as CHEM 103 except you do different experiments of course. I have Bio 107, Bio 108, Math 113, Chem 101 and Engl 123 in the first term and Chem 102, Chem 261, Bio 207, Econ 101 and Stat 151 in the second term. The Lab Exam was over a week ago (Dec 5) and it was just 8 multiple choice questions on eclass. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Chem 102 practice lab final q. Not to mention the exam was 75 pts and was basically entirely written responses (short/long). I honestly loved Chem 102 labs over Chem 101. The average for the exam was only 58%, not going to fail 1/3 of the class based on a 30 minute exam. I had her for 102. Your lab final will be 20 to 25 multiple choice questions covering the concepts learned from all the labs as well as material in the lab manual (i. For me and many of my friends what helped was talking to the professor at his/her office hours and asking clarifying questions regarding lab concepts. Hope this is helpful! Take a look at the past post. Best of luck! Edit: I had John Vederas. Are these organic chem… Is it similar to Chem 101 lab final and if I review the the practice questions like the ones in Chem 101, will I be OK? Archived post. I struggled with chem 102 due in large part to all the math. It was a little harder because it had more math in it, which isn't my strong suit. Stat 151 is a course many people struggle and drop out of (me included). To do well in the lab portion is to simply understand it because that lab was seriously easy. It’s mostly theory, which I actually enjoyed because I found that once you understood it thoroughly (ex. Quiz questions are typically repeated, as well as reasons behind procedure (ie why you used a protic solvent for the Aldol lab, or why you used THF in the Grignard etc. Chem 102 is 100x worse imo. I never talked to anybody who actually felt confident about it. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Chem 102/105 lab practice exam answers . The university traces its roots to Victoria College, the first post-secondary institution established in British Columbia in 1903, it was then reorganized in 1963 into its present form. It does not, however, indicate what All theory and calculations that you did in your pre and post labs are "fair game" for your lab exam. in terms of material and lab report. . Review your prelabs and postlabs last. But at least your grades don't depend on a single number. You need to have a good understanding of all the theory, and also understand the labs themselves (major reactants, processes, etc. Bombed the lab exam but pulled it together for my final and finished with a decent grade. Don't try to memorize what to do- you have to understand how to do each question and how exactly the formula works. labs take some time to complete and i found them to be a lot different from 101/102. Those two pages got me to pass the course!! I’m happy that I got a pass but it’s a shame that I had to go be so stressed due to a fault of the TA. Just go through every lab know all the background and relevant calculations. -. Pre lab quizzes, workshops, techniques, general procedures, IR, but from what I remember my 261 lab exam tested heavily on techniques. The class average was 45. If you went to school in Alberta, chem 102 is almost the same as chem 30 but harder and more in-depth. if you're taking the Chem 102 lab quiz, doesn't that mean you've already done the Chem 101 lab quiz? If somehow you haven't (AP/IB Credits?), just do the practice questions in the lab manual, and understand what formulas you use when given certain pieces of information. Its quite challenging. r/uAlberta. But also TA was way better for my Chem 102 so that could have played a factor. Im pretty sure the class avg was around 20% below that so like around 65-68 (i don’t remember exactly). chem 101 was WAY different from chem 30, at least in my opinion. However, the 102 lab exam I found to be more difficult. e. i found the prelab/post lab report to be much more easier in 261 than 101/102. You have to put things into perspective and just do the material. Chem 101 was the same way- I took this Chem 102 class twice and tried using my knowledge from last year to prepare and still did terrible LOL. ALL chem 10x lab exams are brutal. ) Also general theory things like why quenching is done in the fume hood or why you used the PMA stain for uv on the nucleophilic substitution lab. i’ve gone really good in the labs themselves (averaging about 90% on them), but i don’t know to what type of questions to expect on the final, as well as how to prepare tor it. Know the acid base separation, that's always on the exam. If chemistry comes naturally to you and/or you’re confident in it, go for it. Get the Reddit app When will they release Chem 101 Lab Exam Format-wise it was similar to the practice exam, time is the big limiting factor here. You probably did better than you think you did, and at the end of the day, 10X lab exams are essentially useless wastes of time that don’t test your understanding of the material, but rather how many questions you memorized from the lab manual that actually appeared on the test. Chemistry 102, B Practice 2nd Term Exam Dr. The unofficial subreddit for all things related to the University of Alberta! CHEM 101/103: Intro I CHEM 102/105: Intro II CHEM 264: Organic Theory I CHEM 265: Organic Theory II CHEM 266: Organic Lab I CHEM 267: Organic Lab II CHRTC 100: The Bible CHRTC 101: Catholicism CHRTC 220: Sport & Religion CHRTC 241: Catholicism & Pop Culture CHRTC 242: Writings of C. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. Archived post. average for the chem 102 lab final 11/20 that’s just a bad exam in my mind. be harder? Welcome to r/AustralianNostalgia, a subreddit dedicated to evoking memories of Australia's past! This online community is a vibrant hub where Aussies and those intrigued by Australian culture come together to reminisce and share nostalgic moments from days gone by. It's based on the entire lab component, which includes your experiments. Know how to analyze data and how to fix mistakes or problems in the lab. 80 billion years old by uranium/lead dating. Well it turns out my TA who marked my exam missed TWO PAGES OF MY EXAM. the lab exam is a hit or miss because the TAs don’t even know what’s on it until the actual lab exam as the coordinator will test on the most random things. Search “Chem 261 lab exam” I found the exam straightforward. The labs themselves were pretty fun as long as you have a general idea of what you're supposed to be doing. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. I took the engineering equivalent (CHEM 105) and I got an A just by attending lectures and reading over the problem set solutions. The most you should do well on is the group lab report and the simulation project. If you are viewing this on the new Reddit layout, please take some time and look at our wiki (/r/step1/wiki) as it has a lot of valuable information regarding advice and approaches on taking I got As on both 2xx o-chem lab exams. I dont know how much the class has changed since I took it in 2018 but i prepared by drawing out and memorizing (via active recall lmao) the entire kingdom, phylum, etc charts with all the branch’s from the beginning. Personally, I think I was better adjusted for chemistry when i took 102 so it made the labs less daunting. Honestly, I would study everything. If it isn't yours either, expect to struggle a bit. I hope they do. Quick pre and post lab, and the lab in general is more enjoyable, in my opinion. The lab was also harder than 101; I found myself going to chem help more often than I did for 101. 70 minutes to do it is simply way too little time. Do the practice test till you know all the concepts. Chem 101 extends off of lots of material from physics 30 (atomic structure) and chem 20 (Lewis diagrams, periodic table trends, VSEPR). You have labs almost everyday (and lab reports due within a day or 2 after). 3 was the A cutoff last sem. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Y’all annual chem 101 lab exam distribution dropped X-Post from r/ualberta: Allegations The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. But OP, do follow this persons advice to practice the calculations repeatedly and make sure you understand why you're doing them. i took chem 102 in spring 2021 for 3 weeks and it’s pretty doable. It may also be scaled(?). Rates of reactions, thermodynamics and equilibrium, electro-chemistry, modern applications of chemistry. I’ve realized that for chem 102 we never got a formal announcement (or at least I haven’t seen it) extension for post lab due dates for any postlab done on Thursday/Friday for an entire week over reading week. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Chem 261 I found lab was harder than Chem 102. Plus it’s usually curved pretty That's my question too. Please help . ? Are there any useful study resources/practice material available outside of the lab manual, if so where can I find them? do you just need to pass 101 to take 102 or is there a minimum grade?? Chem 102 Practice Midterm Exam. (You may find it ok. The lab final is not a right measure to test your knowledge, because it’s all multiple choice. Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like The Formula For Pressure of H2, The Formula For The Rate of Dissapearance, The Formula for the Rate of Appearance and others. Dr. there were maybe 3 or 4 questions which "applied" the theory from the experiment preamble. 5% (10 questions, all multiple choice) and the other 12. The quizzes aren't too bad either-- extra studying but it actually helps with the class so two birds, one stone. It in my experience with CHEM 10X, it will just remain as MAIN on beartracks, so just disregard it honestly. if i recall correctly, they posted a pdf with student ID numbers and their respective lab rooms on eclass, so just base it off of that please help me with the lab info quiz. My lab is in 5 days and I have so much to do. It used to be open on the 2nd floor of the chemistry building M-F, 9am-5pm, but due to budget cuts, hours are reduced. r/BritishColumbia is dedicated to all things related to the Canadian province of British Columbia, situated on the stunning West Coast. last term for chem 103 lab exam was The Chem 102 and 101 lab exams just don’t make any sense and don’t even test knowledge at that point Reply reply Top 3% Rank by size Um no, the lab final is not "free marks" unless you have a good understand of chemistry already. I'm still wondering wth that was. When I took Chem 102, mind you online, the lab assignments always seemed to take forever and often the TAs weren’t too helpful in helping answer any questions. When I took it a few years ago, the questions at the end of lab manual were pretty representative of what you'd see on the exam. ) Wrs 102 is a chill class, so its good to have. Lecture-wise, I liked chem102 not too bad (more application based) compared to chem 261 (more memory based). for me personally, phys is not my strong suit so i’d Hi, I just am wondering if I have never taken a chemistry course and am overall weak in that area, but want to take CHEM 101/102, OCHEM, and BIOCHEM 200, which is more better to take during fall/winter and spring? Would chem 101 be harder on GPA during the spring due to its lab component or would biochem 200. When I took 102, I think I scraped by with a 60% and considered that a huge victory. This should tell the department that they need to reflect on the exam difficulty because it is like this year after year. Even the lab exam is easier. Does chem 105 (similar to 102) get any better than 103? I got a b+ in 103 and I’m kinda disappointed because I got 80+ on the lab exam, and 80+ on the 2 midterms and did good on the quizzes so I think I just failed the final bruh Got my final grade back for Chem 102 as an F last week and was totally bummed so I decided to meet with my prof to review. I got compulsory bio 107 and 108, chem 101 and 102, organic chem, stat 151, calc I think I'm good for the 6 credits of arts options Just need 3 credits in approved options which I'm not sure what those are Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like Prelab M: 1a, Prelab M: 1b, Post lab M: 1 and 2 and others. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. Way easier than gen chem lab finals lol For anyone whos taken the lab exam for Chem 263, how did you find it in terms of difficulty compared to the quizzes, and in general? Are the questions mainly "draw the mech for the rxn in experiment X", "why did you use X in X", etc? Edit: There is no passing requirement for the lab component, you just need to get a CR in the overall course. 5% for the reports, 12. Any tips for preparing for the Chem 10X lab exam? Ive been studying for a while and am wondering if anyone who has previously written this exam has any advice on what you need to know, the content of the exam, etc. I keep getting one wrong (no not the 0% question). Definitely look at those to see what type of questions you'll be asked That's my question too. Cause our class lab average is pretty close to 60% right now so I am wondering if there would be any leniency or they are just going to fail half of the class with the lab I got a B- while I had a B in chem 101. I'm not sure what your other classes you have, but chem 101 requires a lot of studying and practicing (if your prof gives out practice handouts, go through it). Unlike CHEM 101/102, you have to create your own experimental plan (the lab manual gives you vague instructions but you have to make your own procedures). the lab does take work because chem labs in general are time-consuming, and you do learn new techniques The sUBreddit for all things University at Buffalo/SUNY at Buffalo/UB! Any and all students, alumni, faculty and staff are welcome to share news, photos, ask questions, and communicate with other members of the UB community. CHEM 261 Lab Final Question i’m sorry to be that typical “what should i do to prepare” kid but man i need some insight. there is a lab pretty much every day and your lab report is due the day after in the morning. any insight or tips would be Hey u/amartinoz - If you look at the back of your Chem 101 lab manual you will find practice exams there (pages L4 to L18). Prerequisite: CHEM 101 or 103. READ THE RULES BEFORE POSTING USMLE Step 1 is the first national board exam all United States medical students must take before graduating medical school. Like stating a suitable technique for the question given, writing out the steps of a technique. Expect similar calculation questions, but slightly manipulated. Two should be max. 5% is your pre/post lab assignments. I got 30% on the lab final and scored 78% on the actual final when I took it in spring. Her quizzes are straight out of problems in the notes and her problem sets. I read about labs but had no experience. if you still feel uneasy abt it, phys 124 is also available in the spring so you could also consider taking it during the spring sem instead of chem 263. I dont know how 102 lab final is set up (currently taking it) but for 101, the questions were VERY similar to the questions at the back of the manual. When I did it, it was synchronous but recorded and posted after (which was a blessing). lol i took chem 101/102 last year and all exam questions were multiple choice (20 questions for both 101/102 i think) and straight from the practice questions with different numbers or exactly the same as pre/postlab questions. Say x+y=z. Academics Dear UAlberta Subreddit, Thank you upvotes The University of Victoria is a major research university located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Another factor in favour of 241 is that the labs teach you some really valuable skills if you are ever going to do any kind of synthetic chemistry, whereas the CHEM 211 labs have very little application to the real world. 5% for the lab exam, for a total of 25% of your grade determined by laboratory performance (this is also found in the lab manual if you forget :) ) Reply reply Top 3% Rank by size Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like Why is there a minimum activation energy needed for chemical reactions to take place?, How does Ea and temp and reagant concentrations affect rate constant?, What is the arrhenius equation and what does the exponential term represent in the arrhenius equation? and others. 41K subscribers in the uAlberta community. Well your exam is literally almost a copy. You actually have 3 lab courses (Chem 261, Chem 102, Bio 108), which no one I know of would recommend this. for chem 263, i’d imagine it to be the same but you gotta be doing nothing else but org chem during that time. Take some time for yourself, unwind a bit, and then go from there. Can someone help me with the lab info quiz for chem 102? I'm seriously desperate right now because it's due in a few hours (so only a few more tries left lmao) and I've already attempted it god knows how many times. I failed my first chem 102 midterm with a 30%, got 52% on the second midterm. I am on my 20th attempt and still getting 1 0r 2 wrong. ). I recommend focusing on theory and calculations first and foremost; if you can understand why you do the steps you will kinda automatically know them. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now chem 101 lab exam (lab L) Academics for anyone who took chem 101 before and has experience doing the The lab exam is about 12. I recommend making a word document of summaries of all the procedures you did, know what's important and what equipment you need for certain setups etc. Any advice? Any guidance? Do let me know. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Chem 101 Lab exam Academics What questions can I expect in the lab exam since mine is this For those of you who have taken this course, how did you find the lab exam? How did you prepare for it and what are typically some types of questions that are asked? Do we have to know all the mechanisms from the experiments, and is it similar to the format of the chem 261 lab exam where we have to know the procedures, techniques, flow charts, etc? Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Go to uAlberta r/uAlberta. I wrote chem 103 lab exam contrary to popular belief, the lab exam is pretty easy when I wrote it, 5 of the 20 questions on that test were straight from the lab exam at the back of the lab manual, my advice to you would be to make sure you know how to do every question from the back of the book, and study each procedure and postlab in depth. Yeah i believe so! Just for reference, an 87. He definitely wasn’t trying to trick anyone in the exam, but you needed to understand the material from lectures and labs. Prepare accordingly. the start of the labs or over eClass there tends to be a small portion of the The lab manual often doesn't even provide details to techniques, and you have to rely on the eClass website. Could anyone please send their prelab or post labs for Lab F or Chem 101/103? I can't find mine and titrations are the thing I'm most unconfident in… don't even worry about them-- chem 261 labs are SO much better than 101/102 labs. Good professors: Roy Jensen, Arthur Mar, Yoram Apelblat (Hard exams though) Help room: Chemistry east E2-34A MATH 102 (Applied Linear Algebra): The unofficial subreddit for all things related to the University of Alberta! I got a B- while I had a B in chem 101. How do y'all feel about that CHEM 261 Lab Exam?! Welcome to our virtual space for all things related to PAs! Participation is open to anyone, including PAs, Physicians, NPs, nurses, students, other medical professionals, and the general public. they will give you more info about locations and stuff when classes start (maybe not immediately this week, but definitely before your labs start). By looking those I was able to get a really good grade. From local news and events to breathtaking scenery and outdoor activities, this community is a hub for British Columbians and anyone interested in the region. Definitely look at those to see what type of questions you'll be asked Like CHEM 103, the exams vary from Prof to prof. The postlab writeup is mostly next to nothing though, unlike 10X labs. If you are having trouble with the labs then YOU MUST speak with your TA, and/ or go to the help sessions. I'm hearing that it's similar to the practice on the back but then our TA said the averages are usually in the 50's and that scares me a lot. WHMIS symbols, sigfig calculations). Plus it’s usually curved pretty The unofficial subreddit for all things related to the University of Alberta! This class had a massive amount of content, but the final exam tested the extreme specifics of very minor parts of the course. During your lab exam, you might be given y and z and you have to find x. Those two pages got me to pass the course!! CHEM 102/105 Midterm Exam 2 Instructions Date/Time: Tuesday, November 15th from 6:30 - 8:30 PM (2 hours writing time) Location: CCIS L1-140 or CCIS L1-160, check your room assignment on eClass Item Checklist: Pen (black or dark blue ink). With the explanations that come before each lab, they're basically free marks. Obviously, this is an oversimplification, but you get the Chem 103 /101 you may study the back of the lab manual and get a reasonable mark but for 105/102 pls study the entire book, the test was extremely hard and a lot of ppl got fucked cuz it was so damn hard Jan 6, 2025 ยท CHEM; 102 ; CHEM 102 - Introductory University Chemistry II 3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-1S-3/2) Faculty of Science. But my lab partner and I just fucked around most of the time but got hella good marks so yeah. 261 was a lot of just straight Hello! So, I just heard about this, literally today, from some students in my Chem 102 class Apparently, if you did what I did, and bought a lab manual in-person before it was announced Chem 102 labs would be online this semester, Apelblat says on eClass you need 'proof' in the form of a receipt To those enrolled in CHEM 102/105 this spring, how are you finding the Lab info quiz? Throughout an bunch of attempts I havent managed to get 8/8 and the 30min time interval is killing me. i do not want to repeat that again in the spring. Idk about the other courses, but CHEM 102 is pretty easy. Well, unfortunately, IMO the 102 lab exam isn't fun either. there was a You go in and get help on lab reports. I took the lab exam last year, know things like chromatography (steps, theory, materials), how to isolate acids and bases, properties of MPs, BPs, etc, you’ll almost certainly see a calculation question involving amount of an acid, same with stereochemistry and IR spectroscopy. I went to a k-12 school and had only ever done chemistry via distance learning. As well as anyone who's taken chem 101 before want to offer some advice. S. Best of luck!! The lab exam is tough, I will give you that. The lab exam is where the lowest averages were with 10 multiple choice in 45 min. the only things I applied from chem 30 were the polyatomic ions and acid and base stuff, i think. Assuming that the rock did not contain any lead when it was formed, what is the current mass of 206Pb in the rock, given that it currently contains 1. Lewis CHRTC 250: Catholic Teaching They were good indicators of what the lab exam would be like (which was easier than 100 level chem lab exams). I figured this was the best way to evenly balance my schedule but I wasn't sure if it would be a disadvantage to have both biology classes in the first term. Cause our class lab average is pretty close to 60% right now so I am wondering if there would be any leniency or they are just going to fail half of the class with the lab When I took it a few years ago, the questions at the end of lab manual were pretty representative of what you'd see on the exam. Xu This is an actual 2nd term exam from a previous year. Perhaps you were given x and y before. Never skip class! The CHEM 211 seminar is fairly well matched by the labs your doing and the prof will go through some of the lab work you have to do so you'll be better prepared when you walk in the lab. Felt like the entire exam was intended to be a "gotcha" rather than a "show me what you learned this semester". Any Monday and Tuesday classes that wrote the lab exam for chem 101 want to shed some light as to how difficult it actually was. Same difficulty as the practice one in the lab manual. 263 is hard because the material is kinda hard. It’s basically a more in-depth repeat of Chemistry 30 from high school, so you will encounter a lot of ICE tables and acid-base computations. You know those practice lab final at the end of lab manual. Im taking 102 now and I know I’ll get the same thing I got in 101 or if not worse but I’ve scored above average on all my midterms Got my final grade back for Chem 102 as an F last week and was totally bummed so I decided to meet with my prof to review. 180 g of 238U? Like CHEM 103, the exams vary from Prof to prof. I did the prelabs in probably half an hour and finished the lab with an 86 compared to my friends who would spend 3+ hours trying to memorize every detail of it and did worse than I did. atomic orbitals) it’s hard to screw up. Tfw I left all my lab quizzes in Edmonton because I went back home due to COVID :/// The pre - and post labs didn't take too much time, but be sure to review them since it was easy to make little mistakes. 102 is kinda hard as well because you gotta know and understand all the procedures, but then get wrecked on the weird multiple choice questions. Just make a concise procedure sheet and that’s all you need to do the procedure in the lab well. Everything was open book and you could ALWAYS return to it (only 1 assignment was timed, but even so it was 24 hours). Apelblat will update you when the help room hours are finalized. 5%. Same rules and regulations and you have a lab exam in the end. 30 . 12. Labs can also be tedious, even one a week was plenty for me. Good professors: Roy Jensen, Arthur Mar, Yoram Apelblat (Hard exams though) Help room: Chemistry east E2-34A MATH 102 (Applied Linear Algebra): Chem 102 is 100x worse imo. The unofficial subreddit for all things related to the University of Alberta! Is it Really similar to the practice questions at the back? Im really hoping for a 90 on this so any advice is appreciate. The prelab and postlabs combined never took more than an hour. This practice exam reflects the difficulty and the format of your 2nd term exam. The lab manual is notoriously poorly written, and many people don't do well on the CHEM 101 and 102 lab final. i’m OPTIMISTICALLY hoping for a 20% ๐. Thanks. Any tips for succeeding and doing well in this course? Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Chem 261 Lab Exam . Does chem 105 (similar to 102) get any better than 103? I got a b+ in 103 and I’m kinda disappointed because I got 80+ on the lab exam, and 80+ on the 2 midterms and did good on the quizzes so I think I just failed the final bruh I wanted this class to be in the A range so for next semester I’m looking for advice ๐ญ The only reason I passed chem in uni was because of a beauty TA named Richard who took pity on me. Good luck on your lab exam! I wrote my Chem 105 one a few days Hey guys Im just wondering what chem 261 and 263 are like. Chem 261 is what turned me off chemistry after my first year. This is the unofficial subreddit for all things concerning the International Baccalaureate, an academic credential accorded to secondary students from around the world after two vigorous years of study, culminating in challenging exams. Chem 101 was more theory-based while chem 102 was almost entirely calculation-based, so which one is easier depends on whether you're better at theory or calculations. You don't have to show up to the seminar at your scheduled time, it can be any time the help room is open. Richard taught me 3 years of secondary school chemistry skills to get me where I needed to be on his own time. From what I have gathered from other people was that many did not finish. nwilglxicwtobsdwfticihformkwuejmulpngskaafuphrckmdkjwhmlmweyvhxbccqyuzgz