Calling instead of texting reddit. That was super true of my most recent previous job.

Calling instead of texting reddit I prefer texting if I don't know someone well yet, especially if it's just to arrange something. Even attendings are busy. I think it’s also more entertaining. And don’t be shy about trying every method, even smoke signals. So I just text and let them respond when convenient. I feel more obligated to respond with texting and I'll end up replying something stupid and useless. Or Director level. If I call and the customer doesn't answer I'll send a text. If a telephone conversation is inconvenient or a written medium would be better, I vastly, vastly prefer email, IM, or any other computer-based method instead of text, because on a keyboard I can write a I always liked to use texting for talking about meeting up and so on, not really for conversations or chatting in general. Turns out he couldn't remember his drunk call and was hurt and blindsided that I'd told him there would be no second chance through text instead of calling him. No explanation no nothing. If you want to call him, call him. I’ve noticed they are on the phone a lot. it's probably not a big deal I'm just the type of person that over analyzes everything. Sometimes people forget, sometimes people prefer to call you instead of texting because it's faster. With text I'm always struggling to make a sentence sound so that it can't be misinterpreted as me being angry or something. Help is offered in text and/or through visuals. Ever since I stopped calling and sent emails and text messages instead, I got more response from my clients Discussion I am surprised I got more response from my clients when I started emailing and texting them "Feel free to reach me out if you have any questions" or "Let me know if you wish to discuss this further" even with follow ups. If you want to do this and that articulate that over the phone instead of using a scapegoat text to avoid having to talk. I only call/text if I have to because of issues with the order or issues finding the drop location (including locked gate or no gate code). Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 6 votes and 5 comments Email/phone call/text… all appropriate these days. For now, just let the call go. ) Since you said you sent him "??" a few times-- can you commit to NEVER sening those two characters? trust me i hate phone calls with a passion also! at my last job i would avoid the phone at all costs. Personally, I prefer phone calls to texts. when information that might need to be remembered, (such as an address), is given. However, if all I want to do is chat, I'll just text. Hell he even moved in with me for a week when i got sick to take care of me, worked remotely for his uni course, did the cleaning and cooking, stayed up all night with me when i was in pain. Phone call before a first date is weird to me though. I think it's normal for us to get in our heads, have unnecessary expectations, and nosedive our own chances. Same as someone straight up asking me out on a date instead of fishing for interest. Journaling is a good way to get all those thoughts out. For Wi-Fi calling on Tracfone, it depends on the device and the network your Tracfone SIM is using. Somehow, otherwise perfectly normal and sociable people all ended up more socially avoidant than me. A few women I dated recently encouraged me to just call - don't a text before hand or set up an appointment for a call - just call them. Othertimes people find texting difficult because they are unsure of how the person they are texting will read their message and that sparks their anxiety. I will never answer my phone unless you call back to back to back. I have to explain that they have a shorter loneliness/boredom timer than I do permalink Sep 13, 2020 · When it comes to texting vs calling, new research finds that calling wins hands down if your goal is to connect with someone in a meaningful way. I tell my people not to text me asking for permission. Establish what you want. That was super true of my most recent previous job. Before that I was a lecturer. It's faster for me to flesh out the why during a call instead of a text. I had to explain that those words and phone calls are for things like seizures, suicides, rape and kidnappings. I would be fine with calling more if we could reach a middle ground of texting and calling but this isn’t happening. thanks for your response anyway. Have tried to explain this to Nov 9, 2023 · The result is my friends asking why they always have to call or text me first. Again, you have agency. My Dad texts at 9:06 AM on a weekday, “call me when you get a chance”. But yeah, I get being irritated by older people who insist on calling for something that could be handled in a two sentence text. With a phone call I have the option to ignore it if I want and I don't have that obligation to return the phone call. Also, it's considered quite rude to call someone out of the blue without texting first to ask if they're ok/available for a call. Same same. Some things via texting. It’s likely that both you and your suitors always have your phones on or near you. Is there any way to get a phone call instead of a text? Also, I swear, if some "product specialist" comes in here and spouts off a canned reply I will freaking lose it. They are in their 50s - and I think they miss just getting calls from guys instead of always texting or texts to set up a call. Because If you are calling out, you need to engage in a conversation with the relevant authority and confirm that your absence has been recorded. I would rather a 30 min phone call instead of random texts through the day and then a weird half conversation over text. I find this annoying as calling is way more time consuming then sending a quick text. I usually call first because it's faster than having to wait for a text reply and wondering if the customer didn't realize they received your text. If someone calls me I'm fine. I got a call from a recruiter on my work phone once (not work cell phone but actual work phone on my desk at the office) and about blew a gasket. Some things need a “paper trail” and phone call doesn’t really do that, though you can send a follow up text or email saying “this is what we discussed”, though if they don’t reply in the affirmative, it’s questionable. A guy once got mad at me because he called just after my text message and I ignored the call. Even if I politely told him the day after that I HATE talking on the phone and would much rather text, he would still call and be pissed if I don’t answer. Text is okay for quick informative exchange of information, but I very much prefer phone for chitchat because texting is so painfully slow. Sep 14, 2020 · Phone calls may beat texting if you want to connect with other people. I want to get better with that, but for now would you mind letting me know by text that you'd like to have a phone call if you do? We could either set up a time or I could call you when I get the message. Seller here: Customer sent me their phone number? This has never happened to me before and they did not even like the purchase. when a call might disturb others Don’t call her nor text her next day especially after night out. Doing this allows you to call back to the states, for instance, without paying extra. To each their own. This all works better if you are part of a group/family. If you want to text him, text him. I hate hate HATE texting - it's fine for telling someone you're going to be late, etc - but not for a conversation. This is Sales. Calling forces the person to talk NOW and I don't like doing that. Pick up the phone and have a proper conversation. So that people hear my tone of voice. 110 votes, 28 comments. Tell him you prefer to talk on the phone and not text. You can send him back a text message saying that you got the phone message, but you're not comfortable talking on the phone just yet. There is always TIME (you have been friends for 10 years-- you, especially have TIME. I have used Wi-Fi texting on Tracfone SIMs that use AT&T and T-mobile networks, using Messages. Much of us, myself included, are much busier now than we were as residents. If you drop me a text, I can pick it up when I want to. I do text first to check if it's a good time to call, I don't cold call, but sometimes you need help with something or need to get a plan together so texting isn't always the best option. I hope your friend gives it a go, I might try and find out how they work now. Start by texting her and tell her (in a text) that you'd like to talk to her (and then ask her about a good time to call). I'm the same way. Texting is better because if they text something obscene, I can just ignore it and of course they get belligerent about being ignored. I almost never text people because it wastes my time. Also, I've been told I have a nice voice, so I use that to my advantage by calling them directly sometimes. $10 overdraft fees, stolen parking spots, sloppy cake frosting and missing your bus are text-level inconveniences. My boss makes us call instead of text now, because the last few years the sick days have been piling up more and more and i guess he thinks less people will call in sick if they have to call. With text you think and you have full sentence to review before hitting the send button Next time I hope reddit give voice notes to call lovers to comment here. No personal emails for me. The thing is, because calling is not as popular as texting, you don't expect people to call you unless its something important. Texting is normal, but it depends on the type of person being recruited. But I also mostly work with folks over 60. With that sort of access, it’s easy to fall into a pattern of all-day texting and in-depth text conversations (hereto referred to as chatversations). Also, it gives me a moment to put my thoughts together. This is an unofficial discussion and support venue. Thanks for giving me something to think about. Do whatever the fuck you want, man. The reason behind is that during the night every guy who hits on her asks for a number and because she is drunk she gives away. Some things are solved better with a 30 second phone call. Thanks. Sometimes when she sends me a If we work the numbers text or call you have more reason to shop with those numbers. That's just inefficient. The question will increase the chances that If you want to talk to me or ask me out, use your own words don’t have your bold friend do it for you. Texting can be so deceptive and I've lost all faith in it. Welcome to r/IntrovertMemes, reddit's place for introverts to come together to create, share and… depends on the person but I 100% prefer calling over texting I just feel like it's a better way to communicate cus you can hear the person's voice and see their face so you know what/how they're feeling and I think you can get across what you're saying more efficiently through a call then text Uhm, 10 years ago I was in high school. We’re not friends anymore :) NTA I think it is reasonable that he text you instead of spam calling you almost 24/7. For example: when one of the parties is otherwise occupied and cannot respond directly when the cell signal is too sketchy for a call but sufficient for a text. 42K subscribers in the introvertmemes community. Tl;dr work at a call center, I hate calls now, cant get therapy for it, mom angry that I don't like calls and is forcing me to talk to her on the phone for over an hour multiple times a week when I told her to just text me instead. I would also never text someone at the Sr. Prefers to talk on the phone. I would say try a couple of times in the evening to call instead. Then whenever I’d get the urge to text or call them about something I would instead call a friend, talk to my mom, or type a note on my phone. Students only got my phone number after Covid hit and there was no other option for office hours. When/if you phone me randomly, you’re demanding my time when you want it. Because we're in the middle of a pandemic, it's difficult to do the same, so texting and calling ends up as the alternative to meeting up and doing stuff together. ) Nothing needs sorted out right-now, this minute (if it does, like asking where you're meeting up in 5 minutes, call instead of text. It takes less effort and you cannot hear inflection/tone. Some people are soo used to text now, even girls can be awkward on phone calls and they rather text. I NEVER text students and I only correspond via email to official student email addresses. You cannot text my phone. However, I have noticed that a significant portion of girls say that they don't feel comfortable talking on the phone and just want to text. 5. "Don't want to be the only one initiating" is kind of an early call after one date. I don’t mind the calls in the middle of the work day as long as they are on my personal phone. Stop texting and call instead. I prefer to use the desktop apps for whatsapp and facebook and text from my computer. My partner, our kids and my mom. As I want to keep texting only for setting dates I avoid texting and ask if they want to talk on the phone instead. Phone calls are certainly more effective but text commutations are better because it respects both parties time. But that was 2 years ago, and I have also been seeing many recent posts where people say that they expect a text before someone calls them. 4 or similar. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. And I don’t mean texting, they’re talking on the phone, seemingly always. I also liked going on long drives and reflect on all those things I wanted to tell my ex The only reason I can think of is that they're up to something illegal like drugs or prostitution and don't want to leave a call or text on someone else's phone. I ended up taking him up on that and I actually think that was overall a good experience (as good as “being broken up with” can be). He stopped asking me and the calls stopped. So many of my interactions have been text based, maybe lockdown would have felt less lonely if every now and then a friendly voice came from my phone instead of emotionless text. It could be that she gets in her head when texting about sending the “perfect reply” and gets “conversation paralysis” because she doesn’t want to accidentally say Something I've been toying around with lately to set up dates is calling the girl instead of texting. (ex: "Hey, I'm anxious whenever I get a random phone call, even from people I actually want to talk to. It can be harder to call during the work day depending on what kind of work you both do, but calls when you are both off work seem like they should be doable. So make up the rules that you want to live by. For me, I push ownership down to solve this problem. Keep it short and simple - but it catches me off guard every time and I appreciate it. I’m a parent. We actually had a whole school policy involving the use of phones and that had been in place for a couple of years already. My phone doesn't take texts, it's a landline. I've read them all already. I'd much rather talk over the phone, hear their voice, and have a quick conversation to figure things out etc. Or maybe I'm old fashioned. true I finaly got my 87 year old Mother to text but she cant stand it. She still has trouble texting and is better at it when using it in her car. I hate phone calls, and I don’t know if this is polite but if they complain about me not taking their calls, I just resort to jokingly saying, “before calling me please first think if it’s actually something you can just tell me thru text” except that it’s not really a joke I totally acknowledge that texting has its place. Just on Wi-Fi. If you like calling, call. If it’s a first date I want to hear it from the guy directly. PLEASE DO NOT GO THERE. And because of this, text is not an official communication channel. It works out though because we still manage to link up and spark Google Voice is a service offered by Google, that includes Internet telephone calling, SMS/MMS text messaging, voicemail, spam call/text filtering, calling number blocking, and related features. Text people back home, facebook, etc. Much easier and less stressful. Even if I know them well. I’ll say yes or no, and we both move forward with the least amount of BS - yah! My mom CONSTANTLY texts me and asks me to call her (instead of calling me directly) AND THEN DOESNT ANSWER and it seriously drives me absolutely bananas! Archived post. I call at 10:55, no answer. flip phones, at least kaios ones, have support for whatsapp! you can text and more recently make calls on them. Sometimes recruiters get overwhelmed or priorities shift. A new study from the University of Texas at Austin suggests that people too often choose to send email or text when a phone call is more likely to produce the feelings of connectedness they crave. She thinks its a waste of time texting back and forth for "AN HOUR" to make plans when it can be all taken care of in a 5 minute phone call. Any reason why this is happening? Direct call is already turned off in the phone settings. I always tell people to call me instead of texting, its faster, easier on straight to the point, texting is annoying and takes way too long. Also, I get distracted easily. Everyone calls everyone. The next day, I call her and she says that she had a terrible Mother’s Day. Then it better be important! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You find it easier to text, they find it easier to call. I 100% agree. You’ve seen each other a number of times so i take it conversation is fairly good when talking. When I click on their profile is says “user not found”. ALL I want to know is if Google used to have the option for a phone call, and if that got pulled without warning. Texting between games, sometimes even video calling while we both do different things, and we visit each other every weekend we can. Last date she mentioned she prefers calls and doesn’t really like texting conversations. I actually prefer calls. I'm handling the texting well enough, but then a voice message comes in and now I do have to pause the show I'm watching or stop the music or podcast I'm enjoying to listen to your multi minute run-on blathering which is part of the reason I hate actual phone calls in the first fucking place. Instead, text me to tell me what they are doing along with specific asks for me if there is something I can only do. if you look into this, you'll need to find a phone with kaios 2. Additionally, the length of a call is an unknown to both parties, especially the receiver. Here's my pros and cons to Texting and Calling: Texting: Pros: Fast communication Can send video/photo Can get a message out clearly depending on the context Can answer or send messages as you please Can send many more messages as opposed to a phone call that can go nowhere for any amount of time. Why would they want me to text them instead of using Depop messages? Need help. Everyone else I prefer to text, including my dad and in fact if my dad answers the phone he always hands the phone off quickly to mom so I know he’s the same way lol. The problem is that it doesn’t necessarily resolve whatever is causing them to call you in the first place. Someone wanting a phone call at work rather than to reply to an email is demanding that I not only do things on their schedule, but they're also taking away my ability to prioritise my own work, multitask, consider my answers, not take time socialising etc. This way you can faster sort out potential candidates for dates. Text me first so I can see what you want and know if it’s something I should stop my day for. I like phone calls over texting in general. If I kind-of know somebody and i'm just looking to talk but can't arrange a meetup, IM (facebook chat) is my favoured option because you can have an actual flowing conversation, but still have time to think about what you want to say. They would rather hear your voice than receive your text message. If we already have something established, a text is fine. In the cases when I need to make the phone call we can have a 2 minute conversation in what 2 hours of texting would take. Those that even have a cell phone only have a flip phone to make and take calls. Let’s talk about texting culture while dating. That's all. Additionally group texts are far more convenient for arranging things than calling everyone individually or trying to arrange a group call and for the people I know, those who have speech impediments find it much more expedient to text and those with dyslexia can struggle but can still communicate fairly well with pictures over text mixed with As a guy, I always call instead of text. I always see memes about how calls are annoying and texts are better than them. But if people just call instead of text, you'd think its something urgent or an emergency while really they want to talk about a movie or something irrelevant that can be said on text too. I may get a text but then get sidetracked and forget to reply. She doesn’t invite you out because she wants you to man up and plan a date. Please don't call, but text is OK. What are your thoughts of audio calling let’s say 3 women a day to see if they want to go out on a date? I am a woman and I’m introvert. I hate texting. She really likes you and probably prefers talking over texting. but I guess I just get curious when someone suddenly changes their habits. . I’ve been in business for about 2 years, and this is the first time I’ve had a client who texts me instead of calling me or emailing me. Hi, 37m and too old for this question but anyway. Text communication happens, but only for low importance, sideline type conversations that don’t need to be tracked or aren’t relevant to other people. That’s why she doesn’t pick up. Voice over text because it’s easier than typing and you can use inflection so less misunderstandings, and voice over a call so both people can communicate when it’s convenient instead of having to stop everything you’re doing and give a phone call all of your attention, or when they’ve decided exactly what it is they want to say. ( i have had girls on dates and on phone quiet af but then want to text whole convos, wtf) -With phone calls you need to catch someone at right time and you get their undivided attention, with people busier than ever your timing has to be right. I’m in my early 30’s and I’m basically part of the first generation that used texting over calling as a way of communication. When I put myself in her shoes, I realized that she likely gets dozens of texts from guys, and would have trouble keeping up with all of them. If you're not comfortable talking on the phone at this point, you are under no obligation to do so. I personally hate texting from my phone. But calling others takes nerve and time for me to work up. That my younger sister and brother were rude to her. My friend and I go on each other every time because I’ll call him instead of texting and he’ll text me instead of calling. I’ve had clients before that texted me, but I politely told them to please call or email me instead, as I don’t like having my cell phone on my person and to be checking text messages. I would only text a candidate if they texted me first or asked me to do so as a preferred communication method. Why do so many people insist on talking on the phone? I have to repeat the smallest details because people are terrible listeners. AITA for choosing to communicate through text rather than calling? When we broke up, I video called him but this was merely a reminder that the relationship was over. If you know your phone model is Wi-Fi calling capable (google it), you can use it with a Tracfone SIM that uses the T-mobile network. I think you can use a combination of texting and calling to your advantage. I'm 32 btw, so texting wasn't really as common as it is now when I was younger. That’s about the most unprofessional thing I’ve had a recruiter do to me. I started putting an hour minimum for each phone call on my time card. That sets the boundary. When I was questioned about it; I told him I have an hour minimum on phone calls on my time, the State of CA says 4 hour minimum when called in. There are four people I never have an issue with talking on the phone. I would say 80% of the time when i hit the text icon my phone ends up making a call instead. Phone back then already had e-mail feature that allows long texts with emoji and colored camera picture attachment, while phone calls were relatively more expensive in Japan than in the US. Social Google Voice is a service offered by Google, that includes Internet telephone calling, SMS/MMS text messaging, voicemail, spam call/text filtering, calling number blocking, and related features. Depending on your type of phone, you can text from or to an email address. Honestly, I don’t like talking on the phone, partly because I’m slightly hard of hearing, partly because I want to communicate and do other things at once. She sends me pictures of our dog and we have a cute conversation. Pretty sure that didn't work. At my kids’ previous school, I texted with a few teachers, although they weren’t always my kids’ teachers m. Phone culture is such that texting is the default and a lot of people will even actively ignore phone calls. A good 10 minute phone conversation tells you so much more about a person than a long text convo does. If you like texting, text. If I’m actually talking to someone, they have my attention and focus. The other package for international calling is separate if you want to call "local" numbers when traveling. Posted by u/Ok-Statement-5603 - 15 votes and no comments Not necessarily. With millennials and Gen Z, texting is almost required in order to get ahold of them. Most guys now text only, but if you call, you definitely stand out from the rest and build a better rapport with the other person than someone else who is sending a bunch of smiley faces. You don’t feel like cold calling, don’t Don’t feel like walking and Farming, don’t Don’t feel like p Posted by u/letsgonem - No votes and 1 comment I prefer texting to calling as well because when it comes to my family… the calls will always end up with them “asserting” themselves in a way, that results in them screaming and dropping guilt. When I select a contact on my phone, next to the phone number there's a phone icon and a text icon. Funny, migrating from Realtor to Loan Officer, many of you realtors just seam Lost, Scared. then when you’re on the If I have to call a student and for some reason I can’t use my office phone it is only after the student explicitly and voluntarily provides me with their phone number and I use *67 to block my number or use a google number. The voice itself seems to be integral to bonding, researchers say. The… He is a bad and dry texter so it maybe just that we got comfortable enough that he can call instead of texting now we know each other well enough. LPT: When it is an important person’s birthday, make sure you call them instead of texting them to wish happy birthday. Nah its not smart or not; it’s my personal preference. May 12, 2024 · When I text I always feel like I have to reply to every single thing that person is saying, but when I call I can just go silent and do my my own Jan 22, 2025 · I think phone calls are irrational, hear me out. There's also no documentation for the person calling to refer back to which includes details of the conversation (unless they take fantastic notes during the call). Personally nonstop texting sounds incredibly exhausting but I'm not much of a phone/text person and would much rather have an in person conversation, but you do want to watch out for people who can't put down the video games long enough to have an actual relationship, too (my ex husband had that and it was always irritating). And it's difficult. I e-mail instead if I don't want to talk or if I need information quickly and in a compact form then direct call instead of waiting for multiple answers in case that I have follow up questions. And it doesn’t matter if it’s the weekend, at the shops, at work, at a sporting event, they’re seemingly just always chatting away. So when u call or text next day you are like 1 of 20th guy who already contacted her. have been seeing a girl 32f for 3 dates. Been making out at the end of dates. It's kinda like showing up at someone's front door uninvited and being expected to be let in, they might randomly be in the mood for company but in general it's considered rude to just show up without making plans. Like you can convey way more information much faster orally than you can through text. I hate the phone and love texting. Instead of writing back and forth while holding your phone and tiring your fingers, you can just have earphones and lie down and get through the whole convo without moving a finger. By calling her, I likely stood out over the majority of guys that just text her. Texting is a modern technic way of showing you don't really care and you don't really have the art of conversation. Calls from colleagues however frazzle me especially if it's not about a problem to solve or i don't trust them as a friend. Even if the date falls through, I feel like I made the right choice by calling instead of texting. Calling women instead of texting I’m sick of getting left on read or being left on delivered for weeks because women have dozens of guys in their dm. Some things I've noticed so far: Hot girls are inundated with texts/social media messages/online dating messages/etc etc etc, and calling is a good way to differentiate yourself from those masses. It's available in two versions, for consumers and for business use. So, that afternoon, I text my mom a “Happy Mother’s Day” text and tell her that I’ll come to her house to spend time with her this week. I had engineers call me on my non-working time. They don’t send voice memos or use text to speech either. Oh 100%. I like phone calls or skyping my friends, especially if we're close or i feel comfortable holding a conversation with them over the phone, which saves time and helps us get along quicker than superficial texting. kaios 3 apps aren't cross compatible and Meta hasn't made an app for kaios 3 yet. Blocking them and changing their contact worked for me. Posted by u/mayy___may - 1 vote and no comments Phone call, every time. Calls were already generally reserved for talking with elderly who doesn't know hot to text or some emergency situation. I wanna share my experience, and see if people agree with me. This question was asked on this same sub around 2 years ago with the title "Is it rude to call someone without texting first?" And most of the answers said that it was not rude. I have more anxiety with texting than with calling people. Maybe not a smart phone just yet, but at least a flip phone or something to call in case of emergencies. I don't prefer calling over texting, but it has advantages depending on the circumstances. It's more convenient and quick. I can qualify for as a buyer and what your looking for in a 3 minute call as towards text or email your most likely to not hear from that customer ELI5: Why do some movies and TV series use fake text message and call screenshots instead of just actually texting/calling the actors? I'd imagine that texting or calling the actors would be so much easier compared to creating some fake screens for that. Because I'm always worried I'll call at the wrong time, like while they're crying or having sex. In my line of work, it’s considered inappropriate and intrusive to call someone’s cell phone unless you’ve tried a landline first, and even then only if you know they’re ok with it. I’d be totally down with communication via text from teachers, etc. I find texting to be too impersonal. Someone I had been on 5-6 dates with (and slept with) once broke things off with me via text but offered a call in the text to talk about it if I wanted. I’m at work! I don’t answer my phone out of the blue. and talk more then. Also quite ignorant and disrespectful. Plenty of people had a cell phone. After the first date is fine. You have agency. but for some reason i just really enjoy a phone call over a text on my birthday but i think it’s bc he’s the only one who calls so it’s refreshing maybe? if anyone calls me on any major holiday or something i’ll just let it go to I especially hate that voice messenger within the text apps are now a thing. Sometimes instead of having a lengthy text conversation, such as if I'm in a hurry or if I'm driving, I will go ahead and call instead of text. My friend refuses to text back and says that they only like calling people. I do have one question, how did tell him you wanted to communicate over text most of the time? Like maby paraphrase a conversation. My job now, purely email. I live in a bit of a rough neighborhood so it wouldn't shock me if that were the case. Wait for her to call you again, when the convertiom is flirty and going well say you enjoy talking with her, you’re busy and have to go but you’d like to take her on a date to go bowling, mini golf, etc. Text is best way to put ideas , feelings and emotions through words, calls are just spontaneous and straight forward to the point. tgvlub knf kavtez japn lhpvt evqym cfj jghl ttflxm kjuam rweyk xii zael tnwgg efbrp