Powering down supervisor module is not supported. Temperature emergency on a power supply.
Powering down supervisor module is not supported powered down: %C6KPWR−SP−4−DISABLED: power to module in slot 2 set off (Module Failed SCP dnld) %C6KPWR−SP−4−DISABLED: power to module in slot 2 set off (Module not responding to Keep Alive polling) Troubleshoot Communication This procedure describes how to troubleshoot the communication between the supervisor and the line card. The ideal status for a module is 'ok'. Potential hardware failure. Cisco IOS Software— power enable module slot. RDCL_NO is not supported. I wanted to shutdown a specific module in either of the switches. Fan module: Green: Fan modules are operational. Phone has been setup with KEM and phone button template (10 lines + 28 BLF) in CUCM, running 12. Module is not properly installed, not initialized, or encountered hardware failure due to failing the P. If the Cisco Nexus 7710 Switch Site " For a device with dual supervisor module, remove the standy supervisor from the chassis before the password recovery procedure. Case 4. gz is available to be downloaded from Cisco support site. My concerns are whenever I install this module the Layer 2 ports in the active supervisor automatically shutdown. You can also power off individual switching modules ( where you have fc/FCOE/Ethernet ports). An FWSM does support shutdown so you would get the option in the above command . Otherwise, the software uses a recovery/retry mechanism before powering down the unsupported modules, which can cause delays in the conversion process. Power down the line card. The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. If you are replacing a redundant power module, you can replace the power module while the system remains Bias-Free Language. However, if one power supply fails and there is not enough power for all of the previously powered-up modules, the system powers down those modules. Post reseat of the Secondary supervisor (module 6), it is not coming up and continuously reloading. Note. This method will involve some downtime. Note: The WS-X4232-L3 module is not supported on a Supervisor Engine II+, III, IV, or V. Ensure that the switch loads an image that supports the corresponding line card or This switch has double supervisor engines. This Common Reasons and Solutions section provides common reasons: SITE1-AGG1# show system reset-reason ----- reset reason for Supervisor-module 5 (from Supervisor in slot 5) --- 1) No time Reason: Unknown Service: Version: 6. After reviewing the steps, I have a couple of questions when Power down the line card. If Ingress%/Egress% are low values , typically under 20% then Xbar power down/replacement can continue. Power Management for the Catalyst 4948 Switches . Hi All. If you do not have a standby supervisor module in your switch, you have up to 2 minutes to decrease the temperature. Ensure that the switch loads an image that supports the corresponding line card or module. 1 0 Supervisor Module-2 N7K-SUP2 active * 3 24 10 Gbps Ethernet Module N7K-M224XP-23L ok 4 48 1/10 Gbps Ethernet Module N7K-F348XP-25 powered-dn. Place your other hand underneath to support the bottom of the power supply, as shown earlier in Figure 4-8. A CSM does not support shutdown so you would only get the option to reload. I've done some digging where it seems to be the cards aren't supported by the VS-SUP2T-10G that is install. If after powering down all inline devices there is still insufficient power, the system will start to power down line cards from the bottom slot up with the exception of the supervisor module and of the services modules (that is, firewall module, VPN module, IDS module, and so reload — Initiates a supervisor module switchover for physical devices with two supervisor modules, or reloads physical devices with one supervisor module. The message "(Module not responding to Keep Alive polling)" indicates that linecard reloaded due to loss of keepalives between module and supervisor. 16. You cannot have a mix of different supervisor modules or a mix of different crossbar fabric At one stage, we received an alert stating "Accessory Added: The phone is not setup for the expansion module" however, there seems to be no backlight or any activity on the expansion module. Shutting down The customer doesn't have any spare chassis to allow the module to be updated with the correction image. Switch Fabric Modules (WS-C6500-SFM and WS-X6500-SFM2) Ethernet modules not supported include: In case the supervisor-3E module is not inserted within 30 minutes after using the migrate sup kickstart <sup3-kickstart-image> system <sup3-system-image> command, the switch will try to power up the powered-down supervisor-2E module in the standby slot on reaching the timeout of 30 minutes. Reconnect the power cord to the switch or the active supervisor module. This command is not supported on the supervisor slots. and all linecards have been reset ***** The system will autoboot in 5 seconds ***** Type control-C to prevent autobooting. When you insert power supplies in your switch, the EEPROM on the power supplies Perform the Crossbar Fabric-1 to Crossbar Fabric-3 module migration after the Supervisor-1/Supervisor-1E to Supervisor-4 Module migration is completed. When you add the supervisor module into slot 6, the active supervisor engine automatically synchs the configuration. Step 1. The host CPU lacks features required by that mode. 2 SATA SSD Module does not support hot-swapping; you must power down the system to install a new SSD module or to replace an SSM module on the supervisor board. If there is not enough power available, the module status changes from power-down to Supervisor modules and their associated line cards support multiple temperature sensors per card. and support for existing standards has not been modified by Run the poweroff module (x) location command, in EXEC mode, which gracefully shuts down Supervisor module to prevent any of the file systems from being corrupted. Cisco Nexus 9800 Supervisor Modules (N9K-C9800-SUP-A) manage all control plane functions on the Cisco Nexus 9800 Series Switches. When I am shutting down my laptop, it says it's shutting down then display goes black but keyboard and power button light still says lit and after few seconds lock screen shows up. To shut down a supervisor module, Note Supervisor 1 modules are not supported by the Cisco Nexus 7004 switches. 2(6) 3. The status of other or faulty in the output of the show module command or an amber Status LED indicates this problem. Note Installed DFCs do not power up with Supervisor Engine 32 PISA. n7000-s2-flash-recovery-tool. I received the RMA and have the document Replace Supervisor Module in Cisco Catalyst 6500 Virtual Switching System 1440 (attached is the document) with the procedure. Step 5 Slide the power supply all the way into the power Bias-Free Language. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. 0 in windows but it's enabled in BIOS and when I off/on it again it detects but after a restart it again doesn't. T. Perform this task to upgrade the software version of the new or replacement supervisor module if you do not have a spare chassis. Temperature emergency on a power supply. Standby Supervisor Engine Module is Not Online or Status Indicates Unknown. Message PLATFORM-2-PFM_LC_MOD_POWERED_DOWN: Module [dec] Powered Down. please wait Xbar Error/C7010-FAB-1 in Power Down State. The supervisor module is not present or is not plugged into the chassis. I have installed a WS-X6708-10GE module into a 6509 chassis running a WS-SUP720-3BXL supervisor. (Supervisor Engines II-Plus to V-10GE support two threshold. When the shutdown alarm threshold is exceeded, all the power supplies will shut down. To power down a linecard from the chassis, use the hw-module slot shutdown command in global configuration mode. 10. Power down the chassis. The available power is the amount of power by the lesser of the two grids through the power supplies. If you have a Supervisor Engine module installed in the Catalyst 6500/6000 Switch chassis and the module is not recognized or does not come on line, follow these recommendations: Connect a terminal to the console port of the switch and verify that the switch is in ROMmon mode. You can add, replace, or remove modules without interrupting the system power or causing other software Power down the line card. The first eight uplink ports, 1 to 8, use Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) transceivers or SFP+ transceivers and uplink ports 9 and 10 use Quad Small Form-Factor Pluggable (QSFP) transceivers. You can determine that the Supervisor Engine module does not come online in one of these ways: In order to verify if adequate power is available in the system in order to turn the power on for a module that was previously powered down, issue one of these commands: CatOS— set module power up module_number. When unlocking the ejector button and then relocking it without removing the line card, the line card will power down. ***** The system will autoboot now ***** Overlapping with @Giuseppe Larosa's fine reply . The environment condition output includes the temperature reading from each sensor and the temperature thresholds for each sensor. For example, line cards are not compatible between Cisco NX-OS and ACI boot mode. 0 3 8. Amber: At least one I/O module has the red STATUS LED. ) Shutting down • Powering Down a Module. From Cisco Catalyst-6500's power management page Use of the CLI to Power Modules Up or Down You can issue one of these commands in order to power down a properly working module from the command-line interface (CLI): Power down the line card. Catalyst L3 Switch Software (CAT9K_IOSXE), Version 17. You can select from AC or DC power supplies to ensure that you have enough power for your switch. While @balaji. Not all service modules need shutting down. The feature requires a special, additional, C9400-SUP-UPG-LIC= license with Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Supervisor 1 Module (C9400-SUP-1). To † Powering Down a Module, page 10-18 Supervisor engine fails power-on self-test (POST). Mod Power-Status Reason--- ----- -----4 powered-dn Reset (powered-down) because module does not boot. Module failed to Can you please check the below installation guide and make sure you are running a compatible power supply for 4948-E? Note: The WS-X4232-L3 module is not supported on a Supervisor Engine II+, III, IV, or V. This example shows how to display information about all the modules installed in a chassis. If the status is power-deny, the switch does not have enough power available to 6 0 Supervisor module-2 N7K-SUP2 active * (powered-down) because module does not boot" -Swapped supervisors and fabric card modules with N7K-C7010-FAB-2 to N7K-C7010-FAB-1 -Power down after 10 minutes without any reason -It may be caused Power down the line card. the CLI will only give you the further option of "shutdown" if the service module supports it eg. This works as a If the threshold is exceeded in an active supervisor module with HA-standby or standby present, only that supervisor module is shut down and the standby supervisor module takes over. (Not supported on the 25-Gigabit, 40-Gigabit, and 100-Gigabit interfaces. 0. Cisco NX-OS system-level HA mitigates the impact of hardware or software failures and is supported by the following features: Redundant hardware components: Supervisor. switchover —Initiates a supervisor module switchover. A mix of Crossbar Fabric-1 Ip Address : Not set. Chassis fan tray fails. RSBA_NO is not supported. 5. Step 1: If Ingress%/Egress% are low values the power down of the Xbar should not be impacting (in this case Xbar 2) MDS# conf t Perform this task to upgrade the software version of the new or replacement supervisor module if you do not have a spare chassis. restart —Takes down the VDC processes and interfaces and restarts it using the startup configuration. " we use supervisor module in 4500,6500 switch and 9400 & 9500 switch so what is its role? It's the primary "brain" of the chassis. ' We have not to do a Hot Swap, but it has to be done after powering down the Chassis. from Active (Old Sup) to Standby (new one) after copying of the IOS file from Active to Standby and rebooting the Standby. As per the cisco documentation, if I install this line card without powering down the switch, the DFC card will not be powered up (OIR is not supported between 3BXL SUP and 3C DFC card). Switch# redundancy reload peer In order to determine whether the standby supervisor module is faulty, enter the redundancy reload peer command from the active supervisor and Module Inline Power Summary (Watts) (12V -> -48V on board conversion) to shut down. (Chassis Incompatible card) Explanation Module Powered Down, because Module is not supported in this chassis. " Power down the line card. Check the logs in order to see if an 'SCP dnld' or keep-alive polling failure is the reason that the module is powered down: %C6KPWR-SP-4-DISABLED: power to module in slot 2 set off (Module Failed SCP dnld) If you have the same Hybrid OS in the new supervisor module, you do not need to configure anything on the new supervisor module. Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform and software image support. Remove or turn off any unsupported modules (using the poweroff module module command). If there is not enough power available, the module status changes from power-down to If one power grid goes down, each power supply continues to draw power through its other half module. Switch(config)# no hw-module module 6 power Switch(config)# end Switch# Note : After you enter no hw-mod mod x power command and OIR the linecard, the configuration persists and is valid for any slot in the Power down the line card. you cannot power off the supervisor modules with these commands: config poweroff module x ( where x= slot number) 4. End with CNTL/Z. Any power supply unit is down. Temperature emergency on the active supervisor module. S. Major Red — Syslog message displays. A supervisor module has 10 uplink ports, named 1 to 10. Jon Use the show hardware capacity [fabric-utilization] command to display information about all of the installed modules or for the module that you specify by its slot number. Netmask : Not set. %C6KPWR-SP-4-UNSUPPORTED: unsupported module in slot 5, power not allowed: Unknown Card Type. Module is not supported in this chassis. Peer supervisor not detected or is not running IOS Supervisor uplinks. To Perform this task to upgrade the software version of the new or replacement supervisor module if you do not have a spare chassis. 2(6) 1. (Chassis Incompatible card) Recommended Action Please perform a 'show module' to see the Power Down reason. Is there anyway I can insert this module, update the image without interrupting communications with the customer. I. If the standby supervisor-2E module fails to power up Shutting Down a Supervisor; Shutting Down a Fabric Module; Shutting Down an I/O Module; Shutting Down a Supervisor. bandi is being understandably cautious by suggesting a maintenance window, It is important to first check that the chassis recognizes the module. The Modular Cisco Catalyst switches, such as the 6500, 6000, 5500, 5000, 4500, and 4000 Series, support Online Insertion and Removal (OIR) or Hot Swap of all modules (power supplies, fan trays, Supervisor Modules and other Line and Service Modules). I followed the Cisco guide 'powering Since Power over Ethernet is not supported on the Catalyst 4948 switch, only a limited wattage is needed. These power supplies are incompatible with Catalyst 4500 series switches. Do not use the command when the line cards are booting up. I found two resources that may help you with the issue described above. The thresholds appear within parentheses. To A supervisor module has 10 uplink ports, named 1 to 10. In a redundant configuration, the total power drawn from both power supplies is not greater than the capability of one power supply. Supervisor or Linecard is not listed in C. If you are enabling software features (LIST, VPCs, and so on) that require EPLDs Supervisor Engine Module Is Not Recognized/Does Not Come On Line. Supported Optics; Supervisor Module Overview. System Alarms. Manually power down the Standby module and bring it back up using "out-of-service" followed by "no poweroff" does not help. Power down the Cisco StackWise Virtual standby chassis. Press Ctrl-C to prevent autoboot and to get into ROMMON mode while the switch or the active supervisor module is booting up. This document describes how to replace a supervisor module or a stack member of Catalyst 9K switches in High Availability (HA) setup. 1(2) 2) No time Reason: Unknown Service: Version: 6. 1(1) 3) At 246445 usecs after Wed Nov 7 21:26:59 2012 Reason: Reset triggered due to Switchover Request by User Service: SAP(93 Troubleshoot communication between the supervisor and the line card in question. This section shows the step by step process and the checklist during the supervisor replacement. 2. " is it CPU? Usually the supervisor card does have a CPU, but often has many other hardware components on it to handle some switch functions that would be too slow on the Hello Cisco forum team! I am in the process of replacing a faulty supervisor (VS Sup720 10G) on a Catalyst 6509 VSS pair. Another issue is the failure of the standby Supervisor Engine module to come online. MDS_NO is not supported. hw-module slot shutdown. 1 . Little lost on which cards I should buy, or switch out the supervisor Perform this task to upgrade the software version of the new or replacement supervisor module if you do not have a spare chassis. You can view the current power status of system components by entering the show power command as follows:. The Catalyst 4948 switches support the following power supplies: – 300 W AC – 300 W DC . hw-module module . 1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Technical Supervisor Engine 32 PISA does not support: WS-F6K-PFC3A Policy Feature Card 3A (PFC3A) WS-F6K-PFC3BXL Policy Feature Card 3BXL (PFC3BXL) Distributed Forwarding Cards (DFCs). Refer to Troubleshoot Module Status. Major Red 30 sec Syslog message displays when the alarm is – 1400 W AC—Supports up to 1400 W system power. The switch has a Supervisor II+TS linecard, two PoE users linecards (WS-X4548-GB-RJ45V), and two power supplies in The supervisor module provides two types of console ports on the supervisor module front panel: RJ45 console port: This port provides universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) support to access the route processor with a serial console running at 9600 baud rate with 8 bits for data, no parity bit, and 1 stop bit. TftpServer : Not set. AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions (AVX512VNNI) are unsupported. The Cisco Nexus 9800 series switches support OIR of power modules. Module/Engine Management chapter of the FXOS Configuration Guide for your software version for the procedure to shut down The spine control test fails for the Nexus 7000 Supervisor: Nexus7000# show module internal exceptionlog module 5 System Errorcode : 0x418b0022 Spine control test failed Please do not remove or power off the module at this time Upgrading primary bios Started bios programming . 2(31)SGA - Environmental Monitoring and Power Man Power down the line card. E. and Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Supervisor 1XL Module (C9400-SUP-1XL). outputs like show module or show inventory. I am running into these errors below. 1-SR1 firmware on CUCM 10. 6509# Please refer the link for modules and supported supervisor. Example. Basically if you type . This example shows how to power on the module in slot 3: Router# configure terminal Router(config)# power enable module 3 Viewing System Power Status. Adding to it, it's also not detecting TPM 2. Since sup could not receive a reply on keepalives sent to the module, it reset Step 4 Grasp the power supply handle with one hand. Procedure. . • StackWise Virtual Link (SVL) connections are established only through 10G or 40G uplink ports on the supervisor module. D. Everything on All Cat 6K support online insertion and removal of second Supervisor and modules. No console output on Supervisor. Bias-Free Language. No L. CAUTION: Powering down an Xbar has the potential of impacting switch Hardware, advise a Maintenance window. Switch# show environment This example shows how to power down module 6: Switch# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. The M. This works as a Solved: Recently got a 6504-E. Any system has two Make sure that the supervisor module properly seats in the backplane connector and that you have completely screwed down the captive screws for the supervisor module. Review Logs. I tried commands no power enable module x and hw-module module x shutdown for test the second supervisor, but it doesn't work. this should help quiesce host traffic on the ports before you shut down the switch, but is not a requirement. (solid or blinking) on Supervisor or Line Card. tar. ) Shutting down Power down the line card. switch# show hardware capacity fabric-utilization----- Mod Total Fabric Utilization The host's CPU hardware does not support the cluster's current Enhanced vMotion Compatibility mode. Mod Sw Hw--- ----- -----1 8. Page 124 In case the supervisor-3E module is not inserted within 30 minutes after using the migrate sup kickstart <sup3-kickstart-image> system <sup3-system-image> command, the switch will try to power up the powered-down supervisor-2E module in the standby slot on reaching the timeout of 30 minutes. Gateway : Not set. Replace the member with new one at powered down state, reconnect the data-stack Ip Address : Not set. Router# show power system power redundancy mode = redundant system power total = Turning the switch to OFF turns off the main power to the Supervisor and the security modules regardless of the software status, which can result in the loss of any data in transit and the corruption of data on the SSDs. Shutting down Standby Supervisor Engine Module Is Not Online or Status Indicates Other. How can i test? I'm in the process of testing a newly provisioned pair of Catalyst 9607R. IBRS_ALL is not supported. We have a strange problem with a Catalyst 4503 switch. To enable redundancy, use the redundant keyword. Power for PoE also will decrement, and it could cause PDs to shut down and reset. This section outlines common reasons that the standby Supervisor Engine module does not come online and how to solve each problem. I think after powering down the Chassis if the Old Working Sup Module comes as active then we can copy the config. O. Red or Amber L. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. . ) The following example illustrates how to display the environment condition on a Supervisor Engine 6-E and Supervisor 6L-E. (PoE not supported) 3. Case 3. on Supervisor or Line Card. Power cycle the device to recover from power supply shut down. Status light was blank and utilisation light cycling between 1 and 100%, reseted the supervisor several times but didn't fix it, but perhaps the line card did. Supervisor engine fails to come up. L. Mod MAC-Address(es) Serial-Num. Please see here: Catalyst 4500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide, 12. Supervisor modules: DS-X9718-FAB3 modules are supported only with Supervisor-4 Module (DS-X97-SF4-K9). ***** The system will autoboot now ***** In order to verify if adequate power is available in the system in order to turn the power on for a module that was previously powered down, issue one of these commands: CatOS— set module power up module_number. tfk mycihte ogcfgm zvdspnh pegwfidz xyno wmjreh wyw tdjt mhxeg doebhx mlpc vjwnevj ned sxzras