Fsx how to set reverse thrust on joystick. In MSFS (and FSX before it) it's possible to .
Fsx how to set reverse thrust on joystick I found the second method better than the first but holding out for the quadrant to be brutally honest. Is the I also had to change this. Setting up the action for activating reverse thrust in an air If using a button to activate reverse on your joystick or what have you, set this. Switch from "catum roll" to "linear", then there should be an option near the bottom of the screen to choose "beta/reverse detent"click this option and set up the points where you want BETA and The F2 key is mapped to reduce thrust to engage reverse thrust press and hold the F2 key then press F1 the cut the throttle #1. Setting Thrust Reverse, Prop Feather and Mixture Idle-Cutoff with CH Hardware For USB Yoke Pad, USB Rudder Pedals, USB Throttle Quadrant, with FSUIPC 4. Trying to remember how to set up reverse thrust on a/c either in the FS2004 control menu or in FSUIPC. In the search field type “reverse”. MAke sure with both controls you check REV, this allows you to set the spoilers and flaps in reverse to the throttles. Then adjust the “Neutral” position in sensitivity so that when you have your throttle on idle, you are at 0% thrust. I made sure for the joystick in settings/controls/control axes, I deleted the joystick entry for throttle axis and made sure the throttle axis were activated in Airbus TCA throttle. . (ok for thrust units with buttons you can How can one set the idle position and thrust reverse range for a throttle on one joystick input? Did this all the time in FSX with FSUIPC but can't figure out how to do it in x-plane. In MSFS 2024 it really helps to use the search bar to find what I wanted to assign. I am still setting up FS2004 after some major PC surgery. I did a calibration but i couldnt find a solution to fix it. 5% N1 on eng1 and 100. I can apply the control on To make it function on a stick through button or with a throttle with a reverser thrust detent. Skip over to the thrust reverser I'm flying FSX. I set SW6 to reverse thrust (F2) and SW5 to throttle cut (F1). You do this by moving the slider, then press "set" for either minimum or maximum. How do I set a control for Reverse Thrust. Don't go by the numbers. I am using a Logitech Extreme 3d Pro, when I have the thrust on idle the engines are on full reverse thrust. 3% on eng2. So you can easily do idle reverse, or 20% reverse, or whatever you like. If I set full thrust on both of the thrustmaster levers, the virtual levers on the screen are not aligned and on the ecam, it shows 94. EDIT: and of course you have to choose the right Joystick on the bottom right. Don’t worry too much about the visible indicator above the sliders, its borked! If you have reverse thrust on your throttle hardware, it should automatically work now. I am currently set up for a dual prop, with my throttle 1 set up to reverse, prop 1 set to feather, and mixture 1 set up to cut-off. Yeah already have that set correctly just can't figure out how to set the zero point to where the reverse thrust locking mechanism is on my throttle instead of at the 50 percent mark. Regaining focus in sim the aircraft continued on its backward motion having little to do I want to set a dedicated axis for reverse thrust but couldn’t find any axis for reverse thrust Has anybody found a solution? Thanks! Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums Joystick gremlins are common on hardware nowadays that you can’t really completely eliminate them. ) When I use the Toggle thrust reversers command cannot use the thrust levers to adjust reverse thrust. Like you cannot set a negative throttle position when an aircraft is in the air. Set to Joystick / HOTAS 1(if when you bind the throttle it says something like X Axis 3 select HOTAS 3) THat's your throttle set and reverse thrust set. -Land-click reverse button-advance throttle to desired reverse power level All the way back is not reverse thrust on the X-55. Ask or Google, if you don't In this situation, no thrust is set and only idle thrust acts on the forward movement of the aircraft. When you hit F2 on the keyboard, reverse thrust is activated. First I solved it by setting a fourth Buy me a coffee : https://ko-fi. (Instead of using 17 just use one of the spare spots - I think I used 16) Ie: Turn off the power/thrust, and push the button to activate reverse thrust. It is in the column curiously marked "Reverse". Jul 28, 2017 @ 12:16pm Ken is correct it's F2 under 'throttle decrease quickly' To make it function on a stick through button or with a throttle with a reverser thrust detent. On the keyboard, I use / How do i set up the reverse thrust on flight sim X? Reply/Answer. The X-55 has replaced both my X-52 Pro and Saitek Pro Flight Yoke, which I found unrealistic due to the pitch axis detent. Go to. com 737 but the same issue applies to the default 737-800. Thank you for the additional suggestion. Its all done in the control set up page in FSX. However, with this setup, you use the button at the reverse range to toggle the throttle to reverse, then use the axis to set whatever reverse thrust value you want. You have reverse thrust incorrectly set up on your controllers, the give away is the asymmetric reverse levers. You'll find that they will enhance your flight experiences with FSX. HOLD means you have to long press the button to open engines and reverse while pushing throttle up. Move the throttle to around 70% and click SET CLB to set the climb detent. ) Move the throttle all the way up, and click the max button. When you know that, it's easy to work with. However, when I land and engage reverse and hold down the bound button, it starts reverse, snaps back, and starts again. The beechcraft did not move backwards (yes the handbrake was OFF) With FSX, F2 is pressed and held to engage reverse thrust. Check the pics be If you want to use separate levers for reversers then you can try assigning the forward thrust throttle levers to the normal "AXIS THROTTLEn SET" controls, and either don't calibrate (calibration can mess up things with PMDG aircraft), or if you try calibration in FSUIPC set the "No reverse zone" option so the whole axis is for forward thrust. I have to give at least 20% on the Joystick to have an idle position in Hoping Someone here can help a FSX transferee to XPlane 11. Any way to setup both engines with reverse thrust? (note: I have the Saitek Pro Flight Yoke and the Throttle quadrant. I have a plane I just installed in FSX and the engine quits because the idle engine speed is too low with my throttle set to minimum position. Reverse thrust is now operable, but when I return the levers to the idle position, eng 1 goes to 50% thrust. Type ‘joy’ into the search bar of the computer to open the ‘game controllers set-up menu’ (set-up In this video i want to share the way i set my throttles for the aerosoft CRJ700/900 x in fsx using the FSUIPC. I would really lovee to use the reverse thrust, even if the indentation is barely noticeable. Just switch aircraft and fly away. At present I am oscillating between the Axis assignment and joystick calibration area in FSUIPC. In most of my airliners I have installed a gauge that you set on descent,this arms reverse thrust and spoilers and deploys them automatically as soon as you touch down, when I slow to 60kts I give my throttle control on the joystick a quick open and close movement(I actually can't remember if i have to do this with my auto gauge useage) this I'm setting up my controls for the Jet2. 6. I have a Saitek Pro Stick and Throttle which I have used to set up the Aerosoft Twin Otter Betta and Reverse thrust using FSUIPC in FSX no problem. A truly great machine. 3. First I thought it had I found the easiest way is to bind it to a button. Idk if it's because I'm using an old joystick (attack 3), if it's an actual feature or a bug between the sim and my joystick. However, this cannot be used as a LINDA command as F2 opens the Lua Editor. 2. (I am basing this on FS2002 FSUIPC, but I expect it to be the same in registered FSUIPC)On the Joystick tab, On Page 1 of 7, Check the I suffered a lot of pain after receiving my very fine Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog - in terms of figuring out how to configure it, how to get FSX to see it even after I had disabled all control surfaces WITHIN FSX, and how to solve difficult problems like separately controlling left versus right engines, achieving proper max and IDLE thrust, and getting the REVERSERS to About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Hi Bill,As far as I know (and tested) the AXIS_THROTTLE1_SET does NOT allow reverse thrust setting. My throttle pots include a portion for thrust reverse. com/fromstartuptoshutdown , Thanks for your support. I also tried binding the virtual key (key 17) to reverse thrust hold, but nothing happened. According to the print out of FSX Keyboard commands there is one labelled "Reverse Thrust(turboprops/jets)" but I can't find it in setting/controls in FSX I can't find how it is callad in the "HELP MENU"'. Here's a quick way to assign reverse thrust to your CH Throttle Quadrant in Flight Simulator X without having to install the C So I've been getting in sim flight w/ FSX - I have the Siatek throttle - I found good YouTube video on how to set up the reverse thrust for landing a jet. Additionally, I set TGL1 forward to autothrottle on, and TGL1 back to TOGA. Options->Controls->Power Management. dirmer3 • Additional comment actions Using FSUIPC "Axis Assignment" you would set "Send direct to FSUIPC calibration" under that select "Throttle. With the yoke connected to the computer and flight simulator started you go to control settings and scroll down in the control list to Throttle Decrease Quickly. And when I advance the throttle it goes into the reverse thrust range but of course the prop has on my french keyboard, I use Shift+/ to toggle reverse, then you push the throttle forward to increase reverse thrust, below 70 kt, bring back the throttle to idle reverse and Shift+/ again to stow the reverse's doors. Note that ANY increse of throttle setting, by keyboard or game controller, will cancel reverse thrust. I used the Assigned filter and just went one setting at a time. DIYflightsims. Question titled "FS 2004: Reverse Thrust - Other Simulation Packages (Older Microsoft Flight Simulator Releases)" posted in the Older Microsoft Flight Simulator Releases forum at Fly Away Simulation. I can apply the control on the throttle - slide the reverse key to the right - and save. Going off memory here but you assign Reduce Throttle Quickly (or it's called something like that) to a joystick For the owners of the Saitek Pro Flight Yoke, here is how to simply set reverse thrust to activate on one of the axis. In MSFS (and FSX before it) it's possible to Then use the "Joystick Calibration" tab to calibrate the full travel of each lever. Released just last week, the simulator introduces a reimagined control configuration system—offering powerful new tools to tailor your setup, but also bringing a few challenges along the way. To ensure that it is working, observe the engines (in an outside view) or listen for the distinctive sound of Reverse thrust on the joystick lever is available if you either map the throttle to the 4 throttles, then calibrate there, or assign to an individual engine throttle and calibrate in the http://www. SteveFSX/P3D. Then I opened my MSFS2020 program and went to the joystick page. yes, i am missing the option to switch between the 2 modes to set the beginning of the point where the thrust increases on the axle. I am just not on my PC right now but it was in the inversion settings, just not thrust but the strafe forward/backward setting that made it reverse (I think). or even full reverse on/off? From my joystick I can only get 1% increments each time reverse thrust is triggered. the joystick hast this option but the quadrant hasnt. I. Calibration (With Reverse on Axis): But I try to setup TWO engines in the same Saitek Pro Fliht Yoke. It's the same process for setting the spoiler and flaps Your spoilers will show 3 boxes marked SET and your flaps 2 boxes marked SET in the Calibration page. Go into the joystick section of FSUIPC and tick the 'Map to 4 throttles' in I have a Warthog Throttle and set it up in that way: When I press a button with my thumb, "normal" fwd axis will be disable and turn into reverse axis as long as the button is pressed. Is there a reverse thrust in FSX? I just wanted to know, I have the yoke and pedals for the complete Annorak experience, but when I land and press #FS2020 #flightsim #microsoftfligthsimulatorA few people have been asking for a solution for this - here's the best solution I've found so far! Hi All, Could someone talk me through how to map prop reverse thrust correctly. Just pop it back down to the reverse range to disengage reverse and the throttle reverts to normal behavior. They are meaningless in the programming. If you calibrate in FSUIPC there's a reverse checkbox there, not really so obscurely marked "Rev". I have attempted to do the same with the RWDesign Twin Otter V2 but am struggling to find a sweet spot for both Beta and Reverse thrust. My control set up utilises the THRUSTMASTER HOTAS WARTHOG joy stick and throttle. Move the throttle to its lowest position (close to 0%) and click SET IDLE. 7. I did not have to reverse any of the axis like Go to the bindings on your throttle. " First Option - You then have a choice to add thrust reverse on the same tab over on the right if the area under the detent reads as a button and tick off the first "Control sent when range entered" and enter "Throttle Decr" then tick off "Control to You can't assign a reverse thrust axis in FSX. I then try and land but by now it doesn't work anymore. I set mine up for a button on my joystick thrust an aircraft lurching forward is a simism' where as in real life the engine will spool down before closing the reverse deflectors. Jump to latest. Please watch the updated video here: https://youtu. When you regained focus in the sim, pushback was in-progress but paused, (if you use that checkbox in the setting (Pause on switch or lost focus)). I have the same problem I tried the 2 different thrust lever modes, but none worked. That way I can just right click on my tray icon and choose my preset You can setup profiles for each aircraft, that way you don't even have to change the joystick mode. I use a button on my joystick (Saitek X52 Pro) for reverse thrust. cfg or air file t Jump to content. 1 1297 Feb 09 2023. Has anyone out there used this hardware for FSX and managed to do it correctly? This card must be registered and correctly set-up within the Windows operating system before calibration can commence. Thank you. At the moment I have a selection for “toggle reverse thrust” and a lever set to propeller axis “Joystick R-axis X” When I toggle reverse thrust the Prop pitch lever immediately goes to feather. The only time this "fix" would not be appropriate would be in the case of turbine engines that have reverse thrust Once you do that, go to joystick calibration, skip over to the engine page, and set the minimum and maximum position. If you use button assignments to activate reverse as shown in my example above, be sure to check the "No Reverse Zone" box on the "Separate throttles per engine" page (3 of 11) in the "Joystick Calibration" tab. In the EICAS you can see two REV signs that change from yellow to green when the reversers are fully extended. Many are new due to the new features in FSX. ;-) For FSUIPC reversal make sure you check the reverse option before calibrating, as the calibration points will not be symmetric. If the latter is the case, when calibrating the idle/set position, move your throttle to somewhere of your liking but above the physical idle (of your joystick I don't use either the hold or toggle reverse thrust keybinds. I don’t have your exact joystick but I have a button bound to TOGGLE THRUST REVERSE. There is a simple way of getting reverse thrust working. Hope this helps These are the final keyboard commands for FSX. I tried what you recommended and the throttles still don't move. (Shift+P). you can get full reverse thrust by { toggle throttle reverse thrust } assigned to a button, in addition assign { full throttle 1 } to the same button, this will fix reverse thrust until they fix it Showing you guys how to add Reverse Thrust in FSX. You press the button or move the throttle to reverse position then select repeat against The F2 is the default key setting for "decrease throttle" - doing so after the F1 (cut throttle) will put it in reverse. Andre,I don't have the CH throttle but use a Saitek throttle and have that set up OK using a registered version of FSUIPC. I am able to set up reverse thrust ( either #12 or #16) but end up with idle on the second detent and not where it is meant to be, which is one notch up from the reverse thrust position. . This is similar to how the reversers worked in FSX. I believe this is the best way and the more realistic in m The thrust reversers on the 737 function with two keys or buttons on either the keyboard or the joystick or Hotas to be configured with one to be assigned to " Hold Thrust Reverse at Max #1 " and the other to " Hold Thrust MAP THE REVERSE THRUST TO BUTTON: Either “Hold Throttle Reverse Thrust” or “Toggle Throttle Reverse Thrust” can be mapped. The only thing that you can do is assign the button (the 'click' you hear when you put the throttle down all the way) at the bottom of of a throttle lever (use the one assigned to axis 1, as this gives you the flexibility to add or remove throttle axes) to the 'decrease thrust quickly' button, assigned to F2 by default. Using FSUIPC (Registered) under buttons tab, press the button you want to use, then check the box FS Controls, it will open a drop down, in the drop down select "Throttle 1 Decr" and check the box "Command to repeat when held. The way I see it, this guide is for the other package, the 320 Prologue or an older version of the 330 Looking at your screenshot, I suggest you set your thrust lever to minimum and press the left "SET" LSK under "Idle". On page 3 of 7, you can place your max, idle and reverse settings anywhere in the throw of the joystick. I was hoping for a reverse thrust on the Rhino control-panel instead of FSX. My Best Affordable Joystick That I'm using Whi In the new Microsoft Flight Simulator, there's a simple set of assignable controls and buttons. If I try to setup the second engine reverse thrust, this delete the previous setup on the first engine. Before take off I test and it works fine. What you do is map the throttles response curve. Print them out (5 pages). You just click in that blank area and press the key or perform the action to assign. 1 1344 Feb 09 2023. when clicked it puts the in game throttle into the reverse range and I can vary the power using my throttle normally. FSUIPC4 can be programmed to assign a joystick or throttle quadrant button (I use the Saitek Throttle microswitch button) to brake the aircraft on landing. I have mine set to “reverse thrust (hold). I tryed to read their manual but again i didnt find a way. Let me know if you want more, and subscribe so you d Now, when you press F2 after landing, it should activate reverse thrust. Microsoft Flight Simulator MSFS (2020)Many Hi, When I push the small throttle quadrant down to ‘idle’ on the Thrustmaster USB Joystick, the plane goes into reverse throttle when it is a turbo, or a jet. In this tutorial you will add more realism to you flight simulator exper Whenever I set the throttles to idle it actually activates reverse thrust and makes it hard to manage speed when taxiing. As my joy comes sometimes up as Joy2 or Joy4. I finally have purchased a killer machine from Digital Storm,Core I7 960,6gb ram,Gforce 285,etc. It's really easy and I hope this video helps you out. I'm using a Saitek X52 Flight Control System and I've bound reverse thrust to the button on the top of throttle, I've done it through FSX control settings and have the button set to full-repeat. Can the VelocityOne Flight be configured for reverse thrust? Yes. In the Twin-Engine Jet profile, that control is assigned to button B6 on the Modular Throttle Quadrant. If you don't have a reverse axis on your joystick/throttle console, you might be able to fake one. 207 (or later) and the Microsoft FSX Beechcraft Baron and Super King Air aircraft (will likely also work for other standard FSX a/c). Ive noticed,however,that since installing FSX acceleration,I now have no option for prop or thrust If you assign in FS there's a reverse checkbox there. be/-tEAekNzIgEIn this video I will try to break down the controls menu for Microsoft flight simulator 2024 Alternatively just map a spare button to it. Move the throttle to a convenient location near the reverse end of the throttle, press the Idle Set button once. For my throttle this was -59%. I got the reverse thrusters to work, but I can't advance them. If AXIS_THROTTLE1_SET behaves differently on your PC: are you using a Lastly regarding reverse thrust (steveboston). If they were it could have pretty much solved this issue. I remember there was such a function in FSX-Steam too! Login The joystick tab shows all the button mappings etc. And only one "Throttle (decrease quickly)" option. I have all sliders maxed,and even in Dreamteam KORD and KJFK,and Ultimate traffic 2,Im getting at worst 7fps,and it is a SMOOTH 7 . - -16384 gives Idle thrust- 0 gives 50% thrust- +16384 gives Full thrustUnlike the event THROTTLE1_SET, where 0 gives Idle thrust and negative values give reverse thrust. o. Look for those two options. So when I want to use reverse thrust I bring my throttle to idle, hold the button, and the reversers engage. Additionally, disable joystick processing in FSX via the FSX & Prepar3D v2/v3/v4/v5 ; English ; AIRCRAFT ; Aerosoft Bus Professional (64 bit, P3D V4 / V5) For reverse thrust I am using another button to activate F2 which has activate while held set. When you click only once on the reverse levers in the VC, idle reverse should be set. Save your settings. The numbers are just there for measurement on the axis. I have to keep my throttle slider at around 25% on my joystick to keep the engines at idle. 5. This is how I configure my reverse thrust on the Logitech G Saitek PRO Flight Throttle Quadrant. Cheers Are you wondering how easily you will be able to configure reverse thrust with the upcoming Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant for the jets? Join me as I run Hi guys, I have a problem flying the a320nx. For now I just have my decrease throttle function mapped to the red button on the left side of the throttle lever. Move the throttle to its maximum position (close to 100%) and click SET TOGA. Is there anyway I can disable or disengage this to happen (or maybe Move the throttle all the way down and click the min button. w. To do so, just make sure the Microsoft Flight Simulator command "Throttle Reverse Thrust" is assigned to one of the VelocityOne Flight's controls. Once the detent is passed, I can then add a second button press, but I have yet to find a reason to do so. dropping the throttle lever into the full down position will activate the Although i do not have the X55 but rather the X52 Pro i had to delete all the joystick axis assignments in FSX, using both caused problems and ctd`s so i use FSUIPC only for calibration and axis assignment, i also found it was ok to assign buttons in FSX, as for the Aerosoft make sure that under FADEC tick inverted axis and throttle axis count is set to 1 with What parameters do I have to change to create significant reverse thrust for a jet? Significant = enough to cause the jet to back up. Is there some setting in the aircraft. 1 Answers. Unless you’re getting your hardware from Level D simulator Please make sure that no other device (Yoke, joystick, etc. Move the throttle to the max thrust position, press the Max Set button. If you want to use reverse thrust, and your throttle has a crossover detent for idle, use the “0-100%” axis. Next step is to assign the throttle axis via FSUIPC: Option "direct to FSX", Calibrate the Axis: Enable "no reverse", set the Quadrant to idle pos and set the minimum values. Yes, your joystick is "single throttle". I set a button on my throttle to the "decrease thrust" keybind (don't remember if it's exactly called this). Thanks,Phil FSX/FSX-SE Aircraft and Panel Design Forum - How To ; Reverse Thrust Reverse Thrust. The F1 after the reverse will return it to zero throttle. I assumed the keyboard command is the same as in FSX ie F2 key, and in fact when I pressed F2 the throttles moved backwards as expected however - The pitch levers did not operated and. Is there a reverse thrust in FSX? I just wanted to know, I have the yoke and pedals for the complete Annorak Any idea how to calibrate reverse from the detent near the end of the travel to the fully back position. com . On the CH throttles the potentiometers give a change in resistance that allows you to select reverse (via FSUIPC) by moving the throttles back past Adjusting to a new simulator always comes with a learning curve, and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 is no exception. The point is that, I can't find in the list of the Keybord mapping, the "Thrust Reverse or "Reverse Thrust"or any similar Jet or Rotors reverse " functions, to atribute to F2 Obviously they still use the old FSX definition: Reverser is the negative part of the throttle axis. If your game controller is miscalibrated in a manner which results in the DirectPlay routines inputing anything less than a zero reading reverse thrust will not be avilable. Be sure to check the map to 4 throttles box if you have only one throttle. Assign your axes and calibrate your joystick making sure that a zero setting is really zero, but not something else. I recently had the stock FSX:SE DC-3 ready and idling for takeoff when I hit a bunch of keys. In this video, we are going to use Pete and John Dowson's payware software FSUIPC to assign thrust reversers to your Saitek Throttle Quadrant levers in FSX o Always wanted to know how you can use your joystick for reverse throttling? In that case have a quick look at this short video in which I will explain you ho So I've been getting in sim flight w/ FSX - I have the Siatek throttle - I found good YouTube video on how to set up the reverse thrust for landing a jet. It just needs to work until the quadrant is finally released :D Anyone know if there's a way to get progrssive reverse thrust, or even full reverse on/off? From my joystick I can only get 1% increments each time reverse thrust is triggered. ) still has axes assigned to the throttle Make sure the sensitivity of the throttle axes is set to maximum (127) My only issue right now is that the reverse thrust not always engages, though it seems to be related to the sim performance (FPS). If I move the thrust levers forward with Toggle thrust reversers one, the reverse thrust goes out. It is not 100% realistic to push then throttles forward for reverse, but advantage is, you can control reverse very good and precise. Then in the game hold the button you set and move your throttle forward and the reverse thrust will activate. Scott The main issue with the reverse thrust is the levers that are supposed to control reverse thrust are not programable buttons even though they really should have been. If the CH throttle has a detent or similar to indicate the idle stop, so you know when you have hit idle and the next pull back is reverse, it should work as well as the Saitek throttle. Then you push the throttle forward and press the right "SET" LSK under "TOGA". on the joystick you can either set zero thrust to the point before you go in reverse thrust or to the point where you pull the lever down to the end. ) If you want to model reverse thrust, move your throttle to a low indent or minimal position, and press the center button. To get the reversers: Tab "Buttons" (you need the virtual buttons of the TCA enabled), bind to Keys, set one quadrant thruster to max reverse and bind to F2 (option repeat couple days ago i got the combo A330/A340 from BBS everything looks ok except the reverse thrust, doesnt work in a correct way, it works opposite/backwards. Move the throttle to around 80% and click SET FLX/MCT for the flexible takeoff detent. Set a button to one of the functions. kdduzf volyr jmxdc ryroz czbh kzj yoyw uudx uvml yhvykp ynuugmm guyihu pkk qozzipa gybvd