Essex 1911 frame colt slide. Army, 45ACP with Colt slide and Essex Arms lower frame.
Essex 1911 frame colt slide com. This frame does have the pronounced front strap common on both the Essex and Auto Ordnance frames. Essex is indeed a component manufacturer. Essex Arms produced 1911A1 frames and slides during the 1970s in Pond Island, VT (later moving to Hardwick, VT in the 1990s). It could use a good cleaning. r. The frame is Essex, the rest of the gun is USAF Armory National Match Pistol. Has faux pearl grips and I cannot see any flaws from photos. 38 and Commander pistols; 1911 Pistols manufactured for foreign Governments either in US or outside US. 00. I have one Essex frame made a couple of years ago that I used to make a dedicated . The early slides were made by Colt with normal Colt markings. Model #: 1911 A-1 Type: Pistol Overall Condition: Very Good to Excellent Finish: Parkerized Back in 2015 I purchased an old Bullseye 1911 on the CMP forum that utilized an Essex frame with a vintage Colt NM slide. 00 Caspian SS Frame and Slide Commercial Colt Government Model, Ace, SM Ace, Super . Feedback. But they are investment cast, not forged, so no big deal. Will upload a better video later I recently purchased a 1911 pistol with a Colt slide and the only markings on the frame is a serial number on the right side, which is four digits. Checkered unfinished solid trigger and serrated hammer. That is Description Essex Arms Company, Island Pond Vermont 1911 frame on a Colt made slide in . Has a mec-gar clip. The frame is in stainless steal and the slide is in a mat type finish. all three performed gang busters with no problems. Today I saw an interesting 1911. Pachmayr thumb rest grip. The 45 acp is all Essex, top and bottom with a Colt barrel and a fitted bushing. ”. The Essex as well as the West Hurley frames had box type frame id where the serial number is. Are the new enhanced ESSEX slides any good? I have ordered one in stainless to match the stainless frame. slide is on now to build another 1911. Oddly never found one searching usgi 1911 frame. Essex Arms 1911A1 in . ARMY" blued slide, a Millett adjustable rear sight and Millett front sight have been installed, a commander-style hammer of unknown origin, a sear of unknown origin, a target-style trigger of unknown origin, a disconnect of unknown origin, a sear spring that looks like a Wolff possibly, Pachmayr Therefore the value of a 1911 made using Essex componets is usually very low, around $400 or so for one that looks like it as put together well. Essex frame & slides anygood? Jump to Latest Follow 1 - My first 1911 was an Ithica slide on an Essex frame. / Syracuse, N. It was set up as a ball gun for match shooting. 45 ACP Action Type: Semi Auto Pistol (Single Action Only) Markings: The right side of the frame “Essex Arms Corp. Save Share I got an Essex framed "GI look-alike" for my first 1911. Jump to Latest 3. To date these were corrected and Essex builds a decent frame for the money. 22 conversion unit and finally it was back to I just finished a build with an Essex receiver and Colt series 70 slide and Colt barrel. 20m. $1,100. I have more pics upon request. He said that in the late '60's U. I have an older Essex frame and it Anyway, all that aside Colt's frames, slides, barrels, and slide stops are made from forgings. The sights are adjustable. 4 digit serial number on frame. Army armorers at Ft. My father and I built a gun with a 1945 Remington Rand slide and a Dan Wesson is building their Pointman from Essex frame&slide. I have researched this subject heavily since purchasing a 1911 that had a Colt 1911 US ARMY slide and an ESSEX frame. WIFirearmsTransfersAPL A+(160) Seller's Other Items. I was under the impression that it was a Colt made 1911 and paid around $800 for it but the frame is a Essex Arms Corp. 45 Auto - w/ Colt slide Description: Essex frame coupled with the slide of a Colt Government Model 1911. The frame is a low serial number item with only four digits. Nitro. The part that threw me was when you said that Essex Arms was on one side of the Some call these Frankenstein guns. one of which I had nickled or chromed,(do not remember which). 45 ACP. VERMONT 12345 Essex Arms was/is an aftermarket supplier of frames and slides for various 1911 clones, including Thompson Auto Ordnance. That said,any parts gun is a 300-600 dollar deal,600 being for an outstanding,nicely finished,adjustable sight,maybe Colt Slide gun. I then distressed everything. A year ago I purchased a "frankenpistol" 1911 comprised of a Crown City Arms(Cortland, NY) frame and a Colt slide. The barrel has the SP on the left lug and HR on the right lug - all the pieces have the last 3 digits of the serial# and AMU is on the barrel hood. Runs fine, I distressed it all to match. The grips were new double diamonds. He had to cut the frame in half and is going to sell me the rest of the parts for a good price. It will hold the 10 ring at 50 yards. I've built dozens of parts guns,the RI frames are much higher quality than Essex. colt 1911 government model . The sights have been modified and it has Pachmayr grips. One of them has nearly 10,000 rounds through it now. On one side someone engraved Rochester, NY. Category 1911 Pistols Competition Pistols. "Give'em When Essex started making frames quality control was lacking. General Historical Issues; The Parts Bin. I'm looking for info on the Colt Mid-Range. The slide is an early commercial Colt, the hammer. Essex frames were okay, not great but they got It had a Colt slide and barrel in . In years past, a gunsmith would buy the frame, correct the pin alignment and any other frame flaws and assemble a decent 1911 using a variety of The first one is a Remington Rand slide on an Essex frame. SN is 611xx. A local gunsmith I have known for many years is putting together a commander in 45 acp using an Essex slide and frame. supposedly every thing was original except the frame, it was a Essex frame. MRG. I did a few usgi builds on caspian frames for family that couldn’t afford a usgi. Under current California laws, you can't buy a bare frame and build a gun, so this piece has to date back to before the current laws were passed -- whenever that was. The frame is an Essex Arms, Hardwick, VT serial #76XXX. U. Although it is unlikely that any of the guns built up for the Army team used Essex frames, this is probably a gun assembled for a serious competitor about the same time (1970s?). . Wilson parts mostly S&A grip safety and MSH and a briley spherial bushing. Verified Member FFL. 45 ACP Semi Auto Pistol. I built 3 1911's on essex frames back in the 70's, one for someelse, (never again is this day and age,) and two for my self. Y. 45cal pistol. On the Essex frame any magazine I try,be it 22,9 or 45 acp. Save Share no other Essex parts. 22LR 1911 out of. made at the Island Pond location. Slide is marked Exercito Brasileiro 11127, 1940 with a star crest on one side and Colt PTFA MFG Co Harford, CT U. does anyone know if all uppers for the 1911 will fit on a essex frame? does colt,springfield etc. Essex never made complete firearms, only parts that were assembled primarily by gunsmiths. It has clearly been shot a great deal and the frame is fine. **Must have CCP , Essex used to be ( or still are), one of the primary pieces to make a 1911a1 - its a aftermarket frame on a Colt slide. Remington Rand produced many things, but 1911 pistols was not one of them until they were granted a US government contract during WWII. The modern production 1911 - high visibility sights, beavertail grip safety, aluminum trigger, good trigger pull, enhanced slide/ frame fit Essex Arms Model 1911 Semi-Automatic Pistol with Colt SlideEssex frame with Colt slide numbered "7790314" on left side. Are they any good. Manufacturer: Essex frame Colt Slide Model: 1911 Barrel Length: 5 inch Condition: Very good Metal Condition: Very good Bore Condition: Very good . Other 1911's Essex frames. 45 ACP with one, seven round removable ma Lot 0271, Oct 23, 2022. F. If it looks like somebody's home gunsmithing project, more like $300-$350. I was also informed that a lot of the auto-ordnance frames weren't any good. Does anyone have any experience with them? At just over $100 in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site. I would thing the OP's gun was in the 350-400 range. Ammo & Reloading; Essex frames are great. It has the adjustable Kentsight and the NM front sight. 45 Auto 5 Frame = Essex Arms, Hardwick, VT 78155 Bushing & rear sight = marked w/AF My first 1911 was an Essex parts gun with a GI slide and GI parts. What usually kills them is loosening tolerances over Essex frames I have an Essex frame1911 with a Colt National Match Slide, barrel and bushing. Other Model . In the shop there was an old (1920's) colt 1911 with a 22 conversion kit on it, also made by colt. This pistol features an Essex frame with a Colt slide. I read on the forum that the slide and rail measurements are standard 1911 rails, however I cant get the llama slide to go Great piece of history- Fullsize Model of 1911 U. I searched for an Essex Arms 1911 to buy because I grew up across the street from the factory/shop in the late 70's and early 80's. This auction is for a Model 1911 . My father passed recently and had a 1911 with a rock island slide and a essex arms frame. The top Essex was a company that manufactured cheap investment-cast 1911 frames. :hrm: A groupgripper helped some. I have a bunch a generic 1911's with Essex frames and I maintain 5 spare Essex frames in my spare parts kit. I bought this gun from the Army officer who owned the pistol. 7K views Essex/Colt ~ 1911 ~ . /Colt Custom ~ 1911 ~ . Army, 45ACP with Colt slide and Essex Arms lower frame. It's got a Colt Slide #11127 on a Federal Ordnance frame #F0524X. Does anyone have any information about thos weapon? Colt 1911 on an Essex Frame - Page 2 Took the recently rebuilt Essex to the Range for a surprising testUse this Link to save $10 off the normal NRA Member ship Fee of $35. The slide and all the parts the parts in Essex SS Frame and slide $275. 27d. $350 Starting Bid. The slide was produced circa 1944. 45 ACP Description: Guns Listing ID: 349628 Here we present an Essex/Colt Model 1911A1 Competition Pistol. It is was not a collector's piece, but it was my introduction to Essex Arms Corp. 77 Metal Condition: Very Good 80-90 % Wood Condition: Very Good 80-90 % Bore Condition: Bright and Shiny Barrels: 5 Weight I know it's a ~1918 Colt frame, with the GHS, SA and NM markings, the odd part is the frame serial# it's NM-7791435 as on the MILO NM slide. Under current California laws, you can't buy a bare frame and build a gun, so this piece has to date back to before the The early Essex frames as posted had something to be desired but iirc they were about $40 when a new Colt was about $125-$150, and there were plenty of original GI parts available from Gun Parts, Sarco, and several Picked up a Essex frame with a pre war 22lr conversion on top and the price was to good to pass by. 1 Hello all, I picked up a nice 1911 the other day. I have a commander in 38 super built on an Essex frame and a Colt slide, and I fitted a Barstow barrel on this commander many years ago. It is one sweet shooting . Unconfirmed info had them involved with Essex I have a chance to purchase a Colt 1911 on an Essex Frame made in California. A. 77 Metal Condition: Excellent Bore Condition: Bright and Shiny Barrels: 5 Inches Weight: 2 3/4 LBS Sights: Bo-Mar Extended 9" Sights Item Location: Reno The parts number stamped on a 1911 slide will be 7790314, I used them to build a beater on an Essex frame and this is one of the best shooters I own. slide stop and thumb safety are WW2 era, and the trigger and mainspring housing are WW1 Buy Colt 1911 Mk IV Series 70 Government Model, Satin Nickel, Essex Frame: GunBroker is the largest seller of Semi Auto Pistols Pistols Guns & Firearms All: 1010793717 Essex Frame. It is MUCH cheaper. The slide has adjustable rear sight and the frame has an ajustable trigger. 45 ACP with Colt slide. Looks to have upgraded beaver tail, hammer, full length guide rod and trigger. Hi All- new to this forum. 22 conversion on an Essex frame. The man I bought if from said he built it in the late 1980s with a USGI parts Essex Arms Corp 1911 . 45ACP WWI WWII SLIDE RE-PARK PENNY 5" USGI MILSPEC 45 BEACH 5 inch " barrel. Top Contributors this Month View All. A, Paten No . Normal wear LSB#: 110531BG1 Make: Essex Frame, Remington Rand Slide Model: 1911-A1 Serial Number: 63476 Year of Manufacture: Modern, FFL Required Caliber: . This gun will spank most production 1911 pistols and even some customs! If the Essex frame is of middle to late production, they seem to work ok. F. S. 45 Auto Price: Was $1,099. Guns features polished arched mainspring, polished long grip safety, and polished hammer. The slide is a Colt. Any ideas on where I can those? Welcome to Hi all, I recently bought a Colt m1911A1 from a friend of mine for $450. She was pretty loose and shot like it, too. I was in the Army Reserve at the time. For decades they were extremely popular as a way to assemble 1911 parts kits into complete guns. I put this 1911 together eons ago. I would like to match them up. The satin nickel finished was pretty stained though. parts (Remington Rand slide, unknown other parts), with an Essex frame. Nicely fitted, had a good trigger, nice sights, and ramp and throat looked very good. Backstrap depression grip safety. http://membership. The slide comes with a Novak rear sight cut and lowered and flared port. Had an Ithaca slide and an Essex frame. Doesnt load rounds well at all. Wood Condition: Checkering remains well defined, but shows some carry wear. No USGI pistol had those casting numbers under the grips either, which stands to reason since all USGI frames and slides were forged. I have a 1911 built on an enhanced essex frame and slide. Honestly, those are probably worth more parted out than the complete pistol would be. Union Switch & Signal WW1 slide on Essex frame, 1911, Clean! Description: Here is a WW1 (I am told) Union Switch& Signal slide on a Essex frame with WW1 Grips. The frames and slides are investment castings, and until recently, quality was spotty as to specs and hole locations and other dimemesions. Comes with a Mec-Gar ". 45 Auto Metal Condition: Shows minor handling marks and light holster wear along the edges. Last year I purchased a parts gun, it had a recent mfg'ed essex frame and a 1960's Essex Arms was a maker of cast frames and slides. Hello the Forum! An aquaintance of mine who knows of my interest in firearms has offered me a 1911 pistol. I have 5 now, all with Colt slides (2 are US Army slides, 2 are pre-WWII consumer WW2-vintage Colt slide and assorted GI small parts. Starting Price $350. Shoots great. At a gunshow that I attended yesterday a Remington Rand frame with a late Colt slide in a nice TexTan holster sold for $600. The right side of the slide is stamped Model of 1911. Many years ago Essex was the only frame that was available to build race guns on without tearing up a Colt. Does anyone know who manufactured this frame? These frames were obviously cast, nothing special but much like the ESSEX frames of the time, they were usable. Its a shooter here in the USA - maybe $400-$600 Edward Tinker - Co-Author of Police Lugers & Simson Lugers - Veteran Bring Backs Vol 1-4 1911 Manufacturers. ARMY The left side of the slide has COLT'S PT. Has a TZ slide (Israeli made, I'm told. A close up view of my new and favorite 1911. Ken "I like Colts and will die that My intentions were using Baer's frame and slide. Works so well. +1. Under current California laws, you can't buy a bare frame and build a gun, so this piece has to date back to before the current laws Colt sold the slide assemblies for these pistols but only a few complete guns, so they are most often encountered built up on whatever frame the owner liked. SKU: C53671 45 ACP; very good+ bore, very good+ grips, 5'' barrel, Built on an Essex frame. I believe the trigger, hammer and mainspring housing is also USGI. I have been on the prowl for these. I had been told to start with a cheap kit to learn on. I figure I can use the essex frame The r. Essex frames are not bad. Putting Colt-related Internet rumors to rest is worse than playing a game of whack-a-mole. Finish on the side does look nice and factory I dont know a ton about these so feel free to ask any questions, I will do my best! We will trade for silver and gold. Hi everyone I just finished a 1911 build minus a front sight that is in the mail from an 80% RIA frame a colt slide that someone had mildly changed from GI and an RIA barrel with a Sarco GI parts kit. SKU: C53671 $1,100. 45 sxe 80's series frame. General Gun Discussion Gunsmithing & Troubleshooting Colt Reloading Bench Springfield Armory. It later wore . A Colt slide on an Essex frame is an old mixmaster. They either don't Essex SS Frame and slide $275. I ask because I just bought a remington rand slide/essex frame 1911 and want to find a remington rand frame down the road. 38S" magazine. The DD grips were new, distressed them too. Trick out or upgrade your firearm with the largest gun parts selection at eBay. / 63476”. The gun was such a great shooter that I wanted some additional info on CCA but had no luck. Essex Frame and Colt Slide. 45 ACP with one, seven round removable magazine and a 5″ barrel. In the Colt 1911, the frame comprises of the trigger, sear, disconnector, hammer, hammer strut, Mainspring housing assembly, magazine catch assembly, plunger tube, plunger tube plunger assembly, slide stop, grip screw bushings, grip screws, thumb safety, grip safety, grips and various retaining pins for the hammer, sear, and mainspring housing A mix-master pistol assembled using a Colt Slide and an Essex receiver is not a "Colt 1911," it is a mix-master 1911 with a Colt slide. Essex Arms was a maker of cast frames and slides. 38 and Commander pistols; 1911 Pistols A Colt slide on an Essex frame is an old mixmaster. I am not sure who assembled this, but it's done well. Colt; Autos & 1911 Variation; ESSEX ARMS 1911A1 - C53671; ESSEX ARMS 1911A1 - C53671. . 45 Auto Description: This Colt slide on and Essex frame custom is in very good overall condition showing some use marks and wear. Great deals on 1911 45 Acp Slide. FFL is required Ask Seller a Question Barrel = AFW#### & Colt . ) It was cheap, and it looks (to the inexperienced eye) EXACTLY like a classic parkerized WWII Remington Rand, or Ithica, or Colt. I was further But you can build a very good 1911 from one, and I have many times. I have seen a gazillion ESSEX frames at gun shows I have noted here a couple of times regarding the purchase of an Essex-framed 1911 with a Colt slide. 45 pistols using Essex frames and Colt slides, they have been excellent guns - accurate, reliable, smooth. Essex~ Colt Match Government Model 1911~. Essex/Colt 1911A1~. The slide and frame were also hand fitted by a local master gunsmith. 45acp and was my introduction to the 1911's. Bore Condition: Most of the bore remains bright and the I built 2 . The gun comes with a Springfield hard case, Springfield I have a chance to purchase a Colt 1911 on an Essex Frame made in California. Issue mag pouch, Uncle Mikes holster, extra internal parts. The frame was made by Essex and it has a Colt slide. Lanyard loop mainspring housing. Pachmayr checker rubber wrap around grip. Essex frames are OK . This example has the Essex frame and a Colt National Match slide. One with a Colt 7790314 slide, one with a scrubbed Ithaca slide, and one with a Rand type3 slide. John Moses Browning’s The early Essex frames as posted had something to be desired but iirc they were about $40 when a new Colt was about $125-$150, and there were plenty of original GI parts available from Gun Parts, Sarco, and several other venders I can It has an Essex frame, Colt "MODEL OF 1911. I rebuilt it several times, changed out small parts, learned something, and then built several 1911s. My bad--meant to say I want to find out if a 1911 --SLIDE--would fit my Colt . The machining on the receiver was spot on, with very little machining chatter or I recently had a chance to purchase a ww2 issue colt 1911. Has a nice WW1 slide and Colt controls but an Essex frame. this was my first trial at building a 1911 I used the Essex frame and the slide I bought from Sarco, a litttle short in the back, I am just ordering a slide from Essex to Here we present an Essex/Colt Model 1911A1 Competition Pistol. The left side of the slide is marked “Remington Rand Inc. Guns International #: 101733219 . Additional observations: at least one pistol has a WW1 era slide (marked MODEL OF 1911 US ARMY), one RemRand frame had a US&S slide, and approx a dozen or more had replacement slides with the lowered/flaired ejection port. CO over The reason barrels are generally not cast is because barrels need to contain tens of thousands of PSI of pressure. They did have a short time of quality issues but that resolved after a new shop foreman entered the scene ESSEX ARMS 1911 . With that, I assume Colt sold slide-only kits as well as full guns, or did someone pull a full gun apart? Any info on the Mid-Range slide kit would be appreciated; years, numbers produced, etc. And no they're not sourced from Spain or the Philippines, nor are they reclaiming steel from the sunken warship Graf Spee. Does anyone have any information about thos weapon? 9th February 2011, 11:17. This gun was made in 1915. mags, G. Estimate $700 - $900. It was built using an Essex frame, Colt Navy slide with the horse at the rear (not circled), with a really nice Colt wartime barrel. Used Condition. Description Essex Arms Company, Island Pond Vermont 1911 frame on a Colt made slide in . Comes with a box and manual(not original). D. It has given me good service, and I still have it. You're saying 1911 slide can be made to fit with some sort of spacer? I assume these would be available from Brownells or Midway? I'm ballparking an Essex slide at about $150(Midway), barrel $90, sights $100, slide internals $50 I’ve found them by searching “US Property” and filtering for pistol or pistol parts. 45 ACP Metal Condition: Very good Wood Condition: Grips very good Barrels: 5 Triggers: Single action Sights: BO-MAR adjustable iron sights Item Location: Cheektowaga, NY . 45 Auto Work Done By Al Valdez, Gunsmith. Parkerized frame, and serrated slide. 00 MANUFACTURER: Essex Arms CONDITION: Used MODEL: Other Model SOLD: 1/29/2025 12:00:00 AM: UPC: LOCATION: Virginia Beach, VA 23462 I have read that ESSEX frames are acceptable for a build. I know it is a cast part, but if it is properly hardened, and cnc'd to proper specs, won't it have decent durability? Contract a 1911 saavy smith to fix you up. Ord built these parts guns, using pilfered components and the Essex frames I'm considering put together a 1911 using an Essex Arms frame and slide. This was the education first build for me and man was it ever an education. Fast & Free shipping on many items!. 99 Now $1,399. I'd go with a parts gun built on a Rock Island frame first. 2s. The vintage barrel was really worn but the price was right, and I planned on re-finishing the frame and install a new Kart barrel. Essex Model 1911 Semi-Automatic Pistol with Colt Government Model SlideEssex Model 1911 frame with Colt Government Model slide. No telling what it could do on a real good frame and new quality parts set up by a real pistolsmith. I found a great condition s/s Colt slide on Essex frame for sale locally. SOLD Caliber Info:. 45 ACP Description: Colt slide on Essex frame. They did not make complete pistols but rather sold frames to gunsmiths and custom shops who assembled complete pistols from various parts, including surplus Colt parts, for Here we present a 1911 Pistol built on a Remington Rand Slide and an Essex Frame. Comes with 5 G. dankwell 393 Replies. The gun feels tight and shoots reasonably well compared to my newer 1911. See all listings by Moose and Company Print this listing. 15h. He is hand fitting the slide to the frame and undoubtedly the gun will be pretty tight. This is a early Colt slide with a HS barrel on an Essex frame. One slide is a Remington Rand and the other a 'NM'. The Essex frames were marked ESSEX ARMS ISLAND PD. Whichever it is the serial number marking seems dubious to me. I saw a gentleman on this forum was selling an Essex 6 inch slide and barrel, now I have a 6 inch Essex. Overall, the gun is in mint condition with no obvious signs of wear except for a couple of very tiny dings on the slide. Colts second Match slide Whoever put the markings on that frame knew nothing about military 1911s. I recently acquired a 1911 on an Essex frame with a Mid-Range upper. I would estimate at $125-$150ish. Colt. used drop in parts from the gun show, and a local gunshop in so cal did the blue. The sights are "Kensight". 45 Auto SOLD Metal Condition: Very Good Wood Condition: Very Good Bore Condition: Very I'm completely new to this forum and 1911's. / Island Pond, VT. Government, despite the military origins of the slide I think it is safe to One view could be is if you shoot your vintage 1911, you might have about a 50-50 chance of needing to replace your slide. 2/24/21 - This is a mint example of an Essex / Colt Government Model 1911, chambered in . I work for a gunsmith who recently had to destroy a llama MAX 1. Frames do not. The slide is stamped with "8810" on one side and "Remington Rand Inc Syracuse NY USA" on the other. Category - 1911 Pistols - Competition Pistols. I need to research the magazine a little over in the mag forum, but this one is marked with a C-R on the bottom and an R onthe top of the lip. I am looking for the correct slide for the RR frame and the correct frame for the Colt slide. 45 ACP SOLD Caliber Info:. According to the seller, it was built from G. 45 ACP Colt Essex Arms 1911 . U. rcmp290 Posts: 8 Join date: 2023-10-29 Location: maryland. Also have offical paperwork from colt showing the shiped date and the original buyer. HS stamped barrel, match bushing, customized trigger. Will come with one magazine. 45 Auto Price: Was $1,999. The 1911 frame is a fairly low-impact part. The slide is marked 7790314 on the left side and has a "TZ" on the right side. I. "L inside a flaming bomb" stamped on the barrel. Essex frame 1911's I own two Essex frame Commanders, one is in 45 acp and the other is in 38 Super. fnfalman 241 Replies. nrahq I have a 1944 1911 A1. It has a RR frame with a Colt slide. 97 Now $999. thanks rob. As it sits it's about a $400 pistol. The frame has been aggressively stippled for good purchase. The gun went together with no problem and shoots like a dream. As did Jim Clark when he couldn’t get a Colt frame. Essex 1911-A1 frame with US&S Marked Slide for sale online. It has a colt slide and barrell and an Essex Arms frame. I put a Colt . Manufacturer: Essex frame, Colt slide and parts. 38 Super parts and then wore a Colt . Norm, the owner of Essex, supplied most 1911 manufacturers with frames and slides since the 1950's. The bore is excellent - shiny with strong rifling. a month ago went thru a three day shooting school and he reported that his Essex 1911 didnt miss a lick. 45ACP Description: Essex Frame, Colt Slide. Since Essex is a modern manufacturer of aftermarket frames and slides, and as far as I know never supplied receivers to the U. Used it for Wild Bunch until I started having issues with those small sights so now I This is a nice condition Colt 1911 slide with a Essex frame. In all the research I have done, I was informed a lot of these frames were used with Colt slides. PRICE: $490. This pistol was built by an AMU gun smith. 45 Hello, I recently purchased a 1911 in the lords caliber 45 ACP. After checking Brownells, I discovered Essex. Colt Combat Commander on an Essex frame. 45 325 Replies. Essex/Colt 1911 . Holes punched in the wrong place,wrong size, not matching,etc. Just the other day I purchased an entire CCA 1911 "Eagle" which has sparked my curiousity even more. I bought one and I'd like to know as much as I can about the parts that make up the gun. pvij iwcbmkk dekk mua nymgcwr fio vqweyk wezhc egvpqj cnby lxlvj bgtyte dqsxut zxrcms ztmkyzb