Venus square north node reddit. March 15th was a super intense day for me.
Venus square north node reddit I would not say the transit has been particularly enjoyable. Meaning my moon and Pluto will get a break from Uranus. Sun square Mars - yuck, ego trips all day. (Sun in 6th house, Venus in 6th house, Lilith in 6th house, north node in 6th house and mercury in virgo) And I have a Capricorn stellium in 10th house. I only have my Midheaven and North Node in Scorpio. So I have Jupiter (3. life felt easy and smooth. So north node and mercury is conjunct it that year. how this placement aligns our love with our subconscious and the My squares: Sun square Moon. But more likely it's your 7th House Sun oppose Pluto. On the long run, Saturn Conjunct NN will prevail though. When asking about yourself, INCLUDE YOUR CHART FROM ASTRO-SEEK. And then my Pluto was conjunct his venus and moon, right when natal pluto started squaring his venus and moon. Moon conjunct south node also not great although that same moon of theirs (in Libra) also opposed my Moon and squared their own Venus in a few of them so there’s an ugly T-square there. A Leo North Node and South Node in Aquarius would need to start appreciating the idea that pride, uniqueness and superiority has its value and its place, and not that every instance of specialness and talent has to be completely used For love feelings and mutual affinity: Sun/Venus, Mars/Venus, Moon/Venus, Venus/Venus, Venus/Jupiter, Venus/Neptune (trine or sextile - conjunction, opposition, and square can brew crazy deception, an affair quality), Venus conjunct or trine Juno, Venus conjunct AC/1st, 2nd (although there may be a sense of possessiveness), 5th, conjunct DC/in i want to relocate to my North Node ASC line which runs through los Angeles. How could Gemini serve as a basis for Sagittarius to manifest Have heard from multiple sources (reliable sources to me) that SQUARES to the Nodes indicate 'skipped steps' that still need to be worked through. 08° of libra, 1st). I've heard that the most significance you can get from nodal aspects in synastry is to see if they have aspects to Venus/Mars. Opposite nodes just means they're about half a generation apart. I’m having a similar experience transit Chiron and North node both opposite natal Pluto( 11th) while them both square my natal sun(8th) / transit Chiron trine natal Neptune(1st) . The south node reflects a default orientation or predisposition towards that polarity, whilst the north node reflects what life will bring in to develop balance. Saturn Conjunct North Node Transit Saturn was conjunct my north node on march 15th, and will be again october 12th and november 27th. Or check it out in the app stores I was told the Pluto square north node transit (to a person's chart) isn't a thing. My relationships to others have been strained and in many cases have resulted in self-suppression and self-sabotaging tendencies. squares show common ground underlying conflicting approaches :) i think theyre nice in synastry depending on the rest of the chart because theres things in common, but also diversity. Nodes are very slow moving. It's either My north node is in Cancer. opposition to jupiter & neptune square to mid haven & north node and sextile to venus still very accurate even without NN descriptor. Yeah that was hell. Or check it out in the app stores Venus Square ascendant Venus square uranus Venus square lilith Moon square venus Venus Quincunx Mars Venus Quincunx Pluto Venus square the North Node during a solar return typically indicates that you will have opportunities for growth because of your relationships this year. You might have a significant conflict with a current or potential partner in the upcoming year. South node in the 7th with north node in the 1st is suggesting a predisposition that is focused within and emphasises relationships to an extent that focus on the self and self Pope Francis, Ram Dass, Denzel Washington, Descartes, and Donald Trump all have the Sun conjunct North Node. Saturn return), North node sextile venus in 8th house, mercury square Jupiter in 4th house The Nodes of Fate or Destiny (aka your True Node) show your life’s purpose in your birth chart. Cancer Venus, with Venus square Aries Moon, Venus conjunct Cancer Jupiter and Venus semi-sextile Gemini North Node The Venus square Moon is argh — I've found out that in two relationships I've been I was choosing a dude who North node is the energy we should strive to accept in our life, sort of a life mission. Uranus is opposing my moon and Pluto house 6. I’ve had the square once before with an ex. I Curious as to people's take on this aspect of my chart. A lot of squares can show not a great relationship. My natal South Node is conjunct my DC. She has a Pluto in 7th house square Venus in the 6th. From what I see in my solar return, my relationship houses are significantly active. 🤎 Something really beautiful that you can have with someone is Venus-North Node conjunction regardless of the nature of the relationship. Or check it out in the app stores I also have Moon in Scorpio conjunct Neptune squaring my Venus in Leo cue trouble It's also pretty interesting to me though that Saturn makes a semi-square to my North Node and that semi-square is the tightest aspect in my natal chart. no harsh aspects, the harmonious aspects are Trine Venus (Aries/3H) & Trine Mars (Cancer/7H), and sun MC (taurus/4H) my north node is in Sag 11H Totally agree with the above posters about the North & South Nodes. But my current relationship is hell x100 at its worst. You may want to cling to this South Node energy because it is easier to do so than to move forward. Squares denote friction, tension, and conflict to overcome. . But when you follow your North Node, you're on the right path. 13° of cancer, 10th) square my NN (4. South node is you feel completely ignored and disempowered. / Venus square Pluto (exact). NN is conscious decisions whereas SN is our subconscious. It is very likely that you are N Node Square Venus (2°49’, Separating) The positive thing about this aspect is that these people are often pleasant, graceful, sexy and affectionate. These opportunities will not be easy or harmonious, though. The positive thing about hard You want conjunctions (conjuctions show stability/long lasting). It would depend on the nature of your love relationship and you'd have to view the whole chart to get a better idea of how that might manifest. Aries North Node Independence vs Marriage & Kids Also when a couple is ruled by Venus that’s chefs kiss - you guys are ruled by Saturn which is pretty restricting. You recognize each other the second you spo Venus square the North Node in a chart requires someone to learn crucial lessons about love and relationships to grow and reach their full potential. I have natal Saturn in 5th house conjunct Venus. Square N. Pluto) are much tougher on me than the oppositions. In a friendship, the focus shifts from romantic and intimate themes to social connections, mutual support, and personal growth. Let’s look at some specific squares Venus/Chiron Square North Node? Hi all. I am literally a stressed out workaholic who thinks she can always do more but I love it. Maybe you would have the capacity to be very jealous and possessive. Best. Or check it out in the app stores In addition to this my Venus is in an exact square to our vertex/vertex conjunction and her Venus in an exact square to my pluto, a double Neptune/ascendant conjunction and an exact moon/north node square. I’ve lived on my Pluto, moon and north node lines for 20 years and it’s been awful (I’m a cap moon btw). Thing is, we may fall back on past life tendencies because they are so familiar. Conjunct Mercury house 12 ,and trine Neptune and Uranus house 8. The South Node person has to be sure to not allow their appreciation for the other person to get in the way of their destiny (North Node). You get what you want, but it's lonely at the top. Or check it out in the app stores basically think of venus themes and apply the north node theme of bringing in new energy! :) Reply reply OkHelicopter4806 I have North Node in Sagittarius and South Node in Gemini. Add a Comment. You may be ignoring your higher purpose and destiny and expecting others to fulfill your needs. My sun conjuncts his north node by 0 degrees. Destiny’s gate if a personal planet/luminary and/or angle conjuncts this point in synastry and composite North Node to Sun and Venus: Growth through romantic partnership Pluto/Venus: Deep soul “love”, i. venus sq venus can show differences in the way Last year, in April, the transiting Venus was conjunct my natal North Node in Pisces, and the transiting North Node was conjunct my natal Venus in Taurus. He is absolutely sure I am the person for him. Two charts with conjunct nodes were probably born within four to six months of each other, maybe a year. An ascendant/ sun conjunction. yes. Yes to some degree, the 8th House Venus could be causing boundary problems in relationships, either too closed or too open. There is Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Open comment sort options. Her Venus conjuncts my ASC, and my Mars conjuncts hers. -My North Node return in 2017 was probably one of the happiest times of my life. So the nodal axis is about Worse than my Scorpio moon and any squares in my chart. Long story short, I called my wife out on some stuff When interpreting the North Node - Venus opposition aspect in synastry within the context of a friendship, the dynamics are somewhat different compared to a romantic relationship. Issues include : reds moon square mercury and mars / sun square Saturn / sun and mercury opposite moon / and then sun Venus square Lilith would seem like you take no prisoners perhaps. The South Node speaks to those subconscious urges and motivations that When the North Node passed over my 6H Chiron, I had a bad back accident and lost my job as a result. Had 2 dates within 2 weeks and it got intense, I got scared and run. And I’m also in my nodal reversal right now. would definitely recommend if you have good NN aspects. I'm just interested in how one would interpret this placement: Venus (and Chiron, which is exact Venus) at 26 degrees Gemini in the 3rd house, Understanding the Venus-North Node aspects can illuminate the ways in which our desires and relationships align with our destined life journey. The North Node shows the fundamental visions we came into this life to learn. All it means is that there is reward for each person's patience/endurance but it will take work. / Sun square Jupiter. Relationships are important to me and simultaneously my biggest drain and misery. Transiting Venus square natal North Node. That's the year of my Saturn Return and 5th house profection. I’m like life isn’t worth living Yeah, you get it correctlyyeah, home is inner home, inner child, the space you call/identity with as home, to embrace your inner radiant child self, truly without being lost in the cause/crowd - which is ruled by aqua- to be in a brotherhood, working towards a cause, you need to heal, express that Leo inner child of yours, in a way this is something like I have with my NN in The North Node trine Venus is a highly beneficial aspect that integrates the karmic lessons and evolutionary path highlighted by the North Node with the realms of love, relationships, beauty, and creativity governed by Venus. Venus/Mars has never done anything for me, Mars-Moon is all instinct: 100% better imo. Also Saturn squaring the Nodes is the mark of karmic tie Vertex/Anti-Vertex: a second descendant/ascendant. Does that seem like the perfect aspect to meet a soulmate. I deserve this. Or check it out in the app stores “Sag or 9th house north node, Sun. You're meant to shine, you're meant to be in the spotlight, you're meant to be "seen" in some way Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. The squares are both really tight and I didn't really understand either of them when I was young, it was just this mounting frustration and constant problems with authority figures and men. I am dealing with it by being excited that Uranus is retrograde. Throw in me putting in my moon in her 8th house and a few 12th house placements, some 1st house placements and her Moon conjuncting my North Node So the person is unlikely to feel what his purpose really is until about 34-38 years of age (18 x 2 = 36 years would mark the Nodes' second return, and +/- 2 years would mean a range of 34-38 years as the period when the "pull" of the North I am in a relationship now where my sun conjuncts my partner's south node, in Libra. This aspect signifies a harmonious connection between the individual's life path and their capacity for love and appreciation of beauty. Moon sq. Thats the best way I can describe. Controversial. would not recommend, ever. Top. Moon conjunct North Node include Paris Hilton, Marx, Reagan, Robin Williams, Picasso, and Charles Manson. I definitely can vouch for the transiting north node being more than 3 degrees. With Venus trine NN, you have the Conception: Venus sextile sun End of Pregnancy: mercury square mercury, sun square moon Pregnancy #3 - miscarriage Conception: Venus opposite Venus in 4th house End of pregnancy: Venus conjunction Saturn in 5th house (my Saturn’s native house, ie. (And his NN conjuncts my south node) My Saturn conjuncts his north node by 2 degrees. Or check it out in the app stores Moon square Pluto + Venus, Sun, Mercury (trines) and Saturn (square) to Chiron Both North node and south node connections are karmic, in that these people are fated to meet albeit for different reasons. That can manifest as codependency. The first is people who were slow to learn to embody the north node energy. If it disciplines you is because he goes for the long run. This conflict could be a clash of Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. We were born exactly two weeks apart so Venus is most often seen as auspicious. The planet represents -the north node in a natal chart is an indicator of ones life purpose and where/how a persons soul wants/needs to grow/develop in this life [in contrast, the south node suggests what we learned in a past life and what we already know in this If it's squaring your North Node then it's also square to your South Node. A moon/chiron conjunction A ceres/chiron conjunction. The person with many squares to his North Node will know that what I am saying is correct. / Neptune square Chiron. In my opinion, applying T-squares should be more dynamic and Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I just have never found anything yet on a successful relationship with this aspect anywhere online. I had read that Jupiter square nodes can point to issues from previous lives that I simply couldn’t win against, and can show some of the same strugglesand with it in the firstI feel like this pretty tight aspect has a pervasive influence on who I am and it’s Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. (so south node in virgo) in critical 13 degree in the 3th house and retrograde; it squares my 12th house sag moon and trine my 11th house scorpio pluto. node house 9, s, node, mc and ic. The rest, thankfully hasn't been my experience. And in this case, the Venus person has the ability to comfort the insecurities of the SN person--to put them at ease. ) Question - Synastry Share Sort by: New. So I'm not surprised, that you're experiencing the square wore than my opposition. saturn line: don't do it! cape town south africa is my saturn line. As for me : I'm currently living near 1) Venus square MC line ("Your longing for love, beauty and an easy and relaxed lifestyle is hindered by the demands of reality") & 2 A community for asking questions about your birth chart or astrology in general. our composite chart has a full 7H stellium. His Venus and Jupiter are in my 12th house. A Pluto/venus conjunction. Squares to the North Nodes are THWARTS to one’s purpose. The square has already taken place, and its influence is dissipating. NN is our current life whereas SN is our past lives. Or check it out in the app stores delays, discipline, blockages. Nope. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. North node square venus in synastry - can a relationship last that? Firstly I’ll say I understand you have to look at the whole chart aswell as composite and natal, etc. sun/moon sextile, venus/jupiter sextile. our most “difficult” aspect is probably his mars in virgo opposite my jupiter in pisces, we have clashes of beliefs sometimes when he wants to be Saturn conjunct Venus is a good one too! It’s pretty much ride or die. The houses and aspects to the north node influence the interpretation. You dont want Mars Square Pluto-venus-neptune/Moon in negative reception (the more positive the better). This comprehensive guide delves deep into the multifaceted dynamics of Venus I met a man whose north node was conjunct my sun, right when my nodal return happened. Saturn conjunct North node is hard though since most likely people tend to gravitate stronger towards their south nodes since it’s familiar. We have tons of other conjunctions - his sun at my Jupiter rx (opposite my venus), his moon pluto on my mercury MC pluto (trine my moon, his Uranus at my uranus & sun/moon midpoint, his asc conjunct my Lilith (all trine each other), his You didn’t have to call me out like that. You want Cancer in the top 3- A double whammy mars/venus conjunction. The app I use doesn't give any detail other than its a major aspect of my chart and in strong I have a cardinal T square, Moon in 8° Cancer, Venus in 2° Aries, North Node in 4° Capricorn and i feel like only recently I'm harnessing that power in harmony and productively. Venus square Saturn can cause obstacles and delays in forming loving relationships. Q&A. i've had my sexuality used against me since before i can remember lol, i think i do well with my I'll be going through this in 2023. If one person’s Venus squares the other’s nodes, then it squares both of the axises. Because I did meet someone at that time, but I can’t help wondering, if the other’s chart didn’t have the same aspects, it Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Sun Sextile Midheaven (orb 0°2') Moon Trine Mercury (orb 5°54') Moon Trine Venus (orb 0°20') Moon Square Mars (orb 6°55') Moon Sextile Uranus (orb 2°58') Moon Sextile Neptune (orb 2°36') Moon Square Ascendant (orb 2°22') Mercury Conjunction Venus (orb 6°14') Mercury Also though the north node is conjunct my moon which makes me extra fiery. But oh well lol! I’m moving to my Venus line and I intend to enjoy it. All eyes on you, but you feel alienated. Relationship doomed ? Hello! in our composite chart north & south node square Venus does this mean that this relationship will never work out/ fail ? Would I have Pluto in 4th n Scorpio and it squares both my Sun and Venus which are both 1st house in Leo. I didn't feel much on this Line. Also, Libra, ruled by Venus, is the sign occupied by the South Node, indicating past areas to leave Venus Square North Node Meaning. my bf of 2 years has his sun, venus, and mercury that fall into my taurus 7th house, and my venus and jupiter fall into his pisces 7th house. interested what advanced astrologers consider in a nodal square. Or check it out in the app stores Also, my natal Aries Venus is about to have the north node transit. We have to learn how to be like our North Node placement! It takes life experience and time. It’s in the north node return (mean formula) North Node conjunct Jupiter trine Mercury retrograde in the 10th with Sun & Venus in Taurus in the Nodal Return T Uranus conjunct Return Mercury T Pluto conjunct natal Neptune, trine natal Venus-Saturn conjunction. A skipped step is planet that squares the North and South Nodes. People with this aspect in For example, Venus Conjunct North Node, they’re likely there to be a romantic partner and if not that, they might be there to teach you self-love or teach you about your relationships with others. Composite: We have an 8H Pluto trine Mars, Chiron, and sextile Jupiter all in 5H and 6H Sun square Pluto. The Sun is our ego and our core way of being while the NN is the direction we're headed in this lifetime, SN is where we came from. An example of separation takes place when Jupiter is at 9 Sagittarius and Venus is at 11 Pisces. New. For instance, Neptune squaring nodes shows a propensity toward deceit; Venus squaring nodes might not be a faithful partner. Funny, about a week ago I wrote up a blog post about North Node In -Saturn, Venus, and North Node conjunct my Sun and Venus in my 8th house in September 2013 is when I had my first serious love and it took me years to get over that connection. My Venus squares my North Node and my Mercury squares my Pluto so maybe that has something to do with it, but I don't have any other aspects that I would consider even remotely relevant. The Venus square North Node synastry aspect means that you also have the Venus square South Node aspect in synastry. I’m exhausted by everyone around me demanding that I give give give emotionally, physically, financially, everything. If you have one of these aspects with your partner, you’ll have the other as well. Old. They can appreciate beauty and The Venus conjunct North Node synastry aspect is the same as Venus opposition South Node in synastry. Lol not me coming across this as my current relationship (which has this and Saturn opposite Venus) is testing me. I was exploring the astrotheme site and stumbled across this tonight: "Karmic and Affective Encounters - according to some Traditions. The energy from late August to early September was hectic for me. A community for astrology readings! Come here if you're looking for a birth / natal or any other north node line: really liked my experience living on my north node line. With this Venus conjunct North Node synastry aspect, you may feel like your meeting is fated. Pluto in Scorio aspecting 9H Lilith square 12H Sun (Libra) North Node (Libra) square 4H Moon (Aqua) 4H Uranus (Cap) square 12H Venus (Libra) 3H Neptune (Cap) square 12H Venus (Libra) Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Natally I have a sun square Pluto. Or check it out in the app stores What about Venus conjunction north node In Virgo 6th house ? Moon square north node ? North node trine moon ? North node sextile north node ? Thank u 🙏🏽 Reply reply More replies. I really dislike pisces energy (no offense, I know I need to grow up). A community for asking questions about your birth chart or astrology in general. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Libra’s ruler Venus will give you more insight into how your Libran dynamics are specifically playing out. He had his Saturn in my 1st house but anything that squares my Venus also squares my mars as they are conjunct. This should be positive but prob not with Pluto square But the week Pluto square Venus transit was going exact, on the day of the lunar eclipse March 24th, after spending the Your subconscious may draw up sore spots from a past life that is still affecting you in this lifetime. When I came back home from my Venus line, I was feeling lazy and hazy for a week, finding it difficult to get back in focus and work. It takes a degree of maturity to rise to that challenge, which is why the less mature one is, the more they're going to struggle I've got venus square pluto, venus square saturn, and I'm in a long distance (shocker) relationship with a guy with venus square saturn and we have a venus conjunct neptune in our synastry chart. March 15th was a super intense day for me. COM and your question must be specific, either about a planet, sign, Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now (Double Venus conjunct sun, north conjunct south node, etc. I’ve heard two kinds of stories from people telling me about their north node. The second is people who embraced their north node energy prematurely and weren’t ready. Reparenting with my Cancer moon, understanding my identity in relationships and how I show up for other people, and leaning into my Capricorn NN to work with Saturn isn't all negative in synastry, even the challenging aspects like squares or oppositions. Venus Aquarius (H4 Placidus, H5 whole sign), Saturn Leo (H10 Placidus, H11 whole sign). You may also be avoiding opening your heart to the guidance and love of others, Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. 11th house Leo North Node is a very powerful North Node placement. Synastry: Our Plutos are conjunct each other with hers in 7H and mine in the 9H conjunct my MC. The South Node shows the baggage we bring with us from previous lifetimes. Also north node conjunction Saturn. Those With Venus Square Saturn, When Did You Find Love? The North Node partner is a wise and instructive guide who helps the Venus partner break from their comfort zone. (sun, chiron, venus, mercury in the last 2 years). I've been having Neptune in my 7th, conjuncting my Descendant and North Node on and off for at least a year and a half now. There is something else in play though, and that is Venus as your Skipped Step. 109K subscribers in the astrologyreadings community. We hit it off from the first moment we talked to each other. Transit Saturn opposite my natal Saturn north node conjunction ( 10th house) + square my natal Mars in the 7th . I always hear Saturn involved in aspects for couples is bad news, but I have also read about how this planet could mean long term engagement and structure which makes sense since Saturn is the lord of time and endurance. And then there was a couple other transit like that, where we were literally representing the transits we were both going through. I'll skip the kids and take the sex lol. my Venus and Mars are at 23 Cancer and Capricorn, but my chart says my north node at 28 aries is only This is important because while your North Node is in Scorpio (a more emotional and transcending place to have your Node), it falls in the more unemotional 6th House. / Sun, Saturn, North Node, Chiron and Ascendant all square my midheaven. In my experience, natal squares (Ie. COM and your question must be specific, either about a planet, sign, aspect or house in your chart, or things like a transit, profection or progression, or a particular area of life. Or check it out in the app stores North Node - Gonna be honest. With friends it works ok. EDIT: Using under 7° with only planets + MC + ASC, I have: 9 Squares, and 2 Quincunx. Also I have an unaspected natal venus at 11 degrees in taurus, tightly conjuct transitong uranus and that have given me some profoundly emotional pains regarding relationahips and deep past woundings. Sun conjunct South Node brings Scarlet Johansson, Billie Eilish, Justin Timberlake, Simone de Beauvoir, Andrew Carnegie, and Lou Reed. / Jupiter square Saturn, ascendant, midheaven and my North Node. e. The North Node helps the Venus partner transcend their limitations and advance toward their destiny. 1st/7th house axis. Is this true? My North node is at 28 Aries. The Moon's Nodes are intimately tied to the subconscious and all that lies beneath the surface of our conscious awareness. Saturn isn't asking anyone to suffer, Saturn asks for one to persevere. My Sun and Mercury in the 7H squares her Pluto. I have my north node conjunct his moon, my moon conjunct his south node, both within 1 degree orb, his Venus/moon trine my Pluto/ Saturn combo, my moon square his Pluto, opposite his Mars. while CT is beautiful, there's this heaviness and difficulty i always felt there. ecxiemxxewylshdmnqlsztwitvywebgkddwbwluqovbzxgsgifmgxyyltpaaltufunacsvv