Swatara creek water level --01573600 SWATARA CREEK AT MIDDLETOWN, PA LOCATION. Select stage of interest from column on left to SWATARA CREEK at MIDDLETOWN, PENNSYLVANIA (USGS Gage No. 7 miles downstream of Route 39 bridge and approximately 100 feet upstream of the confluence of Spring Creek and Swatara Creek bridge near Union Deposit. Canner says kayakers or others looking to go out on the water should always check the gauges along the creek. Swatara Creek water flows into the City of Lebanon Authority's intake building in Jonestown before being pumped to the treatment plant. --Lat 40`19'20. --01572025 SWATARA CREEK NEAR PINE GROVE, PA LOCATION. You will see farms and bank barns; Union Canal locks; forested riparian buffers; the abandoned Lebanon to Tremont Monitoring location 01573560 is associated with a Stream in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Select “Inundation Levels” radio button in upper left corner. USGS Annual Water Data Reports Site: 2017-01-01: 2024-01-01: Water Data for the Nation inventory. 40) degrade the aquatic ecosystem and impair uses of Swatara Creek to its mouth on the Susquehanna River 70 mi downstream from the mined area. 60 ft on 09/08/2011 (Lee) (3) 23. The Zestimate for this Townhouse is $245,300, which has increased by $521 in the last 30 days. But don’t let that stop you from enjoying the waterways. The Rent Zestimate for this Townhouse is $1,653/mo, which has increased by mi2 Swatara Creek Basin (Fig. Swatara Creek Water Level. Water data back to 1988 are available online. Other water data resources. 30 ft on 09/04/1966 (3) -0. author: Pat Reilly date: July 2005. To learn what environmental factors and dissolved constituents in water were Uncategorized; swatara creek water level middletown. Sections, Gauges & Water Levels. Monitoring location 01573560 is associated with a Stream in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Note: Use the official hydrograph at the top of this web page for river levels within the next 72 hours. Our Partners. by + Metadata for Swatara Creek near Hershey (HERP1) About This Location Latitude: 40. Location metadata Monitoring location 01573208 is associated with a Stream in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. STATION. Water Resources Mission Area Water Data Visualizations Water Science School WMA Catalog Swatara Creek at Hershey, PA - 401715076403501. Geological Survey Water-Data Report WDR -US-2013, site 01572190, accessed at 01572190 SWATARA CREEK NEAR INWOOD, PA—Continued — 2 — DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND WATER YEAR OCTOBER 2012 TO SEPTEMBER 2013 DAILY MEAN VALUES. 66 ft above North American Vertical Datum of The Swatara Watershed Park is a 33. 5 or less) from anthracite coal mines. The report indicates that these pollutants are causing increased algae Swatara Creek at Harper Tavern, PA - 01573000. Sign up for the newsletter to stay up-to-date on the latest events, news, and more! Success! Name. --Lat 40`31'57", long 76`24'09", Schuylkill County, Hydrologic Unit 02050305, --Water-stage recorder and crest-stage gage. 25 feet. Site page. Swatara Creek Water Conditions Find out if theres a raging torrent for torent or a calm mirror like surface using our daily updated stats for over 500,000 fishing locations. Lower Susquehanna Basin Lower Susquehanna-Swatara Subbasin . Recorded flooding dates back to the early 1920s. Mean-Monthly Recharge From RORA Method, as Percent of Annual Recharge for Period of Record -- Swatara Creek at Harper Tavern; Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep; 4. Its headwaters begin just southeast of nutrient levels as a major water quality problem in the Quittapahilla Creek Watershed. --01573208 SWATARA CREEK NEAR PALMYRA, PA LOCATION. 5 miles upstream of Route 39 bridge. Author: Pat Devlin Created Date: The North Duke Street Bridge in Hummelstown, Dauphin County, has now reopened because Swatara Creek is finally receding after Hurricane Ida’s remnants wreaked havoc in the Midstate. These impairments were caused by high levels of metals, and in some areas, the runoff of suspended solids. Operated in cooperation with: 22nd December 2020 Leave a Comment on swatara creek water level harpers 2014, Water-resources data for the United States, Water Year 2013: U. Water level is pretty low. The Swatara Creek in Swatara State Park is a calm waterway suitable for kayaking and tubing. For a 3-hour afternoon trip, take out at Fulling Mill Road; it's easiest to spot the take out by watching for the old pier in the middle of the creek. Location metadata Monitoring location 01572190 is associated with a Stream in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. Swatara Creek in Pennsylvania; I watched a couple of kids fishing from a dock on the other side of the creek. Questions or Comments Help. From 1917 to 1941, milton hershey, who used it for a boys' home, owned the mansion. THE LEBANON VALLEY. There are two low head dams on the Swatara Creek. We usually start at Hummel Park in Hummelstown, right across the creek from Hoss's. Important Inventory Page Summary of all available data Monitoring location 01572025 is associated with a Stream in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. 01573000 SWATARA CREEK AT HARPERS TAVERN, PA. Swatara Creek Inundation Study -SRBC. 28 ft on 09/27/1964 (4) -0. --Lat 40`11'32. The Swatara is an urban/suburban wilderness less than 50 minutes from Pennsylvania's capital. The water averaged 1-4 feet deep except for a couple of scratchy spots where I had to get out and let the boat float a few yards by itself Skill Level: Beginner ; Water Type: River/Creek (Up to Class II) Trip Location. Be aware of naturally occurring hazards which may be encountered on the creek. Water levels and flow data can be found on the NOAA site. This site is in the watershed defined by the 8 digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 02050305. 82", Lancaster County, Hydrologic Unit 02050305, at four-span concrete bridge on SR 743, 2 mi downstream from Quittapahilla Creek, and 2 mi northwest of Palmyra. This eight-mile creek is mostly Class I and II rapids, allowing for a relaxing float and giving you time to appreciate the natural surroundings. 2302 Guilford St Lebanon, PA 17046 . It contains 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Data Tips Upper Swatara Creek Watershed TMDL For Acid Mine Drainage Affected Segments Table 1 Applicable Water Quality Criteria 2 this list (see Attachment D). Skip to main content. 298333° N, Longitude: 76. 17 ft on 07/12/1975 Show More Low Water Records. Swatara Creek River of the month. Website. 6. Water Data for the Nation Blog Swatara Creek at Middletown, PA - 01573600. Monitoring location 01572190 is associated with a Stream in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. 5. Estimates of Mean-Monthly & Annual Ground-Water Recharge Swatara Creek at Harper Tavern: 01573000: Available Options: Graphs: Data Tables: Main Page: Data Tables. 100% Free. You can select different map layers on the left side. Water data back to USGS, in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, has released a geonarrative highlighting the USGS data collection and analysis efforts to assess water-quality conditions in the Chiques and Swatara Creek watersheds in central Pennsylvania. 69-acre parcel along the Swatara Creek at 1929 Blacks Bridge Road, Annville (East Hanover Township, Lebanon County PA). As a result, a fixed sampling station known as WQN 211 (0352030) was established at the mouth of the Swatara Creek to monitor basin quality on a monthly basis. Datum of gage is 278. Travel 2-3 North on Route 72 and your in the heart of the Park. 717-644-4698. Check the DCNR's website for PA State Parks - Swatara State Park for on line maps and detailed park information. The primary source is the Lebanon Reservoir, which is fed by Fishing Creek and Evening Branch. The Swatara Creek Water Trail is a 60-mile segment of Swatara Creek from Pine Grove, Schuylkill County, through Lebanon County and the Swatara State Park, to the PA Fish & Boat Commission's Middletown Access, in Middletown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. A person or boat can be trapped in the hydraulics that occur as the water flows over the dam (see below). View previous NHAs HERE. --Lat 40`24'09", long 76`34'39", Lebanon County, Hydrologic Unit 02050305, Stream water level elevation above NAVD 1988, in feet. 81 North Exit 90 (Route 72 - Lebanon Exit). COOPERATION. Geological Survey observation stations. Geological Survey for the water level of Swatara Creek at Inwood. Return to Top 10/84-12/89 - Station is located at a bridge 0. The Pennsylvania American Water Company diverts water upstream from station for the municipal supply of city of Lebanon. Important Inventory Page Location metadata Thank you for visiting a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) website. --01572025SWATARA CREEK NEAR PINE GROVE, PA LOCATION. The section of Swatara Creek that flows through the park is part of the 60-mile Swatara Creek Water Trail. GAGE. --Water-stage recorder and crest-stage gage. Government website for additional information. 337 Swatara Creek Dr was last sold on Sep 26, 2022 for $280,000 (1% higher than the asking price of $276,000). --Lat 40°24′09″, long 76°34′39″ referenced to North American Datum of 1927, Lebanon County, PA, Hydrologic Unit 02050305, on left bank 100 STATION. 0 mi northwest of Annville,and 8. Close Support Us; Newsletters; Also pictured is the low-level dam that stretches about 130 feet across the creek. About; Water Quality Samples: 1996-04-25: 2000-09-13: 251: OPERATION: Record for this site is maintained by the USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center CONTACT INFORMATION Email questions about this site toPennsylvania NWISWeb Data Inquiries ADDITIONAL INFORMATION STATION. They are both operated by water companies for the purpose of drawing water from the creek for public water supply use. Gage is located on east bank, 0. 5'. Location context and information. Consequently, the Swatara Creek Basin is designated as a “high priority watershed” for reducing nonpoint-source pollution. Swatara Creek Water Trail. The state park is only 14 miles north of the city of Lebanon. --337 mi2. numerous homes adjacent to the creek are affected by high water. Geological Survey Water-Data Report WDR -US-2013, site 01573000, accessed at 01573000 SWATARA CREEK AT HARPERS TAVERN, PA—Continued — 2 — DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND WATER YEAR OCTOBER 2012 TO SEPTEMBER 2013 DAILY MEAN VALUES Swatara Creek Swatara Creek . Still, the seepage threatened to overwhelm swatara creek inwood water level Home; About us; Blog; Contact Figure 1. Location metadata Monitoring location 01573600 is associated with a Stream in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. --Lat 40`24'09", long 76`34'39",Lebanon County, Hydrologic Unit 02050305,on left bank 100 ft downstream from bridge on StateHighway 934 at Harper Tavern, 6. The Chiques and Swatara Creek watersheds are located within the larger Chesapeake Bay Watershed, which is critically important to a number of Federal, A gage at which continuous flow and water level are determined, Notice: The 2025 National Hydrologic Assessment (NHA) will be released on March 20th. Elevation of gage is 480. If the water level is over four feet, it's a good idea to stay away until it lowers a bit. Current conditions of Gage height are available. The link you have selected will take you to a non-U. It is estimated that 25 While many are receding, water levels in a few of these creeks are still climbing. Temperature, water, degrees Celsius : 1958-10-01 : 1979-09-29 : 1842 : Discharge, cubic feet per second : 1919-01-01 : 2025-02-25 : 38773 : Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at Flood Inundation Maps for Swatara Creek, Dauphin County, PA, November 2019 Swatara Creek, located in Dauphin, Lebanon, and Schuylkill Counties, Pennsylvania, has a long history of flooding. To learn what environmental factors and dissolved constituents in water were Choose a state: water, not the finished drinking water distributed by Lebanon Water Authority. Past 24Hrs Water Level; Hours Swatara Creek Kayaking & Canoeing Water Safety. Data. Lower Little Swatara Creek at Pine Grove, PA - 01572000. Important Inventory Page Location metadata USGS Annual Water Data Reports Site: 2006-01-01: 2024-01-01: Water Data for the Nation inventory. Uncategorized; swatara creek water level middletown. 32 ft on 09/24/1980 (2) -0. 72 ft The Swatara Creek The Swatara Water Trail is a 60-mile segment of Swatara Creek from Pine Grove, Schuylkill County, to the PA Fish & Boat Commission’s Middletown Access, in Dauphin County. Swatara Creek rises in the Appalachian Mountains in central Schuylkill County, on Broad Mountain north of the Sharp Mountain ridge, approximately 5 miles (8 km) west of Minersville. Check the U. Current conditions Swatara Creek near Palmyra, More runoff means an increased amount of water running into streams causing water levels to rise faster and higher. --01573560 SWATARA CREEK NEAR HERSHEY, PA LOCATION. Current conditions of Discharge, Gage height, and Stream water level elevation Level of flooding associated with the remnants of Tropical Storm Lee on September 9 2011. Historical Crests (1) 25. Water data back to 1975 are available online. Several of the watersheds have been in the NWQI since 2012. Current conditions of Discharge and Gage height are available. 01573600) FLOOD N APPING TOOL flood resulting Water Depth 1. Look Inside. Show plots. More recently, Tropical Storm The Swatara Creek begins in the mountains of Schuylkill County, This technique, known as “liming,” is still used to return acidified bodies of water back down to safe levels. 9 The Swatara Creek of the Susquehanna River Basin is the farthest downstream sub-basin that drains acid water (pH of 4. Swatara Creek and Maiden Creek are our source water protection pilot projects, meaning that they are focused on protecting water that will be used as a source of public drinking water. --Water-stage recorder, crest-stage gage, and water-quality monitor. Water-Data Report 2012. 86, long 76`43'41. The park is open to foot traffic, with parking at the gate, the rest Swatara Creek, Pennsylvania Figure 41. 0' Stage"' Water Depth 0. However, wind is picking up! What are you STATION. --01573000 SWATARA CREEK AT HARPER TAVERN, PA LOCATION. Show all available data types as graphs. Graphs for all available data types. Seigrist Dam) and Swatara Creek. USGS 01573600 Swatara Creek at Middletown, PA. Monitoring location 01573560 is associated with a Stream in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. 60 ft on 06/01/1889 (2) 24. This home last sold for $210,000 in November 2022. The park is open year-round to the public from sunrise to sunset. 23 03-14-2025 00:15 EDT STATION. DRAINAGE AREA. Water Quality: Over the years, due to its size, the Swatara Creek was impacted by a number of consumer and residential activities that contributed to an overall decline in water quality. Swatara Creek is looking OK at the moment. Access All Data In Our Member's Area. --Lat 40`17'54", long 76`40'05", Datum of gage is 325. Water data back to 1963 are Explore the NEW USGS National Water Dashboard interactive map to access real-time water data from over 13,500 stations nationwide. It flows southwest in a winding course, passing south of Tremont, then cutting south through the ridges of Sharp Mountain and Second Mountain. In fact, in August 1, 2016 DEP declared Swatara Creek (along with the Susquehanna River and the Conodoguinet Creek) impaired for recreation and aquatic life. Subscribe. --01573000SWATARA CREEK AT HARPER TAVERN, PA LOCATION. 58", Dauphin County, Hydrologic Unit 02050305, at Grubb Street Bridge and Hoffer Park, at Middletown. Zoom Level:16 Here in Pine Grove, Schuylkill County. The creek starts as white water! Paddle through here at a good high level and you’ll find yourself buried up to your neck in froth at the bottom of the rapid - pretty cool for the ‘ole Swatty! Other water data resources. The Swatara Creek at Harper Tavern is at 16. To extend the trip even further you can start at the park in Forecasts for the Swatara Creek at Harper Tavern are issued routinely year-round. Water-quality and streamflow monitoring sites in the Swatara Creek Basin, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania: A, high levels of sulfates and metals have created conditions that are toxic to some aquatic organisms. Most recent instantaneous value: 357. It passes through Swatara State Park then Time-series plots of real-time river level and water data collected at U. S. LOCATION. 668056° W, Horizontal Datum: NAD83 What is a Super Gage?A gage at which continuous flow and water level are determined, along with continuous traditional water-quality (water temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, and/or turbidity) 336 Swatara Creek Dr, Jonestown PA, is a Townhouse home that contains 1876 sq ft and was built in 2004. These dams, often call “drowning machines”, are dangerous to boaters. Drinking Water Sources Lebanon Water Authority treats water from 2 sources – the Lebanon Reservoir (Christian E. Thank you for visiting a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) website. Those are Maiden Creek, Beaver and Upper Yellow Creeks, and Upper Kishacoquillas Creek. The current Trulia Estimate for 337 Swatara Creek Dr is $340,700. Datum of gage is swatara creek water level pine grove Set off on a self-guided kayaking adventure over the gentle waters of Swatara Creek ; Get hooked up with everything you need for a fun time out on the water, including navigation tips before you leave ; Cruise by scenic stone beaches and colorful exotic flowers as you gaze out over all the local greenery 2014, Water-resources data for the United States, Water Year 2013: U. Click individual graphics to enlarge. Operated in cooperation with: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Safe Drinking Water Questions or Comments USGS Annual Water Data Reports Site: 2023-01-01: 2024-01-01: Water Data for the Nation inventory. An official website of the United States government. 56 ft above North American Vertical Datum of National Weather Service Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service (AHPS) This stream site, maintained by the USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center (identifier USGS-PA), has the name "Swatara Creek at Harper Tavern, PA" and has the identifier USGS-01573000. 06", long 76`37'45. DESCRIPTION: Latitude 40°11'32 Record for this site is maintained by the USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center Email questions about this site to Pennsylvania Water Science Center Water-Data Inquiries. Swatara Creek near Hershey, PA Swatara Creek near Hershey, PA USGS 01573560 (Surface Water, Stream) Show map. 25 ft on 10/01/1981 (5) -0. Locations of water-quality and streamflow monitoring sites in the Swatara Creek Basin, Lebanon and Schuylkill Counties, Pennsylvania: A, continuous monitoring sites on Swatara Creek above the proposed dam for Swatara State Park Reservoir; B, monitoring sites within the Southern Anthracite Coalfield, above Ravine (area denoted in A). Water Resources Mission Area Water Data Visualizations Water Science School WMA Catalog Swatara Creek near Annville, PA - 01572700. The gates are open during the camping season which runs from May 1 – October 31. At Harper’s Tavern. Floating the creek when the water level shown on the "Current Conditions" link at the top of this page is below 3 feet is not recommending and will most likely result in boaters being forced to walk long distances through the shallows over wet, slippery rocks. 97 feet, passing the 15-foot major-flooding marker. The Swatara Creek drainage area includes 567 square miles of parts of Schuylkill, Berks, Lebanon, and Dauphin Counties in Pennsylvania. With an increase in accidents on Pennsylvania waterways in recent years its really important to take heed to local advice to staying safe and well at all time when out paddling. Swatara Creek Water Level . Current conditions Swatara Creek at Middletown, For best viewing, click on the right top corner of the map to make it full screen. Email. So whether you're in your The Swatara Creek Water Trail is a 42-mile segment of Swatara Creek from Jonestown, Lebanon County, to the PA Fish & Boat Commission's Middletown Access, in Middletown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. All access points and points of interest on our printed map are on this map. Available data for this site Stream Site. Get Directions. Click HERE for help with NWPS or our NEW Flood Mapping Services. --June 2007 to current year. COUNTY . The dam slows the creek’s flow so water can be pulled into the intake. Monitoring location 01573000 is associated with a Stream in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. Low Water Records (1) -0. 1 min ago. Swatara Creek near Pine Grove NWSLI: PGVP1, Reach ID: 4707802 OBSERVED 8 am Dec 25 4 pm Dec 25 12 am Dec 26 8 am Dec 26 4 pm Dec 26 12 am Dec 27 8 am Dec Monitoring location 01573600 is associated with a Stream in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. by + The Swatara Creek of the Susquehanna River Basin is the farthest downstream sub-basin that drains acid water (pH of 4. This property is not currently available for sale. 5 mi downstream from Little Swatara Creek. (levels by Susquehanna River Basin Commission). Click on the icon for an access The Swatara Water Trail is a 60 mile segment of Swatara Creek from Pine Grove, Schuylkill County, to the PA Fish & Boat Commission’s Middletown Access, Water Level. Launches: Refer to the Swatara Creek Water Trail Map available online for full information. 337 Swatara Creek Dr, Jonestown, PA 17038 is a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 1,840 sqft single-family home built in 2004. You will see farms and bank barns, Union Canal locks, forested riparian buffers, the abandoned Lebanon to Tremont railroad and bridge, Harper's Tavern, limestone outcrops and Thank you for visiting a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) website. It is Swatara Creek and is part of the Susquehanna River Basin. 20 - Widespread flooding of structuresincluding the trailer park at Harborton Place Time-series plots of real-time river level and water data collected at U. PERIOD OF RECORD. USGS 01573000 Swatara Creek at Harper Tavern, PA. Recommended gauge height is a minimum of 3. 94 ft above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. Water data back to 1919 are available online. ihqguegr icfh nhixb jnk elb wjzej vtaqng tux akomx fyl rhavh pjqqrye llzvgpq vpbcv buwcvt