Queensland health leave policy. Select agency Select your agency
Pay, benefits and policy.
Queensland health leave policy An employee may alternatively elect Queensland Health employees may apply for pro rata long service leave on full pay, or half pay, after completing seven years continuous service, and are entitled to a cash equivalent of long We have several types of leave for our employees including annual, sick, carer, parental, domestic and family violence, career, long service and purchased. Reproductive health leave directive The Reproductive Health Leave Directive 07/24 (RHL Directive) prescribes the entitlement to RHL for %PDF-1. Application: This policy applies to all Queensland Health employees. Categories. Employees and employment > Understand and apply the employer’s duties frequently to the Queensland Health Internet site for updates. The Information Security Policy is the top tier artefact for the Queensland Health Information Security Management System (ISMS Fatigue leave following weekends and/or rostered days off Policy Number: C65 (QH-POL-135) Publication date: June 2020 Purpose: To outline entitlements relating to fatigue leave following weekends and/or rostered days off. The Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 (Section 47) authorises the Chief Executive of the Department of Health to issue health service directives (HSDs) to hospital and health services (HHSs). This policy does not apply to Queensland Ambulance Service employees. Complete the Meritorious sick leave form in QSS Self Service Centre. Application: This policy applies to all employees working for Queensland Health. Where individuals on this website are described as registered health practitioners, this was accurate, to the best of our knowledge, at the time of writing. The associated guideline provides Queensland Directives, policies, circulars, and guidelines These directives, policies, circulars, and guidelines relate to workplace and employment matters in the Queensland public service. The Queensland Public Sector Act; Directives, policies, circulars, and guidelines; My pay (payroll) Leave; Benefits; Health, safety and wellbeing; State of the sector report; Culture and inclusion; Public service values and conduct The new Queensland Government Procurement Strategy and Procurement Policy has opened the door for local suppliers to access Queensland Health’s procurement and supply business. Beaman, Secretary, Queensland Nurses and Midwives’ Union, 106 Victoria Street, West End 4101. Sick leave entitlements are outlined in the Department of Health . You can also find additional fact sheets, flowcharts, forms and resources that • Long Service Leave HR Policy • Queensland Health Consultancy Agreement • Queensland Health Financial Management Practice Manual (FMPM) • Queensland Contact with Lobbyists Code (the Lobbyists Code) 6 SUPERSEDES • IRM 1. HSDs may be issued for the purposes of: promoting service coordination and integration; optimising effective and efficient use of resources; setting standards and Queensland Health and Queensland Ambulance Service staff who contract COVID-19 will be able to access up to 20 days of paid pandemic leave immediately after being diagnosed, without having to exhaust their sick leave. Paid parental leave includes: paid maternity leave Policies are high level, principles-based statements that communicate the department's intent. To prescribe the entitlement for eligible public sector and government owned corporations (GOCs) employees, including public sector employees in public sector entities, employees of the Queensland Police Service, and the Queensland Parliamentary Service to payment of superannuation during the parental leave period up to a maximum of 52 weeks, 9. The Queensland Public Sector Act; Directives, policies, circulars, and guidelines; My pay (payroll) Leave; Benefits; Health, safety and wellbeing; State of the sector report; Culture and inclusion; Public service values and conduct The process for the recovery of overpayments or loans is detailed in HR Policy C48 Overpayments policy [PDF 1077 KB]. . Select agency Select your agency Pay, benefits and policy. Where individuals on this website are described as Chief Psychiatrist policies. The Chief Psychiatrist has developed these to support compliance with the Act. Types of leave Annual (holiday) leave. Paid parental leave entitlements will be determined in accordance with the Paid Parental Leave (Directive 05/20), whilst unpaid parental leave entitlements will be determined in accordance with the Industrial Relations Act 2016 (Qld). This policy initiative is a significant step the It should be read in conjunction with the Leave policy and Employee leave entitlements guideline (DOCX, 421KB) which provides a summary of the range of leave Under the standards, all employees (except casual employees) are entitled to at least 4 weeks of paid annual leave for every year of service. The Queensland Public Sector Act; Directives, policies, circulars, and guidelines; My pay (payroll) Leave; Benefits; Health, safety and wellbeing; State of the sector report; Culture and inclusion; Public service values and conduct The requested URL was rejected. 3 Fatigue leave Fatigue leave is to be granted in accordance Authorised by S. The new policy will be applied retrospectively, Parental Leave is provided as part of The Queensland Employment Standard and Queensland Health HR Policy C26 including paid maternity/adoption leave, unpaid maternity/adoption leave, paid spousal leave, paid pre-natal leave and paid pre-adoption leave. The introduction of Reproductive Health Leave in Queensland is a positive step towards creating more inclusive and supportive workplaces. All Chief Psychiatrist policies are mandatory for any person performing a function or exercising a power under the Pay, benefits and policy. The Queensland Public Sector Act; Directives, policies, circulars, and guidelines; My pay (payroll) Leave; Benefits; Health, safety and wellbeing; State of the sector report; Culture and inclusion; Public service values and conduct Queensland Government language services policy. 7 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >/Metadata 758 0 R/ViewerPreferences 759 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/Font >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI The Queensland Government has extended its Pandemic Leave entitlement for employees of Queensland Health (QH) and the Queensland Ambulance Service to at least 30 June 2023, thanks to pressure by the QNMU. Health and wellbeing benefits and policy. The Queensland Public Sector Act; Directives, policies, circulars, and guidelines; My pay (payroll) Leave; Benefits; Health, safety and wellbeing; State of the sector report; Culture and inclusion; Public service values and conduct Supporting Queenslanders from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds: COVID-19 response. They are supported by standards, (more detailed requirements), and guidelines (information supporting good practices). %PDF-1. Managing involuntary patient absences; Transfers and transport; In addition, the following policies are related to the pathway. Considerations when approving leave . To prescribe the entitlement to paid parental leave including maternity, spousal, pre-natal/pre-adoption and adoption leave Health and wellbeing Pay, benefits and policy. Maximum of 20 shifts across all leave reasons. You may also be eligible for financial assistance from the federal government. The policy will be applied retrospectively, meaning employees who have contracted COVID-19 since 13 December 2021 will be able To prescribe entitlements and conditions for sick leave. Delegation: The ‘delegate’ is as listed in the relevant Department of Health Human Resource To prescribe the entitlement to paid parental leave, appointment leave and associated matters. Future Queensland . this includes Health Service Employees employed by Queensland Health (Department of Health), by the chief executive in accordance with Queensland Government policy, guidelines and/or Overpayments and loans . Classified patients; Examination and assessment; Judicial orders - examination orders, court examination orders and other judicial orders This policy provides key principles for the management and use of leave by employees across the department. Digital Policy Services - eHealth Queensland (QHEPS) Queensland Health ICT Policy Framework (QHEPS) and leave - Human Resources Policy C42 (QH-POL-146) – 11 October 2024 . The Queensland Public Sector Act; Directives, policies, circulars, and guidelines; My pay (payroll) Leave; Benefits; The Chief Psychiatrist is responsible for publishing policies, guides and resources about the Mental Health Act 2016 and persons receiving treatment and care under the Act. Purpose: To prescribe entitlements and conditions for special leave. 4 | Version effective 01 February 2024. 2 Attendance as other These policies are mandatory for all authorised mental health services (AMHSs). 7 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >/Metadata 311 0 R/ViewerPreferences 312 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/Font >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI You can apply for an additional 13 weeks of meritorious sick leave if you’ve been with the Queensland Government for more than 26 continuous years. Applications for access to your employee record are to Queensland Birth Strategy 2024–2030. Policy statement. Your support ID is: 16580715578001051603 Human Resources Policy Payment of salary, wages and payroll deductions Policy Number: C13 (QH-POL-188) Publication date: June 2020 Purpose: To outline arrangements for the payment of salaries and wages including payroll deductions. 3; 10. Log in to complete the form . Unpaid parental leave. hazards . The entitlement was set to expire on 31 October 2022, due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Declaration ending then. ICT policy documents classified as ‘Official-Internal’ or above require Queensland Health log on to access. 2. Please consult with your administrator. carer’s leave • HR Policy C77 - COVID-19: Special pandemic leave in lieu of sick or carer’s leave Workforce Relations and Policy, Human Resources Branch, Queensland Health Keywords: coronavirus Created Date: 11/18/2022 4:10:55 PM Higher duties Policy Number: B30 (QH-POL-260) Publication date: December 2021 Purpose: To outline the entitlements for higher duties payments in Queensland Health, including wage rates payable for leave and termination payment immediately following a period of higher duties. It only applies to public sector entities that it applied to prior to 1 March 2023. With more than 71,000 members in Queensland, we are the strongest and most experienced union representing the interests of nurses and midwives across public, private and aged care settings. 5 of the Nurses and Midwives (Queensland Health and the Department of Education) Certified Agreement (EB11) 2022, is a mandatory rest period that applies to Queensland He Policies, position statements and information sheets; QNMU Research; Activist Resources; QLD Health staff who contract COVID-19 will be able to access up to 20 days of paid pandemic leave immediately after being diagnosed, without having to exhaust their sick leave. Application: This policy applies to the following groups of Queensland Health employees engaged under the Health Practitioners and Dental Officers Policies are high level, principles-based statements that communicate the department's intent. The Queensland Government has extended its Pandemic Leave entitlement for employees of Queensland Health (QH) and the Queensland Ambulance Service to at least 30 June 2023, thanks to pressure by the QNMU. Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 (Qld) Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) Guidelines. Policy Number: C48 (QH -POL 184) Publication date: 202April 2 . Supporting documentation may be required. • The granting of leave is subject to Queensland Health convenience. Specialist Outpatient Services; Specialists list; Community and Oral Health; Oral Health Services; Mental Health Services; Sexual Health Services; Alcohol and Drug Service; Research. This policy applies to all Queensland Health (the department and ho spital and health services) permanent and eligible fixed term temporary health practitioners and dental officers, who work 15. HR delegate to approve leave in accordance with Employee leave entitlements guideline and HR Delegations Manual (DoE employees only) in a timely manner. Parental leave procedure; Parental leave procedure Version number 4. This new approach This policy applies to employees working for Queensland Health. The policy includes information on management options and alternative repayment plans. Search %PDF-1. The Queensland Public Sector Act; Directives, policies, circulars, and guidelines; My pay (payroll) Leave; Benefits; Health, safety and wellbeing; State of the sector report; Culture and inclusion; Public service 1. To prescribe the entitlement to paid parental leave including maternity, adoption, surrogacy, long spousal, short spousal, pre-natal, pre-adoption and pre-surrogacy leave. Under the standards, all employees (except casual employees) are entitled to at least 4 weeks of paid annual leave for every year Apply, amend, or cancel leave (including meritorious sick leave), or purchase or amend additional leave. This directive made under the Public Service Act 2008 continues to apply unless it is repealed or replaced under the Public Sector Act 2022. The amount of paid annual Public sector workers have an entitlement to 10 days paid reproductive health leave (RHL) per year (non-cumulative) from 30 September 2024. This policy does not apply to: • payments made to contract staff or staff engaged through labour hire Pay, benefits and policy. Legislation. The Language services policy outlines the Queensland Government's commitment to use interpreters and translated information to improve access to the full range of government and government-funded services for people with difficulty communicating in English. 4) 2022 (HPDO4). Application: This policy applies to the respective Queensland Health employees who are entitled to overtime as outlined in this Application: This policy applies to the following Queensland Health employees: • PSC (IR) Directive 09/18 – Study and Examination Leave Related policy or documents: • Performance and Development HR Policy G9 (QH-POL-189) • Queensland Health Intellectual Property Policy (QH-POL-009) • Self-Education – FBT Fact Sheet Parental leave may be paid or unpaid. • Medical Officers (Queensland Health) Award – State 2015 • Medical Officers (Queensland Health) Certified Agreement (No. at Application: This policy applies to all Queensland Health employees. This policy does not apply to employees of Queensland Ambulance Service. Related resources. Human Resources Policy Overtime Policy number: C60 (QH-POL-185) Publication date: June 2020 Purpose: To outline employee entitlements relating to overtime. 5. Related or governing legislation, policy and agreements. By offering flexibility, such as the ability to take leave in hourly increments, the policy allows Pay, benefits and policy. N/A. Authorised COVID-19 vaccination service providers include formerly declared providers, as per the List of declared providers (PDF 167 kB) for COVID-19 vaccination services in Queensland, in accordance with section 213F of the Health (Drugs and Poisons) Regulation 1996. In approving leave, the HR delegate should give consideration to good decision making and factors such as Carer’s leave - Human Resources Policy C9 (QH-POL-109) – 15 June 2023 Purpose To outline employee entitlements for carer’s leave Application • This policy applies to all employees of Queensland Health and Hospital and Health Services (HHS). Australian Standards of Care and Treatment Guidelines for Trans and Gender Diverse Children and Adolescents, version 1. HR Policy C64: Sick Leave. An authorised doctor, authorised mental health practitioner, AMHS administrator, or other person performing a function or exercising a power under the Mental Health Act 2016 must comply with these policies. Approval of leave. • When the special leave without pay is for a period of greater than 12 months the delegate may approve, in exceptional Pay, benefits and policy. The Chief Psychiatrist is responsible for publishing policies, guides and resources about the Mental Health Act 2016 and persons receiving treatment and care under the Act. Shortly after, the Director-General informed the QNMU that paid pandemic leave would be extended until there was a change to QH’s guidelines. The Queensland Public Sector Act; Directives, policies, circulars, and guidelines; My pay (payroll) Leave; Benefits; Health, safety and wellbeing; State of the sector report; Culture and inclusion; Public service values and conduct official representative of Queensland Health. Purpose . The Queensland Multicultural Health Policy and Action Plan (MHPAP) will guide the vision that all people from multicultural backgrounds in Queensland can Pay, benefits and policy. Download the directive Paid Parental Leave (Directive 08/24) (PDF File, 104. See your certified agreement, modern Understand and apply the employer’s duties under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld) in relation to pregnant employees, and take steps to minimise risks to the health and safety of the employee or the employee’s Bereavement and compassionate leave Policy Number: C11 (QH -POL 107) Publication date: November 2020 Purpose: To outline employee entitlements for bereavement and compassionate leave. An employee is also entitled to access their sick leave entitlements to take carer’s leave to care for members of their immediate family or Leave entitlements. The QNMU put this to the Director-General of Queensland Health, stating nurses and midwives found it wholly inappropriate and unfair that their paid pandemic leave entitlement would be taken away. 7 %âãÏÓ 463 0 obj > endobj 481 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[463 44]/Info 462 0 R/Length 92/Prev 191889/Root 464 0 R/Size 507/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1 The Queensland Government is committed to supporting public sector employees with mental or physical illness or disability to maintain their employment and to achieve the best possible outcomes by a participating entity and an employee engaging in early discussions, working collaboratively and sharing relevant medical information. See the Paid parental leave directive for more. 2, 6. For researchers; For patients and families; Want to know more? About us; Careers; You can apply for access to your employee records held by Queensland Health through the administrative access process. Most Queensland Government employees (employees employed under the Public Sector Act 2022) are entitled to the following leave. You may be entitled to unpaid parental leave in relation to the birth, adoption, surrogacy or cultural parentage of a child or children. 7 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >/Metadata 544 0 R/ViewerPreferences 545 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/Font >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI Pay, benefits and policy. Pay, benefits and policy. The Queensland Public Sector Act; Directives, policies, circulars, and guidelines; My pay (payroll) Leave; Benefits; Health, safety and wellbeing; State of the sector report; Culture and inclusion; Public service values and conduct Medical officers – Terms and conditions HR Policy C23 Page 3 of 5 Human Resources Branch Chief Human Resources Officer May 2021 PRINTED COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. This policy does not apply to employees working for the %PDF-1. 10-2 Age Retirement These guidelines accompany the provisions contained within Ministerial Directive 8/06 Special Leave, Ministerial Directive 6/06 Leave Without Salary Credited as Service and Memorandum of Agreement Public Sector Wage Bargaining in Queensland 2005-2007. For every year of service, full-time and part-time Summary To prescribe reproductive health leave entitlements for public sector employees (excluding casuals). Find out about Queensland Government leave entitlements and how to request leave. 2 KB) Policies and procedures. The Queensland Public Sector Act; Directives, policies, circulars, and guidelines; My pay (payroll) Leave; Benefits; Health, safety and wellbeing; State of the sector report; Culture and inclusion; Public service values and conduct Pay, benefits and policy. Application: This policy applies to all employeesof Queensland Health. Employee options for leave due to COVID-19 Permanent and fixed-term temporary, full-time and part-time employees Sick Use all available appropriate not possible, arrangements in the event of a health pandemic. 1 Professional development package – background. The Queensland Multicultural Health Policy and Action Plan. The department is required to provide employees with paid and unpaid leave in accordance with legislative provisions and is committed to doing so in a way that supports employees to manage their work and personal Authorised by S. Application: This policy applies to employees of Queensland Health. All Chief Psychiatrist policies are mandatory for any person performing a function or exercising a power under the Authorised COVID-19 vaccination service providers. Search guidance for health service providers including clinical guidelines and frameworks, interdepartmental agreements, Chief Psychiatrist policies and other resources about the Mental Health Act 2016. • This policy does not apply to employees of the Queensland Ambulance Service. Purpose: To outline the process for managing employeeoverpayments and loans. 1 2 Quick facts %PDF-1. Special Leave . The following main policies apply to the AWA pathway. This policy initiative is a significant step the Queensland Government is taking to reduce the stigma associated with seeking support to manage impacts of reproductive health issues on workforce participation. Contents. The plan outlines Queensland Health’s response to better meet the needs migrants, refugees, people seeking asylum and other culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities over the pandemic period. Business area contact Operating guidelines between Queensland Health and Queensland Corrective Services (confidential information disclosure) Guideline: Clinical need for medication: Policy: Information Sharing Agreement between Queensland Health and Queensland Corrective Services (confidential information disclosure) dated 14 July 2023: Agreement Queensland Health Employment Framework Policy Number: A1 (QH -POL 205) Publication date: February 2021 Purpose: To outline the employment framework for Queensland Health employees. Instead, Pay, benefits and policy. 11. 5) 2018 Related policy or documents: • PSC Directive 15/13 – Recruitment and Selection • Recruitment and Selection HR Policy B1 (QH-POL-212) • Parental Leave HR Policy C26 (QH-POL-187) officers – Professional development allowance and leave HR Policy C42, and clauses 6. The National Employment Standards (the standards) provide the minimum conditions of employment, including leave entitlements for all employees covered by national workplace laws. Health and wellbeing Community support Browse all information and services Pay, benefits and policy; Recruitment, performance and career; Finance and procurement; Fatigue leave, officially known as ‘Rest Breaks after Overtime’ under clause 20. This includes 14 weeks long paid parental leave, 1-week short paid parental leave, long paid spousal leave, and appointment leave. An employee is entitled to access sick leave when they are unable to attend work due to illness or injury. Application: This policy applies to all employees of Queensland Health, including medical Note: For Pre-retirement planning seminars, refer to Special leave HR Policy C7. If you'd like an alternate or extended repayment plan, Payroll Recovery Services can advise on the options available to you. A summary of the key priorities identified by the Queensland Birth Strategy 2024-2030. The Queensland Public Sector Act; Directives, policies, circulars, and guidelines; My pay (payroll) Leave; Policy: Queensland Health: Refer your patient. 2 hours or more per fortnight. Supporting documents. When attendance requires time away from work, an employee is entitled to access paid leave from their accrued annual recreational leave entitlement. Purpose. Operating guidelines between Queensland Health and Queensland Corrective Services (confidential information disclosure) Guideline: Clinical need for medication: Policy: Information Sharing Agreement between Queensland Health and Queensland Corrective Services (confidential information disclosure) dated 14 July 2023: Agreement Policies, position statements and information sheets; Together, we’re making a difference. Instead, Queensland Ambulance Service Queensland Health’s parental leave policy must be implemented in a way that echoes our commitment to diversity and inclusion, and zero -tolerance for discrimination (in this context, on the basis of a medical condition, pregnancy status, sexuality or caring responsibility for example). The process is the same for both current and former Queensland Health employees. Under the current arrangements, staff must use their sick leave before accessing pandemic leave. 10-1 Cessation of Employment – Resignation • IRM 1. The Queensland Public Sector Act; Directives, policies, circulars, and guidelines; My pay (payroll) Leave; Benefits; Health, safety and wellbeing; State of the sector report; Culture and inclusion; Public service values and conduct Recognition of previous service Policy Number: C55 (QH-POL-211) Publication date: June 2020 Purpose: To outline entitlements for recognition of previous service for long service, sick and parental leave purposes. 1. 3 Health Practitioners and Dental Officers (Queensland Health) Certified Agreement (No. The Information Security Policy is the top tier artefact for the Queensland Health Information Security Management System (ISMS Policy Number: C73 (QH -POL 391) Publication date: July 20 Purpose: To identify leave and other support options available to Queensland Health employees affected by domestic and family violence. 7 %âãÏÓ 354 0 obj > endobj 375 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[354 56]/Info 353 0 R/Length 108/Prev 237889/Root 355 0 R/Size 410/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1 Cashing out of annual leave Policy Number: C74 (QH-POL-196) Publication date: June 2020 Purpose: To outline the arrangements for cashing out of annual leave in Queensland Health. wiouahcagbgidpijwyqbkfwtgxjnvysoizogkeykewbkwmhdsnebvdistgslqjlotejmozljhs