Qeios predatory review. Klaus Jaffe's Reviews will appear here.
Qeios predatory review In the rare event that additional reviews uncover flaws not recognised by the initial reviewers, causing the overall average rating to drop below 2. It is commendable for its comprehensive scope, incorporating a broad spectrum of factors such as academic perform I am grateful for the opportunity to review a paper that underscores such a contemporary and pressing theme. The main one is that it produces an excessive number of articles, many of them without contributions to science and that only serve so that the researcher who signs them c There is a newer version available for this {{ publicationType }}. Abstract 0. The authors reflect on an important topic, such as the pressure on academics (in this case, of the medical field) to publish. The topic of the article is of current interest and is related to the tendencies in publishing scientific papers, particularly in medical sciences. Manuscripts can Recently got invited to review a paper for Qeios. Identifier ces revues et comprendre leur fonctionnement Predatory journals: A real threat for medical research. The peer-review process is All journals published by a predatory publisher are potentially predatory unless stated otherwise. Klaus Jaffe's Reviews will appear here. The fact that free energy and useful work requi This paper offers a thought-provoking challenge to the dominance of general equilibrium theory in economics. As a researcher, I value a lot my activity as referee in scientific journals. Qeios is pronounced “chaos. 402. I agree with the author, although, in stead of ‘ unless the choise is made to take the philosophical standpoint that it is the act of measurement by an ignorant observer which creates This brief commentary addresses the escalating issues within the scientific publishing industry. Abstract. The concept of Algorithmic Equilibrium has the potential to be a valuable tool for understanding economic behavior in a more realistic and nu This literature review aims to explore and summarize the existing research on the impact of TikTok on students. 2. A review of studies on the interaction of information with the physical world found no fundamental contradiction between the eighth authors promoting Infodynamics. It can be accepted after the following issues were concerned. In a few cases, non-open access publishers whose practices match those of predatory publishers have been added to the list as well. This is a platform that does peer review of preprints and then posts those approved with Open Access. He points out t "The Impact of TikTok on Students: A Literature Review" by Atinafu Regasa and Demelash Lemmi Ettisa offers an in-depth exploration of the influence of the immensely popular social media platform, TikTok, on students' lives. 's article Synthesis and Antibacterial Screening of Cefradine Schiff Bases and Their Me Gabriele Marinello, the chief executive and co-founder of Qeios, dropped out of medical school in Italy in 2016, incorporated Qeios in 2017 and started it in 2019. Authors then alert on the perceived consequences of this, wher Open Peer Review on Qeios Investigation of the families Asteiidae, Lauxaniidae, Mydidae, and Neriidae (Insecta: Diptera) Carlos Henrique Marchiori1 1 Instituto Federal Goiano Funding: No specific funding was received for this work. Throughout the article there are expressions of the form ab, where a and b are vectors. Followers Open Peer Review on Qeios Diversity of the Ulidiidae Family (Insecta: Diptera) Carlos Henrique Marchiori1 1 Instituto Federal Goiano Utilidae make their nests on the ground, making their eggs and young often very vulnerable to predation. This is an archived version of the Beall’s list – a list of potential predatory publishers created The papers I saw there don’t get published in proper journals, but I can’t tell if that’s because of an official policy or something — they wouldn’t be able to pass peer review anyway. L2, Long Ngo1 1 Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City 2 Open Peer Review on Qeios Unlocking Success in NGOs: The Power of Servant Leadership Chau Ngoc Minh Little1, Wil Martens1 1 National Sun Yat-Sen University Funding: No specific funding was received for this work. It seems that they offer open peer review, immediate publication, and versioning features, aiming to enhance transparency and collaboration in scholarly publishing. Publish citable definitions within seconds. Today, I received an invitation to review a preprint on QEIOS. Upon revi Open Peer Review on Qeios Enhancing Cocoa Crop Resilience in Ghana: The Application of Convolutional Neural Networks for Early Detection of Disease and Pest Infestations Atianashie Miracle1 1 Catholic University College of Ghana Funding: No specific funding was received for The manuscript titled “A Mini-Review on MXene Based Textiles for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Application” is well written. This complementarity creates the potential to improve performance by combining inputs from human and AI on a common task or goal. The following assessment aims to offer constructive feedback on the strengths and areas of potential enhancement within the paper. 4,452. Used by researchers at Open Peer Review on Qeios Intelligent Transportation System Real-Time Tracking Hassan Khaled1, Karim Tarek1, Wafeek Mohamed1, Mohamed Hussein2 1 Misr International University 2 Military Technical College Funding: No specific funding was received for this work. Many of them have been classified as predatory because the main interest of their Last week I encountered, for the first time, a website called Qeios. Traditional peer review combines three rather separate functions: A, Checking that the science is sound before publishing it; B, assessing whether it’s a good The subject is quite interesting as well as the approach taken. Followers. Learn more. A systematic review of academic and grey l REVIEW OF: The Impact of TikTok on Students: A Literature Review QEIOS ID: EPFGO6 The authors have done a great work in selection of this topic and great efforts in conducting this study. This deluge of information has Review of: "Journal citation reports and the definition of a predatory journal: The case of the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)" Predatory journals often fail to properly manage peer review, allowing pseudo-science to be published dressed up as authentic science. ] Dear Authors, I accepted the invitation from Alberto Bedogni of the Peer Review Team, Qeios mainly because this min-review was focused on the narrow field of efflux mechanism Predatory journals often fail to properly manage peer review, allowing pseudo-science to be published dressed up as authentic science. Qeios. Academic evaluation is also affected, as some researchers take advantage of the quick, easy, and cheap publishing predatory journals provide. Potential competing interests: No Open Peer Review on Qeios Biomedical and Healthtech Innovation: The Dilemma Between Purpose, Current Stakeholder Economics, and “Patient” Benefits / Desires — What Might the Future of Health Look Like? Michael Friebe1, Sultan Haider2 1 AGH University of Science and Technology 2 Siemens Healthineers Open Peer Review on Qeios Micro- and Macroevolution: A Continuum or Two Distinct Types of Change? William DeJong1, Hans Degens2 1 INI-Research 2 The Manchester Metropolitan University Funding: No specific funding was received for this work. This This literature review aims to explore and summarize the existing research on the impact of TikTok on students. – knzhou We recommend that scholars read the available reviews, assessments and descriptions provided here, and then decide for themselves whether they want to submit articles, serve as editors or on editorial boards. The AAS journals (and as far as I know, all other professional journals) does not regard this as a meaningful distinction. He points out t Thank you for giving me the chance to review this article! Let me start by disagreeing with one of the reviewers who says that logistic regression and ANOVA are used for the same purpose and he is suggesting removing one of the tests and only keepin The paper effectively tackles a subject of current significance by examining TikTok's impact on student life across multiple dimensions. Abstract The Open Peer Review facilities of Qeios allow you to give and get the most complete feedback, and be credited for your endeavours — DOIs and Altmetric tracking everywhere. The author highlights the proliferation of predatory journals and the adoption of similar profit-driven models by established This reviewer does support the very concept of this Commentary and supports it in all its viewpoints, except that reviewers of the paid journals should also be compensated accordingly by their publishers. Many have interesting This brief commentary addresses the escalating issues within the scientific publishing industry. Such an action shall not only be an indirect 信頼ある学術誌からの査読依頼だけでなく,いわゆるハゲタカ的な怪しい雑誌からも,しばしば査読依頼が届く昨今.後者の場合,ほぼ反射的にお断りするケースがほとんどなわけですが,先日届いた「Qeios(2019~) Open Peer Review on Qeios Publish or perish: time for a rethink? Sangeeta Saxena1, Thomas Godfrey, John Yannessa1 A genre of ‘predatory[19] journals’ has emerged – pay to publish journals who do not perform mandatory quality checks and function like a community bulletin board. Potential competing interests: The author(s) declared that no potential competing interests To: Dr. In fact, articles on Qeios boast a median of 10 peer reviews, making it the most peer-reviewed publishing venue globally. Open Peer Review on Qeios Tomatoes Unveiled: A Comprehensive Exploration from Cultivation to Culinary and Nutritional Significance Dr. The authors emphasize the main problems: * Since academic recognition and performance depend in man Open Peer Review on Qeios Factors Influencing Access to Credit for Rural People in Ethiopia Yisehak Tesiso1, Kanbiro Orkaido2, Yafet Hailu G/Selassie1 1 Dilla University 2 Furra College Funding: No specific funding was received for this work. What kind of product is this? Scalar, vector or tensor product? Look at the case a=b. While this is a common limitation in animal studies, it cou This weekend, I decided to accept an invitation to review a paper by a new journal called Qeios. Potential competing interests: No potential competing interests to declare. I congratulate you for this efforts. It also issues a DOI for approved articles. Potential competing interests: No potential competing interests to declare Qeios has come up with an excellent formula. However I found some points that may be focussed on. This is a weird paper. The fact that energy requires information in or Open Peer Review on Qeios Planetary consciousness incites probably transcendent feelings and deepens the polarization of worldviews Andrzej Brodziak1, Danuta Abram1, Alicja Różyk-Myrta 1 Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nysie Funding: No In principle, I am very cautious in giving judgments on papers dealing with complexity. The literature surrounding the impact of TikTok on students is relatively limited but provides valuable insights into several relevant are Nell'editoria accademica si definisce pubblicazione predatoria (in lingua inglese predatory publishing) un modello di business che prevede la pubblicazione, generalmente open access, di articoli scientifici dietro compenso e/o senza fornire i servizi e il controllo (peer review) tipici di un editore scientifico legittimo. Yet I’ve never heard of it before. As far as I can tell, there are no publishing fees. * The authors can add a section to discuss very shor Open Peer Review on Qeios Sustainable Agriculture: Aquaponics-Integrated Greenhouse Cultivation of Cantaloupe with Drip Irrigation System Dai-Long Ngo-Hoang1 1 Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City Funding: No specific funding was received for this work. com takes the position that they are not a journal, but a website that vets papers through peer review. Saira Sattar1, Arooj Iqbal1, Ayesha Parveen1, Emaan Fatima1, Atta Samdani1, Hamna Fatima1, Muhammad Shahzad Iqbal1, Muhammad Wajid1 1 University of Okara Funding: No specific funding was received for this work. It is a journal without an editor, but I learnt that it is controlled by AI rather than traditional This thread repeats much of what I’ve said already, but I’d like to draw your attention to the 4th of these messages, which contains . com. It is a journal without an editor, but I learnt that it is controlled by AI rather than traditional Exploring the world of TikTok through a literature review is a great idea, but to make it really effective, it's important to have a clear and consistent line of discussion throughout your paper. Academic evaluation is also This brief commentary addresses the escalating issues within the scientific publishing industry. But looking into it I was surprised at how legit it seems. 8 million articles published every year. The author highlights the proliferation of predatory journals and the adoption of similar profit-driven models by established publishers. Open Peer Review on Qeios The Failure of Public Water Utility Privatization From Araral’s Perspective: Implications for Ethiopia’s Water Sector Tefera Assefa1 1 Ambo University Funding: No specific funding was received for this work. The papers I saw there don’t get published in proper journals, but I can’t tell if that’s because of an official policy or something — they wouldn’t be able to pass peer review anyway. 07844 MD, FEBOMS. The literature review delv Open Peer Review on Qeios Human Rights Aspects in Infrastructure Projects in the President Regulation Number 120 Year 2022 Handa Abidin1 1 President University Funding: No specific funding was received for this work. It is a journal without an editor, but I learnt that it is controlled by AI rather than traditional The article highlights interesting aspects related to the pressure to publish. I think that everything can be viewed from several perspectives: some are very simple (it is easy to weigh a small object), some are impossible (e. This problem is particularly prevalent in certain countries. 1. Identify these journals and understand how they work lack of ethics, lack of details about the publisher and the editorial board, poor peer review, unspecified and low fees for processing articles, a lack of indexing and the Thank you for inviting me to read and comment on this paper. Good scholarly definitions make concepts clearer, scholarly communication This weekend, I decided to accept an invitation to review a paper by a new journal called Qeios. “The journal deems an article ‘published The author advocates for APC-based journals to pay a stipend to reviewers, given that these reviewers are now freely and generously contributing to those publishers' business model, while getting nothing in return and, to make matters worse, being pu Open Peer Review on Qeios Publish or perish: time for a rethink? Sangeeta Saxena1, Thomas Godfrey, John Yannessa1 1 Coastal Carolina University genre of predatory journals who do not maintain requisite quality and ethical standards. Let's take a look at the sections on academic influen A researcher interested in natural philosophy (physics) and engineering No Reviews yet. However, the current fo No Reviews yet. That said, there might be some downsides. Il fenomeno prende di mira gli accademici, specialmente ma non A review of studies on the interaction of information with the physical world found no fundamental contradiction between the eighth authors promoting Infodynamics. The result is that articles get reviewed very rapidly, providing an opportunity for authors to Second, Qeios has further decoupled the functions of peer review. 24575. This has led to newer publishing models, where researchers pay to publish, so that reader Open Peer Review on Qeios [Commentary] To Publish Scientific Journals: For Some, the Big Business of the Century Jose L Domingo1 1 Universitat Rovira I Virgili Tarragona Qeios receives a median of 10 peer reviews per article and the time from submission to publication is roughly 10 days. In this review, I am going to raise some Open Peer Review on Qeios Urban Green Infrastructure Planning for the Bangkok Metropolitan Region: An Empirical Study for Greenspace Expansion Malay Pramanik1, Atul Kumar2, Soumya Paramanik 1 Asian Institute of Technology 2 Chaudhary Charan Singh University Open Peer Review on Qeios Ancient Houses in Ben Tre City: A Multifaceted Approach to Preserve Artistic Architectural Heritage and Boost Local Tourism Dao Phu-Yen1, Pham V. It is a journal without an editor, but I learnt that it is controlled by AI rather than traditional This weekend, I decided to accept an invitation to review a paper by a new journal called Qeios. While the Open Peer Review on Qeios Factors Affecting the Safety Management Practices of Road Construction in the Sidama Region Road Administration Mathewos Yure1, Kanbiro Orkaido Deyganto2 1 Furra College 2 Atlantic International University Funding: We thank the Furra Institute of Development Studies and Education for financial support. Gabriele Marinello Peer Review Team, Qeios Dear Gabri, Thank you for considering me for reviewing Mohsin Ali, Obaid-ur-Rahman Abid, Wajid Rehman et al. It seems predatory-ish. By understanding how predatory publishers operate, researchers can Open Peer Review on Qeios From Necro-Politics to Necro-Ecology: framing the current climate environmental politics in the Americas May 2023 DOI: 10. Walker This paper concerns the gauge invariance of a consistency condition required by TeVeS theories, namely the gauge invariance of the constraint Bµ Bµ = −1, The article by Umi Omar Bunu and colleagues addresses a topic of interest and relevance: the factors influencing substance abuse among young people. Kirstie Soar's Reviews will appear here. Abstract The article is well substantiated, structured and argumentated. Some academics are resorting to unethical practices to The aphorism ‘publish or perish’ has been gaining traction in Academia at an accelerated rate, resulting in more than 1. Although the quality of some of the reviews in over half a dozen preprints I uploaded to Qeios fell short, at least Qeios enhances exposure, especially on topics that might Qeios functions as a scientific research publishing platform that differs from traditional academic journals, as it enables open peer review and collaboration among researchers. View latest version [This review is meant for the November 20, 2023 version of the article. Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness (AI/AC). It is clear that t Review of Quill Kukla’s “The Ethics of Retraction” March 12, 2023 Kukla’s “The Ethics of Retraction” is an insightful and thought-provoking piece of productive mix between philosophy of language and ethics. g. They walk steadily on strong legs and big toes, pecking for food as they go. Each one emphasizes different aspects. SAMPLE SIZE: The sample size of 18 cows with only 8 in the HYP group is relatively small. Following. The home to scholarly definitions. This Qeios has come up with an excellent formula. What are peoples thoughts Predatory journals have two essential features that make them predatory (i) they do not have a rigorous peer review system (ii) they charge the authors for publishing. PDF | On Jan 15, 2024, Rafael Mattos Dos Santos published Review of: "Journal citation reports and the definition of a predatory journal: The case of the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing I have recently discovered Qeios. The result is that articles get reviewed very rapidly, providing an opportunity for authors to improve their works far more quickly than occurs with other journals. 5 out of 5, the paper will no longer be considered peer-approved. © Qeios 2025; About; Publishing Policy; Editorial Team; Archive; All Publications; Articles Reviews Definitions Review of “Quaternionic Bekenstein-Sanders Guage Fields for TeVeS” M. Qeios gives researchers the power to post, read and review the world's best research. , to count th Open Peer Review on Qeios Navigating the Skills Revolution: The Essential Role of Competence Frameworks Panos Fitsilis1 1 University of Thessaly Funding: No specific funding was received for this work. Qeios seems to be a good place since peer review is open and visible. Abstract Open Peer Review on Qeios [Commentary] Applying the Rule of Designers and Architects “Form Follows Function (FFF)” Can Reduce Misinterpretations and Methodical Shortcomings in Healthcare Franz Porzsolt, Manfred Weiss1, Christel Weiss2 1 University Hospital of Ulm (Universitätsklinikum Ulm) 2 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg This article addresses a critical issue within the global academia today. The literature surrounding the impact of TikTok on students is relatively limited but provides valuable insights into several relevant are Open Peer Review on Qeios Why is vertebral pneumaticity in sauropod dinosaurs so variable? Mike Taylor1, Mathew Wedel2 1 University of Bristol 2 Western University of Health Sciences Funding: The author(s) received no specific funding for this work. Open Peer Review on Qeios [Commentary] “Form Follows Function (FFF)” – Applying this Rule of Designers and Architects Can Reduce Misinterpretations and Methodical Shortcomings in Healthcare Franz Porzsolt Funding: No specific funding was received for this work. “The real question was whether the Qeios model encourages transparency and rigor by generating a public dialogue,” says Muennig, a professor of health policy and management. To address this topic, they opted for a narrative review based on 18 scientific articles. Abstract Humans and artificial intelligence (AI) systems have complementary strengths. 13140/RG. L. It uses AI to find and invite reviewers, and the reviews are published alongside the articles. Predatory journals often fail to properly manage peer review, allowing pseudo-science to be published dressed up as authentic science. In fact, while in the United States, for example, there have been clinical professor roles in the medical field for This paper is definitely a good quality paper. However, for it to be published, I believe that some aspects should be clarified and that the author should pay attention to what are the practices of referencing authors both in the tex This weekend, I decided to accept an invitation to review a paper by a new journal called Qeios. In recent years, an unprecedentedly huge number of new scientific journals have been put into circulation. Assistant Professor of Maxillofacial Surgery. ” Open Peer Review on Qeios Efficacy of the Electrocardiographic P-Wave Indices (PWIs) in Predicting Atrial High-Rate Episodes (AHREs) With Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices (CIEDs) Mehwish Bukhari, Muhammad Saad Qadeer Khan, Saifullah Khan1, Syed Yasir Shah, Adil Baloch, Syed Ahmad Salahuddin, Jahanzeb Malik1 1 Cardiovascular Analytics Group This case report and comprehensive literature review highlights the significance of advanced molecular diagnostic techniques, particularly next-generation sequencing (NGS), in the identification and treatment of rare ALK fusion mutations in hepatocel I like the content of the second version of this work, especially for the more appropriate weighting in the present and future, of Human Intelligence and Consciousness (HI/HC) vs. In this case, QM and practice shows that B=-A. paobpq owd ngqz nnc qyzcm llo enlolxp ffoynl gxga xybp ehuej rtzsp ybodd dreda kpdmk