Nice menus in drupal 8. com) to work with nice Menus.

Nice menus in drupal 8 However, it's possible to implement the IE6 fix without cutting of Nice Menus. It uses only CSS for most browsers, with minimal Javascript for IE6. Not working for you? See Troubleshooting Git clone. Is anyone else I am using nice menus on my site. x $ composer require 'drupal/nice_menus:1. Contribute to backdrop-contrib/nice_menus development by creating an account on GitHub. I think the integration of Nice menus would make sense. None of them worked when I was trying them. In Drupal 10, the Olivero default theme will be replacing Bartik. Please do not add comments with +1 or "yeah, when will this be done?" to this issue. Would like to see default horizontal menu that this theme produces with drop-down sub-items off of that. Read more about eligibility and different ways of obtaining a membership. 0 is the ability to create the HTML <button> element within a native Drupal menu that can be used to toggle secondary menus (such as drop-downs or mega-menus) in a usable and accessible way. Nice Menus, though awesome, can only be used on menus in the Drupal Menu system, not on menus in blocks like, for example, the Taxonomy Context menu. I used the module on an old Drupal 7 website and would like to use it on a new Drupal 11 site. Other releases. Step #1. I installed and got to work the nice menu module. Upgrade to Drupal 10. 19 on a flash drive loaded Uniform Server 5. org. css file and tell Nice Menus to use your new CSS by going to Administer Drupal 10, the latest version of the open-source digital experience platform with even more features, is here. "Primary Links" still appeared, correctly, because it's the default title. x for Drupal 8 comes first; remember to unzip it in your libraries directory: [DRUPAL_ROOT]/librariesdirectory 2. Many themes don’t have The d8w3css theme has nice support for drop down menus. When you access the "Structure" page, please click on the "Menus" link. Install Works with Drupal: ^8. 2+8-dev) work with Nice Menus? I've created a menu and assigned it to a Nice Menus block. They still appear over-top of the front page banner, but behind the text. TPL or CSS to fix the ability to tab through my page menu links? Menus can get cut off when the sidebars use the overflow: hidden; CSS declaration. In eateries and websites alike, menus Nice menus makes it easy to add dropdown/flyout menus, using CSS-only in capable browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc) and with additional Javascript for troublesome browsers (IE). This issue for for discussion of the work *being done* and submitting Closed (won't fix) Project: Nice Menus the creators of nice menus recommend styling by editing nice_menus_default. My issue (or wanted feature) is this: I'm using Nice Menus for my Primary links, and have successfully installed the Nice Menus module and it works nicely. css file. All drop down menus appear behind content on IE 7 (Internet Explorer 7). Thanks I understand nice menus, and CSS (I think). Next, install its whole collection of libraries, as well: 1. Thanks to Nice Menus we have the navigation looking and behaving perfectly, but now the client wants the navigation behavior changed so that the child menu doesn't appear until the parent menu is clicked (instead of hover. php or add it as a variable in your template. I've been able to After I made my Nice Menus primary links, the block still showed the title "Primary Links" even though in the block configuration the title was set to <none>. tpl. 0. (the nice menu drop-down is positioned I just inherited a site built with Drupal and really starting to like what Drupal can do. Any help appreciated. However depending on WHERE I place the Block, the font size of Nice Menu is very different. -2. I love the way menus work with the "nice menus" module. I am using the D7 version, and found it necessary to override several of the CSS styles in the base ("logic") CSS file, I am busy with working at my drupal 7 site to upgrade it to drupal 8 In drupal 7 I used TB Megamenu, a great tool to make nice menu's in drupal 8 this is not supported anymore till now I found 2 alternatives (see www. Bug fixes. Release notes. x version is quite different, so this example would need to be modified. If I Click on the Menu B it will display the Submenu1, Submenu2, And also its Sub menu, Submenu2 menu1, I use Nice Menus (thank you for that module!) and wanted to use 'down' option but with the 2nd level (and next) displayed horizontally. 6 at least on my test system. at user:debeve Noni, Morinda citrifolia user:radica Caravan and Camping NSW user: BTMash REDCAT / Roy and Edna Disney CalArts Theater Hello, I'm running Drupal 8 and the Zymphonies theme. Once it works, you need the Git deploy module. php. Most of the time, you want to This post is in the issue queue related to the Nice_menus module. g. Europe's Drupal Developer focused event is coming up between 19-22 July 2023 in Vienna! Meet core developers and the minds behind some of the key projects and initiatives! Drupal Developer Days 2023 To improve accessibility of Nice Menus, I'd like to add 'skip links' to each top level menu so that people tabbing through with the keyboard don't have the visit every link. Again – this site is not using Drupal, and The best possible conference ticket price ends soon. Our webpage is laid out as the following Header Image Header bar with links content footer The links are not drop down The Nice Menus module allows site builders to expose menu structures in a drop-down expandable menu block. css (or creating a copy of it). 1 and I got the same problem. Posted by BDS on February 9, 2011 at 12:02am. The CSS selectors I specified are: #block-nice-menus-1. This uses Superfish 1. I created a default CSS layout for them and everything looks quite nice. The Hello, it would be nice to have the ability to create flyout menus. x version of Nice Menus. I am encountering two issues: 1) In firefox - the menu drops down butit is very difficult to mouse over the sub items as the menu closes. By awelch on 28 Mar 2010 at 23:12 UTC. Ok, I just inherited management of a Drupal site with over 4,000 registered users. It displays your categories as a menu in a block with the drop-down features of Nice Menus. x-2. module file With Drupal 10 expected to launch on 14 December, we're highlighting the key features that you'll want to know about. I don't know if I'm posting this in the right place because we might be talking more of a module hack than module development, so apologies in advance if this isn't the right thread. x $ composer require 'drupal/nice_menus:2. I would however like to nice_menus project open to new maintainer applications on 5 Oct, 2021: Active : Normal : Support request : 8. i can align one of my nice menus (in the footer) to the right by placing the following in the nice_menus_default. A quick review by an accessibility consultant confirmed that our site menu was not initially accessible. ) I've seen references in the past that this can be accomplished with JavaScript (i. I tried several modules that were supposed to support drop downs (Superfish, Nice Menus etc. So for Nice Menus, just check out the source code of this module where we have these two functions: Backdrop port of Drupal 7 module. You can either edit these in your custom Nice Menus CSS file or you can simply add these to the bottom of your theme's style. I'm having two Nice Menus, both are displayed in my website's top bar. Accessible Navigation with Drupal Core's Menu System (lullabot. Component Hi, everyone, hope you will be willing to give a hand here. Basically you can use the theme_nice_menu_primary_links function like any other theme function. com) to work with nice Menus. 8 || ^9 || ^10. For the menu I did a lot of testing on drupal 8. ) My menus are going behind x element (e. I found out how to add content, use catcha's, etc. Using dev releases is not recommended, except Downloads are for manual installation, which is not recommended when using Drupal 8 or later. The following steps should help you make nice looking drop down menus for your Drupal website using the Nice Menus module: Menús desplegables en drupal con Nice Menus una vez ya hecho lo anterior instalamos nice menus en el directorio de nuestros módulos, en sites/all/modules y lo activamos después en modules desde nuestro panel de Hello folks. I'd like to have Hi, I want to print the primary main menu links and its sub menu in the left side block. Skip to main content Skip to search. I add some images for you to see it clearer. js like this: /** * @file * Behaviours for the Nice Menus module. Instead, I would like the dropdown to contain 5 senseis Overview Responsify your menus! Just give me a CSS selector of your menu and I will make it mobile friendly (when the time is right). Regardless of Europe's Drupal Developer focused event is coming up between 19-22 July 2023 in Vienna! Meet core developers and the minds behind some of the key projects and initiatives! Distributions; Modules; Themes; General projects; Storefront Issues. Share. I've created a drop down menu using the nice_menus module, however, after assigning it to the header region the main boxes are still displaying vertically, rather than side by side. Download & Extend. Integrate Nice_menus with menu bar? Closed (fixed) Project: Storefront. Since "Nice Menu's" isn't ready for Drupal 8 yet, I'm not using Nice Menus yet. They work on iPhone and iPad browsers. js JavaScript to add basic CSS3 media query support to IE 6-8. ). Currently on the left side bar I have several blocks that have nice menus and if I go to Site building->blocks->list I see these listed as "block_name (Nice Menu)" under the Left Sidebar section. Log in or register to This module is a hybrid of the Nice Menus module and the Taxonomy Menu module. I've added the menu for my primary links. To achieve that I modified css and also added 'downdown' options to the module code. I have it working with IE6,7 and firefox, but IE8 doesn't seem to like it. Fix for IE where child items appear behind it's parent's sibling Example: How floated sidebars I use Zen 7. x-dev : Miscellaneous : 1 : 3 months 11 hours : 3 months 11 hours : Nice Menus Not Displaying Properly for Anonymous Users: Active : Critical : Bug report Hi there, I have installed version 8 beta 2, because dev version didn't work, but I have the next problem: the menu configured with nice menu overlaps the expanded menu of the main menu which is just above the nice menu one, this doesn't happen if I'm logged in. 1) with Drupal 6. . Drupal Core; Distributions; Modules; Themes; General projects; Nice Primary Menus. To create a custom Nice Menus CSS, you can make a copy of the provided nice_menus_default. 4. as far as i could see it happens both on firefox and safari. Nice Menus enables drop-down/right/left expandable menus. The 2. I've just tried the nice_menus module which adds that drop down DHTML functionality to a drupal powered site menu. akshayapatra. Upon remote installation with Drush, Nice Menus shows successful install but totally awol (disappeared) within the drupal/modules folder. this does not change anything. Issues for Nice Primary Menus. Main navigation; Under Menu parent, select the menu you want to show. the Superfish library 2. Step up your Drupal game at DrupalCon Minneapolis 2020. Alternative installation files which is not recommended when using Drupal 8 or later. I didn't have to do anything to the CSS to have YUI menus working properly (unlike nice menus) -- but did touch up the CSS with colors that matched the site's theme (stock colors are grays). But, is there any way I could use the same king of menus for, say my own books? For example, It would great if I could have drop-down menus for the chapters, and sub-chapters. x version of the module, not the current stable 1. Using Composer to manage Drupal site dependencies Drupal’s Nice Menus Module provides a highly customizable and nice-looking dropdown menu for Drupal websites. However, after activating "Special Menu Items" these drop downs do not work on the iPhone or iPad. When I hover my mouse over the drop down menus at the top of the front page, some of the drop down menu items go "behind" the page title. Note: Before menu will expand on mouse over, links must be added to the menu (parents Support for Drupal 7 is ending on 5 January 2025—it’s time to migrate to Drupal 10! Learn about the many benefits of Drupal 10 and find migration tools in our resource center. The module uses the Superfish jQuery plugin for the drop-down functionality, which ships with the module. (For a look at the non-drupal site I am using as the model for the menu we will create, see www. Technically you could set this to affect any element on the page e. x, so part of the upgrade will also mean we need to fix the bugs in 2. I just need some direction as to what other CSS files come into play. I really need a menu that works like the ones I get from the nice_menus I am trying to use the Nice_Menus module (6. The child menu items under the second level menu items are not appearing in IE. Ack! It's totally broken! My menus get cut off (usually sidebar menus that pop sideways. redcaps. Your Drupal 7 releases will not be affected. It could be a help to a lot of people. module, but I'm as of yet unsuccessful with the whole "making it do what I want" thing. Support LGBTQ+ community in the tech industry and create change. com) New to Drupal 8. Once installed, go to Structure -> Blocks; Find Nice menu 1 (Nice menu) and click on configure; Give the menu a name eg. One thing I just can't figure out at this point is how do I make a menu/block nice. I removed <none>, leaving that field blank so that the default title would show, and saved the configuration. e. Please check and revert back immediately. 9 and 9. I am wondering if there is any way of having the menu items put into a scrollable list once the dropdown menu appears, otherwise to get to the desired sensei in this case, you have to scroll the page. x-1. vineyardmissions. com. nl menu teams for the extra functionality I need) 1 Superfish, tried this but is less functional then tb megamenu 2 Drupal 8 Megamenu supported bij Dear all, the Addari theme was used and module Nice Menus installed. To allow maximum customizability, it includes a CSS file and a javascript file where you can try out your own recipes. For who hasn't tried the module it basically generates a javascript drop-down style menu for the navigation. #nice-menu-2 { position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 115px; font-family: Somewhere in the process I have lost the ability to tab through my pop-up menu on the homepage (For 508 compliance). In this video, we’ll cover the following: How Nice Menus module works; How to configure the module; Demonstration on how to use the Support for Drupal 7 is ending on 5 January 2025—it’s time to migrate to Drupal 10! Learn about the many benefits of Drupal 10 and find migration tools in our resource center. However, I'd now like to change the layout of the sec Nice Menus has been automatically opened to new maintainer applications, as it has releases for Drupal 8 which will be marked unsupported on 2 Nov, 2021, but no release yet for Drupal 9. The current code allows the first level to be horizontal but every next one is displayed in vertical position. Upgrade to Drupal 10 Home Module project Nice Menus Releases nice_menus 2. Created by: AstonVictor Created on: 2 May 2024 at 05:54 UTC Last updated: 6 May 2024 at 08:01 UTC. Using Composer to manage Drupal site dependencies. I am using the following layout- based on this tutorial I'm a beginning theme developer. This is an adaptation of our existing process for transferring project maintainership. 1-beta4, which claims i18n support in [#300628], but I still can't seem to get my menus Here are some examples of some common CSS changes for your menus. Please report any bugs, feature requests, and Here’s an updated explanation of how to set up dropdown menus for a Drupal 8 site. To enable drop down menus : Download and install the Nice Menus module. This date marks the 14-year anniversary since Drupal 7 was released on 5 January 2011. Its purpose it to create cascading menus with a graphical 1st tier. I've upgraded to nice_menus-6. I've found that nice menus works well for a number of situation, and is usually very easy to implement, requiring little or no coding. Hey everyone, So I've got Nice Menus installed so I can have drop down functionality (that seemed to be the best way to get that) but on the site both nice menus and the original drupal menu appear. i tried to change other modules' css adding position and z-index to the div like this: {position: relative; z-index: -1;} but to no avail. So not only top level menu items would be visible but the whole menu. collapse a sidebar Andromeda makes use of Nice Menus for drop down. 0-beta3. i am using nice menu for displaying menu at header. mirzu mirzu nice_menus 2. Can anyone suggest to me the files I need to look at within the (standard) "nice menus" module for Drupal 7 or code I need to look at in my custom page. ) in IE. However, my problem is that I am trying to use NiceMenus with a custom png formatted logo. css" then using that one to customize the css. x-dev. I have tried working with z-index. That didn't help, my menus are going behind my Flash. 1-Nano i use for development. Wherever Drupal's theme() function is called, there is an opening to change the default theming. x at the same time. This loads the logo at the top of the screen. 1 with option "Use JavaScript", used as block in the navigation region with option "Menu Support for Drupal 7 is ending on 5 January 2025—it’s time to migrate to Drupal 10! Learn about the many benefits of Drupal 10 and find migration tools in our resource center. 2. simonfaulknersdomain. content ul#nice-menu-2 {float: right; } (this works by aligning the surrounding div in garland theme) or First off, thanks so much for this module - this way of working with menus makes the most sense to me, especially on a site with 8 languages! I'm having a some trouble getting primary links and nice_menus to work with this module however. 1. This is an international charity website. See Versioned dependencies and Git for an explanation. Thanks, Help us make an even bigger impact! Our Pride fundraiser continues, with 100% of profits going to Trans Tech Social Enterprise. The child items are dropping down (from what I can tell) appropriately, but I Nice menus doesn't work on 8. I have checked the Hi all I am tryin to set up navigation menus for each page, for example on the Gallery page, I want something like this add image | recent images| random images for the Audio page add audio| recent audio | random audio I am trying to do this with nice menus, however, i have used the two available nice menus, one for the primary links and the other for the footer I think it's the most common use-case: integrate nice_menus with the top main-menu of an existing theme. You can call it directly in your page. This declaration is usually necessary to prevent floated sidebars from dropping to the bottom of the page in IE6 when the width of the content exceeds the width of the sidebars. 3. Hi, How do I theme the nice menu module. Using Composer to manage Drupal site dependencies Does Responsive Menus (7. Add meta tags to support responsive design on mobile devices. Add HTML5 shim JavaScript to add support to IE 6-8. With Drupal 10 expected to launch on 14 December, we're highlighting the key features that you'll want to know about. The best solution I am looking at it for now is have a script to render the order of the menu for three of four level. I'm pretty sure I've zeroed my quest down to lines 203 - 232 of nicemenu. Before you can use a dropdown menu, choose your theme carefully. I thought the best way to customize nice_menus is to copy the nice_menus_default. I have installed the moduel nice menus. Can we use first and third party cookies and Support for Drupal 7 is ending on 5 January 2025—it’s time to migrate to Drupal 10! Learn about the many benefits of Drupal 10 and find migration tools in Am trying to get Nice Menus to work with this theme, however enabling nice menus results in menu system in wrong place. LA Drupal categories. Adding taxonomy Great code, thank you! For Drupal 7 update the nice_menus. 2) The other issue is with the bottom of the page collapsing as soon as i mouse over the nice menu. Learn more in this article from Lullabot by front-end developer Hi Guys, I'm trying to totally eliminate my nav bar and moving all relevant information to the header region. When I disable the drupal menu (in this its primary links) the nice menus disappears also I'm guessing the nice menus is grabbing data from the same place I am trying to get this site I am designing (jni-consulting. Changes to the nice_menus. Drupal Association Board Elections Eligibility to vote in the elections requires a Drupal Association membership, registered by 14 September. Nevertheless I think it would be great to have Install Works with Drupal: 8. Note: this functionality will become part of OpenPublish in one of the upcoming Drupla nice menus 菜单模块,在drupal 用来设置二级菜单就很方面,而且设置简单,在drupal6,7种经常使用,现在的最后版本是到drupal8版本,drupal9貌似不支持了,我在学 Drupal offers great tools for creating menus — discover our overview of the core functionality and top contributed modules for menus. jQuery), but wasn't able to locate anything specific. I'm building a simple site with Omega 3, and configuring a sub-theme for it. DrupalCon Europe has 4 keynotes, 119 sessions and 6 workshops in five tracks included with each ticket. Learn more. I am There are many ways to create dynamic flyout menus using jquery and drupal, and a number of drupal modules that don't use jquery. I am having one small problem. Follow answered Jun 26, 2010 at 7:45. With just a few clicks, you can get So for Nice Menus, just check out the source code of this module where we have these two functions: function theme_nice_menu($id, $menu_name, $mlid, $direction = 'right', $menu = Quick-n-dirty tutorial for using Nice Menus with OpenPublish to create drop-down menus. Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with the Drupal community online 8-11 December, 2020. Any help or insight would be appreciated. block. After the standard 14-day waiting period from this issue Description ----- Module to change the default behavior of Nice menus module from Hover to OnClick. 6 or 4. x-5. suppose i click on the Header menuA it will display its all child and sub menu child1, Child2 etc on the left side block. Choose a theme with dropdowns. The logo height is 90px. The website is www. Version: 7. x-dev@dev' Using dev releases is not recommended, except for testing. block-nice-menus I tried to drill deeper into the menu tree for the selectors but that did not help. Not showing up in admin gui overlay either? Tested with a functional Drush installation and permissions set to 777. I am starting to get a good understanding on how to manage the site. a content div or the page text, etc. the mouseover delay in javascript is not working at all. #meetup topic (1) 3D Avatar Store (1) AbleOrganizer (1) Accessibility (1) Acquia Drupal (1) adobe (2) advanced (3) Alpine Village (1) Discussion topics. I want to style it as per my design, which I can do but do I create user:Shivan Jaikaran (xamount) National Home Warranty user:senthiln Free Press Release Site user:stamina Kuszi58 uszodatechnika user:DaPie IT-Schulungen. (Version 2 uses First things first: get your Superfish moduledownloaded and installed. Once this is done, you will be redirected to the "Menus" page where you will see a list of all menus These are some common questions and issues that come up. I am working with an alternate style sheet for IE. Improve this answer. flash content such as the one output by video module or flash gallery module overlaps the drop down menu created by nice menus. css : DIV. It's about time to look at upgrading to Drupal 7. module: Calling Out All Nice Menu Experts, IE 6 & 7 Flyout Menu Hidden Behind Content . When we roll over the menu, it goes away at times and it is very difficult to choose the items. next (this step isn't mandatory, yet highl Superfish is a smart and flexible module for creating nice, responsive and flexible dropdown menus. So, let's say we use a child theme of Bartik containing the bare minimum (only intended to override some properties). How this would work (extra class, title etc removed) - this is not complete code: I am using Drupal 5. Any help would be appreciated. 8. I use the "Nice Menus" module to create drop down menus for my sites. I would like to have: - primary menu in header as it is, defined as parent for secondary menu - secondary menu, which is defined as a child of primary menu and located in Header region, switch off - use Nice Menu as secondary dropdown menu and child of primary menu in Content Top region Install Works with Drupal: 7. Created by: astonvictor Created on: 6 May 2024 at 08:04 UTC Last updated: 6 May 2024 at 08:05 UTC. I cannot get the Responsive Menu to expand when I click on the Toggle button. x. css and tweak that copy, rename it, and store it in a folder that drupal wont over-write during an upgrade, and point to it as the priority stylesheet for nice_menus by using I am using Nice Menus for a horizontal drop down menu. Drupal 10, the latest version of the open-source digital experience platform with even more features, is here. It's working pretty well. I believe that other things have higher priority at the moment to get things up & running so I set this feature request to minor. Drupal Core; cd nice_menus. Steps to reproduce Proposed resolution Remaining tasks User interface changes API changes Data model changes I have some problems with teh nice_menu module on my template with IE , and only with IE I tried everything but it didn't work ! Until the whole world discovers Firefox ,if somebody could help me i'will appreciate ! The drop down menu on the left appears transparent and there are some difficulties to choose On firefox and safar everythings works well,it's just Here’s an updated explanation of how to set up dropdown menus for a Drupal 8 site. 6. Not logged in: overlapped Logged in: not overlapped this is a variant of the above code, which displays the book contents using nice_menus. I'm wondering if anyone has been able to (or tried) altering the nice-menu module to allow the parent/children sub-menus to display horizontally rather than vertically. I am using the Framework Theme. Many themes don’t have This tutorial will walk you through how to set up the Nice Menus module, in combination with a special CSS sheet I have created (and you will need to modify). When you hover over a parent item that has a dropdown menu, it displays but once you try to move your mouse down the list, the drop down dissapears before you can make a selection. A themer need only limit the Problem/Motivation I was wondering when Nice Menus will work on Drupal 11. So I wondered where do I have to make a change for changing the font size of Nice Menu ? In its own CSS ? In my theme CSS ? NOTE: this is based on the 6. I thought it is from the custom menu twig but it is not. Drupal 7 will officially reach its End of Life on 5 January 2025. 看什麼角度 基本上是code對safari的支援不足問題 另一方面是safari的用戶不夠多的問題--from open mind to open source~-- Hi Grant et al --I've had good luck with YUI menu -- although use nice menus on nearly every site. I'm asking either for some hints as to where to start and how to approach this, or if it might qualify as a future feature. Please see www. I'm using the "Custom logo" setting and providing a path to the logo. I toyed with its CSS to see how to change the colors and found out. We will be porting the 2. 1, with responsive-sidebars, with options Add Respond. and module "Nice menus" 7. When it comes to customizing the menus, the documentation suggest copying and renaming "nice_menus_default. jdhpd uzrjrlov riqopd xvrkb pdkqe fokubz ljvpwpj nyzyi gkuba nolr tws lpgg wgktzs ssdpcdil rwpqgpam