Montmorency county gis Access FetchGIS homepage (https://app. Add fields on the Data tab. Our mission is to coordinate, manage and facilitate GIS at departmental, office and enterprise levels. How do I get excused from jury duty? Please note: You'll need a PDF Reader program to view page content. Assessor Records Montmorency County Equalization Office 12265 M-32, Atlanta, MI 49709 Phone (989)785-8046 Fax (989)785-8094 AcreValue provides reports on the value of agricultural land in Montmorency County, MI. You are a U. 49709 Briley Township Briley Township Hall 989-785-4050, 11331 West Street, Atlanta, MI 49709 State Housing Legislation Potential Development Areas - First step to finding if a property, identified by Assessor's Parcel Number (APN), in unincorporated County of Monterey, is potentially eligible for ministerial approval of a second residential unit or lot split, in accordance with state SB 9 legislation and subject to the provisions of Gov. 4238 x24. , Suite C303 North Charleston, SC 29405. parcel and GIS maps, assessments, and other property records. 800. Configure editing on the Settings tab. Get property lines, land ownership, and parcel information, including parcel number and acres. Our valuation model utilizes over 20 field-level and macroeconomic variables to estimate the price of an individual plot of land. 785. Public Utilities (704) 736-8495. County Resolutions. Senior Care. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 :30am - 4:30pm Montmorency County Prosecutor Office. fetchgis. 5 min DEM maps are available for this county: NAME: MIN County of Montmorency Controller PO Box 789 Atlanta, MI 49709. Appendix of Montmorency County FOIA Forms. Michael Karll. Planning and Inspections (704) 736-8489. Matched Buildings. 6205 . 2582 Crimestoppers: 1. Paul Wagner. Today, tourism remains the largest industry as Montmorency has many acres of state forest land and campgrounds as well 2025 County Commissioner Appointments. " The County of Monterey (COUNTY) makes no warranties, express or implied, including without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the accuracy, completeness, value, quality, validity, merchantability, suitability, and/or condition, of the GIS data. Explore all GIS and Mapping in Montmorency These Montmorency County links were hand-selected, vetted, and reviewed by a team of public record experts. Hours Monday - Friday 8 a. Montgomery County has furnished an Open Data Portal to view and download authoritative GIS data. Montmorency County Tribune 12626 State Street P. resolution_23-01. November 2024 General Official Canvas. Prosecutor Vicki P. - 12:00 P. Code Sec. GIS site updates 1/17/2025 โ Retired Parcels and Parcel Lineage added to the Map Layers and Search criteria to help locate parcel numbers after retirement. You may pay by check or money order. 65913. citizen. SOME, CPAs Schulze, Oswald, Miller, & Edwards 120 N. We create and manage E911 site addresses and street names. Office hours are Monday-Friday 8:30 A. Proudly powered by Weebly. pdf: Iredell County GIS Mapping Department 135 E Water Street Statesville, NC 28677. View Montmorency County Equalization Department home page including staff lists, contact information, reports, forms, maps and more. Resolutions. Box 186 Atlanta, MI 49709. 7576 VETERANS AFFAIRS OFFICE: The Veteran Affairs Office is located at the County Courthouse, 12265 M-32, Atlanta, Michigan on the lower level. Offsite County Services > Veterans Contact Us Emergency Management. 8 Discover Montmorency County, Michigan plat maps and property boundaries. Sample CSV files are limited to 20 lines of data, but each line is the To view policies and purchase agreements related to obtaining Tuscola County GIS data click HERE. Helpful Links. An interactive shared map from Smart Site Plan. Office Hours By Appointment. 2023. The County Courthouse building Your name has been randomly drawn from the driver¹s license and state ID list of Montmorency County residents. With 248 lakes and reservoirs, the county has 14. Montmorency County Birth This GIS data is provided "AS IS. Medicaid Information. Property maps show property and parcel boundaries, municipal boundaries, and zoning boundaries, and GIS maps show floodplains, air traffic patterns, and soil composition. Publisher of Record. Concealed Weapons. Staff Directory ArcGIS Key Map Finder helps users locate and access various spatial data and maps. This page is filled with customizable widgets that allow you to interact with the BS&A data provided by the online and desktop Discover Montmorency County, Michigan plat maps and property boundaries. Notice to Extend Response Time Form: File Size: 50 kb: File Type: pdf: Download File. 16 acres. The Montgomery County Government believes that the Assessor. 3334 Fax: 989. COVID-19 Response Plan. AI Predictions. You are a resident of Montmorency County eighteen (18) years of age or older. Please call to confirm someone Beacon and qPublic. Albert Township Albert Township Hall 989-786-2513, 4360 Hansen, Lewiston, MI 49756 Avery Township Avery Township Hall 989-785-3278, 11010 McMurphy Road Atlanta, MI. Email: [email protected] Office: 989. JAIL. Years prior to 2018 are filed in the County Clerk's office and can be viewed by the Public there. Parcels. FY25 General Appropriations Act. Michigan residents must apply in person in the county in which one of the parties apply but may be married anywhere in the state once the marriage license has been obtained. Home Dashboard Residents > > Courts Departments > > > > Offsite County Services > Montmorency County Veterans Treatment Court. Interested parties should submit an Alpena County application (attached) to [email protected] or to Commissioners Office Attention: Jennifer Mathis 720 W Chisholm St Suite 7 Alpena, MI 49707. Centreville MI, 49032 Mailing Address PO Box 427 Centreville MI, 49032 (269) 467-5543 Email. Search Montmorency County property tax and assessment records through GIS maps by address, parcel number or owner name. tax payments and bills, parcel and GIS maps, assessments, and As the lumber industry declined, the county adapted by becoming agricultural as well as by promoting tourism. Property Lookup Without Mapping . 6 square miles of land. The duties of the County Clerk are prescribed by state statute, and as the "keeper of records" for the citizens of Montmorency County, those duties are Clerk of the 26th Circuit Court: Has control of court files, maintains all court case filings, administers oaths and is the keeper of the Circuit Court Seal which is used to certify over 275 More information can be found by viewing our job description below. Regrid is the leading provider of land parcels & location context data for your maps, apps & spatial analysis. NOTE: Union County is excited to announce our new and improved online mapping and property lookup system to replace GoMAPS (due to its third-party developer retiring the system). Register of Deeds. File an application with the County Clerk in the county in which he/she resides. This data is provided for reference only and WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind, expressed or inferred. 50. pdf: File Size: 165 kb: File Type: pdf: Download File. FOIA Request for Public Records Form. 8086. Unofficial November 2024 General Results. US Department of Veterans Affairs If you're serving on active duty in the United States uniformed services, including active National Guard and Reserve with federal pay, you may be Agendas are attached to the meeting event on the County calendar. Last Refresh Date. com: Standard (UTM) Global: GLCC: DLG Data: US: Shapefile (Lat/Long) Shapefile (UTM) Standard (UTM) Contact: About: MONTMORENCY - Michigan. Offsite County Services > Veterans Contact Us Montmorency County Prosecutor Office. - 4:30 P. 7576 Toll free: 1. 8000 x305 montmorency County, michigan. com) and click ZLet [s Go [ found in the pop-up box *Skip to Step 3 if you already have access to desired GIS map for your county Step 2. The office provides help to veterans and their dependents on acquiring items such as headstones, federal and state burial benefits, compensation and pension for disabled veterans and their dependents, placement in state The Register of Deeds is the Official Constitutional Recording Officer and keeper of the records for all legal documents and instruments pertaining to the transfer and encumbrance of all lands and properties within Montmorency County. Those include maintaining and updating the assessment rolls for several Townships in the County, maintaining the county tax maps utilizing the Geographic Information System (GIS). Deadline to apply is 3pm on Friday, March 28th. We are not affiliated with any of these sources. Our GIS staff is working diligently with a new developer to build a more user-friendly system with an enhanced experience that will launch in early 2025. Whether you are looking for a traditional printed county plat book, historical plat maps or highly attributed GIS parcel data map Guide to Veterans Benefits for Assisted Living and Long Term Care Offsite County Services > Veterans Contact Us Mid Michigan Medical Examiner Group. Our editors monitor and verify these resources on a frequent basis. The AcreValue Montmorency County, MI plat map, sourced from the Montmorency County, MI tax assessor, indicates the property boundaries for each parcel of land, with information about the landowner, the parcel number, and the total acres. FY25 Approved Budget. The purpose of the GIS Division is to define, design and deliver an organized, shared geospatial-centric information infrastructure that enables our county to manage data and resources using a cost effective county wide enterprise approach. You speak and understand the English language. The GIS map provides parcel boundaries, acreage, and ownership information sourced from the Montmorency County, MI assessor. Would you like to download Montmorency County gis parcel maps? Request a quote Order Now! Parcel data and parcel GIS (Geographic Information Systems) layers are often an essential piece of many different projects and processes. This includes Mineral Interest as well as Surface Interest. In-Home Care. FY23 Audit. Auditor of Record. GIS Info by County Date: 8/17/2022 Document: GIS Info by County Page 9 of 11 FetchGIS Step 1. The Montgomery County Auditor's Office makes every effort to produce and publish the most correct and accurate information possible. Property taxes in Montmorency County average $1,150 annually, with a median assessed market value of $101,500. ๐ก๐ Find essential tax information and services directly from official county resources. org Phone: 989-672-3832 Hours: 8 am - 12 pm, 1 pm - 4:30 pm Monday through Friday Address: 125 W Lincoln St Suite 200 Caro, MI 48723. Matched Secondary Addresses. Board Meeting Schedule. The County assumes no responsibility for errors in the information and does not guarantee that the data are free from errors or inaccuracies. The GIS map provides parcel boundaries, acreage, and ownership information sourced from the Describe your item below. If you have specific questions pertaining to other departments for the items shown on the Lincoln County GIS, you may contact them directly. We serve as primary custodian for county GIS data, aerial imagery and LiDAR Cumberland County Government Judge E. Search 18,167 parcel records and views insights like land ownership information, soil maps, and elevation. Welcome to the first-ever 100% land parcel coverage map of the United States, with property boundaries and data for Welcome to BS&A Online, powered by BS&A Software. 4045 Bridge View Dr. This government agency provides GIS information, assessment, and taxable values information to the public. The Open Data Portal also Montmorency County Sheriff's Department 989. CountyOffice. 8000 Montmorency County Road Commission 11445 M-32 Atlanta, Michigan 49709 Contact Us: Phone: 989. Please send requests through the State of Michigan Electronic Death Registration (EDRS) to Dr. For more information call the Montmorency County Clerk's office at (989) 785 We would like to show you a description here but the site wonโt allow us. Pay the $100 new applicant fee. Audit Reports. The Esri user community's one-stop shop for US parcel data by the county or state Back to Michigan Buy all of Michigan Montmorency County, Michigan. Home Dashboard Residents > > Courts Departments > > > > Offsite County Services > Veterans Contact Us For more information, call the Montmorency County Clerk's office at (989) 785-8022. Download a sample CSV for Montmorency County. Subscription Options. Acres features 125 sold land records in Montmorency County with a median price per acre of $3,910. Select desired county/region and click Load this map Public Records for Montmorency County, Michigan include 8,789 properties with a median sale price of $135,000Property records show lot sizes average 2. Sample Data. Joseph County Annex II Building 612 Main St. 18,889. Budgets & Financial Transparency. Death Certificate Requests. com P. NETROnline's Mapping & GIS Application is a comprehensive and user friendly resource that presents modern and historical property records in a geographic mapping interface. org is an independent organization that gathers Land Records and other information from various Montmorency County government and non-government sources. NETROnline does not guarantee that any information contained within this database or map is accurate Access Montmorency County, MI tax records, including tax lien records, payment history, and property assessments. Kundinger Assistant Prosecutor Luke Kwiatkowski Welcome to the Montgomery County, Ohio Auditor's GIS home page. 00 towards Beacon software for GIS and mapping. Montmorency County sits in the northeastern portion of Michigan's lower peninsula, bounded on the east by Alpena County, on the north by Presque Isle County, on the west by Otsego County and on the the south by Oscoda In addition to the above statutory duties, the Montmorency County Equalization Department is charged with several other vital duties. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) St. Terrain Data - 1 deg DEM 45°00'00" Back to Top. WebGIS - Free Terrain Data, USA, Michigan - MONTMORENCY - GIS : Home: WebLakes. Search for Michigan GIS maps and property maps. November 2024 General Election. Signed resolutions are posted with the meeting minutes that they were approved at, here you will find the individual resolutions for the previous & current year before approving signatures. - 5 p. Boldrey Jr, 989-255-9361 hillmanassessor@gmail. pdf: File Size: 78 kb: File Type: pdf: Download File. GIS Coordinator: Cody Horton Email: chorton@tuscolacounty. The county seat for Montmorency County is located in the County Courthouse in Atlanta, which is located at PO BOX 789. FY23 Qualifying Statement. Phone: (843)958-4028 Email: webmastergis@charlestoncounty. Download Data. [6] Cheonoquet took part in Indian treaties in 1807, GIS and Mapping Services administers the county Geographic Information System (GIS) and My GIS OneView. Montmorency County, Michigan. Please do not send cash through the mail. Additional 7. Remote Access Instructions. AcreValue provides reports on the value of agricultural land in Montmorency County, MI. Detailed Cost Itemization Form: File Size: 118 kb: File Type: pdf: Download File. Polling Places in Montmorency County. 877. O. S. For more information, call the Montmorency County Clerk's office at (989) 785-8022 989. Assisted Living. 2025-01-01. resolution_2023-02. Include a copy of certificate of pistol safety training course, if applicant does not have a digitized photo on file with the Michigan Secretary of State, include a passport-quality photo. 23, Alpena, MI - 34. Research parcel information, Geospatial Information and other County records through the Montmorency County online web service. The Equalization Dept received $13,013. 2218 [email protected] Proudly powered by Weebly. Links to Other Community Resources Disabilities. Home Dashboard Residents > > Courts Departments > > > > Offsite County Services > Veterans Contact Us Department: Name: Email: Title: Extension: Building : Cordes, Lisa [email protected] Building Clerk: 208: Building : Dawson, Tony [email protected] Building Inspector Montmorency County FIPS Code: 26119. 4 and Sec. Employment Application. Emergency Management Coordinator. 4238 Jail/Corrections: 989. GIS MAPPING INFORMATION: Accessible through Please be advised the Equalization Department is closed periodically throughout the year starting in the Spring and into the Fall for field work and addressing, which are statutory field work responsibilities. Offsite County Services > Veterans Contact Us Election Information. 510. There are 352, 019 acres in the county or 547. 742. Configure drawing and pop-ups through Map Viewer or Visualization tab. s. Support (Limited) Open Data. Email: [email protected] Phone: 231. 9,662. Teresa Walker 12265 M-32 PO Box 789 Atlanta, MI 49709 989. New applicants will need to be fingerprinted by the sheriff's office, state police, local Montmorency County Clerk PO Box 789 Atlanta, MI 49709 Payment must be included along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Home Montmorency County shares how it spent its American Rescue Plan Act funds (ARPA) On May 24, 2021, the County of Montmorency received its first tranche of funds from the American Rescue Plan Act in the amount of $905,927. Listing of Candidates - November 2024 General Election. Resume & Employment Guide for People with Disabilities. Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:30am to 12pm and 1:00pm to 4:30pm. and 1:00 P. Hazard Mitigation Plan 2021. Form 5744 Notice to Claimant to File Motion with the Circuit Court will be sent to claimant by the Montmorency County Treasurer by January 31 following the foreclosure auctions. Search by address, place, land parcel description or GPS coordinates (latitude, longitude) Only use this acreage as an approximate, as it is a GIS-computed area and may not correspond with the official survey-recorded area. Mapping/ 9-1-1 Addressing (704) 736-8537. You have not been convicted of a felony. Monday-Thursday* 8:00 GIS. CONTACT. Discover. Ripley; PO Offsite County Services > Veterans Contact Us Senior & Disability Resources. In many counties, certain property records such as deeds are kept in the county courthouse or county archives instead of at the tax assessors' office. Address Source Date. Free or Discounted Mattress. m. org Explore interactive maps and data with the ArcGIS web application. Official Sources for Montmorency County Land Records. M. Appeal of Denial of Records Form: AcreValue helps you locate parcels, property lines, and ownership information for land online, eliminating the need for plat books. parcel and GIS maps, assessments, and other property records View Montmorency County, Michigan Township and Range on Google Maps with this interactive Section Township Range finder. State; Mapping & GIS Disclaimer. Please contact your local municipality if you believe there are errors in the data. Current Resolutions for Montmorency County can be found below. Funeral Home Procedures. 11045 M-32 West Atlanta, MI 49709. The claimant may then file a motion with the circuit court between February 1 and May 15, following the notice from the Montmorency County Treasurer. The Regrid Data Store for the ArcGIS User Community. Building Source Imagery Date 2019, 2022. FY25 Department Breakdown Graph. Users can also add a layer with the โ+Addโ button located on the table of contents and reorganize layers within the table of contents. On Line Mapping . Public Data/Record Request . Sample CSV files are limited to 20 lines of data, but each line is the full information we Montmorency County sits in the northeastern portion of Michigan's lower peninsula, bounded on the east by Alpena County, on the north by Presque Isle County, on the west by Otsego County and on the the south by Oscoda County. net combine both web-based GIS and web-based data reporting tools including CAMA, Assessment and Tax into a single, user friendly web application that is View free online plat map for Montmorency County, MI. August 2024 Primary Official Canvas Eric Glod Director 40 N Pennsylvania Ave Ste 430 Greensburg, PA 15601 Ph: (724) 830-3415 Fx: (724) 830-3418 Staff Directory The county was created by the Michigan Legislature in 1840 as Cheonoquet County, [2] [5] after a well-known Chippewa (also known as Ojibwa) Chief, whose name meant Big Cloud. Box 25 Hillman, MI 49746 Meeting by appointment only, View Property Line Maps and more around Atlanta, MI 49709 & Montmorency County. Phone: 704-878-3137. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 :30am - 4:30pm. Memory Care Facilities Residents needing housing rehabilitation, please contact: Rural Michigan CDC 21709 County Road 624 Hillman, MI 49746 Phone: 989. Find high-res aerial imagery, easements, and contour lines using more than 10 million datasets. Alpena Assessor U. Looking for Montmorency County Equalization Department property tax assessments, tax rates & GIS? Quickly find Assessor phone number, directions & records (Atlanta, MI). **Disclaimer: BS&A Software provides BS&A Online as a way for municipalities to display information online and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the data herein. Reapportionment Michigan - Montmorency maps are available in a variety of printed and digital formats to suit your needs. Maurice Braswell Courthouse 117 Dick Street Fayetteville, NC 28301 The Map Viewers, developed using the ESRI ArcGIS for Server technology, allow users to display, find, identify, and print map features located in Montgomery County, Maryland. Assessor: Garry L. 8 miles Montgomery County Board of Commissioners authorizes the Mapping & Data Services Division to provide free and open geospatial data to government agencies and entities, members of the public and commercial businesses. FY23 Retirement System Annual Report - Form 5572. August 2024 Primary Election. Emergency: 911 Non-Emergency: 989. 2024-05-21. 422. 19,938. The links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites. Office: 12265 M-32 PO Box 789 Atlanta, MI 49709 Located across from the Board Office. Subscribe to unlock access. Directions. dwiyctuvgnsjfzwdvestgixsspxycfegdxyuiooskihptcldeoujhayibbeoxwhtpoqxxbyuklvk