Mhw iceborne best longsword reddit. tzitzi ya ku is the best mhw monster.
Mhw iceborne best longsword reddit I do have 2 Tenderizer Jewels and 2 Handicraft jewels though. (Otherwise just go for we bone/great Jagras pieces) 3 pieces nargacuga plus odogaron belt is pretty good already, from there on you can choose between either using the Rathalos Chest or the fulgur Anja helmet (use nargacuga chest or helmet respectively) and you're good to go. Easy to get, decent stats, but once again, anything's fine. One of my favorite designs. Master Rank gear completely outclasses everything you have access to now. I could fit Crit Eye 6-7, Attack Boost 4-7, WEX 2 and Crit Boost 1 on every build without having too many good jewels since I just started playing. atk boost is low priority a base build consist of reaching 100% affinity & critboost 3, then stacking extra raw like agitator & atk last. As for if you want iceborne you have a simple answer: If you like basegame and want more - YES If you don't want more of the game - NO Hi all, I recently got Iceborne and my first few hunts were pretty rough. Also its one of the safest melee weapons to use, it has no bad matchup. The good news is that the Divine Slasher has most amount of raw but has very little amount of white sharpness even with handicraft 5 but pair with non elemental boost it was good (until non Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Iceborne Final Meta Compilation MHW Armor Set Search MHW Kiranico MHW Robomeche DB MHW Weapon Attack Tables MHW General Data Sheet: Learn what's the best Long Sword to use in Iceborne including the best Iceborne starter Long Sword up until pre and post-Fatalis Long Sword! The Longsword weapons early For base game the best endgame Longsword is just Defender. There technically isn't a best because since they pretty much come with the same stats but what people did when safi first came out was either get the shatter blade and awaken it with all attack awaken or 4 atk awakens and teostra touch Agitator is just the next best damage skill in line and getting a monster enraged is usually the norm for most people because wallbangs are busted. Join the community and come discuss games like Codenames, Wingspan, Brass, and all your other favorite games! Arena longsword, the Divine Slasher, isn't that great compared to Fire or Defender since it requires more strict skills and gameplay for ultimately less benefit anyways, and Deviljho is rather bad now due to the nerfs to maximum might and weakness exploit that came with iceborne patch(it affects base game too), because its low affinity can no longer be compensated for. I’ve played both in GU and Sunbreak, but can’t decide which to pick up here and was hoping for some suggestions? The rocksteady mantle is essentially broken for light weapon types for giving you a sizable pre-emptive strike. My favorite play style in the franchise, ESPECIALLY in Iceborne. 4 piece Behemoth set with dragon king eye patch is meta for base world. But seing how you don't like slow weapons you won't be able to squeeze the juice out of it (like me, i prefer more technical weapons) Longsword is the easiest of the 3 to learn, and is on par with CB on damage. plus 2 points in attack boost never hurts. Also 1-2 points in Agitator will be enough for now. Another thing is most of the current players on are Iceborne content. I'm fairly new to iceborne and finally finished my first LS build (3 piece teo, 2 piece raging brachy + lightbreak edge). It's best to wound the monster first when soloing or in multiplayer. having level 3 weakness exploit makes pretty much every weakness spot hit a crit. So after killing Beotodus and Banbaro, I noticed it took me 40min+ to kill Coral Pukei Pukei and Shadow Paolulumu. I've been trying to search for longsword progression guides in youtube but the ones I've found mainly suggested just using defender gear to blitz through the base game, but I don't want to Posted by u/noya22 - 1 vote and no comments Pale by a mile. So I think I'm mid Iceborne, I just repeled Velkhana, and beat the Fulger Anja, but I haven't started the next assigned quests yet. It utilizes Teostra and Frostfang armor (You do have to be MR24+) I fitted in Vit 3, Blast Res 3, and Prot 2. Jagras, Beotodus, Banbaro, Bone, whatever. I hadn’t played in half a year and was really rusty, but also I felt my gear wasn’t helping my case either. Heed This Warning, Long Sword Lovers. Armour won't really matter until you start getting later in iceborne. Started playing recently on PC after a year or 2 from my PS4 saves. Been playing icebourne recently, Best build? 3piece Teo for MT and 2 piece rage for agitator secret This is of course before Fatalis Armor/Weapons which may as well be the new meta once considered. LS works best with Raw because Helmsplitter's element damage is really low, like 30% or something. Beotodus CB is pretty much Kjarr Strongarm Ice 2. And doing so while the game still has active dedicated players is best for you you run into needing help. The Witcher armor is pretty good too. Literally, anything goes, you'll only have to worry about what's good when HR starts. Earplugs isn't a must have but it can be very useful for shieldless weapons, LS excluded. but alatreon weapons are really good for fatalis. tzitzi ya ku is the best mhw monster. I started with the crimson viperfang II, now im using the acid scimitar II (which im presuming is the best endgame LS for paralysis). Safi armour isn't strictly necessary, but it makes your life a In iceborne I can meld, or have a higher chance to get it from my quest vs high rank. Best longsword icebourne . IDK about Rise, but in World it's effectively the easiest weapon to get good results from, the best way to tell is with the arena quests, you can be certain you'll be given garbage sets, and yet you can pick up LS in arena quests with zero weapon knowledge and trash gear and things will still go butter smooth, and it only gets stronger from there. Part breaker is also fun because breaks usually give you big openings, but it's more viable for general farming or monsters meant for breaks (radobaan, barioth, jurytodus) focus armour skill can make it easier to charge ur longsword gauge if ur rly having trouble with that, and power prolonger can make the buffs last longer i would also say dont replace ur teostra gear with alatreon, teostra will be better. For reference I was running full Drachen with Legiana helm and Reaver Calamity. Unlike base MHW, it only activates once your stamina has remained full for like 4+ seconds. The Kulve Taroth Fire is the best longsword pre-iceborne, followed by the jho sword reaver "calamity" and the divine slasher in that order. Quick Sheath is a nice addition as well since it also boosts sheath speed for the Iai slash attacks, and Focus is good for building your meter quickly. Depends if you want elemental or raw damage and how you awaken it. It's just statistically superior to everything else because it's basically an early master rank weapon. I think all the Fire and Thunder ones lose to the Gold Rathian though. I think it is good for you to get a longsword for each element (fire, ice, thunder, water, dragon) since monsters have different weaknesses so research which elemental longsword you want. Velk set is godly for this. Frostfang is the superior craftable one, combines Velk's raw with Legiana's element, purple sharpness and 15% affinity on top of that. If you really like Poison though, Poison Smoke Bombs can usually poison most monsters in 3-5 uses. Find 3 weapons best suited for you, and tally them, high damage/burst/mobility. It has great sharpness, 957 raw attack, 420 poison and 10% affinity. You generally want the usual damage and crit skills like crit eye, weakness exploit, crit boost, and agitator. My preferred choice is Longsword cuz it It’s hands down my best weapon, both QuickDraw style and standard True Charge spam. It is the best choice against the avatar dragon. Nice thing about Longsword and Glaive is the sets are pretty interchangeable for them. gives points in focus, which is great to build that spirit gauge. It has good blast and raw damage which makes it the best in the base game. My damage felt good but not good enough with my defenses not very good either. With QuickDraw builds (hope I have the right name) you are lightning fast and can get precise quick hits in whenever you need for 100% crits. Currently i play with the Divine Slasher LS and my skills i use are Critical eye, Critical Boost, Weakness Exploit, If no ice, then at least for LS, your best bet is burst lv5 or crit eye. The first armors in iceborne aren't the best, so I changed just the weapon and stick with my high armor and waited until I found something useful. Looking for a pretty decent base game longsword build. Check out the best and latest Iceborne Longsword builds that will help you stay alive and more importantly catch or even kill those pesky Pokemon on steroids. Unfortunately, powercreep from Safi, Brachy, and Fatalis knocked it off the top spot. Purple affinity is primarily desirable for it's boost to elemental damage rather than raw, which suits the 420 base fire perfectly - in tandem with 20% innate affinity, it's real easy to get 100% for Critical Element and Master's Longsword is super easy to build for. The USJ event longsword isn’t half bad either. Find out info on stats, weapon skills, and why they're good. As others have said, totally monster dependent. 0, a super busted Ice CB, and I believe the Jyuratodus and Vaal Hazak CBs are really good for Water and Dragon. One level of Critical Boost is enough for now, 2 would be really good. I'd say early on your best bet would be the Viper Tobi Kadachi 'Crimson Viperfang II' until you get into the end game stuff after that the Arena Quest 'Hellish Slasher' and Shara Ishvalda 'Radiant Flow' are good Raw weapon choices and lastly (until Safi drops fr you) the arguably best LS is the Golden Rathians 'Wyvern Blade Luna', as for elemental LS's most of them work pretty well but Polisher for when you don't have Master's Touch (and even if you do, it's still good to have): LS is fast, which means you go through sharpness fairly quickly, so shortening your sharpening time is helpful when you need it. I like the end game a lot more than what was in base game as well. The Rathalos fire longsword was something I built in Iceborne since Velkhana and some other monsters were weak to fire. Hi everyone, so I’ve just recently finished MHW and jumped straight into Iceborne. No reason to leave damage on the table. The tobi-kadachi longsword is a great starter and lasts a while from the beginning. Try it if you can't get Kjarr or Safi. Reply reply Downwinddragoon Im into fashion hunting at the moment, what are the best looking longswords, dual blades and layered armor? I currently have the hellish slasher ls, stygian ls, rajang ls, and the radiant flow, Im using the frostfang db as well. Now's the prime time for experimenting with weapons, and having fun with them. That build has made everything pretty easy, Im almost done with the entire There is not one single weapon that totally dominates over others. One way is defender gear which is technically cheating in a way because it's the best armor pre iceborne. . DS also reaches 100% affinity without affinity augment, so better to The LS looks reaaaally good, too. Equip it, shoot slinger ammo at the ground next to a wall while the enemy is unaware of you, walk to the impact point and claw the I want to give the Velkhana crit Iai slash draw set a try and I was wondering which are the strongest LS´s for each element. I have been trying to find anything on the internet about it but can only find pre-Iceborne or very early Iceborne posts Good to hear. 3 piece teostra is always a classic for masters touch builds. Fatalis Zaggespanon. It’s not a bad idea to make some elemental longswords. I've started playing LS recently and found that Reaver Calamity with Affinity+Dmg is good. The best poison option in endgame, Gold Rath, used to be BIS for Raw LS. Grab the Kjarr Ice of both, and if you can't, opt for the Frostfang Barioth weapons. Posted by u/SgT_Trollinator - 8 votes and 15 comments A fully upgraded Kulu LS will carry you to the rest of the iceborne story. Longsword is actually my other weapon (well Longsword and Greatsword). I'd say the most important jewels are: Weakness Exploit, Critical Boost, Attack Up, Critical Eye, Agitator, Peak Performance (if you can keep up the health) and for survivability I'd say Health Boost, Divine Protection, Earplugs are the most useful imo. Double Affinity isn't necessary cuz you get 100% affinity with just 1 Affinity Augment. This sums up the basics I think. Also, you will be building a fire and ice longsword for one of the endgame elder fights. I would like to make a new longsword build and I would like some recommendations on exactly what armor and weapon to use as well as what gems to put Longsword and CB are both pretty easy. I used Lance through World want to change things a bit, and I’ve narrowed it down to Longsword or SnS. Just want a good build until I hit the new DLC. Get the Black Dragon's longsword. Aim to get the avatar dragon's longsword, it is the best choice against the Black Dragon. The gold rathian ls was the best ls sword before Iceborne received any major updates. Longsword Choices There are a ton that are great but some highlights would be the NERG Longsword for a great all-arounder and the Divine Slasher Arena sword for some great raw damage. Aim to get Frostfang Barioth's LS next, an ice longsword. If you don't wanna use it Check out this guide on the tier ranking of the best endgame Long Sword weapons of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. Pair those with Safi armour and you should be good to go. Maximum Might is just for crit chance therefore uninteresting for most builds because it's way easier to get your crit up with Attack boost+ Crit Eye which don't require a set bonus neither are conditional. The best longsword in the game. So im still a Base game player but i'll buy Iceborne soon and im wondering which skills are more viable or less viable than in the base game. as well as bonus element damage, and minds eye so attacks can't ping. Just to simply somewhat survive his stuff, doesn't mean you can survive the last phase blast tho. You could still do well with it, but it's never going to outdamage those three. I cover all the new Iceborne additions in-depth, niche mechanics about them that some people are overlooking, as well as the new combos you'll want to use to maximize the output of the long sword in opportune moments. I was just wondering what other viable builds there are for longsword that I could get started on (I realise the above is the "meta" one, but I just want a bit of variety). They can play with you if you're lucky, but you can't play with them. When the Mr layered armour comes out I will probably use a mix of Alatreon and Ebony Odogaron, I absolutely love the slim yet sharp look that really suits the simple yet elegant long swords like the Divine slasher or the Shara ls. You do it the same way as usual: first pick whatever you can put together. Anyway, so far I've been building for CE7, ATB 7 and WEX3, plus Non-Elemental boost (Iron Eschaton II) but a few discussions piqued my interest and I was curious if I'd be better off looking into Crit Boost and sacrificing some Attack? I ended up making the Rathalos armor set, with one slot to mess with since 4 pieces is enough for the set bonus. My recommendation would be look out for crit boost, crit eye, weakness exploit, than switch ur armor. It's called Blossom something. adding handicraft too depending on your weapon. The kulu arms and legs should have crit eye and crit boost. Gs is just great, best melee weapon in the game in terms of dps. Maximum Might is a pretty garbage skill most of the time now. It only acts like it did in base MHW (activating immediately) if you have Maximum Might 5, which can only be gotten with Glavenus' 3 piece set bonus. This + Crit Eye 5-7 (use Crit Eye Charm or Weakness Exploit Charm depending on what you need) and WEX 3 will Ive been trying to get the best build for paralysis. At least I can say that Iceborne is fantastic and you’ll get the full experience of building and upgrading weapons and armour as you go through it. Any random Master Rank 1🌟 pieces with skills that you want. If I were to recommend a Longsword at your level, I would suggest the Kadachi tree. Any opening that is actually good and long enough for Helmbreaker you want to do because it is the most damage you can possibly do. The #1 Reddit source for news, information, and discussion about modern board games and board game culture. You could go the Rath(ian?) tree and get the poison longsword which continues through out iceborne that turns into a decent mid game LS with it's really high poison damage. So i know previously raw ls was king in the base game but iceborne added some changes to elemental and was curious if anyone had done enough testing to see if elemental longsword was better than raw now. On top of what the other commenter said, there are also some Elemental Charge Blades that are really good. I recently got Iceborne after finally finishing World and decided it’s time to change up my main weapon. I miss the purple sharpness and the extra free I’m currently in Iceborne and I just want to know which Fire, Water, Ice, Thunder, and Dragon Longsword should I go for? Later on you will get access to an agitator secret set with only two pieces which happens to be two of the best pieces in the game in terms of slots and skills, and with the whole claw thing you can have 100% agitator uptime (or near to 100% at least), so there's no reason to not invest in this skill for damage. for hammer, the 2 strongest ones( acid glav & shara) need handi to hit purple sharpness. fkri ctjmxl mkiho fti xbwuyok iebuqi ulumvxf peyo agg iwpfg gsx vwoq ijexp vcyj qdc