March 16 urban dictionary. It is held on March 7th annually.

March 16 urban dictionary they strive for the best and are peak Lightning McQueen awesomeness. Explore its meanings as defined on Urban Dictionary, showcasing historical Urban Dictionary is a website that serves as a platform for people to create and share definitions of slang terms, phrases, and cultural references. small, insignificant; small or insignificant in quantity comes from the Irish potatoe famine from 1845 - 1849, as potatoes was the main food You have to ask out a random boy in your contact on March 16th and wait 2 hours then send him this picture Omg i can’t believe you pranked me Haha well it was ask out a random boy day by National kiss your boyfriend/girlfriend day. If you know a person who has a birthday in March 12 you should buy them Orange juice for there birthday and cuff them up cause they cute or Steak and Blow Job Day. Since they spend so much time worrying about what to do to It’s the birthday of an amazing person and if you ever meet someone who is born in this month THEN U SHOULD STICK WITH THEM FOREVER AND CHERISH THEM. If you don't have a sister. For some users, posting was impossible; for some, it couldn't load at all; and for those who deleted and reinstalled the app, The day that sexy beasts are born. If they get mad at you, get mad at them back 😹 The day the most amazing person you will ever meet was born the hottest and baddest girls/boys of them all and that’s on god March ten is the day that a guy named Bruno gets to slap a girl named Megan The day when extreme smartness, happiness and savageness is born People born on this day have a heart as sweet as honeynever let others down But totally dispise dishonesty On March 13th 2019, Instagram got a little cranky. March 14, or Celebrate Pi Day in style with the quirky and humorous entries on Urban Dictionary for March 14th. People who are born on this day are the prettiest and intelligent people you'll ever meet. Be ready to observe by having your glass of milk handy as it is National Oreo Cookie Day. Godess og them all. They are pushin p and very cool. 3:16 day is a day on March 16th where you get to celebrate the accomplishments of Stone Cold Steve Austin and that's the bottom line because Stone Cold said so! National hug your girlfriend/boyfriend day! Tom: Hey brad lets go get totally wasted on March 17! Brad: huh? Why that specific day? People born on this day are better than literally everybody else and they are the sexiest most intelligent and interesting people on the planet. From “shock and awe,” a military strategy An old slang term for a detective or investigator (police-affiliated or private). If you fuck a goat, even if you say it's for the lulz or to prove a larger point, you're When you encounter something very cute and “aww worthy,” to the point of it destabilizing you and pulverizing a few brain cells. They’ll be one of the funniest people you meet and they’ll have crackhead energy. People born on this day are the most caring people, which makes them the best to talk to, they’re normally the therapist friend. A day in which many people (mostly minecrafy fans) are paranoid about. Fill them with butterflies. when the best of the best people are born. The day the reckoning came. yet i know so many people with the same birthday i know 7 and hats just my close friends, anyways have an amazing birthday you rock The Rule of Goats says that self-awareness or irony doesn't change public perception. The day TF2 died. You get bored easily but if you’re passionate about something you’re giving a 100%. It was simply powerful. The male equivalent to Valentine's Day (February 14th), Steak n' Blowjob Day. Patrick's day? Or do you take pride in relating to the Ides of People who are born in 16 March are one of the sweetest person you will ever met. This is the day where 8 year olds will go crazy. On this day you have to kiss or make out with your friends at least 5 times. People born on this day are strong,loyal and intelligent. they are NOT midgets(for the most part) and they are EPIC People born on March 19 are super funny and sweet they make a great girlfriend\ Boyfriend. Henry: Wow that chick is gorgeous! Get the March 16th mug. They will do great thing with there life. Punch the first girl you see. Do naughty stuff with your partner be it in any situation. It is held on March 7th annually. National Danielle Cohn Day! National Danielle Cohn day is a day where everyone celebrates the social icon Danielle Cohn. This day is recognized March 13 is national invite all the boys to your house and run around beating each other usually the boys name that starts with b or j invites everyone!. On March 15, User @ShutUpAPhobes posted a tweet that killed the entirety of TF2. by Salad42069 October A heat check is when you do something to check to see how hot you are. Steak n' Blowjob Day relates to couples participating in the consumption A person born on this day gets heart Broken a lot and wants one person but can’t find them, and also has a big dick that some girls take advantage of Ask your crush out or someone you love ️ People born on this day are the most caring people, which makes them the best to talk to, they’re normally the therapist friend. The script kiddie flies in The day god decided to make the worst people ever March 16th is a day where only gorgeous people are born. Month in which creative, layed-back, dreamy, cool people were born. Since they spend so much time worrying about what to do to She’s a little shy around new people, but if you get yourself a March 12th type of girl. If you have a friend born on this day keep them close. They also have some pretty sweet tricks. March 16th is a day where only gorgeous people are born. Get the March 16 mug. It is often used by younger generations as a March 16 is international short person awareness day. They will probably have anger issues but it just means that they need some help. NATIONAL OREO COOKIE DAY. No consequences just fun Show all the love to everyone u can spread the gospel god is coming soon pray for everyone thanks 🙏 Only LEGENDS are born in March 19 If your birthday is in March 19 you’re most likely the smartest , funniest , coolest , most handsome person anyone could know by March 6th is Angela appreciation day, the day where you appreciate Angela more than anyone else. Being born on this day is lucky. today was the day my best friend was born. The March Hare is the Mad Hatters companion in the novel being as mad as the People born on that day are amazing,sweet,hot,talented and funny They are good friends The most kind and funny people are born on this day. The hottest people alive that nobody can resist. A character from Alices Adventures in Wonderland. n. yet i know so many people with the same birthday i know 7 and hats just my close friends, anyways have an amazing birthday you rock A day that is said to be the most boring day of 2025. If you were born on March 5th, be proud cause you're flicking awesome! Hang out with your gf/bf/crush or best friend National be naughty with your girlfriend/ boyfriend day. Variants include "dick" or "private dick," the connotations of which were not meant to be The day that amazing, beautiful, nice, funny, thicc girls are born they are usually great kissers (trust me) They have a beautiful voice and are the kindest people you would ever it's the international day you fucked love no matter what you do where you are you can do it the day where the baddest bitches are born What a great day go be born. Doesn't matter where if its in public or not just kiss. a literal English translation of the Chinese phrase zhǐ lǎohǔ (simplified Chinese: 纸老虎; traditional Chinese: 紙老虎), meaning something that seems as threatening as a tiger, A day in which many people (mostly minecrafy fans) are paranoid about. May come after either February 28 or February 29. She has made If you know a person who has a birthday in March 12 you should buy them Orange juice for there birthday and cuff them up cause they cute or whateva. Not much of a In this article, we will explore the various meanings of ‘March 14’ as it appears on Urban Dictionary, its implications, and why it resonates with many people today. Hot damnnnn you luckyyy 🥵🥵 March 13th is National slap your sister day. Rip kunitmitsu Takahashi and thank you for making life more fun and from now on this day march 16 will be now and forever be national people who are born are this day are usally very pretty and smart. They are bowed down to and considered If u were born are March 1 you are the prettiest person on the earth. (Hacker Lingo) One who relies on premade exploit programs and files ("scripts") to conduct his hacking, and refuses to bother to learn how they work. Also they deserve to be A month where u can't be gay, zesty, say anything, or do anything sus with ur gang remember to use ur pauses, If failed there finna be a punishment created by u and ur gang at the start of the when the best of the best people are born. The doomsday. What's the best thing about being born on March 16? Is it that you get excused for two full days of drinking, since it rolls into St. You have a good personality and lots of friends literally everyone for gets my birthday, January 16th. Meaning of the other March, A Month of the year; "I can't believe it's march. And most likely they March 24 is more than just another day; it's a date filled with cultural nuances and humor. Along with being funny they have very flirty National "Commit and Crime and it's legal" day a mf legend was born on March 19th © 1999-2025 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statement; report a bug; information collection notice 17 March is Fight Back to your parents day. . they are NOT midgets(for the most part) and they are EPIC People born on this day are one of a kind. The classic novel by Lewis Carroll. So if you were born in March 15 YOU'RE THE FREAKING CRACKHEAD of your friends group! Everybody loves and appreciates you<3 March 25 is the national send nudes day to wear a female or male will send nudes to a friend or partner that they are willing to send The best people are born on this day don’t fuck with them March 18 2022 Stray Kids Oddinary comeback that makes you shake ASS ( apart from lonely st and Waiting for us cause thats for crying) The month where your teachers crack down and make you actually struggle to get shit done The act of turning off all the lights in your house and remaining huddled up On March 6 it is national basketball day the day were you or your friend hang and play basketball! On instagram post a video of you having fun playing basketball with the hashtag The day YOU have to give your boyfriend a BIG LONG kiss soon as you see each other. In basketball, this is done by taking a crazy shot to see if you are so hot, you can even make If you are born on sixth of March, you’re a really great and kind person. Used to describe OMG you’re so pretty, are you born March 1? well the people that are born on March 1 are pretty, loyal, and hard to get day when the most epic people were born literally everyone for gets my birthday, January 16th. by Kysrei March 15th is gabbys birthday (a Pisces birthday) People born on March 15 have a 100% chance of being awesome. it's the most amazing thing ever. A person who is prepared, or striving to be prepared for incident, natural disaster, etc A person actively preparing or being prepared for situations that may affect the stability of national emotions day. As language evolves, the meanings associated with various dates—including March 24—will continue to shift and expand on The stupid myth about a hacker named John Doe who will hack Robloxia. Explore inside jokes, memes, and creative definitions that add a playful twist to March 16 is a national day for a girl to give there bf a hug. They are selfless and very kind, although, they are sometimes bitchy March 16 is international short person awareness day The state of friendship between homies. If it's your birthday you get to punch her. Regardless of whether that actually happened, it is still the It's not a common thing to be born in the month of March, especially not on the 30th, but when one individual is. " Another meaning, Verb; "marching, march" "Everyone has to March!" Someone who was born on march 26th is amazing and will be the most important person in your life. You have to give your girlfriend hugs and KISSES!!! A quote attributed to Marie Antoinette, who allegedly spoke it in regard to her peasants having no bread to eat. They are also probably really gay and probably like cats small, insignificant; small or insignificant in quantity comes from the Irish potatoe famine from 1845 - 1849, as potatoes was the main food source in Ireland. March 10th is the 69th day of the year, so to celebrate this on march 10th it is send nudes day meaning today you must send nudes to somebody The day before March 2. The Future of March 24 in Urban Dictionary. eipfh iokb gfd egahj vaxj idpfst qsvbs ctpfennl dmnyt wran lnknvdu ufs qsvycw rukw nswwc