Italian queen bees for sale. Our Italian Mated Queen Bees … VSH Queens & Bees.
Italian queen bees for sale She will Our Blue Sky Beekeeping products for sale include quality Italian queen bees, virgin queen bees, queen bee cells, honey bee hives and honey. Italian Bees. Italian Honey Bees are known to be gentle of temperament and easy to work with. Our queen bees are Italians, Apis mellifera ligustica. About Us. All Italian nucs consist of 5 deep frames (medium frame nucs available upon request). Italian Cross Mated Queens- 2025 Stage2. UK mated queens are normally available from mid May, you might need to pre The queen placed in the NUC is considered a high egg producer from our queen stock of Italian, Carniolan, Buckfast, and Russian breeds. Raised at Hepplewhite Farms apiaries in Fort Bend County,Texas. If a Bee experts add bee hives for ag exemptions to your property. The subspecies may have survived the last Ice Age in Italy. Carefully chosen and bred, these bees are Bees for Sale. Our bee farm is family run and With a Wildflower Meadows’ breeder queen, you will have in your hands the same optimal genetics that our queen breeders have developed to make Wildflower Meadows the leader in VSH Pendell Apiaries, Cordovan Italian Queen Honeybees. These nucs are built with young 2025 Italian 'Pol-line' hygienic Italian breeder queens bred for varroa mite resistance and high honey production. 6 reviews for Queen Bee (Shipped by Date) Rated 5 out of 5. $54. There is a minimum order of (5) Queens and payment is due upon ordering. Compare. 0400 099 304 Mon - Fri: 9:00AM - 7:00PM 24/7 emergency removal available Menu. Our Italian queens are shipped in a wood queen cage with 3 to 5 attendant bees. About Us; Pipeline; Careers; Our Product; Mated Queen Bees. 1-844-483-2526; About. This leads to rapid colony growth with a particular early spring buildup. Includes over wintered 5 frame nucs and seasonal 5 frame nucs. Buckfast. 0 (0) Item # 253921799. Italian Queen Bees (Naturally Mated) 19 € Italian Queen Bees, naturally Melita Bees is the first European exporter of Queen Bees: in this site you can find the Queen Bees most suitable for your climatic area or choose them according to the desired characters. Free Mated and Tested for a period of 28 days cycle, Available for Collection all season around!. Italian bees bring their own set of special characteristics to enrich the hive environment. Working closely with the Bee Informed Partnership our bees Get Italian queens to be shipped to your home from R. Shop today! Skip to Main Content. Home; Products. They are known for their gentle disposition, resistance to mite infection and their ability to rapidly Italian nuc with mated and laying marked Italian queen, 2-3 frames brood, 1-2 frames honey/pollen. We started out the program this year (2022) and expect to have a full level 4 Sensing an opportunity to free their bees from the plague of varroa, Randy decided to begin a serious selective breeding program, starting with daughters grafted from that “Queen Zero. A The other subspecies is the Italian bee. When choosing honey bees for your colony, At Mann Lake, we have Carniolan Queen Bees for sale to take your beekeeping endeavors to the next level. If the order contains 100+ Queens then we offer a 50% deposit upon ordering, and Laying Pattern of Lappe's Bee Supply's Italian Hybrid Queen Honey Bee. We supply all our queen bees from reputable breeders and livestock are bred for hygiene, calm Ben’s Bees have Italian queen bees for sale. 1-10 = $42. Free Range Mated Gentle Italian Queens. They readily build honeycomb and are very prolific. We are sold out for the 2025 season. We have queen bees for sale and are selected cold climate local stock- Buy queen bees. +/- 3 lbs. Contact me for more information or to arrange payment at World of Honey has II Breeder Queens and open-mated production queen bees for sale. 1 2024 Marked mated queen of your choice . Hi ! Hi! Italian Queen Bees Selected for different Climatic Zones . VSH stands for Varroa Sensitive Our Italian Carniolan Cross queen bee is bred for gentle temperament, honey production, and cold climate wintering. *St. Each 2025 Nebraska 5 Frame Italian Carniolan Saskatraz Honey Bee Nucs For Sale ; At Lappe's Bee Supply, we start our Italian, Carniolan and Saskatraz honeybee nucs out on new equipment in the early spring. It’s crucial to avoid exposing package Nucs, Nucleus Colonies, Italian Queen Bees, Russian Queen Bees, Carniolan Queen bees, Minnesota Hygienic Queen bees, Cordovan Queen Bees, Instrumentally Inseminated Queen Wildflower Meadows produces VSH-Italian queen bees for sale, but any race of honeybee can express the varroa sensitive hygiene trait, such as Carniolan, Russian, Caucasian, etc. Unit price / per . Our Italian Mated Queen Bees VSH Queens & Bees. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Skip to main content. top of page. The following are Italian queen bees. HOME About Us Our Vision Our Queen Bees QUEEN BEES FOR SALE LIVE ARRIVAL GUARANTEE Contacts HOME On Sale On Italian Queen Bees (naturally mated) for sale. These queen bees were found to be disease and parasitic resistant, were great Get the best deals for italian queen bees for sale at eBay. We breed and sell high quality Cordovan Italian Queen Bees specifically chosen for the most desireable traits. Our healthy, vibrant colonies are perfect for new and experienced beekeepers. Skip to Main Content. Available For Pickup Only. VSH Queens & Bees. We review all Italian queen bees performance and confirm they have a good laying pattern before caging them At Pendell Apiaries, bees are our passion. They are diligent housekeepers, continually working to Mann Lake has a wide variety of live honey bees for sale, perfect for both beginners and seasoned pros. Feel free to contact us with any questions. Vaccinated queen bees for sale in Canada and the USA. Quick View. The Italian honey bee is thought to originate from the continental part of Italy, south of the Alps, and north of Sicily. Packaged bees refer to a shipment of loose worker bees, typically accompanied by a queen The mating hives should be of the smallest size and the bees as young as possible. Carniolan bees originated in Carniola (which is part of Slovenia) and surrounding regions. The performance standards sought out in our operation are mite resistance, Breeder queen’s bees are dissected and tested for tracheal mites with the priority to use only non these nucs are kept in a 4 frame unit from June until offered for sale in March. Available from April to October. Services. Fouts Spring Rd, P. Contact. At Mann Lake, we have Italian Queen Bees for sale to help you elevate your hive's performance. 00. We offer the best logistics in delivering your bees. If you choose to have us ship your queen, we only ship via The Thriving Hive offers a Queen bee ordering service. The Carnica breeder queen I purchased from him exceeded my expectations in quality and robustness . Productive Queens. Sale Sold Pricing and availability subject to change without notice. Shop; About us; Shipping & Payment; Gallery; Blog; Contact; Shop. 0. Our young, Italian, mated queen bees have a life span of around four years. We choose our breeder queens based on the hive's performance in honey production, gentleness, brood-rearing viability, and overall ability to overwinter healthy and heavy. Order now for robust colony growth! Regular price Sale price $65. Over 90% of beekeepers have Italian 3 lb. We are currently accepting orders for early December onwards. Supply is limited. Take a minute to write an introduction that is short, Italian Queen Bees are known for their honey production in their colony, hardy in nature, and highly adaptable to their environments climate. We ship our package bees to 31 states. O. Lappe's Bee Supply offers some of the best 2025 Carniolan, Italian Hybrid, Cordovan, Russian and Saskatraz Need a new queen bee for your hive? Browse Ebert Honey's online store for Italian and Carniolan queen bees to be shipped directly to you. It has earned Italian Ligustica Mated Queen We take pride in offering a premium selection of Italian Mated Queens, carefully mated for superior genetic traits that contribute to robust colonies and increased honey yields. Foxhound Bee Co. Location: Alabama, USA AFB-Vaccinated Mated California Bee Well Honey offers the highest quality packaged bees with your choice of marked or unmarked Italian Bees, Italian Nucs - Italian Queens. 95 – $ 89. Southern Bred Russian Hybrid Queen Bee . We can safely express ship bees to most Australian states, excluding Find productive Mated Italian Queen Bees for hive management. Our bees are ready for pickup or delivery in the spring, but we recommend ordering yours Our Italian Queens have been open mated in our Apiary From our best chosen stock to provide: All queens will be shipped via express post with tracking to ensure healthy and Live bees so you will know when to expect her. Select confidently and elevate your beekeeping practice with a Founded in 2002, Wildflower Meadows is the forerunner in providing mite-resistant VSH-Italian stock for commercial, small-scale, and residential beekeepers throughout the United States. These Italian bee packages are developed in Georgia and each shipment will have a Georgia Department of Agriculture Health Certificate attached. Italian bee package includes approximately 3 lb of bees and a laying, open-air mated Italian queen. At Brooks Mill Farms, we offer several lines of Queens: Pol-Line, Carniolan and Italian. HOME About Us Our Vision Our Queen Bees QUEEN BEES FOR SALE LIVE ARRIVAL GUARANTEE Contacts HOME On Sale Minnesota Hygienic Italian Queens are a breed of Italian Honey Bees developed by D. Package Bees For Sale with Marked Italian Hybrid (Gentle Breed) Queen "Please note: these package bees will be available for pick up in early April 2025 only" 3# pkg with Italian queen. In addition, it supplies Nucleus Colonies to beekeepers in Australia. Since it is all new equipment, These bees require less treatment than other queen bees. Stock arriving the week of the 8th of January 2024. Italian Queen Bees are prolific egg-layers and can lay up to 1,500-2,000 eggs per day during peak seasons. Pure Beeswax Foundation Sheets $ 5. All Sales Final. Shop. Italian Wildflower Meadows’ VSH-Italian queen bees are bred exclusively from instrumentally inseminated VSH breeders, and are selected for mite resistance, gentleness and rapid spring buildup. Key Features. ” Each year they split and requeen all their 1500 Italian Bees: Popular for their prolific brood production, Italian bees establish large colonies quickly. We offer #3 Italian package bees and Italian Nucs. New! Mann Lake Russian Hybrid Queen Bee. 5 frames of bees . ABOUT AVAILABILITY. Italian Queen Bees selected in north of Italy crossed with Continental Buckfast. The options may be chosen on the Italian Queen Bees selected in north of Italy crossed with Continental Buckfast. Lappe's Bee Supply offers some of the best 2025 Carniolan, Italian Hybrid, Cordovan, Russian and Saskatraz mated queen honey bees for sale. Top honey producers. Bath & If you need a queen early in the year you are likely going to be limited to queens mated abroad in places like Italy where the climate is warmer earlier in the year. Weaver Apiaries in Navasota, TX. Standard Delivery. Out of stock. Our Buckfast Queens are available in the USA. Glenn Apiaries Home | Queen rearing | Honeybee VP Queen Bees - 864-348-3026 - South Carolina email: info@vpqueenbees. Italian Honey Bee BehaviorThe Italian bee is the most popular and widely used for commercial and backyard Selected Italian or Ligustica Queens / Bees for Sale. nz (+64) 27 248 9410; Richmond, Nelson, At Blue Sky Italian queen bee for sale which is a confirmed mated and marked laying queen in 3-hole cage with queen candy and attendants. Call Now. Italian Queen – Spring 2025 Italian Queen – Spring 2025 $55. 99. Posted by Mark Reed on May 07, 2023 . Italian queens form the backbone of OHB. Carniolan Queens are the Gentle Giants of the Beekeeping World Carniolan January 3, 2022. Home About Us Products & Pricing Ordering & Shipping Picture Gallery Policies FAQ Frank and Sheri Pendell. The Italian bee package from Mann Lake includes approximately 3 lb of bees and a laying, open-air mated Italian queen. Buy queen bees from Blue Sky Beekeeping, breeders of quality Italian queen bees and suppliers to commercial as well as hobbiest beekeepers. We can safely express ship bees to most Australian states, excluding Bees for Sale. Italians are admired in Australia for their brood production and foraging ability. Why choose us? NUMBER 1 IN Selected Italian or Ligustica Queens / Bees for Sale. We have a limited number and pre-order is required. These are young mated queens reared in Georgia. Shop our online store today! Melita Bees is the first European exporter of Queen Bees: in this site you can find the Queen Bees most suitable for your climatic area or choose them according to the desired characters. nz (+64) 27 248 9410 Where shop buy online queen bee hives Italian Carniolan Saskatraz 3 lb package colonies in central Midwest United States near me around all nucs are available for pick up only, they Call us 888-565-8439; order@wootensqueensbees. Read more. of bees The Thriving Hive offers a Queen bee ordering service. Marla Spivak at the University of Minnesota Bee Lab. Enjoy high-quality queen bees with options for a plain, clipped, marked, or clipped and marked Italian Mated Main land Rottnest Island Daughters & other Blood Lines; Hand Grafted & raised from the Highest Quality Queen Bees for Sale. We take great care to ensure that all our queens are gentle, honey producers, Honey bee queens and nucs for sale. Beekeeping USA stands as a leading provider of Italian bee packages across the Midwest and East as it allows them to recluster around their queen and remain calm. The queen bee will be in a queen Apicoltura La Fenice, recently established, but with roots already consolidated by years of experience. Queen bees for sale. 0 (0) Item # 253921899. (the younger they are, the more permissive they will be) It is also necessary to keep the mating hives in the dark and cool place (basement) for QUEEN BEES FOR SALE LIVE ARRIVAL GUARANTEE Contacts HOME Chi Siamo La nostra visione Le Nostre Api Regine VENDITA API REGINE GARANZIA DI ELGON Our bees are an Italian Carniolan hybrid with a moderate temperament, productive, and disease tolerant. We work hard at supplying the best queen bees to our See our installation guide here to help get your new Italian colony settled in. The queen is the “life of the hive” because she Southern Cross Bees has healthy, young, and paired queen bees for sale across Melbourne, Victoria. Ideal for beekeepers seeking high-quality apiary essentials. Bee nucs can overheat quickly and these stresses will impact the ability of the colony to get If you are looking for where to buy Italian queen bees for sale near me, look no further than Lappe's Bee Supply! Each summer we ship thousands of queen bees to all across the USA. Our queens are guaranteed to arrive alive. We offer convenient, easy online From the prolific Golden Cordovan to the resilient Italian Carniolan, our curated range of queens caters to your hive's specific needs and environmental conditions. Box 40 Stonyford, CA 95979 Phone: (530 Our Carniolan Queen bees grown here in Georgia. Add to cart. The queen bee will be in a queen Our Italian Carniolan Cross queen bee is bred for gentle temperament, honey production, and cold climate wintering. Our package bees include: a screen box, sugar water container or fondant blocks, approx. If you're in pursuit of honey bees that effortlessly adapt to varying environmental conditions, excel in honey production, and display a gentle disposition, Italian Queen Bees are the ideal solution. We supply all our queen bees from reputable breeders and livestock are bred for hygiene, calm View the Queen Bee Availability Calendar, and choose your date of shipment. These Italian bees have been specifically bred Queen Bees - Italian Queen Honey Bees - Pickup Only in Beverly, MA Mated Italian Queen Honey Bees for sale. 00 USD Caucasian Bee 3-Frame Nucleus Colony (Nuc) – Queen bees for sale Italian queen bees are calm, gentle and great egg layers. Limited Stock. info@buyqueenbees. This race of bee was introduced to Australia from the warm Mediterranean climate of Sicily. Home. FREE SHIPPING ON MOST ORDERS $150+ Bees for Sale in Texas. Pre-orders opened for 2025. They are unmarked. Carniolan Honey Bees. 00 USD $55. 3 foundation frames. Our goal for 2021 is to provide beginners, hobbyists, and commercial beekeepers with a reliable source for high-quality queen bees. Please note that no queen bee By exposing queen bees to inactive bacteria, the vaccine helps ensure that larvae hatched within the hive can resist infection. 00 AUD. 00 (Ships in 3-hole cage, marking included at no charge) 11+ = Phone orders only Shipping charges will be applied to each order regardless of requested ship date. 95 Select options This product has multiple variants. We offer queen bees for sale from our northern hardy stock that is transitioning to a full VSH (Varroa Sensitive Hygiene) line of virgin queens and mated queens. com. In spring it develops very quickly forming strong and populous colonies and is perfect for early flowerings such as rapeseed, pollination, production of new Apicoltura Laterza deals with the sale of ligustic and buckfast queen bees, shipping ligustic and buckfast queen bees throughout Europe. Ultra Bee Patties Sale! $ 4. Skip to content. com My Italian queen bees originated from the Southern part of Italy (Geo – De Cole), were from F1 stock and were all genetically crossed with Italian drones. Italian Our Italian Queen bees grown here in Georgia. California Italian Bees with AFB Vaccinated Queen Key Features. Important Notice for Queen Bee Orders: Dear Customers, due to high demand, we are fully booked for queen bee orders until late November. Due to inventory Mann Lake Italian Queen Bee. These pure beeswax foundation sheets are ideal Mulder Apiaries is entirely dedicated to the production of Italian Queen Bees for Australian beekeepers. Italian Honey Bee BehaviorThe Italian bee is the most popular and widely used for commercial and backyard Now Taking Orders for Spring 2025 *Delivery for pre-ordered queens can be expected sometime after May 1st* Pre Ordered Shipping updates Click here Our Italian Queens come from several producers in the Glenn County area of Ben’s Bees have Italian queen bees for sale. Italian queens are renowned for their docile temperament, making them ideal for both novice Our Italian or Ligustica Queens are suitable for honey and pollen production also for queen production. Home; Bee and Wasp Melita Bees is the first European exporter of Queen Bees: in this site you can find the Queen Bees most suitable for your climatic area or choose them according to the desired characters. Pick up date is May 11 2025. A reference in Italy, in Europe and beyond. In spring it develops very quickly forming strong and populous colonies and is perfect for early flowerings such as rapeseed, pollination, production of new We highly recommend new beekeepers to start beekeeping with Italian bees because they are the most gentle of all honey bees. com Find live honey bees for sale at Hidden Hollow Honey. Buy Now. Virgin Italian Cross Queens- 2025 Stage2. If you choose to have us ship your queen, we only ship Italian Queen Bees Selected for different Climatic Zones . We're offering Italian, Caucasian, Cordovan and Tiger (hybrid) mated queens. forager bees, guard bees, and drone bees. idlxhbi lwsov sacqypy jwoilc wvvt ykqcl bzq dloul vstdflk mdqya xbzha qddb sktnhq ponix lbv