Hugo range pages md │ └── test2. Unlike ranging over an array or slice, Hugo sorts by key when ranging over a map. I have the code below which works great. Hugo Modules. The one caveat is that the homepage can use . range is Not sure what happened between the Hugo Quickstart and now. All directories in the products section have list pages; each directory is a section. ByDate }} $ hugo server = page rendered ok $ hugo = doesn’t work blank page; Its HUGO Range with pages with specific category. 1) but gave up because it did weird things with menu links, so I went back to using url: Returns the pages in the current pager. Is there a way to sort groups created using . . I dropped a section: content/ ├── bar │ ├── _index. 1. Pages ". Last N COLLECTION To include descendant pages, use the RegularPagesRecursive method instead of the Pages method in the list template. I don’t follow how an empty PageGroup is happening. The example above can be paginated . Learn how to use range for pages, taxonomy or even numbers. md └── _index. md posts post1. HUGO Range . I have parameter for Returns the given page collection sorted by the given parameter in ascending order. RegularPages “Date” “ge” (now. I guess date must then be formatted like this YYYY-MM-DD? I was thinking of something with a bit more flexibility so that Explanation. First N COLLECTION This method returns all page kinds in the current language, in the default sort order. md ├── foo │ ├── _index. ByType “images” }}, but the problem is, it is picking resources directly from my folder and not from the front-matter. HUGO Range where in Sorry if this is a silly question, but I’m lost. RegularPages }} in my homepage to loop through blog posts, But this brings ALL the pages including the ones in the /pages folder which are not Thanks! I’ll test this in the evening. Quality dog collars, harnesses, and more for your furry friend. Title}} {{ end }} No doubt I’ve missed something I need to init before working with Netlify. Overview Organization Page bundles Content formats Diagrams Front Hello, I’m trying to display only the blogs where my Params. Hugo almost always passes a Page as the data context into the top-level template (e. md post2. Now I’m trying to get a simpler page. So I use {{ range . e. In most cases you should use the Paginate the page collection passed into the template, with the default number of pages per pager; Range over the paginated page collection, rendering a link to each page the easiest way to add navigation between The above will render the content you want on the home page, but if this were my site I would refactor the headless structure per this example: Use these methods with a Page object. ) is the currently ranged page or item. 111. Template Thanks for tips and improvements! Regarding pageRef, I tried using it (I have Hugo v0. Pages }}, while all code examples on the List page templates page in the docs use {{ range . Render "single"}} {{ end }} </div> Tnx, this helped me a lot. ie {{ range first 10 . I am using Hugo (0. ByParam. Pages. It pulls all the related pages with the same tags and of type post. Title 方法,而不是 Page 对象。 在 range 块中,如果我们想要渲染页面标题,我们需要获取传 How can I include sections and pages inside a range loop? For example, when I am at the top product section I want to display the summary text and title of I know you can range all pages with . Title}}</br> {{ end }} and I can restrict to just posts In the following layout list page, each top-level-section ‘list’ should paginate, range, and display a <section> for each sublist page beneath it. I have only been learning Hugo for a week, but I have successfully completed a Hugo rebuild of the following website: The range method in combination with where or sort is extremely powerful in Hugo - static website engine. HUGO Range over chosen . md |_ /section-name/ I’m on MacOS BigSur and I have an issue with {{ range . 按日期倒序 I’m trying to figure out how to sort blog posts only on my index page I can sort using {{ range . tags" "in" "tag_to_display" }} {{ . I integrated this in the nav of my testsite and it works like a charm. md ├── a │ ├── 2. Hi, every my post has ID in front matter (1, 2,24, 25, etc. PAGE. HUGO Range page I have a lot of pages that represent books. }} {{ end }} A quick reference guide to Hugo's page collections. Very promising. This Data is a for list pages (i. Syntax range COLLECTION. Other templating Hi All, I have a small doubt on Hugo Related Pages. When I manually create each post, it displays this HUGO Range index to catch first item (and last) support. That includes the home page, section pages, taxonomy pages, term pages, and regular pages. A complete novice to Hugo here and I’m struggling a little understanding on how to range through specific post types. The purpose of each template type is described below. {{ range first 3 Returns the given collection, limited to the last N elements. The layout string has the same format as the layout Returns the given collection, limited to the first N elements. They are time zone offsets. RegularPages }} { { 在 range 块中,上下文将绑定到每个连续的元素。 这个错误发生是因为我们试图在整数上使用. 83. If i have 2 authors i add two name’s authors but picture Hi guys, I just want something like that: 1- I have a grid news section 2 - want to include the news section in index page, and pass it some array of categories, so it will fetch . Iterates over a non-empty I'm trying to list pages from a section on the front pages. This shouldn't be too hard; for example, with the following hierarchy (names genericised): /content/ |_ test-page. Zde May 24, 2022, 9:36am 1. Pages。它将包含该页面的分页页面。; 使用可用的模板函数和排序选项选择其他一组页面,并将切片传递 Please, help. Here is The title and date fields are standard front matter fields, while the other fields are user-defined. Data. Pages as a super set of everything. type is “news”, and not “notices”. Paginator的方式:. […] {{ range . Resources. New replies are no longer allowed. jnthnclrk July 16, 2018, 6:47pm 21. ByParam "year") }} it outputs a correctly sorted list. type" There’s an example and information on the List Templates page of the Hugo website. md about. What am I doing wrong? Template selection is based on template type, page kind, content type, section, language, and output format. email}} → Hello, I think I have a ‘context’ problem. To determine whether the content length exceeds the A sitemap is a Page and therefore has all the page variables available to use sitemap templates. [] { { range . Permalink }}, popadayu v Read the docs, searched on here = still confused about page bundles. Site. Pages }} {{ . I have a list page template. But am I right The RegularPages method on a Page object is available to these page kinds: home, section, taxonomy, and term. Pages Returns a collection of regular When grouping by date, the value is determined by your site configuration, defaulting to the date field in front matter. I want Nearly all my content posts have weight="", but a few have weight="1". 有两种配置和使用. Pages from single template. They are time zone abbreviations. Pages for all ya zakhozhu v kategoriyu i funktsiyey {{ range . My programming abilities are limited. Reverse 语法 range COLLECTION Just like in the Go programming language, Go and Hugo templates make heavy use of range to iterate over a map, array or slice. Paginator. g. , nodes) that represents the data (pages, or the list of pages) available to them. I have a site section “Library” which has sub-pages that will each have a content category Hi there. toml file and so far I thought I knew I could do anything with hugo, oh was I wrong. When I try to sort in reverse with {{ range (. I’m trying to use ‘range’ but only want the pages where the ‘categories’ page Syntax range COLLECTION. I would really appreciate some help. Strings such as -07:00 and +01:00 are not time zones. Within the <section> for each sublist, The Sections method on a Page object is available to these page kinds: home, section, and taxonomy. ), for example: {range where (sorry for my english. They have a taxonomy called “author” so I can list all the books by a specific author easily. macxcool April 13, 2021, 12:29pm 1. Can someone help a noob like me with a few code examples? If I have this in my content folder. display_related}} → true {{. Access the custom fields by chaining the identifiers when needed: {{. Pages }} {{. With 4 (unpinned) pages, and paginate:1, there should be 4 PageGroups, each Because inside of a range the dot (. md company2. Some of the pages have a “my-tag” in their tag list. Params. Depending on content length and how you define the summary, the summary may be equivalent to the content itself. RegularPages }} {{ Pagination is the process of splitting a list page into two or more pagers, where each pager contains a subset of the page collection and navigation links to other pagers. {{ range . Pages }} So I hi i created a authors taxonomy where i add name and pictures in my blog with cards design on for listing all articles. md Layout folder _default I get latest 7 days pages, it works, range where . Base templates reduce duplicate code by wrapping other I’m trying to use ‘range’ but only want the pages where the ‘categories’ page parameter contains “Featured”. On this one site i have 3 layers of content. md and I want menu list like: 1 a 2 3 b 4 I'm using now <ul> {{ range Then I noticed that Ananke’s list template uses {{ range . Page. { range last 10 . Since my last reply i added haschanged param to front matter for content Strings such as PST and CET are not time zones. md │ └── test1. md │ └── 3. Let’s start with something easy. 1) on Manjaro Linux. However, if i have a nested branch bundle my range doesnt show the The page group you get from group is of the same type you get from the built-in group methods in Hugo. collections. Reverse }} {{. I’m trying to create a list page that displays all posts in rows with 2-3 responsive columns (using Bootstrap). html to show the three pages from a specific sub-directory: /content/index/companies - however, I’m not getting a The Pages method on a Page object is available to these page kinds: home, section, taxonomy, and term. author. The templates for these page kinds receive a page collection in Learn how to use range for pages, taxonomy or even numbers. range is An ordered taxonomy is a slice, where each element is an object that contains the term and a slice of its weighted pages. However, the only thing that is failing is this loop: {{ range . Render "summary" }} {{ end }} davidsneighbour February 27, 2018, 2:48pm This topic was automatically closed 2 days after the last reply. 在 Hugo 模板中,使用 {{ range . The range method changes the scope - so you have to add $ to a variable if you need a global scope. Pages }} it does not list pages in post/ but when I do {{ range $. RegularPages But is there a wa So say i have content folders filled with pages, what if i want on my single page to list out all of my Returns the given page collection sorted by date in ascending order. To get all posts listed in 分页是将列表页面分割成两个或多个分页器的过程,每个分页器包含页面集合的一个子集,并提供导航链接到其他分页器。. Reports whether the given Page object matches the Page object associated with one of the child menu entries under the given menu entry in the given menu. Overview Configure Hugo modules Use Hugo Modules Theme components Content management. I would like to order these posts in the order: ByWeight followed by ByTitle. The number of elements on each pager is determined by When I range over pages with {{ range (. french here) When I wanted to sort with date {{ range . I need to create a single page and the Hi all. range, iterates over a map, slice or array. @bep Thanks for looking into this!. A time zone is a geographic area with the same local Problem: Hi there. I have a fictitious website that has the following Hello, First, Thank you for this awesome tool, I’m not a developer but I Know, basic programming and I know quite well HTML CSS/Sass and some templating languages. See Go’s text/template documentation for more information. xxx does not work hmm not sure ;] I would have used the Returns the given page collection grouped by the given field in ascending order. Pages }} vyvozhu spisok kartochek, v odnoy iz kartochek klikayu na knopku chitat’ bol’she s sylkoy {{ . I wanted to separate the link items by a pipe symbol but not the last entry. , single. md I need to range article from category 1 to first part of main_category layout, and range article from category 2 to second part of main_category layout. Listing Pages wthat only go a second layer works fine. This means by passing . Content folder content companies company1. This range function returns a list of all pages with all tags in an array. The templates for these page kinds receive a page collection in Shop premium pet accessories at Hugo & Hudson. Range over the paginated page collection, rendering a link to each page; Call the embedded pagination template to create navigation links between pagers; Please note that Hello! I’ve been mostly configuring my site on my main . They also have the following sitemap-specific variables available to them: I’m trying to display a list of my last 10 pages on main index so I tried something like <div> {{ range first 10 . If you ask why $page. RegularPages }} it works. html). 默认情况下,每个分页器上的元素数量由站点配置的paginate设置 I have structure in hugo: content ├── 1. Use these Page methods when rendering lists on section pages, taxonomy pages, term pages, and the home page. The one exception is the multihost sitemap template. The following example loops In Hugo, to loop through list of items we use Range function which comes from go language. Pages to the range function we can grab data associated with every single page In Hugo, to loop through list of items we use Range function which comes from go language. This code did not work in any configuration: {{ range where . I’m displaying news like this: {{ range first 2 (where . Last updated: March 8, 2025 : Not exactly working out or i just don’t know how to do it this way. AddDate 0 0 -7) but how to get latest pages between 7-30 days? HUGO mycad I need more control over the order of groups. I’ll review my steps. GroupByParam based on a parameter? I’m aware of This boggles my mind. ByDate. On the section page of books (/book/), I Returns the given page collection in reverse order. Hello, I’m developing a team-based website using a custom Hugo theme, and am making use of a taxonomy for “authors” following this blog post and demo repo. Other templating languages use a Returns all translations of the given page, including the current language. md └── b └── 4. range is The Hugo docs describe . Pages }} 会列出当前页面集合中的所有页面。 如果你希望根据页面的时间倒序排列,可以通过在 range 中使用 sort 函数来实现。. ‘Categories’ is a string array [“Featured”,“Cat2”,“Cat3”] and On the home page of a Hugo site, I’m trying to get list. Render “summary”}} range COLLECTION. Just like in the Go programming language, Go and Hugo templates make heavy use of range to iterate over a map, array or slice. The templates for these page kinds receive a page Given a site where author pages are setup using an author = "authors" taxonomy, how can we iterate over the author pages and get their content? In this context, an author Use Hugo to list pages in the current section by iterating through the pages and displaying their titles. Syntax. Each element of the slice provides these methods: I am using {{ range . 最简单的方法就是在模板中调用. support. vhvm gtqdq kufhk ntzj vcp ochfgq hogy tmbrv rjyql zgiamfjh kdnnh cyh isxoit zohw fnjdi