Home health pt salary reddit. The home health agency has spent all your cars equity.
Home health pt salary reddit If you are not a licensed PT or currently under the care of a PT please do not post here. Essentially we have all been terminated and can either go work for the new company or find jobs elsewhere. I love my outpatient job and earn a salary, some days I leave 2 hours early because no one scheduled after my lunch, some days I leave 30 mins late. Short answer: If the census or volume of patients is very strong in yo I’m a home health PT with over 12 years of experience and am sincerely passionate about actually getting my patients better, not just leaving This calculator is designed for all evaluating clinicians who are paid by salary in home health. Hello. Make them outbid each other. An SOC pay should be, I think, at least twice a regular visit, just because the documentation load will outweigh time spent in the home verus a regular visit, documentation can easily be completed leaving documentation free time with the patient- all in 30 minutes. I was salaried in OP seeing 60 patients a week. Based on the latest data, home health physical Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Sounds great. But I'm also not sure how that works logistically as a traveler in terms of pay and expectations, or if the benefits of home health are minimized when doing it as a traveler. I recently had a discussion with a close mentor and senior PT friend of mine (PT for 13 years) and he told me to decline a 140k bay area home health PT offer, stating that an 80-90k LA offer Here's my rates: SOC $140. But I had another supervising PT and it wasn't as smooth. I've heard the average reimbursement rate could be up to $100/4 units/ visit for Med Part B home health PT. But just make sure the base pay is at least 100k per year. Finger out salary benefits for Home Health Pt. I started at an outpatient private clinic with salary of 72,000. LazyWillingness3082 If you are not a licensed PT or currently under the care of a PT please do not post here. 30 units a week which averages to about 5 patients a day. When I did my last clinical rotation, it was with a home health company in the DFW, and my CI was pretty cool about letting me know some of the rates she was getting paid and she was only 2 yrs out of PT school. Get app Get I'm subbed to r/travelnursing and I see nurses balk at being offered $2600 gross weekly pay. The money is too good in HH Home Health New Grad PRN PT Offer: Hello! I just got a PRN job offer for a home health position in a rural area with a low cost of living in the Midwest, the pay rates for each treatment type are as follows: SOC: $100 Eval: $70 Discharge: $60 Reg visit: $50 Admin time: $30/hr Mileage: 0. I am looking into switching settings and home health has come to mind. 1. I don’t think I would ever be able to leave home health unfortunately having worked PRN or as a student in just about every setting. As for the company making the offer, like I said, interview an employee, or two, but do it away from the boss. 6, 1. Marketing, LLC or getting business registered, taking direct payment from patients, finding and obtaining the proper liability insurance, etc. most companies are paying 100 to 110k for home health Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. I could definitely make more if I wanted to sacrifice weekends and evenings. Even if I wanted to go back to outpatient and treat sports, I couldn't. Reddit's home for tax geeks and taxpayers! News, discussion, policy, and law relating to any tax A place for PTs working in Home Healthcare to discuss job specifics that are typically discouraged in the workplace (salary, productivity, benefits, other offers, etc). Contract with a 2nd home health company for any hrs over 40. Seriously look to interview with other home health companies in your area to at least find out what you're offered in your location. I’m a home health PT with over 12 years of experience and am sincerely passionate about actually getting my patients better, not just leaving jump to content. I see my first patient at 9AM usually, and my last patient at 3-4PM. I’ve never done full time home health before. After 5 years, I switched to home health, which pays quite a bit more than outpatient. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. 5. This is without any HH experience and <1 year on the job. Starting out as a PTA in post acute SNF rehab in Nebraska, my starting pay was $24. Pay per visit: SOC $90, eval $75, mileage . And I don't even dislike driving. Driving. Who gets paid more PA or PT? Physician assistants and physical therapists earn different average salaries. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Here is my take: Cons: So. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. It’s a role that will build into a director of rehab role for the company. Eval/dc/recert $97. Good luck. 9, 1. There are also two PT programs in this area. hello all. Hello PT reddit ! I'm a PTA working in the Home Health setting in the Tampa area of Florida. . T. 50 and they take out taxes. I've been a home health Hospice nurse for 2 years now. If you average 7. With little overhead and the possibility of having an efficient "route", you could technically work 25 hrs/week and earn up to 130k. I was lucky to be friends with my supervising PT so whenever it was her turn to see the kiddo we'd make arrangements for me to see her patient was she was seeing mine. Considering the switch to home health for more flexibility. 55/mile. Pretty much every home health company where I'm at is desperate for PTs right now. I don’t recommend anyone into PT or PTA career choice. Question regarding home health PT. Base pay is I went to a 2 year community college program and my tuition grand total was somewhere around $8,000. Getting paid for the extra work you can put in is amazing. I made $1800-2500 a week as a traveler first five years out of school. We are going to need some huge changes in our healthcare or profession if we are going to be paid more/fairly. Average starting salary for PT is only a few grand higher than it was 10 years ago. ) If you are not a licensed PT or currently under the care of a PT please do not post here. Yeah I feel like the job in general is exhausting it’s just picking the best of the worst lol. I'm a P. The home health agency has spent all your cars equity. 25, 1. That was take home pay. I have about 1 hour of additional doc time when I get home, on average. Looking to switch to HH for better pay and to seek a change. What is the PT supervision like? Make sure you know the practice act for Home Health so you know the rules, too. Lots of dumpy dirty houses in certain zip codes, hoarders, people with 24 cats, unmotivated people in pain doing drugs to survive their miserable lives. I tried to get into home health last year, applied to 10 companies and interviewed at 8. DEMO. Was offered a job and wanted to run their PPV rates by everyone to see if they’re fair. 53 a mile beginning at the first patients home or 40 miles whichever happens first, 3% 100% 401k match, 2% 50% 401k match, fully vested and eligible after 90 days, 15 days How much does a Home Health Physical Therapist make? As of March 01, 2025, the average annual salary for a Home Health Physical Therapist in the United States is Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. However after reading through the contract the they stated that I would be 1099 I've worked 2 jobs for the past 2 years and make some decent money. 0 or greater “points” per day over the quarter you qualify for a bonus. Most insurance companies do not want to reimburse for services ( delay and deny). The goal is to increase transparency in our industry to help us get the jobs we deserve, learn to calculate our value, and most importantly stop accepting shitty job offers from If you are not a licensed PT or currently under the care of a PT please do not post here. I am pay per visit which I would recommend, I'm projecting to make 175-180k just with home health. Offer seems to be on the low side but employer insists that it is not. I could work 5 days, but I chose to work 6. Patients have an unrealistic idea of what home health is. my subreddits. Then use your own deductions. I’m definitely underpaid, but the benefits are good and I make my own Home health is something that interests me for when I eventually look for something permanent, so getting some experience there sounds nice. It drained me! If you are not a licensed PT or currently under the care of a PT please do not post here. I am fielding job offers for home health. 180,000k PA salary -113,465k PT salary = 66,535. I currently make $54/hour with 6 years of experience at a hospital based outpatient clinic. $90 for a SOC is a joke. Full time PTA Home Health $46 per visit - 45 minute treatment minimum (documentation included) = approx $61 per hour, minimum of 6 patients per day or 30 per week. Update. I have some ideas at what the visit rates are usually for home health PTs. Generally speaking, home health isn't a bad gig for the pay as long as you're young, healthy, and don't have a family to have to provide health insurance for. Outpatient does not pay well. Oh, and less documentation. Salaried I’ve had experience with all three of these compensation setups. 11 year vet in hospital OP ortho/sports. For those in home health, would you choose either pay per session or pay per hour? Although we can answer questions regarding general issues a person may be facing in their established PT sessions, we cannot legally provide treatment advice. I love it. I was hoping someone could give me any info on the company? 32-36 units expected a week. Starting PT Salary Expectations Go cash based or home health, don’t accept that garbage Hospital OP start at a lower salary 55k. 106K before taxes, less than 2 years out of school. get reddit premium. I'm making low six figures in home health (<= 40 hr/wk), which in my area is pretty much the ceiling without owning your own clinic or working multiple jobs > 40hr/wk which I'm not interested in. 5 hours min. I’ve worked for 2 different part A home health agencies with 2 varying caseloads. To me the benefits are higher pay, caseload can be 8-10 from what I read compared to your 12-15 in outpatient, you can set your own schedule. With 3 years experience, I started my next outpatient job with salary of 78,000. You might also check other HH on the area and see how they are reimbursing. 10-15 years of inflation (with potential raises hamstrung by corporate greed and continued declining PT reimbursement) I'll be making significantly Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Make $60-65 per visit, 27-30 patients per week. Outpatient full time, home health PRN. New to HH but not PT. Not one place had rates that Posted by u/jrock4389 - 4 votes and 7 comments For me a PTA in texas I work prn at snf for no les that 44. Pay per visit 2. Food for thought: an experienced PT I know makes ~$90k salary working inpatient acute care, but her job provides health insurance for her entire family of 4, which would cost roughly $20k DPT, home health. I've been doing home health full-time, almost exclusively for nearly 12 years. You can view the first PT Salaries and Settings Megathread here: https: Home health, Arkansas, started at $85k salary with bonuses based on points over productivity. I get as much documentation done in visits as I can, and most days I'm fine and don't need to do anything at home except maybe fine tuning my narrative notes. I am new to reddit. Now lets say you land that ER position and pull in 180k. Also from the Kansas City area and practicing PT for 3 years. Has anyone seen a graph of average PT salaries in the US for past years (as far back as 2000) and how it has trended? I am interested in how our salary now compares to when you only needed a bachelor's degrees for the job when adjusted for inflation. Google gives me too many different answers lol Thank you! Ive been a home health PT for several years and have generally loved it, now it’s really starting to suck more and more as we get further into PDGM. I can't imagine doing anything else. Hey guys, I’m considering a PT position at interim home health care. Full benefits, 50 cent per mile reimbursement. - There are many Pt's that have very different salaries from around the world and many make <50k USD a year. My first job was a lot more of the “other” consisting of a lot of CHF or If you are not a licensed PT or currently under the care of a PT please do not post here. PRN PTA Home Health $60 per visit - 45 minute treatment minimum (documentation included) = approximately $80 per hour. 5 units for an eval. With documentation, I was probably pulling 50 hours a week total. If it is not, negotiate up! Remember, you license bills the same as every other PT. I've mainly worked in outpatient ortho but just hit my 1 year doing home health. r/physicaltherapy A chip A close button. Now that my probationary period is up, I am ready to ask for more money as promised when I I do home health in Michigan and get paid per visit my biweekly checks are around 3,000 and I have 5 years experience and a large coverage area and lots of paperwork the paperwork is the worst part of home health. I was driving 500 miles a week. I have 11 years of experience in outpatient but making the switch to home health PT. These questions should be discussed directly with your physical therapist. Let me know if I can try to answer any other questions for you. Visit $65. Maybe you wont be “rich”, but to me PT is a great career with pretty decent pay and essentially a lifetime career with not as much stress in terms of not being able to find work opportunities. I made $15-20k more annually than some of my outpatient counterparts. I would advise you incorporate and have your own LLC. Pay per visit is how you make bank in home health. e. Toggle navigation. Home health, physical therapy pay rate . 401K opportunities, BCBS medical coverage, dental, vision, decent PTO. I was curious on what other PTAs in Florida were making per pt/hour, if you are comfortable sharing that information. They do have different weighting, in descending order it goes 1. The flexibility is amazing and being outside between visits is so nice too. 5 year experience One of the best clients I ever had was a 10 hour shift. However, I know it's not all good such as bringing home documentation and if a patient cancels then you don't get paid for the visit. My loans weren’t going to pay themselves. I make 75k as a salary HH PT through a hospital system in Mississippi. My question is, is this something that you typically Salary: 90k, $0. Home health I fill in when I want, usually 4-6 patients a week. Less tuition, probably no debt, can make 100 k in home health. They each have their benefits and downsides. I have been doing home health for a few months since leaving the hospital. Typical structure in home health is: Revisit: base pay Eval/re-eval: bit more SOC/ROC (anything with oasis): most Home health is the way to go. The company that I have worked for for the past 2 years sold the home health group and will be contracting out with a new company. Post this offer in the home health mentor group on Facebook. Has anyone here ever pivoted and started their own cash pay home health operation? And if so, how did you all best go about the logistics of getting it started? (i. However, I do end up doing some documentation at home. I believe average salary in the US increased by 6-7 percent since the pandemic started and healthcare workers have only seen 1-2% increase. I’m a diehard OP PT so could never do anything but that clinically but I have some old colleagues who have left OP over the past year and started doing home health making >20% more while having substantially more home life. Salary depends on setting (in-patient, outpatient, home health) as well as years experience. Requests for advice or education regarding your personal health issues will be removed and you may be banned. I am salary, so I dont get paid for it. I will say that although my pay was significantly higher in home health, the documentation system was trash on outdated tablets and I ended up documenting maybe 3 hours each night, give or take, which I absolutely hated. Wondering how other companies are operating and if my previous perks were too good to be true, and/or if If you are not a licensed PT or currently under the care of a PT please do not post here. Mileage $0. Productivity: 30 points/week Pay: Per visit (paid weekly) 1 point visit: Follow up or discharge = $55/visit Lol no. 00, prn home health 55 a visit as an independent worker,Or with my contract home health company 47. Hope that helps. Lots of people in there that can give you a little bit more insight than me. Make $130k now in home health in SoCal working 40 hours. Also, if u are healthy and single, buy your own health insurance and seek contracts between multiple travel companies. Get app Get Home Health PT pay . I was pulling 6 figures when I did home health with that pay structure and I've never lived in a high cost of living area. This is in Columbus OH. Doesn’t matter how many years experience you have. It sucks. After doing that for 7 months, went to another (smaller) home health agency that is literally the best I could ever hope for. When I lived in Ohio I had a major pay cut and still was considered as top pay (it was 14 years ago and about a 15 dollar cut I think) It’s terribly sad. By reading other threads this may seem low, but If you are not a licensed PT or currently under the care of a PT please do not post here. Travel PT it also really depends on where you work but you can generally expect to make what would essentially be a 100-130k salary pretty early on but you will most likely spend an extra 10k in housing per year. Sure, I got paid 55 cents a mile, but that doesn’t cover your car payment, insurance, and fuel. Pay per hour 3. Hey all I applied to a home health company to provide in home therapy per diem and they offered me $100 per eval and $85 per return visit. Texas- outpatient for PTA $26/hour; home health in Texas varies frim $20/hour at w2 to $35-40/visit @1099, I know a new grad who applied for contract Hh 1099 per visit and they wanted to pay her $19 a visit (I believe that company is called dfw home health). After 4 or 5 years of that, your car is worthless. As a PT, on average most of the contracts I'm seeing are between $2000-2600 gross weekly. I am used to being paid hourly. I currently work SNF and per diem for home health and picking up more work as I got a job offer recently in RI for home health and it’s pay by point (visit) with each point being 55 dollars. Regular visits are 1 point and start Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Pros: Freedom (no one standing over your shoulder) Make your own schedule, and times I like to drive and listen to the radio (Sirius/XM is a life saver) Work with patients in their environment so you get to see the obstacles and help them with modifications. Home health absolutely ruins your car. Consisted of running dishes through dishwasher (on speed cycle), putting them away, doing laundry, dispensing meds once a night, feeding a nice gentleman snacks after his elephant doses of tranquilizers and sleeping pills gave him the munchies, helping him back to bed. In my current role, I mainly work with people post TKA/THA with a mix of neuro/other cases. The average annual salary of Home Health Physical Therapist in the United States is $110,301 or $53 per hour, ranging from $95,973 to $132,271 and $46 to $64. I can find tons of data on projected PT salary for future years. Much. If you How much does a Home Health Physical Therapist make in CA? As of March 01, 2025, the average annual salary for a Home Health Physical Therapist in California is I am looking to get into private pay home health PT as a source of supplemental income during evenings and weekends. 64. Get app Get Making around PT salary range Left after 6 months and started home health. Most patients cannot afford to pay for PT services out of pocket. Prepare to burn out in 5-10 years. All the jobs >$75k in the Stl area on Ben’s list were home health. 50 You need a strong stomach for home health. Help me! 😁 Home health is doing pretty well overall. A company I like made an offer. roughly $50k/year. Then took a pay cut when I was working SNFs in SoCal for 3 years. Meetings/PTO $48/hour. 0. This is for a contracting company in PA. I see 5-6 patients a day, 6 days per week. It's a shit show. As a Home Health Pt, I make an average base salary of $50,873 per Year in the US. This would include registered nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech-language pathologists. Pros and cons to it just like every other job. Now also add in the extra interest likely accrued on your PT loans (assuming they restart interest) you will probably be looking at around 425k in a net loss by going that route at this time. Requests for advice or That seems really low, especially the SOCs which in my experiance, take about 2. And unlike a alot of careers, PT has that job security and employment growth way above average. But yesterday for example, I drove to 5 separate clients and they were all 30 to 45 minutes apart. 20/hr. Outpatient PT here in California. I might do 10 years in home health and just leave healthcare altogether for something else. If you want a larger salaries and aren’t able or wanting to travel, try out skilled nursing facilities or home health. I started at 10 am and got home at 10 pm. In non profit home health now, my pay is comparable. This is a sub for practicing physical therapists to discuss cases, research, old and new tricks, or other therapy-relevant topics. Home health you can probably add another 15-20k compared to outpatient. If you really want to be in PT, be a pta. Does anyone have any input on what is a fair salary range for a new graduate interested in home health in PA? I know some people are against new In the field of Home Health Physical Therapy, it is very common to see the following pay structures: 1. Posted by u/Extended_Mag30 - No votes and 1 comment If you are not a licensed PT or currently under the care of a PT please do not post here. Hello, I started with a home health agency about four months ago and was given the rate of $100 for follow ups $120 for eval’s reassessments and $130 for oasis. 100k. Now I'm home health seeing on average 35 a week and making insanely more. 10 patients per Just received a home health PT job offer as follows Daily visit: $49 Start of cares: $90 No mileage reimbursement, no tablet provided for documentation, health care partially covered, 2 week pto, 401k per year. fisqnoaxwwlfjqfmkbxhovmfamjejfxnrazscyesvpbmllazsxqppingslmguagfubwphx