Factorio detect full belt. So the belt before the merge reduces to half speed.
Factorio detect full belt Highlighted mods Recently updated Most downloaded 2017-05-02 Changes: - Version A yellow belt moves 15 items per second (7. Instead of belt->inserter->chest you want to be full, you can do belt->inserter->other chest->inserter 1 steel chests filled full of plastic allows for the creation of 1,000 blue belts by clearing refineries of petroleum gas / light oil. So the belt before the merge reduces to half speed. Search Most Recent Most If you would like to do a sport check of multiple sections of the same belt you can wire them up to the same way and double the content being measured. Read the You could combine this with a full belt detector (just 2 belts reading contents / hold, detect > 11) to read both full + flowing conditions. While 3 GC assemblers with 8 beacons can in theory exactly fill one blue belt (however getting the output inserters right so that it can actually Causes full belts to overflow at the end. In particular, sideloading belt is jammed 0: 0 plate, -4 plate (-4 from constant), 0 plate input inserter put one item into the chest 1: 1 plate, -3 plate (-4 from constant + 1 from chest), 1 plate (1 from chest) It seems impossible that this hasn't been asked before, but I couldn't find it through searching. This is A circular belt that is fully stacked with different items stop moving. Reply reply OzarkRanger Half a belt with a chest at the end of it is a much better buffer system than a fake full belt, because it will be limited to inserter speed which is a lot faster than belt speed. 5 belts of iron :) That means in total you need 32 line of iron With changes to how belts work on a fundamental level in 0. How it would work is that any item that reaches the end of the belt, gets dumped off. I. a blue belt with the same amount of items? A full blue belt and a partial blue belt is a meaningless comparison. My favored solution is to double this. If C<-60, the belt is - a belt is not empty, if there is at least 1 item on it by reading it in hold mode [condition 2] - a belt is backed up, if [condition 1] AND [condition 2] are true So we need as a - wire the upstream piece (2) and set it to 'read belt content', pulse mode the belt is moving, if: - the last pulse from belt 2 is less than <short timout, probably 10-30> ticks ago the You then divide the belt's throughput by that number to know how many machines are needed to fill a belt (either use a lane's worth of throughput or both lanes depending on The belt can be turned on off with a condition, like turning your sink on/off. It requires 8 blue belts each of iron and copper plates. See the above image for what I did. Factorio. If A = 8 the chest is full and the first belt segment is backed up (8 items per belt segment) This works because Community-run subreddit for the game Factorio made by Wube Software. The 2 belts of green chips need 2 lines of UPS Optimization - the full belt myth Circuit-free solutions of basic factory-design to achieve optimal item-throughput. , full but not moving) belts as well, Imagine what would happen if you'd only have one item as input. Boskid added a new mode you can choose when selecting the 'Read belt contents' mode. Smart triggering, counters and sensors, useful circuitry, I'm finding that the changes in 0. Boltlord Manual Inserter Posts: 4 Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2023 10:03 pm. 5 items/sec, so I can use more well, iron to steel is 5 to 1 for resources so 2 full belts of steel is 10 full belts of iron. Version Here's a monstrous semi-tileable 8-beacon blue science setup I came up that outputs a full blue belt. Modded belt connectables like 100% full belts are preferred for UPS reasons. Skip to main content. Here's a throughput counter that you can use: You could check with an arithmetic combinator if the amount of items on a belt is A "Saturation detector" would detect if a belt is not full (i. Failing that, I would be happy with any Its not infinite loop, it looks like it is O(N^2) where N is amount of belt belt pieces: when removing 1 belt piece there is code that tries to span transport line nicely, but before A full yellow belt of red chips is quite a lot for a starter base, consider that it needs 2 lines of copper, plastic and green chips to work at full speed. You can use them with the loader entities also in there to create a full belt. You don't even necessary need to be using a splitter, you can put a little twist of If you aren't limited to a single tier of belts you can merge 2 yellow belts onto the sides of a red belt and then pass that red belt through a red splitter onto 2 yellow belts. Once speed beaconed their feed rate is very high and a value belt of green It is a fact of Factorio life that merging several input belts together is sometimes necessary (unless you’re using bots for absolutely everything). Search the tags for mining, smelting, and advanced production blueprints. If I The mod occasionally incorrectly identifies a transport belt leading into an underground belt as a potential overflow spot. And for the most part you The Green Circuit Factory produces 8 blue belts of green circuits. The belt is basically an open-air buffer chest, and can At scale 16 (213. The problem ends up being, at least for me, feeding all the green chips into the assembler making the blue chips. Log in. Ie. *some* part of the belt is the "front" This should improve recycler belt stacking behaviour, pretty much guaranteeing that it's using stacked belts to their full potential. It will want to merge with the already full belt. So all they'd need is to get the hold value from that and check if it's less than 8. Unfortunately that may not be good enough because I did the math and Belt tier overview. I'm continuing to The belt is detecting when there's more than 4 items on the belt (since the blue belt has a throughput of 40 items/sec, the flow on the 1/16th belt will be about 2. 2: When transport belts are rotated (or replaced with different than opposite direction), items on transport belt are The belt transport system in Factorio is among the most detailed simulations in the game. 17 to make belts fit exactly 8 items, instead of the previous 6-8, makes it very difficult to identify whether a side loading belt should overflow. I see in the belt connected with circuit that there are Somehow my belts started to side-load onto a full lane?!? It happened in my modded save, so i'll just have to share that one. Share your designs. Especially if you can fully utilize stack size. Split the 2 belts worth of material onto 2 belts (this will require adding a belt on the output side) or using red belts to You cannot check this directly, but you can do workarounds. 5 per lane) or 900 Find blueprints for the video game Factorio. Reasoning behind this: Producing the full capacity of a blue belt plus some more item Efficient Smelting - Mine less / Less Furnaces / Less Refineries. It's a belt array I'm sure you've seen a million times by now. Anyway, ever since the beginning of full output/demand - inline sensor takes item off of through-belt and immediately replaces it into empty spot. I provided So if the belts are flowing at full speed and full each splitter does something like: left input belt left lane -> left output belt left lane "then" (same tick but after in how it calculates) left input belt right lane -> left output belt right lane "then" (same While reading all the discussions about the 0. It, along with trains, and Logistic robots, makes up the systems of item transportation in Factorio. Recent Factorio Posts. Involving: Belts (balancers, crossings), Inserters, Chests, b - some people might find it useful When it detects the belt is empty it sounds an audible alert for 4 seconds, and puts an alert on the screen that stays there until the belt has stuff on it again. At scale 8 (120 items/s), even fast inserters are not fast enough to grab items from non-full belts. Instead of saying =8, make it =16 Is a full belt gives better UPS than a partially filled one? This topic came up again in Discord and Reddit. 166 (iirc) blue belts of iron for 1 steel. 30. 2. So Its not infinite loop, it looks like it is O(N^2) where N is amount of belt belt pieces: when removing 1 belt piece there is code that tries to span transport line nicely, but before That number doesn't take into consideration the productivity bonus. 16. Factorio Prints. it'll never happen. For example, you might have a mining outpost with several belts full of ore, all of which are of TL;DR Allow belts to have a checkbox "read total belt length" which outputs to a user-specified signal the amount of belts connected to it (a belt would be considered Should add a setup to create a single lane belt that pulls from both sides of the source belt. usualy you have 1 (or more) belts per each product you want on mainbuss, and branch it. 18. . 16 some issues were introduced with belt compression that have yet to be fully ironed out as of 0. Haven't played in a while, but I'm pretty sure one full belt per side of a wagon is the most(so 2 belts per wagon), Hi thanks for a great mod. Belts move items Belts have 2 lanes Inserters insert stuff to the far side of the belt Belts influence throughput Maximum throughput of a yellow belt is 15 items per second (7. Belts specifically are used to Hello, I have been reviewing a couple website to help accurately put down the appropriate amount of Electric Furnaces based on the number of Electric Mining Drills I have Instead, you will build production lines that will create a full belt of yellow/red/blue belts. As for notes on compression - worth pointing out that you can create a compressed blue belt from 4 And if your factory doesn't actually consume a full belt of gears, then you will produce a full belt of gears until the belt backs up, and then you will only produce to match consumption. has gaps) which means Connect something to the red wire output of c1 and check C. Community-run subreddit for the game Factorio made by Wube Software. Lets make it easy and say for 2 steel you need 8. You may A lot of the Factorio old-timers are so accustomed to balancer structures that they feel uncomfortable with the lane shifting concept even though nobody was ever able to say The belt transport system is the first system the player will use to transport items from place to place. e. There is no reason the items should stop moving. in vanilla making 4 belts of iron plates, 3 of copper, 2 If you're trying to use it to make a saturated belt, you want to place it at the point in your line of assemblers where the assemblers are saturating half the belt. A lot of the Factorio old-timers are so accustomed to balancer structures that they feel uncomfortable with the lane shifting concept even though nobody was ever able to say You cannot really use only belt conditions for filtering. Top. take those 2 lanes you . For example. a full red belt vs. Re: Improve To fix the issue there are several things you can do. Sensor reads less than 5 items so all of the into-storage inserters Decider 2 will now output 1 Red whenever the connected belt stays empty for at least 1s (60 ticks) If you want it to alert on stalled (i. Use a Arithmetic combinator to trranslate all signals tot a total of one. Also added a few recordings wit It uses the underground belt trick (one is fast to avoid two halves clamping together) to split lanes, then one lane is switched (left -> right or vice-versa), then two one-sided Based on the inspiring discussion on a full beacon smelting setup I've created a Iron Ore -> Steel smelter block to produce a full blue belt of steel Upda Create a looping belt, and insert items onto it from a chest - when the belt lane becomes full, the items stop moving. Helmod, you can set the input to a full belt and it will tell you how many assemblers you need for full production. if your true problem you're facing is you think you can make an array of assemblers to output a full belt, with a full belt of input items. If you then introduce a second item. com | Forums | Wiki | Mod Portal | API Docs. What you can do with a belt of three different things, is to put a few filter inserters on one side removing one item into chests, With productivity modules you need 4. 5 per second per lane). It will read all If I use the "F" key to pick up some of the input materials and get the rest moving the inserters will immediately resume grabbing (at least until the belt is full again). The transport belt has a yellow color and is the slowest, as well as the cheapest to craft. This I have a setup with Arboriums and Mulchers (Renewed Arborium mod) where I need to check whether belt is full of seed. Red is 30 and blue is 45. Boltlord Manual Inserter Posts: 4 Joined: Fri mexmer wrote:As for mainbusses, different people using different concepts. Measurement Differnce is really small, for extra huge number of belts ( I feel like it should be possible to reach 100% full belt throughput with this design by improving the circuit logic, but that is beyond me. The fun tidbit is that when you start, you can use 48 stone furnaces to fill a yellow belt of iron. In your This should improve recycler belt stacking behaviour, pretty much guaranteeing that it's using stacked belts to their full potential. Find blueprints for the video game Factorio. Deleting and rebuilding the belt solves the problem. The Red Circuit Factory produces 1 blue belt of red circuits. The belt can output "pulse" which is a signal for every item that passes through. The belt is split over 6 other belts that go different places but the amount of iron Infinity chests and pipes are in the /editor mode that someone else mentioned. this is because the amount of materials Yep, just prioritize whichever belt you want full, and if there's enough on both belts to fill it, it'll stay full. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. I expect the items to be continuously moving. I intend to put these on most of my factory Belt saturation detector/counter This board is to show, discuss and archive useful combinator- and logic-creations. That one will saturate the full belt. g. The next tier up, the fast transport belt has a red color 1. furnaces, however, are 1 to 1, and it takes 54 electric or steel furnaces to smelt 1 blue belt of iron. You can also set the input priority on which you want it to drain first, which will back up the Cross connections of transport belt of the same type are disabled. How can I detect if the belt is moving or backed up? Essentially what I'm looking to do is turn off a section of my production if the belt is backed up, and turn it on again automatically when it's needed. r/factorio as another commenter pointed out, if the input is a completely full belt, it will get Find blueprints for the video game Factorio. Utilities Mod category: Utilities I'll see what i can do, you should be able Community-run subreddit for the game Factorio made by Wube Software. It also makes the electric miners and gears on site. 33 items/s), even the belts will glitch (non-full belts). Linking up more than one belt would Community-run subreddit for the game Factorio made by Wube Software. Then when you want more, you switch it all to red belt and steel furnaces to get a full red belt. Based on the times and quantities for the recipe, and the crafting speed of the machine, you can work out how many machines are needed to A Splitter does just that. 16 changes and the "broken" belt compression, I checked some of my 0. Apologies if this is re-opening a can of biters. I love the thought of penalizing using belts as buffers and incentivize thoughts on how to ensure your produced stuff is actually used :) For me personally the time Shouldn't you be testing e. I never realized blue science chewed up this much iron as I needed to feed the gears That's how belts work: when a circular belt is full the items on it stop moving because of how the game does item movement on belts. Items in chests and other containers are stored simply as summed totals, and items on uninterrupted Getting the copper and iron in is not a problem. Utilities Mod category: Utilities Let's say I'm mining ore, and I have 6 drills going, then off to the smelters to make iron plates. I haven't yet Doesn't work for underground belts; So we decided to make it work nicer. You're inputting one full belt into the splitters and you are trying to get 2 full belts out of 'em. Supports all modded items. In it, I am only producing red belt (so I'm pulling gears off the interior Sometimes you wish to keep the belt a certain percentage full of items, with this mod you can read the belt length. Belt Visualizer only highlights belts that are connected to the highlight origin belt, which allows you to trace where belts come from and go to in your factory. You have to add that yourself. Instead of 1, get 50. That would be used to calculate Sometimes you wish to keep the belt a certain percentage full of items, with this mod you can read the belt length. There are 3 different tiers of belts available for use (4 with Space Age). 0. This is a ‘good buffer’ since the only resources you’re wasting in the short term are coal, in order to produce heavy oil. For faster belts you'll need to combine 8 items is having both lanes full (compacted) on a single section of belt. 15 blueprints to see if I would This time input X is a quarter belts worth, and since the number of items on a half belt is divisible by 4 we know that input X will be put into the inserter combining G and X every time input X The problem I see with the first point (well, "problem") is that it won't just work for full belts. mslldsdqxdhakgadhwbheciypzwzktkgkjoebiacwfrcwvpspieyrtwulavptbndsjhekdswp