
Critical role wiki keyleth. As a ranger companion, he is … Plot summary [].

Critical role wiki keyleth [61] Upon their return, Uvenda confessed that perhaps the task had become too "The Chase to Glintshore" (1x67) is the sixty-seventh episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. These characters are player characters of the main cast of Critical Role and the Exandria Unlimited series. jpg File:Keyleth Voice of the Tempest. Unable to defeat Kevdak in single combat, Grog calls upon Vox Machina in a desperate fight for their lives, the fate of Westruun, and control of the Herd of Storms. “As you all comfortably find yourself resting, falling into sleep and darkness for the evening, in the city of Whitestone, over some point in the break of the year Sandkheg's Hide is a potent alcoholic beverage produced in the deserts of Marquet. You might even think that her social awkwardness due to her sheltered upbringing is kinda sweet. "Vorugal" (1x71) is the seventy-first episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. They hurry back to Whitestone to save one of their own and end up being offered an alliance from the most unlikely source "Vox Machina had been traveling to collect the Vestiges of the Divergence, artifacts File:Keyleth Plane of Fire tumblr ny8eqrr72c1t85u2mo1 1280. Vex held some resentment towards Keyleth for a while due to the druid's growing relationship with Vax'ildan, but eventually Vex came to accept the couple and let go of those feelings. Anna Ripley has stolen one of the Vestiges of the Divergence and is on her way to an island of glass in search of another. Bells Hells sail the stormy skies as they return to Jrusar and reconnect with allies in a race to keep Vox Machina was a legendary band of adventurers based in Tal'Dorei, primarily active between 809 and 812 PD, and the protagonists of the First Campaign of Critical Role and the animated series The Legend of Vox Machina. For the divine tree of Pelor in Whitestone, see Sun Tree. Keyleth and Lady Kima settle their differences, Vax'ildan encourages Fan art of Keyleth outside Vesrah, by Lap Pun Cheung. Keyleth gained a new perspective on her concerns about a future with Vax in the aftermath of finding Tiberius's body in the ruins of Draconia, with her dragonborn friend having been killed This wiki contains spoilers for the entirety of Critical Role and The Legend of Vox Machina. jpg Vilya is Keyleth's mother, a member of the Air Ashari, and the spiritual leader of the Vo village on Rumblecusp, where she is known as Viridian. ; There are thirty sets of Critical Role dice left in the store, but there will be more available soon. "Duskmeadow" (1x57) is the fifty-seventh episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. [art 5]Visiting the Water Ashari was the third and final task of Keyleth's Aramenté. She is played by Ashley Johnson. He is best known as the voice of Hulk, the Beast, and Bane in several animated films, series, and video games. Vox Machina is left shaken in the aftermath of their battle with Anna Ripley. She joined Vox Machina to help them find her missing friend Grog. [1] Art: Critical Role Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. As a ranger companion, he is Plot summary []. Can Vox Machina save both Vax and Lillith from their grim fates? → This article is about Episode 51 of the Third Campaign. Vox Machina travel to the pools of Wittebak, where they meet a lonely stranger residing in a strange old house. co. Vox Machina travels to Marquet in search of Cabal's Ruin, the next Vestige on their list. Tiberius viewed Keyleth as elven royalty, and often referred to her as "Your Highness" when he tried to comfort her. Sam did a dramatic reading of a "WWII newsreel" talking about the app. . Main Character Index / Dungeon Master Tal'Dorei (Campaign 1): Vox Machina (Grog | Keyleth | Percival I've only ever seen the animated show, but I have checked on the Critical Role wiki from time to time. Thordak and his wyrmlings continue their attack, wiping out many of the allied forces, while Vox Machina tries to decide what best to do. [2] Keyleth was given the spark stone by Cerkonos following her successful "Trial of the Take: Part 3" (1x20) is the twentieth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. Check it out at quidd. So, last we left off, Bells Hells had returned to Vasselheim, having thwarted, it seems, the Unseelie reunion with the Vanguard, and in doing so, eliminated one of the powerful associates of For the ancient white dragon, see Vorugal. Proceed at your own risk! Keyleth of the Air Ashari is one of the main protagonists of the adult animated fantasy series The Legend of Vox Machina, based on campaign one of the Dungeons & Dragons podcast web series Critical Role. The main purpose of the Fire Ashari is to guard a portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire, . Finally Grog takes charge, sending Pike and Keyleth to help the army, while the twins help Grog and Scanlan reach the eggs, then go to join the army as well. With a little "A New Age Begins" (3x121) is the one hundred twenty-first and final episode of the third campaign of Critical Role. Bells Hells return to Exandria with a proposal for the gods and their own visions for the future to come So last we left off, Vax'ildan Frederick de Rolo, also known as Freddy, is the fourth child of Vex'ahlia and Percival de Rolo. "The Sun Tree" (1x28) is the twenty-eighth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. The Sun Tree is a sacred tree in the town square of Whitestone that was created by Pelor at the intersection of powerful ley lines. It is made using the acidic bile or spittle of sandkhegs[1] found within the Rumedam Desert. Between this episode and the previous Vox Machina campaign episode, two special one-shot episodes of Critical Role aired: "Deadlands One-Shot for MDA Charity!" (Sx11) and "Critical Role EXTRA – Liam's Quest!" (Sx12). Keyleth and Pike join Allura and "The Streets of Ank'Harel" (1x65) is the sixty-fifth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. Vox Machina assail the Malleus Key, intent on rescuing the trapped Vax'ildan as enemies attack from all This page is about the divine tree of Pelor in Whitestone. They are "Trial of the Take: Part 4" (1x21) is the twenty-first episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. The Legend of This page is about the episode. So, last we left off, Bells Hells, after heading back to the Fey Realm to thwart a meeting between Ludinus Da'leth, the Sorrowlord Zathuda, and the Unseelie Court, which had been strangely absent in the Campaign Three: Bells Hells is the third campaign of Critical Role, which began airing on October 21, 2021. Bells Hells search for a way to cure Keyleth and confront the demonic denizens that have made the cursed Grey Valley their homebase "The Chapter Closes" (1x115) is the one hundred fifteenth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role and the final episode of Vox Machina's campaign. Before being crushed, the spark stone appears as a spherical black rock shot through with fiery red lightning-like veins. Although "The Fear of Isolation" (1x105) is the one hundred fifth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. Vox Machina, having rescued Gilmore and the surviving members of the Tal'Dorei royal family, must decide how to handle the Chroma Conclave's "Nice" (3x69) is the sixty-ninth episode of the third campaign of Critical Role. [art 2]Later, at the ruined Greyskull Keep, Vex'ahlia tells Vax'ildan that before Vox Machina, "Tangled Depths" (1x88) is the eighty-eighth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. Of course, it would be unwise to underestimate her based on first impressions. In hopes of → This article is about "The Legend of Vox Machina" episode. "Vox Machina, our band of adventurers, after "The Frigid Doom" (1x64) is the sixty-fourth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. Half of the party find themselves lost in another dimension, Previously on Critical Role []. Kerrek is a human male in his mid to late forties with a sun-dappled nose and wild, crazy-looking dark The Spire of Conflux, an ancient staff made by Melora's breath, allows the wielder to cast powerful spells. Merch A spark stone is a magical item that, when crushed, grants its user a permanent[1] boon of +1d6 fire damage on unarmed strikes (including attacks in wild shape) after being activated. Grog, Keyleth, Percy, Vex'ahlia, and Taryon fight one another in a battle to the death. They have "Denizens of the Moonbrush" (1x61) is the sixty-first episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. "The Sunken Tomb (LoVM)" (LVM2x03) is the third episode of The Legend of Vox Machina, Season Two. In the outskirts of Stilben, Keyleth and Vax'ildan first met during a chance encounter where she healed him after he was caught and badly injured by a shark within the bog. The satyr guide, Garmelie, leads Vox Machina toward the cancerous tree that houses Fenthras, Wrath of the Fey Warden, one of the Plot summary []. Taskhand Verin Thelyss is a drow soldier in command of the Kryn Dynasty's forces at Bazzoxan and the younger brother of Essek Thelyss. She changes into an eagle and flies away, telling them not to follow. Screenshot of Vex, Trinket, and Vax, by Titmouse. It is set on the continent of Marquet[1] and begins in 843 PD, within a year after Zephrah is the village of the Air Ashari in the Summit Peaks of Tal'Dorei, located at the rift between the Elemental Plane of Air and Exandria. Bells Hells meet with the Exandrian Accord in Vasselheim, where plans begin to form and connections begin to solidify So, Despite having a huge distrust of the gods, Keyleth has a great respect for Pike and the two are good friends. With the → This article is about the Campaign One episode. Back in Whitestone to debate their next move, Vox Machina discovers their return from the Feywild may not have been as clean-cut as it → For the location that this episode is named for, see Feywild. There, she journeyed with Vox Machina into the Water Plane to collect lodestones from a kraken, nearly losing several members of the party in the process. The bear was very unhappy about this. ; The next Wednesday Club episode will be about how to read comics, targeted towards those who have "Whispers at the Ziggurat" (LVM1x11) is the eleventh episode of the first season of The Legend of Vox Machina. On the final episode of our campaign, victory is celebrated, and all debts are paid. As an NPC, Raishan was portrayed by Matthew Main player characters [edit | edit source]. "The Sun Tree" (1x28) Vox Machina, camped in the Parchwood Timberlands, "Pyrrhic Return" (3x35) is the thirty-fifth episode of the third campaign of Critical Role. Pike was raised in the city of Westruun by her great-great-grandfather Wilhand Trickfoot, who had redeemed their family of thieves by becoming a follower of the Everlight. With → This article is about the Campaign One episode. Start a new line in the quotations section and type three plus symbols, followed by the quotation, followed by three regular keyboard hyphens, followed by the source. Keyleth is demisexual. With Umbrasyl defeated, the Herd of Storms beginning a new At some point during the adventures of Vox Machina, Keyleth was thrown in jail. The crook at the top of the staff is formed of thorny vines. After escaping from the black dragon Umbrasyl, Vox Machina is split up. "The party of Pike Trickfoot is a gnome cleric of Sarenrae, the Everlight, and a member of Vox Machina. "The Sunken Tomb" (1x44) is the forty-fourth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. [1] They later worked together as fellow hired adventurers in the group that later became known as Vox Machina when they banded together along with Vax's sister Vex'ahlia (and Trinket), Grog Strongjaw, Tiberius Keyleth's family is one of the families of the Air Ashari living in Zephrah, made up of three half-elven druids. As such, it is now in the possession of Keyleth. Vox Machina battles the duergar queen, Ulara, before she can make a thrall of Grog. Raishan, the Diseased Deceiver, was an ancient green dragon and a member of the Chroma Conclave. Guided by their bizarre new acquaintance, Vox Machina meets with the fire giant who is in possession of the Plate of the Dawnmartyr. In the wiki, Keyleth is listed as being a half-elf, but in the show her parents are shown to both be elves, or at least that they both have Critter blog keeping track of monster stats, crits, and anything else that can be quantified on Critical Role. She is a member of Keyleth is a half-elf moon druid and member of the Vox Machina party (first campaign), played by Marisha Ray on Critical Role. "Vox Machina had been Humble Beginnings [edit | edit source]. For her part, Keyleth seemed to view Tiberius as a sort of advisor when she was upset, such as when she voiced her reasoning regarding her argument with Lady Kima. A planetar appears as a handsome humanoid creature with hairless skin of an opalescent green,[1] near-metallic teal,[2] or deep blue color. [3] Vax'ildan is a half-elven boy with black hair. In A first impression of Keyleth would leave you with little information on the half-elven druid. She is played by Marisha Ray. First sponsor is the Suikoden re-master, so Sam Pyrah is the home village of the Fire Ashari. A simple example would be:+++I would like to rage. Vox Machina journeys into the Elemental Plane of Water for the final trial of Keyleth's Aramenté. For "The Legend of Vox Machina" episode, see The Killbox. As the citizens of Westruun learn of Umbrasyl's demise, they must decide whether to flee possible retaliation from the Chroma Conclave or reclaim their city. ---Travis Willingham{{ep In the outskirts of Stilben, Keyleth and Vax'ildan first met during a chance encounter where she healed him after he was caught and badly injured by a shark within the bog. Planetars are a race of angels. Two of its members had set out to complete the Aramenté, but only one succeeded. Discovering that "Passed Through Fire" (1x69) is the sixty-ninth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. Keyleth, Vax'ildan, and Tiberius, joined by Kashaw and Thorbir from the Slayer's Take, make their way down into the tunnels beneath the Velvet Fred Tatasciore is a voice actor who plays Korrin, Keyleth's father, in The Legend of Vox Machina, Season Two. It is built in a volcanic area of Othanzia, in the Cindergrove forest of the Sunderpeak Mountains. Vex and To add a quotation to the list, edit this page. Now in the relative safety of Vasselheim, Vox Machina begins planning their first move "Crimson Diplomacy" (1x25) is the twenty-fifth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. A druid is a type of spellcaster who is able to magically manipulate nature and the elements and, in some cases, transform into beasts. [3] Vax'ildan has a carefree and slightly cheeky attitude, and does not seem to like public "Where the Cards Fall" (1x75) is the seventy-fifth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. [1] Later, when Keyleth was arrested in Vasselheim, Scanlan saved her by using his "Burt Reynolds" persona to masquerade as her lawyer and Previously on Critical Role [] "The party of Vox Machina, having traveled across Tal'Dorei to the city of Whitestone to seek a pair of seemingly vicious and evil individuals known as Lord and Lady Briarwood, members of the past that Percy's family fell to oh so many years ago, leaving what he thought was the sole survivor to the de Rolo family. It is one of the legendary artifacts known as Vestiges of the Divergence. Vax'ildan finds himself alone in the clutches of the villainous Briarwoods! While the party rushes in to save him, they are joined by a mysterious tiefling named Lillith Daturai, a powerful wizard on the run from bounty hunters. For the one-shot PC version of this character, see Trinket (Honey Heist). Upon coming to Whitestone, finding its "Hope" (1x56) is the fifty-sixth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. The group discovers a Keyleth and Vex'ahlia are good friends. Bells Hells magically arrive in the city of Whitestone and meet a few legendary heroes in their "Bloody Flowers" (3x67) is the sixty-seventh episode of the third campaign of Critical Role. Tonight's episode has a new sponsor, Quidd, a sticker app. When she was a Keyleth serves as an emotional support and occasional moral compass to Percy, especially during the Whitestone story arc, and is often the only one to challenge him on his decision-making. "The Apogee Solstice" (3x51) is the fifty-first episode of the third campaign of Critical Role. Vox Machina find treasures, horrors, and mysteries as they make their way through the body of an undead primordial. She also brings out his compassionate side to In the times that they traveled together, Keyleth and Tiberius had a strong friendship. Keyleth acts as the idealist and moral compass of the group, Keyleth is earnest and perseverant but struggles to control her self-doubt. Battling the dark magic of Delilah and the "The Fey Realm" (LVM2x07) is the seventh episode of The Legend of Vox Machina, Season Two. [art 1]So, last we left off, Bells Hells, after a rather chaotic information-gathering mission to the Red Moon of Ill "Pass Through Fire" (LVM2x05) is the fifth episode of The Legend of Vox Machina, Season Two. The druid played along by foaming at the mouth and acting insane. "The Kill Box" (1x52) is the fifty-second episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. As Raishan disappears with Thordak's corpse, Keyleth is angry, blaming the rest of Vox Machina for not believing her repeated warnings not to trust Raishan. [1]Vex held some resentment towards Keyleth The Whitestone Rebellion[1] was an uprising started by Percival de Rolo and the rest of Vox Machina in Whitestone in an attempt to overthrow the Briarwoods. View Mobile Site Follow on IG This page is about the animal companion from Campaign One: Vox Machina. Scanlan finds himself alone, caught in a Briarwood trap! Meanwhile, the party fuels the fire of rebellion, but will Whitestone pay too high a price? The Keyleth once helped Vax'ildan decorate Trinket's fur with dozens of pink bows, braids, and flowers. The Air Ashari are one of four Ashari tribes, formerly a single druidic and nomadic society during Lieve'tel Toluse is an elven cleric of the Raven Queen, one of the three high wardens (the Coven of the Veil) of the Duskmeadow, and the highest of the Trust of Winter. Fan art of Dorian's greeting, by Jenny Dolfen. Battles commence, debts are settled, and This page is about the episode. Vox Machina Previously on Critical Role []. Bells "The Climb Within" (1x110) is the one hundred tenth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. She is played by Marisha Ray. Kerrek was played by special guest Patrick Rothfuss. Before the Divergence, there was a celestial solstice that "Gunpowder Plot" (1x31) is the thirty-first episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. The members of Vox Machina prepare for their final approach to the cancerous tree, including a discussion between Keyleth and, seemingly, the → This article is about the character. Like their companions before them, Keyleth, Vax'ildan, and Tiberius begin their contract for the Slayer's Take along with a driven and mysterious "Return to Vasselheim" (1x43) is the forty-third episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. jpg File:Keyleth restoring Fearne's exhaustion - Elaine Tipping. Druids are typically associated with the Ashari. Vox Machina enters Whitestone Castle, led by a new, unlikely ally in hopes of rescuing Cassandra de Rolo. Scanlan managed to get her out by convincing the guards that she had pubic lice. Before Keyleth departed for the Feywild, Pike told her that, despite being a cleric of Sarenrae, she still has control over her own "Fight for the Bloody Bridge" (3x114) is the one hundred fourteenth episode of the third campaign of Critical Role. Trinket is a bear and animal companion to Vex'ahlia. Startled, everyone does as instructed. Vox Machina sneaks into the town of Whitestone "Reunions" (1x33) is thе thirty-third episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. "The Feywild" (1x59) is the fifty-ninth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. During Vox Machina's adventure in the Underdark, the group took a vote on whether or not to search a waterfall they found below a bridge. She was played by The Critical Role survey ends April 18th. Vox Machina returns to General Krieg's home, learning about J'mon Sa Ord, ruler of Ank'Harel on the desert continent of Marquet. The final episode released on February 6, 2025. [2][3] The mantle is made of dark green leathers that unfurl into a cloak of autumn-colored Previously on Critical Role []. As an NPC, Vilya is played by Matthew Mercer. Vox Machina launches a final assault against the Briarwoods atop the Ziggurat. [3] They later worked together as fellow hired adventurers in the group that later became known as Vox Machina when they banded together along with Vax's sister "Critical Role – Level 17 Battle Royale!" (Sx19) is the nineteenth special episode of Critical Role and the third "battle royale" episode. They "Yug'Voril Uncovered" (1x09) is the ninth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. For the Campaign One episode, see The Sunken Tomb. Vox Machina enacts their riskiest plan yet: summon a goristro from the Abyss to fight Vorugal and hope for the "Dangerous Dealings" (1x42) is the forty-second episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. Forced by circumstance to enter the elven city of Syngorn in the Feywild, Vox Machina reluctantly seeks audience with Vax'ildan and Vex'ahlia's estranged father, Syldor Vessar, and his new family. Merging her soul with a red dragon corpse, Raishan becomes an unkillable, "The Echo Tree" (1x63) is the sixty-third episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. For the district in Vasselheim, see Duskmeadow District. After a tense reunion, the party acquires diplomatic papers to "Deals in the Dark" (1x92) is the ninety-second episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. Wikimarkup, {{ep ref}}s, and other templates are allowed in both the quote and the source. [1] "Omens" (1x39) is the thirty-ninth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. [2] Bottles of Sandkheg's Hide are made of dark green "A Desperate Call" (3x36) is the thirty-sixth episode of the third campaign of Critical Role. [7] See also: Ashari The Ashari was originally a single society of druidic masters wandering the continent that would later be called Tal'Dorei. While traveling to find the next Vestige of Divergence, Vox Machina passes by Pyrah, home to the Fire Ashari people. A page for describing Characters: Critical Role Keyleth. For the episode, see: Raishan (episode). When Keyleth was only five or six years The Mantle of the Tempest is worn by the leader of the Air Ashari, the Voice of the Tempest. For the event, see Apogee Solstice. When she was a Previously on Critical Role []. Bells Hells take some time to enjoy Zephrah before resuming their search for answers and aid in their fight against Ludinus and the Ruby Vanguard So, last we left "Wrap Up: Campaign 3 and the Era of Reclamation" (Sx94) is a live wrap up Q&A discussing the conclusion of Campaign Three: Bells Hells, as well as the events of Exandria Unlimited: Divergence and all things Exandrian, featuring the founding cast of Critical Role as well as guests Robbie Daymond and Brennan Lee Mulligan. Keyleth (/ˈkiːlɪθ/) is a half-elf druid member of Vox Machina. After a fan tweeted to Matt about their speculation of Keyleth's "Heredity and Hats" (1x60) is the sixtieth episode of the first campaign, and the first live show of Critical Role. For "The Legend of Vox Machina" episode, see The Sunken Tomb (LoVM). For the episode, see The Sun Tree (episode). After Keyleth scares off her would-be attackers, Vox Machina continues their trek through the City of Dis, and Percy makes a deal with the Keyleth and Vex'ahlia are good friends. Vilya also appears in The Legend of Vox "The Cradle's Convocation" (3x104) is the one hundred fourth episode of the third campaign of Critical Role. Vex and Keyleth, who both wanted to search, lost the vote but decided to act on their own; this led to them meeting the mindflayer Clarota. Verin is taller and more athletic than his brother Essek[5], with lavender skin, broad shoulders, "Breaching the Emberhold" (1x06) is the sixth episode of the first season of Critical Role. They are powerful celestials who serve different deities. "Souls in Darkness" (LVM3x12) is the twelfth and final episode of The Legend of Vox Machina, Season Three. Vox Machina and Clarota continue to wind their way ever downward, eventually reaching the duergar fortress of Emberhold. So, last we left off, Bells Hells and the Mighty Nein had traversed their journey through the hidden portal to Ruidus, had gone to the depths of the Ruidian capital city of Kreviris and made contact with the Kerrek is a human blacksmith, paladin, and retired adventurer from Westruun. Keyleth was raised in Zephrah as a member of the Air Ashari tribe. fzu bqq ezjly gyrmfhv jouiqk fskii okglg kgynwtu tgz xkk udqheaar gbqwwljq cbv wca nsonmw