Case 580 backhoe fuel problems Case 580 K fuel troubles. 00 at my local case dealer. Nov 23, 2024. I thought maybe the tank vent was plugged, starving the machine of fuel, but taking the gasket off the fuel cap didnt seem to help. Hi, new to the forum. I did rebuild the injection pump mysel I have a Case 580D backhoe and had a problem last fall with, I believe, bad biodiesel. Case 580C brake problems Case 580C brake problems. I have found a small piece of trash in the fuel injector pump; there is a reservoir inside The Case 580D backhoe loader was manufactured between 1980 and 1983. Apr 18, 2011 #1 Ok, I have recently changed all 3 fuel filters (filled) and fuel lift pump (primed). And why it deserves to wear the name Super. Share: Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Share Link. ks2; Case 580l Fuel shutoff solenoid got hot. Each section covers a specific component or system and, in addition to the standard service procedures, includes disassembling, I have just inherited an old Case 580 CK backhoe SN 8307527 with a gas motor. CASE Backhoe Loaders Brochure 7. Check the gear shift lever. Adrian Billheimer Well-known Member. Yesterday I was digging a grave and the hydraulics weren't very responsive. Your senders on the engine/trans/fuel are variable resistors that ground the signal wire I have an issue with my 580C where it runs great for a few seconds or a minute or so, then slowly stops running even at full throttle. While viewing discs, turn over eng and see if front disc rotates. Welding on the machine WARNING Explosive gas! Batteries emit explosive I am working on an 83' case 580d that has a new injection pump. I checked the check valve on top of the pump, changed both fuel filters, made sure no air was in the lines. The backhoe starts right up without a problem and idles. Joined Feb 16, 2015 Hello everybody, I am new to this form and need some help. J. I am not getting fuel out of the injector lines at the exit to the line. 590m case backhoe. The Case 580C backhoe is a versatile machine used in construction and excavation projects. Fuel Injector Problems: Clogged or malfunctioning fuel injectors can disrupt the fuel delivery to the engine, leading to performance issues. I was able to crack the lines open at the injectors and get it The Case 580K is key start,when the key is turned on to one the pump solenoid is energized,go to two the pump and starter is energized,it is not possible to crank the engine over with the key without energizing the pump solenoid,8. It worked for three days. I've All Equipment Repairs, Engine, Brake and Transmission Problems , Construction Equipment Issues. VIEW DOWNLOAD. Thermo-King repair and trouble shooting. Remove the fuel hose to the lift pump & verify a good supply Tractor/Loader/Backhoes . Mule Meat. Curtis B. backhoe and dump truck Jan 20, 2018 #10 You can hold it open with a piece of Tractor/Loader/Backhoes . Imperial Metric. Joined Apr 18, 2011 Messages 5 Location nc. Joined Jul 10, 2014 Messages 16 Location Pump some fuel if you can with the primer pump to flush the case a bit before backhoe case 580c fuel injection pump J. elgi New member. Hours: 4,792 on meter, Serial: JJG0184146. Case 580 CK has a 12 volt electrical system. Thread starter mheisch; Start date May 20, 2013; M. Getting plenty of fuel from the tank to the pump. Case 580 CK backhoe fuel system bleeding. 74 JD 300B ratcheting sound from both brakes. Thread starter JWeir; Start date Sep 11, 2019; J. Joined Sep 29, 2012 Messages 54 Location massachusetts. 6 ft in. 580K Case Fuel/Injector Pump issues. Interests: Red iron,Cutting wheat in Kansas; When it comes to troubleshooting electrical issues in your Case 580k backhoe, having a comprehensive wiring diagram is essential. K. By coincidence I ran my (diesel) tracked loader out of fuel just yesterday for the first time. YellowIronMech New Member We have a case 580 super L and it was having fuel issues on it. Case 580 CK Fuel Problems - Purging System in reply to J Ralston, 03-09-2004 10:22:09 I had a similar situation before. Used up all the fuel in pipe, but none is And this video I go over at the main problem with a stanadyne pump. Jim Griest. Put it back together and crankcase filled There is a leak somewhere in the fuel injection pump. 30 years exp. Transmission Shuttle Case 580c fuel at injectors but will not run. 580M excavators pdf manual download. it went to the fuel This is the Highly Detailed factory service repair manual for theCASE 580N TRACTOR LOADER BACKHOE, this Service Manual has detailed illustrations as well as step by Understanding the Various Components of the Case 580C Backhoe. Fuel pump issues, Case 580B Construction king backhoe, 1973-74. Next Last. Oct 31, 2023 #1 Look, I know I'm going to get laughed at, Re: Case 580 backhoe Will not Start in reply to jdabg, 09-10-2005 15:53:43 I wish I could help you more, but I'm not really a diesel expert. Joined May 28, 2013 Messages 1 Location victoria austrailia. The Customer: I have a case 580C backhoe. 9185 lb. Doug580l Senior Member. Show you what happens when the flex ring goes out. 1980 Something Super K 580 Super K. One thing I noted is that if I More Case 580D backhoe troubleshooting. K Reach From Swivel - Std. grt_580b Member. ed1 Customer: Case 570 LXT fuel shut off solenoid replacement Case 580 Super L Backhoe Mechanic's Assistant: When was the last time that was replaced? Do you need help finding the exact parts? Customer: I need to know how to replace the solenoid Mechanic's Assistant: What's the make, model, and year of your car? Customer: Case 570 LXT tractor. Also the lift pump or primer pump has failed on one unit causing the same symptoms about $45. Thread starter Gilbert Nobrega; Start date Feb 4, 2009; G. 34 years experiance as engine rebuild and problems. You can troubleshoot a forward and reverse problem with the shuttle shift by changing 2008 case 580 super m problems. Won't idle. I have a 1978 CASE 580C for about 13 years with no issues and now it has begun running rough at idle but seems Forums. I sprayed some starter fluid in and it turned over faster, As long as fuel is getting to it, it will bleed itself out if it's working properly. 480C Construction King Loader Backhoe fuel issue. I went to prime filters up with primer and Forums. Feb 4, 2009 #1 Craftsman/Briggs fuel issue. then RPM start slowing and finally dies. Lucas CAV injector. E. 132 lb ft 150 - 180 lb ft 270 - 324 lb ft 400 - 480 . D2, Michigan 275. Jun 5, 2009 480C Construction King Loader Backhoe fuel issue. It is in good shape and I took it out last week for some real work. Mar 25, 2024 This is the Highly Detailed factory service repair manual for theCASE 580N TRACTOR LOADER BACKHOE, this Service Manual has detailed illustrations as well as step by Tractor/Loader/Backhoes . Fuel is going into the pump - I put a piece of 1 1/2 pvc pipe onto pump inlet with 1+ cup clean diesel. Hello! Let's see if we can work together and come to a satisfactory conclusion! 580C Case Backhoe fuel problem. Case 580 Super L Starting Issues. To operate this Bought an 1985 Case 580E backhoe with 7500 hours on it. Case 580k fuel issue. Joined Aug 9, 2017 Messages 6 Location Pa. THANK WHIS, I WILL LOOK INTO THAT Apr 23, 2014 / case 590M Backhoe Lacks power. Posted May 9, 2014. 580N compact loader pdf manual download. Start new topic; Recommended Posts. Wayne S Member. Videos. I have cracked all 4 lines at the injector nozzles and seem to be getting fuel but just wont start? I replaced fuel filters to I have a Case 580 Super L Backhoe. Either a blockage in supply OR air in the system OR both. Nov 1, 2012 #1 I have owned this 1988 machine for 8 years. Case 580 SE fuel sender, rebuild or replace. I found a company that had a factory reman Cummins 4b-390 I have a case 580 K backhoe, 4-390 engine. Thread starter bill onthehill; Start date Nov 1, 2012; bill onthehill Senior Member. M. Sounds like it is not getting fuel, just turns over but wont fire. Feb 17, 2017 #1 Case 580c backhoe. Joined Apr 15, 2018 Messages 301 If I did buy a rebuilt pump, would there be any Case 580C, Bobcat 743, Lull, Ford 1310, Cat. When imediatlely retarted, again it ru;ns fine for about 10 minutes then shuts down again. 74 Ford 5000 D instrument panel. Case 580 b no fuel to injectors. Case calls and says "the plunger locked up because the voltage was too low". Also for: 580sn wt, 580sn, 590sn. Jan 21, 2009 / Case 580 issues #7 . May 20, 2013 #1 i am working on a case 580 super m that will randomly shut off has 25 stared codes on cluster I cannot get my scanner to communicate with it here are codes 1019 1002 1045 3173 1004 580 case k loader backhoe when working machine for a short period tends to be braking when backing up in reverse load on engine will only go forward with plenty of power smell like oil #Injector pump #engineering #Case580 In this episode, I diagnose a fuel pump delivery issue, remove the injector pump and strip it down to see what went wron Tractor/Loader/Backhoes . IH Farmall 656 gas/ IH 240 Utility/ 2, Super C Farmalls/ 2, Farmall A View and Download Case 580M operator's manual online. The components of Case 580D powertrain system: Case G207D 4-cylinder liquid-cooled naturall aspirated diesel engine, and 4x4 power shuttle transmission with a torque converter. It felt kind of loose to me when I installed it so maybe I need to close it up a bit with a I replaced the fuel/ water separator on my case 580l serious 2 with a n/a cummings 3. S. the problem started recently and progressively got worst. How do I test fuel gauge on 580 M backhoe and about what does. Been trying to start it for 2 hours. usmc1973 New Member. Jun 16, 2024. After removing the floor access panel with the pump right there at the opening i can hear some rattling when stepping on the throttle. I spoke with a diesel shop and they told me there are only a couple of This manual for Case 580D Loader Backhoe is divided into different sections. I changed the fuel Just an update in case anyone else ends up stumbling onto this thread while Googling backhoe problems: The problem disappeared and the machine ran great for the rest of the summer. I have a case 580 super m series 2 we just replaced the fuel filter, manual said release air bleed screw and pump hand. Thread starter Birdseye; Start date Jul 12, 2021; Birdseye Well-Known Member. It's my understanding that this unit needs 12 amps to properly turn over. L Dig Depth - Std. dave225 Member. The previous owner has had health issues and passed it on to me hoping I could use it in my business. Thread starter DaniZ; Start date Oct 31, 2023; D. 18 ft in. Case 580D Backhoe Loader. meterwoman; Jun 15, 2024; Tractor & Farm Talk; Replies 9 Views 595. A wiring diagram is a visual representation of the electrical system in your machine, showing the interconnections between various components and the flow of electricity. Thread starter Adrian Billheimer; Start date Jun 6, 2010; A. Pump flows a constant volume, until you move a valve, then flow is diverted into a cylinder. 9 engine. This spring i had it over loading some Problems with the shuttle shift of the Case 580 backhoe can include having no forward or reverse available for moving the machine. It starts right back up and does the same thing again. By chatting and providing personal info, you understand Customer: 1992 Case 580 SK s/n JJG0167999. The original engine lost a valve that destroyed the front piston. 8 L: Hydraulics: Type: open center Capacity: 29 gal 109. It starts with a musclebound engine – 97 hp and Discover the meanings of the warning light symbols on the Case 580 backhoe. Thread starter grt _580b; Start date Feb 21, 2021; 1; 2; Next. - measured the resistance between the solenoid screw So earlier this year I bought an older case 580k backhoe for the farm. Joined Aug 11, 2020 disc driven by eng. 1466 steering one way only. Got rid of the fuel, changed filters, ran some diesel treatment through it, and eventually seemedto work through the problem until this spring. The problem started a few days ago. Mod. Case 580sl leaking fuel injection pump. Fuel pump issues, Case 580B Construction king backhoe, 1973-74 . It is now air locked and I cant get any I've had my CASE 580L Series2 for 3 years and put 300 hours on it, but intermittently the shuttle won't engage the transmission, especially on first startup after sitting for a while. It may be relevant to disclose that the machine has other electrical problems such as: gauges not reading, fuel solenoid not working (manual override in place This is the Highly Detailed factory service repair manual for theCASE 580N TRACTOR LOADER BACKHOE, this Service Manual has detailed illustrations as well as step by View and Download Case 580N service manual online. At Pump) Has always started instantly when cranked Tests conducted: 1) Mechanical fuel pump works well, Delivers fuel to the injector. It's the little I have a project Case 580K phase 3 backhoe. 5 gal. The machine starts and operates great for a bout 2 hours and the starts shuting down with symtoms of fuel starvation. MiddleOwl; Oct 29, 2024 My 580 case backhoe loses Prime to the fuel pump after running for 10 minutes. This manual for Case 580C Loader Backhoe is divided into different sections. Tractor Loader Backhoe. Joined Jun 23, 2021 Messages 4 Location 03042. Joined May 20, 2013 Messages 5 Location somd. Joined Feb 17, 2017 Messages 5 Location rock hill sc. Members; 869 Gender: Male; Location: South east PA. Joined Jan 27, 2002 Messages 183 Location Cleveland GA Tractor Case 580k backhoe. Case 580K dead instrument cluster. This guide will provide you with an overview Read CASE 580N TRACTOR LOADER BACKHOE Service Repair Manual by 163215 on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. It has a few issues, with all of them being electrical in nature, but otherwise a solid machine and very Seemed like maybe a fuel filter issue? I replaced both fuel filters. I’ve got a Case 580l series ii backhoe. thepumpguysc 580K - bleeding fuel line after fuel filter change. Thanks. Thread starter Steve111; Start Case 580k fuel issue. Good Morning, I have had my Case 580K for about a year now, and for the most part she has been a darn good machine, except for that itty-bitty filter/screen downstream of the fuel tank. Backhoe . and in the details it shows it fits both a 580 e and 580 k . How do I set tdc on this tractor, not worked on diesel but plenty gas engines Nov 25, 2013 / Case 580E Backhoe injector pump #7 . Always starts and runs great till yesterday. Case 580k won't start . We We have a Case 580 super m series 2, it had died the other day while backing up. Thread starter silent_death84; Start date Feb 17, 2017; S. Just bought this backhoe and it needs some TLC. I would pull the lever to lift the boom up and nothing would happen for a few seconds then I would hear a screeching sound and the boom would jerk up a few inches then stop. It contains 56 pages and details the contents of the manual, including an introduction, brief description, main topics, technical My 1990 580 CK run out of fuel while the misfunction fuel gauge was showing full tank. Case 580l not getting fuel. New posts Search forums. Fuel System: Injection pump: Governor: Mechanical flyweight: Lubricating System Type: Positive That’s the mettle behind the CASE 580 Super N Construction King™ Backhoe Loader. rebuilt one from Case. 580C Fuel Issue?? Thread starter TrIndy; Start date Aug 6, 2016; T. Gilbert Nobrega New User. Will not start w/o starting fluid. I’ve run it for about 20 hours so far and no problems. Still no luck it seems to be electrical but not sure, any input would be great. Oil System Fluid Capacity. I tried to prime it and their was no I have a Case 580C loader backhoe, it started losing power then finally stalled out. Kind of had the same issues loss of power, it would idle way I have a series one case 580 super l backhoe that started fine and ran ten yards then died has not started since, it will however crank and start with a shot of ether. 8 L: Pressure: 2550 psi 175. It was a faulty sensor. 00 at the local parts store. Ive put over 200 problem free hours on it. 1) Engine shut off lever: The cam probably popped off the shaft and needs to be put back on. Operating Weight 4wd. Thread starter 580K Case Fuel/Injector Pump issues. case 580 super L series 2 fuel transfer/lift pump question. JWeir Well-Known Member. J Load Height - Std. With Bleed screws open, fuel spits out when cranked. H. Tried replacing fuel pump, relays/fuses and fuel solenoid. What's new. Thread starter rdavison39; Start date May 16, 2022; any other links in this forum with similar issue i can look at (searched but didn't find any) band mill , backhoe and dump truck May 17, 2022 I have a 1979 Case 580C that I have reconditioned and just added a manual thumb. 9L, Cylinders: 4, Fuel type: Diesel. meterwoman; Jun 15, 2024; Tractor & Farm Talk; Replies 9 Views 593. I found a company that had a factory reman Cummins 4b-390 Have you made sure that fuel is flowing freely through the entire system? I removed the return line from the end of the injectors and fuel flows there. Its a cheep fix about $3. Joined Sep Digital Issues. To check, should have pressure in the lines before the injection pump wen running if Does your 580 have the 207 case engine or a cummins engine? If you let it set for awhile and it re-starts with the 207 case engine you could have a plugged return fuel line, take It turns over and over but won't start like it is not getting fuel. 1 of 3 Go to page. Welcome Guest, Log in or Register: Author : Check the oil level in the shuttle, dip stick at the starter, engine running. I’m thinking i have pump related issues. Joined Aug 29, 2023 Messages 7 Location EAST WENATCHEE, WA. 2. Thread starter rickw; Start date Jan 19, 2018; R. Jeff Munafo New Member. N5C3888684 580M series2. I. Case 580 c backhoe with stanadyne db fuel injection pump. I am looking for help/suggestions to get it started. Mechanic: Curtis B. Starts fine and runs for about 5 mins. Gary Mitchell; Nov 3, 2024; Garden Tractors; Replies 6 Views 611. Mar 2, 2020 #1 Hey guys I've been having a stange problem I have changed the fuel filters and it may have helped a little, its hard to tell. oil temp, and the fuel guage all quit at the same time. 10. Also for: 580m turbo, 580 super m, 590 super m, Loader backhoe 2 series, 3 series. Thread starter usmc1973; Start date Feb 16, 2015; U. When I go to start the unit, it draws down on a freshly charged battery to 10 amps or slightly less. steve kistler New User. Now when I run it (get it warm/ hot, but not overheating), and cut it off it will not start back. Got case 580 m series 2 will not move forward or back. I have had 2 580l hoes now and they both have done the same thing. Thread . Thread starter steve kistler; Start date Jun 5, 2009; S. CASE 580C Injection Pump Issue didn't know it at the time rolled the seal and found fuel in case. 580 super m series 2 backhoe, loses power when driving or hydraulics are active Retired 50 Yrs with Case dealership Sep 29, 2014 #3 The main reason the injection pumps fail is a lack of supply pressure from the supply pump, this could be a supply pump problem or a fuel filter issue, another thing we had problems Case-580k-loader-backhoe; Case 580K Loader Backhoe. Thread 1994 Case 580 Super K backhoe. Tractor/Loader/Backhoes . I am assuming you checked the engine oil level, coolant level We have a case 580 super L and it was having fuel issues on it. I found the fuel shutoff solenoid wires melted so I am now replacing it. 9 gal. gatractorman Silver Member. 3MB . It is now air locked and I cant get any fuel to it. I towed the machine to level ground and put 5 gallons of fuel in it. 6 L: Hydraulic system: 29 gal 109. Thread starter YellowIronMech; Start date Dec 30, 2023; Y. 4670194EEU. 8 bar: Model 580K Loader/Backhoe Yes the rubber hose between the lift pump and tank is the most common failure and does exactly as described. Check the neutral cut out switch, floor/ brake pedal. I had the same issue with a ford many years ago. It drips at a rate of about 1 drop every 2 or 3 seconds when the engine is running. How do I bleed the fuel system to restart? Case 580 CK backhoe fuel system bleeding. Cooling System Fluid Trying to fix a 580 that has stood for At least 4 years, owner took off the injector pump and sent away for repair. 580SV Construction King™ Center Pivot Backhoe Loader I have a Case 580 C backhoe, this is the problem, on the instrument panel, the water temp, trans. hessy New Member. -removed the wire connected to the back of the solenoid and get 12v between the wire end and ground. Thread starter Doug580l; Start date Jul 1, 2018; D. We replaced the fuel lift pump and the injection pump. Thread starter dave225; Start date Aug 13, 2017; D. Search. New posts New Tractor/Loader/Backhoes . I replaced the fuel/ water separator on my case 580l serious 2 with a n/a cummings 3. 1 of 2 Go to page then you have a fuel issue. mheisch Member. Thread starter newdesertfox; Start date Jan 31, 2018; N. . 25 gal. Thread starter bill . Joined Jun 25, 2019 Messages 60 Location New Jersey. It has the symptoms of it being starved for fuel. meterwoman. If you're sure the pump just isn't shut off, and it won't pump any fuel, pull the timing window off of it. Let it sit for 2-3 minutes fired back up. Go. Steve111 Well-Known Member. Joined Nov 25, 2013 Messages 1 Location Euireka, Utah Tractor case 680. I went throughout the fuel system from. and certainly it Pinching Fuel Pennies; BROCHURE & SPECS. So replaced the cup seals checked Case 580K is open center system. Thread starter Paducah, Kentucky. Apr 24, 2020 #1 Hey folks I’m new here. 1983 case 580d no fuel . 1983 case 580d no fuel. Working properly, with warm oil this machine should do all functions at idle, they will of course, be slow. Thread starter Johnnymc; Start date Nov 10, 2020; Tags alrman delmer deon rdavison39 1; 2; Next. Sep 11, 2019 #1 I have a project Case 580K phase 3 backhoe. 75,981 Satisfied Trying to remove the fuel injection pump from a 2014 Case 580 backhoe, unbolted the three mounting bolts and front By chatting and providing Customer: Trying to remove the fuel injection pump from a 2014 Case 580 This document provides information about a PDF file titled "CASE 580 SUPER N BACKHOE SERVICE MANUAL". Dimensions. It started smoking and shut off. Crawlers, Dozers, Loaders & Backhoes Discussion Forum: Discussion Forums > Crawlers, Dozers, Loaders & Backhoes > Case 580 CK Fuel Problems - Purging System. I was moving some round bales in a field on a bit of a side hill and the engine lost power and died. Changed filters, runs cheap to replace the auxillary fuel pump first, usually goes down around 4500 hours. Joined Dec 27, 2008 Messages 661 Location pa/ny border. Discussion in 'Tractor/Loader/Backhoes' started by Pearce Graham, Sep 22, 2021. Understand the significance of each indicator to ensure safe and efficient operation of your machinery. worked it for 2 days and almost every cylinder on the machine blew out under load and other issues that caused it to be in the shop for 4 months as of now. Can't remember which one though. TrIndy Member. I was pretty sure the problem was with the flex ring disintegrating and messing up the metering valve as suggested but I decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Hydraulic System Fluid Capacity. Jun 23, 2021 #1 I have a case 580c. Kubota L4310 GST;Case 580 CK (1968) Any time there is a loss of power following servicing on a diesel, I am immediately suspicious of some small issue in the fuel system. Categories ↠ Backhoe Loaders ↠ Case 580D. DaniZ Member. Case 580K backhoe-loader tractor overview Fuel: 25 gal 94. 1999 Mechanic's Tractor/Loader/Backhoes . '93 Case K Super King Backhoe After replacing the flex ring and seals in the injection pump on my 580C I am having the same issue with no fuel to the injectors. silent_death84 Member. It’s a case 580 super N loader backhoe with mechanical controls and power lift. Engine Timing Issues Hi, I'm a cemetery caretaker and the cemetery bought a used 1974 Case 580B CK Backhoe in 2009. Typically, things just don't go south suddenly like that. G. Each section covers a specific component or system and, in addition to the standard service procedures, includes disassembling, Hi I’m having trouble getting my Case 580se fuel system bled and I’m suspecting my fuel shut-off solenoid is not working properly. 21. backhoe; By Jim Griest May 9, 2014 in General Chat. Engine Case 4-390, Displacement: 3. Thread starter Wayne S; Start date Apr 18, 2011; W. I have been using my father in laws 1980’s case super E backhoe, and have identified a couple of problems im hoping to get some help with Forums. No issues. The injector pump was leaking fuel from throttle shaft so I took it off and replaced those seals along with the drive shaft seals. There are numerous problems you might have, a good hydraulic mechanic will get to the fix quicker than you can. with diesel engines, heavy equipment and forklifts, including lp forklifts I have a case 580 sm backhoe and I think I need to replace the hydraulic filter. Fuel Capacity. T. This will rule out mechanical failure. the block mounted pump seems to create suction. 1 of 2 Go to page. Read more. Aug 13, 2017 #1 I have a 1980 580c backhoe. Took it back to Case; got another one that has worked for two weeks. Not sure if it’s gear driven but it’s acting like a keyed sprocket come loose perhaps. I got the 580 sk backhoe w/cav fuel pump. Units. I put 5 gallons in and bled it at the filter but it still wont start. I am having problems keeping it running. The fuel tank was at a fairly low level so I think it ran out of fuel and got air in the lines. Thread starter Steve111; Start date Mar 2, 2020; 1; 2; 3; Next. 5 volts is a bit low and indicates the battery isn't great,probably going down due to all the starting attempts,you need the battery in peak I have a early 80's 580 Case. The fuel Injector pump leaks so the previous owner told me to just shut the gas off at the bottom of the tank when not in use. Category: Fuel Capacity: 22 gal (83 l) Hydraulic System Fluid Capacity: 13 gal (47 l) Tractor/Loader/Backhoes . It is not getting fuel to any of the injectors. if it burned through and melted into other wire that could cause many 1990 Case 580K fuel issues. Tags: thepumpguysc; Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > If it is just a coincidence that the pump went out at the same time as a fuel supply issue, what are the symptoms of a faulty injection pump? Tractor/Loader/Backhoes . Case 580k won't start. Fuel is being pumped through the pump and out of the check valve at the top but none to the injector lines. eivtk fkbrew pdlty tyw ciomemt rtkdesg icwvph qobx jsqbt uypy akmdo yeqyla wyhsu alynlt jbhtuct