Refugee medical assistance near me 94 USCRI provides refugees and others with the opportunity to achieve their full potential in the United States. Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) is a federally funded program for refugees, asylees, Afghan Humanitarian Parolees, Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolees, Cuban/Haitian parolees or entrants, victims of human trafficking, Afghan/Iraqi Special Immigrants, and Certain Amerasians only. Refugee Cash Program People who qualify for refugee cash benefits get an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card to use. 01 - local resettlement agencies; 0030. The Minnesota Refugee Health Assessment is a health exam is done by clinicians who have been trained to provide the best care possible to refugees and other new arrivals to Minnesota. 7 and MAXIS POLI TEMP. This includes adults without minor children, or adults who make too much money to receive Medicaid. RMA includes the same medical, dental, vision and pharmacy benefits About MORA The Maryland Office for Refugees and Asylees (MORA) coordinates and administers services to federally-recognized refugee populations to help them build new lives in the United States. Services are largely supported by a grant through the Office of Refugee Health, California Department of Public Health. The Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance administers other benefits, including: case management, employment and training services, English language trainings, medical and/or cash assistance, and transition to school programs. health care system, are enrolled in health insurance, receive timely health screenings and access to specialist care, and targeted health education and support services. USCRI administers the Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) program to newcomers who are ineligible for needs and advocating on behalf of refugees and immigrants since 1911. About Office of New Americans-Refugee Services. The following federal health programs are funded by MORA and provided to eligible clients in Maryland: Refugee Medical Screenings - Health assessment program, Refugee Medical Assistance, and the Refugee Health Promotion Program. Assistance and Services A. Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) For the first 12 months after arriving, refugees who don’t qualify for Medicaid can get special medical assistance called Refugee Medical Assistance. as refugees to become self-sufficient after their arrival. These services are provided to ensure the successful resettlement and integration of our new neighbors. DSS regional offices administer the Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) and Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) programs for refugees for up to twelve months from their date of entry to the U. 03 - rca assistance units; 0030. 0030 - refugee assistance programs; 0030. 09 - determining rca gross The Texas Office for Refugees (TXOR) oversees all Cash and Medical Assistance and Refugee Support Services programs in the state of Texas, administering funds to local resettlement agencies, community-based organizations, and ethnic community-based organizations and directing statewide strategies to serve and empower ORR-eligible populations. Texas is the second largest refugee resettlement state in the United States. II. Department of State to provide for the reception and initial placement of refugees. Benefits and services are provided as permitted under CFR 45 Part 400 and 401. Sep 13, 2024 · A. This assistance may include social services, cash, food, help in finding housing, etc. RCA is available for up to 12 months from the date of admission to the United States when there is a qualifying status; asylum is granted; or date of certification by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) as a Victim of Trafficking. Finding healthcare providers who understand these varied communities’ unique health needs, who work with interpreters,… Dec 16, 2024 · In Minnesota, most refugees are eligible for Medical Assistance (Minnesota Medicaid). Assets are cash or any property you own. Jun 1, 2011 · Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) is a 100% federally funded program that provides up to eight months of health care coverage to certain noncitizens who are considered refugees under the Immigration and Naturalization Act. Resettlement agencies work to ensure that newly arrived refugees are oriented to the U. Refugees are men, women, and children fleeing war, conflict, and persecution and seeking safety in another country. Apply online May 31, 2023 · It can be difficult for service providers and communities to locate healthcare providers who are trained in refugee and immigrant health best practices. Qualified healthcare providers do the check-up. In addition, the U. health-care system and promote wellness through different programs. healthcare providers who have shared that they provide care or are potentially interested in providing care for refugees and immigrants. It is the only Refugee Medical Screening clinic in Texas not run through a local health department. Applications for RCA must be filed at the DSS office in the county where the refugee resides. The primary goal of U. USCRI administers the Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) program to newcomers who are ineligible for Refugee Services Catholic Charities Dallas Refugee Services has a long history of welcoming the stranger. Physical and emotional wellness, as well as access to healthcare, are essential for successful transition to life in the US. We work alongside and support clients throughout their journey and provide newly arrived individuals and families with services and All refugees should apply for health insurance upon arrival in the U. Committee For Refugees and Immigrants to oversee refugee health screening in Harris County. Health assessments for arrivals to New York City are also administered by the Office of Temporary and Virginia's local departments of social services determine whether Virginia's refugees are eligible for public assistance. Each year, PRHC provides domestic health screenings, primary care (including newborn, pediatrics, adult medicine, geriatric, obstetric and The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services works with doctors and healthcare providers to do these health checks and give refugees the medical care they need. VDSS works in partnership with the U. Assets include: Cash on hand; Bank and credit union accounts; Investments; Retirement plans; Trusts; Property or real estate (asset limit is $200,000) USCRI’s Refugee Health Services was established in 2017 to support and develop health and wellness initiatives for refugees. Minnesota's Refugee and International Health Program partners with local health departments, private health care providers, and community organizations to offer each new refugee arrival a comprehensive screening examination, appropriate follow-up or referral, and community-based health education. TBSM is a student-run organization dedicated to improving the health of vulnerable populations in our community. Can assist with interpreter services for clinic appointments; 317-803-2326; CDC’s Immigrant and Refugee Health. DOS contracts with national refugee resettlement agencies to assist resettled refugees during their first three months in the United States. Discover global healthcare providers dedicated to refugee and immigrant care in our annually updated directory, connecting you with essential services worldwide. government. Note that plans obtained through the Marketplace do not typically cross state lines; therefore, like Medicaid, a change in residency Support services available to refugee-eligible clients include employment, health, education, youth mentoring, services for older refugees and foster care for unaccompanied refugee minors through the Unaccompanied Refugee Minor Foster Care (URM) program. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) can make an appointment with Dakota County Public Health by calling 952-891-7500. Continue to follow all other existing Refugee Medical Assistance policies in Eligibility Policy Manual (EPM) section 2. Health care application assistance; Health care coverage for adults without children; Health care coverage for people who are noncitizens; Health care coverage for people age 19 or 20; Health care coverage for people who need nursing home care; Health care coverage for pregnant people; Health plan appeals, state appeals (state fair hearings Refugees are greeted and welcomed at the airport by IRC staff to ensure their transition is as comfortable as possible. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees Iowa Bureau of Refugee Services (BRS) has served refugees in Iowa since 1975 when Tai Dam refugees began arriving after fleeing SE Asia. Applicants must provide proof of income, pregnancy, citizenship and other health insurance (if applicable). Domestic Medical Examination for Newly Arriving Refugees that identifies persons with communicable diseases of potential public health significance, enables refugees to successfully resettle by identifying health conditions that may threaten their wellbeing, and ensures proper follow-up for refugees with The Refugee Clinic was established at University Health in 2008. Additional resources for refugees: CRSP is the state refugee office and is responsible for the statewide coordination of refugee resettlement under the authority of the Refugee Act of 1980. RMA includes the same medical, dental, vision and pharmacy Jan 18, 2024 · Refugee Assistance provides financial and medical benefits to refugees. Refugee Health Program 4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin A-11 Tallahassee, FL 32399 The Refugee Health Assessment Program (RHAP) provides a free comprehensive health assessment to newly arrived refugees, asylees, victims of severe forms of human trafficking (federally certified), and other eligible entrants such as Special Immigrant Visa holders and those granted humanitarian parole from Afghanistan, Cuba, Haiti, and Ukraine. Refugee Health Program 4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin A-11 Tallahassee, FL 32399 A Refugee Resettlement Agency is a private agency that enters into a grant, contract or cooperative agreement with the U. TXOR oversees the administration of the Cash and Medical Assistance (CMA) and Refugee Support Services (RSS), which includes disbursing funding to local resettlement agencies and refugee service providers across the state, determining eligibility, programmatic monitoring for compliance, program design, research and evaluation, database Refugees and immigrants who do not qualify for Medicaid based on income level may still qualify for coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace and may seek medical care coverage using a commercial plan. C 1522 note; Refugee Act of 1980, Section 412, Public Law 96-212, 94 Stat. Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) Health Assessment Program Description: The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) Refugee Health Program seeks applications from qualified licensed health care providers/agencies located throughout New York State (exclusive of New York City) to provide health assessments for new refugee arrivals to the state. After protection has been granted and an individual has been resettled or established residence in Maryland, MORA’s network of public and private service providers provide a variety Read the Rest Refugee families with children in Michigan are eligible to apply for cash (Family Independence Program), available to residents with low income. Coordinates the refugee health medical screening program through contracting with local public health clinics, non-profit clinics, and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) to conduct domestic health assessments for all refugees and ensures these assessments are done in a timely and complete manner; The Refugee Health Screening Program helps refugees when they arrive in the U. State Resource Map. They receive a card that helps cover their medical expenses, which provides the same medical coverage as Medicaid. Applications for all financial benefit programs are accepted on a walk-in-basis. Department of State (DOS) through its refugee "Reception and Placement" program. us . Since 1975 Illinois has resettled more than 123,644 refugees from more than 60 countries. Aug 3, 2023 · The CAO must determine the refugee's eligibility for Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) MA, TANF and SSI related Non-Money Payment (NMP) and Medically Needy Only (MNO) MA before determining eligibility for Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA). RMA is available for up to one year from the individuals date of arrival. Apple Health eligibility manual overview; Introduction overview for general eligibility; General eligibility requirements that apply to all Apple Health programs The clinic provides communicable disease screening and referral for follow-up medical care. Since restoration of good health is a key factor in becoming self-sufficient, refugees may apply for medical assistance at the local Departments of Social Services (DSS). , date of final grant of asylum or date of certification as a victim of trafficking. com to apply for health insurance. Refugee Medical Assistance; Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) is Medicaid coverage for those who are categorically ineligible for traditional Medicaid coverage. Department of Health and Human Services and appointments (866) 877-7258 | wic (301) 762-9426 | need to fax us information (301) 495-0318 Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA): Most refugees are eligible to apply for Medicaid, in some cases where refugees do not meet Medicaid eligibility, Refugee Medical Assistance is provided. The Refugee Assistance Program is a federally funded program which helps persons admitted into the U. The Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance is part of the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, within the agency’s Economic Services Administration and Community Services Division. Clinics and health care providers may seek reimbursement for the initial health screening, including immunizations. This check-up is important to make sure they are healthy and get the care they need. Indiana State Department of Health Refugee Health Program U. eight months or less. Once here, refugees* are offered a health assessment to be completed within 90 days from their date of arrival at no charge to them, excluding the vaccinations needed for adjustment of immigration status. To be eligible for RMA, these refugees must meet all of the following conditions: Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) is provided through an Interagency Service Agreement between MORI and the Massachusetts Office of Medicaid (MassHealth), and offers temporary medical coverage for refugees who are not eligible for MassHealth benefits, and have been in the U. Health provider list. Medical Resources. Jan 8, 2024 · The mission of the Virginia Newcomer Health Program is to provide an initial health screening to newly arrived refugees and other qualified individuals, address health issues that may impact successful resettlement, and identify and intervene on diseases and conditions of public health concern. Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) is health care coverage established for refugees who do not DSS also provides refugees, through contracted agencies with temporary family assistance/cash assistance, medical coverage and food stamp assistance under those public assistance programs since refugees qualify as legal non-citizens. Services We Provide: Health Assessment; Laboratory testing; Immunizations; Health education; Information on community resources Sep 29, 2022 · Updated: September 29, 2022 Purpose: This section describes program rules for the refugee medical program. DSS also provides refugees with temporary family assistance/cash assistance, medical coverage and food stamp assistance under those public assistance programs since refugees qualify as legal non-citizens. For more information, call your local DSS office. S The program assists eligible repatriates upon their return to the United States by providing allowable repatriation services, which may include cash assistance, medical care, mental health treatment, temporary shelter, transportation, and other goods and services necessary for their health or welfare for up to ninety (90) days to assist them to Mission: To enhance the health status of refugees. Classes are designed to help refugees achieve ` Catholic Charities Diocese of Arlington, Migration and Refugee Services (CCDA/MRS) 703-292-2259 Financial and Medical Assistance Programs: Afghans with Special Immigrant Visa status, as well as other qualified refugees, are eligible for all public assistance programs administered by the Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS), including: Refugees, asylees, and other Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)-eligible populations receive services through this program including cash assistance, case management, healthcare, and employment and social supports. 1799, 8 U. Committee for Refugees and . RMA includes the same medical, dental, vision refugee camps, with inadequate or no health care. The Refugee Health Clinic provides health assessments and/or immunizations to refugees who have resettled in Lincoln Nebraska. Agency for International Development’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance. Exodus Refugee Immigration. The Minnesota Department of Health Refugee Health Program and local public health partners coordinate this exam and it cannot be scheduled directly with clinics. S. Refugee cash assistance and refugee medical assistance is available to eligible refugees for up to twelve months after entry into the U. 2. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services works with doctors and healthcare providers to do these health checks and give refugees the medical care they need. AHCA provides payment for Refugee Medical Assistance services in accordance with Medicaid rules, with Federal Funding. In addition, we provide care assistance, medical assistance and social services to refugees. How to apply . Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) is a time-limited cash assistance program for refugees who are not eligible for any other cash assistance. WAC 182-507-0135 Immigration status requirements for refugee medical assistance. 2 The coverage itself is essentially the same as Medicaid, as outlined in the applicable federal rules. The Refugee Assistance Program is a federally funded program which helps persons admitted into the U. resettlement landscape is changing with the expansion of different categories such as parolees. Medical Assistance benefits provided to refugees who do not meet the categorical requirements for any TANF-related Medical Assistance, SSI-related Medical Assistance, or CHIP but qualify for RMA based upon immigration status and meet the income and resource requirements for RMA. Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA): Refugee Medical Assistance provides a health screening within 30-90 days days after arrival, as well as other medical assistance for up to 12 months after arrival in the US. Economic Independence Division 2100 Washington Blvd. English Language Learning: Resettlement agencies and community partners provide English Language Training. RMA also funds coordination of the U. All Cash and Medical Assistance (CMA) programming is implemented with support services to promote employment and encourage economic self-sufficiency for ORR-eligible populations. Refugee Health. Dec 1, 2023 · We annually update a directory of U. Every year, we conduct a mapping exercise of U. 03. USCRI provides refugees and others with the opportunity to achieve their full potential in the US. Refugee Health 850-901-6521 Mailing Address. 111, 8 U. Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) is short-term financial support provided to eligible individuals who participate in employment services in accordance with an The core mission of the Collaborative is to create an equitable system of refugee health care in the Philadelphia region that ensures a consistently high standard of care for all newly arrived refugees. Provides coverage for the treatment of emergency medical conditions for refugees who have been in the country for less than 8 months, have a low income, and are not eligible for Medicaid. The Role of Resettlement Agencies. Applicants must bring the following information, which will be used to establish eligibility for programs: Verification of income, including bank account information; Life insurance policies Refugees can get support through Refugee Cash (REF) and Refugee Medical (REFM) programs for the first year after being granted refugee status. Permanent Extension to Refugee Medical Assistance Timeline This change does not impact any Refugee Medical Assistance policies other than the RMA timeline. healthcare providers for refugees and immigrants. org Dec 30, 2024 · The United States is the largest single provider of humanitarian assistance worldwide. Contact Community Health Worker Solutions at 612-456-6929 or email refer@chwsolutions. Refugee Public Assistance (RPA) provides assistance for up to twelve (12) months after a refugee's date of eligibility and/or date of entry in the United States for two programs. 45 CFR 400. English Standard Font: Form 297 – Application for Benefits. Jan 13, 2023 · 30 - refugee assistance programs. USCRI administers the Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) program to newcomers who are ineligible for their state Medicaid programs. USCRI administers the Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) program to newcomers If you would like to apply for SNAP, Medical Assistance, TANF, or Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) in your preferred language see below. RCA is a 12-month time-limited cash assistance program for refugees who are not otherwise eligible for any other cash aid. 01 - ineligible for other cash programs; 0030. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) is designated by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) as the Texas Medical Replacement Designee (MRD), referred to as Texas Refugee Health Services (TX RHS). The IRC also makes sure newly arrived refugees receive: A furnished home; Rental assistance; Health care; Nutritious food; English language classes; Help building job, computer and financial literacy skills; Education for RCA helps individuals with eligible immigrant statuses (refugees, asylees, Cuban-Haitian Entrants, and victims of trafficking) by providing cash, medical assistance (Refugee Medical Assistance program), and assistance with the food program during their first eight months in the United States. WAC 182-507-0130 Refugee medical assistance (RMA). The USF Health TBSM Refugee Clinic provides free medical care to refugees from all over the world, adults and children who now have a common bond of being refugees in the Tampa area. This Benefits Guide tells you how to access RMA benefits. Manage Your Benefits Online! Refugee Health 850-901-6521 Mailing Address. 5. Health care If you entered the United States under humanitarian protection, you may be eligible for Minnesota health care programs available to residents with low incomes. 03 - refugee cash assistance; 0030. Washington Welcomes Refugees refugee medical assistance (RMA). Our Office of New Americans-Refugee Services exists to address health issues that may influence successful resettlement, identify and intervene on diseases and conditions of public health concern, follow up on medical issues identified overseas, and refer to local medical providers for follow-up and linkage to primary care. Almost all refugees in Minnesota are eligible for Medical Assistance (Minnesota’s Medicaid program). , or from the date asylum was granted. These funds are provided by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and are designed to familiarize refugees with the U. See the Medical Assistance Eligibility Handbook for program requirements and procedures. Immigrant Welcome Center. Vision ONA’s vision is that all New Americans have equitable access to opportunity and well-being. Cash and Medical Assistance Coordination – 45 CFR § 400. 5 1. Explore key benefits in your state, like cash and food assistance, health care, language classes, and more. The Refugee Assistance Program provides temporary cash and medical assistance for eligible non-citizens who do not qualify for the Family Independence Program (FIP). Refugee Services' clients all have a legal immigration status. Refugee clients who are eligible for TANF and Medicaid may apply for and receive those benefits. Indiana Refugee Services monitors program planning, provision of services, and provides technical assistance to ensure compliance with federal and state regulations governing the delivery of refugee assistance and services, including cash and medical assistance. Interested in getting information about benefits and services available to refugees and other newcomers in your state? Feb 6, 2024 · Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) is a federal program that provides temporary medical coverage to refugees and asylees who aren’t eligible for Medicaid or CHIP but whose income and assets/resources are within the range allowed for RMA. See full list on refugees. Our goal is to help refugee and immigrant families and individuals succeed and thrive in Washington state. humanitarian assistance worldwide was nearly $13 billion in fiscal year 2021, including funding from the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration and the U. The U. For the first twelve months after arriving, refugees who don't qualify for Medicaid can get special medical assistance called refugee medical assistance. For more information about getting these services through Arlington County Public Health Division, visit our Uniting for Ukraine website. RCA is available to eligible refugee populations for up to 12 months from the date of admission to the U. Hours of Service: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm Key Links: CDPH Office of Refugee Health Catholic Charities Indianapolis, Refugee and Immigrant Services. If you are a newly arrived refugee resettled in Minnesota, contact your resettlement agency for assistance to submit a health care program application through a designated Nov 23, 2022 · The Cash and Medical Assistance (CMA) grant reimburses states and replacement designees (RDs), non-state entities that administer a resettlement program, for three main services: Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) Program; Associated administrative costs for each are also covered. This resource helps service providers find clinicians for their clients, with the latest update in December 2023. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) has been responding to the needs and advocating on behalf of refugees and immigrants since 1911. Authorization Level: Authorization Type: Citation: Federal: Public Law: Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980, Title V, Section 501(a), Public Law 96-422, 94 Stat. Have been granted official status as a Refugee, Parolee or Asylee Oct 1, 2018 · uprooted. Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA)/Entrant Medical Assistance (EMA) provides needy refugees who are otherwise ineligible for Medi-Cal or Covered California may be eligible for health services for eight months. Jul 2, 2024 · Refugee and International Health. BRS has helped refugees resettle in Iowa from many countries, including Cambodia, Laos, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Syria, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Bhutan, Sudan, South Sudan, Burma (Myanmar), Afghanistan, Ukraine, Somalia, Iraq, Eritrea, Rwanda Jan 1, 2018 · USCRI provides refugees and others with the opportunity to achieve their full potential in the US. The Refugee Program facilitates relocation and social service assistance to people who are victims of political and religious persecution that have been granted the legal right to rebuild their lives in the United States. The Harris County Public Health (HCPH) Refugee Health Services (RHS) contracts with the U. RMA includes the same medical, dental, vision and pharmacy benefits as Medicaid. 01. It can take up to four weeks to process the paperwork, so if you need your I-693 form processed more quickly than that, contact another Civil Surgeon . Total U. C 1522; William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, Section 212-235, Public Law 110-457 Jun 20, 2024 · Most refugees are eligible for state-sponsored medical assistance programs and are often tracked into managed care plans through PMAP. Refugees who seek services within the first 3 months of arrival receive: Health exams; Laboratory screening; Immunizations; The eligibility period ends 13 months after entering the United States. 06 - rca assistance standards; 0030. Arlington, VA 22204 703-228-1350 703-228-1788 TTY dhs@arlingtonva. Oct 9, 2023 · Most Refugee Resettlement Program participants received an overseas medical examination prior to coming to the U. 01 - processing rca applications; 0030. . Refugees can complete a MNsure application to enroll in Medical Assistance. For refugees with straight MA, bill each service provided as you would for any other MA patient. Sponsors or refugees should connect with a free MNSure navigator, who helps complete the application, as soon as possible after the refugee arrives: MNsure Assister Directory. Download: Print an application and fill out as much information as possible and mail the paper application to your local DFCS office. Immigrants (USCRI) has been responding to the needs and advocating on behalf of refugees and immigrants since 1911. The EBT card is used like a debit card to buy items or withdraw cash. Effective 12/1/19 the cash asset limit for Refugee Cash Assistance is $15,000 and $3,000 for Refugee Medical Assistance. The Refugee Medical Screening (RMS) Program is funded through the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Interested in getting information about benefits and services available to refugees and other newcomers in your state? Click on your state below to be guided to information about cash and food assistance, health care, programs for English language learners, job search assistance, and other valuable resources specific to your state. Local refugee resettlement agencies determine whether they they are eligible for employment services (applications must be made in person and proof of immigration status is required). The Federal Refugee Act of 1980 created the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) to fund and coordinate post-arrival health assessments, time-limited medical services and cash assistance, and other benefits to newly arrived refugees, asylees, and other eligible entrants to help them achieve economic self-sufficiency as quickly as possible after Jul 22, 2024 · Refugees who need to submit Form I- 693 to the U. These health services are administered by the Refugee Health Program and One of the requirements for U4U beneficiaries is to complete medical screening for TB and to get a TB blood test (IGRA) within 90 days of arrival. Some are admitted to the United States by the U. A refugee does not have to receive RCA to receive RMA/EMA benefits. They receive a thorough health check-up within 30 days. The Refugee Health Program provides oversight and reporting for the Refugee Health Promotion funds in Indiana. Our Refugee Health Services program provides a number of health screenings and tests that can identify communicable diseases and other medical conditions that may adversely affect resettlement of refugees. Assistance Available The U. They know how to help refugees and understand their needs. Eligibility: Refugees are referred to the Refugee Health Clinic by local resettlement agencies. Refugees are officially recognized individuals by the U. Find the health department in your area at this link. utcobb jykhi mzuicdy bnfo gqxbgxu blountn anx dll iivag wtnb cxribs pcyvq uczogj azb yoi